May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
Monday morning came quicker than expected. The boys were loading their luggage into Burt's truck and heading to the airport by 8:00 a.m.
"Remind me again why we picked such an early flight." Kurt said grumpily, nursing a cup of coffee.
"Because you said you wanted to get home in time to unpack today so we can start planning for New Years tomorrow." Blaine laughed when Kurt glared at him. He wasn't too tired, having already drank two cups of coffee and had a morning run.
"What exactly are you boys planning for New Years?" Burt asked as they pulled into the airport parking lot.
"Not really sure yet. I know there's like this huge party that the NYADA seniors throw, it's a tradition."
"Sounds fun." Burt didn't want to think about what went down at those "parties".
They walked through the airport in silence until they arrived at the security line and Burt spoke up again. "Well, make sure you call when you land so we knnow you made it safely."
"We will." Kurt smiled and hugged his dad, he really missed him in New York.
After saying goodbye they moved through security and found their terminal. They waited for their flight to begin boarding in silence. Kurt dozed off a couple time while Blaine flipped through a coppy of Vogue. They both enjoyed times like this when they didn't have to talk, just being with each other was enough.
Once they were seated and ready for the flight, Kurt spoke. "What do you think about the party, or would you rather do something else?"
"The NYADA party? It sounds fun but I was thinking we could maybe spend New Years, just us, but whatever you want is fine."
"Blaine, don't do that, we need to decide this together. What exactly did you have in mind?"
Blaine took Kurt's hand before speaking. "Well, I was thinking a nice, romantic dinner, then cuddling up to watch the ball drop and a kiss at midnight, obviously."
"Kinda like our first New Years together?" Kurt smiled, remembering their first New Years together, as a couple.
"Yeah, I guess. Kinda. I mean, it is out first New Years in New York and all."
"I think that sounds perfect honey." Kurt leaned across the seat to press a kiss to Blaine's cheek, stiffling a yawn.
"Why don't you get some sleep so you won't be so tired when we land. I know you're tired."
"Yeah, okay." Kurt said sleepily, scooting as close to Blaine as possible, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt, pulling him close and resting his cheek against the top of Kurt's head. Both of them ended up falling asleep, not waking up until the plane touched down in New York.
As soon as they got their luggage and tracked down a cab, Kurt called his dad and the Andersons to let them know they had landed while Blaine gave the cab driver the address.
The cab ride wasn't too long and before they knew it, they were home. Kurt collapsed on the couch with a heavy sigh.
"Oh no you don't mister. You're going to help me unpack, then we can both rest." Blaine pulled Kurt from the couch and pushed him towards their room.
For the most part, they unpacked in silence, not really needing to talk. Kurt spoke up as he was putting away Blaine's new bowties. "I have an idea for our wedding outfits. Do you wanna hear it?"
"I'm sure whatever it is will be perfect, but of course I want to hear it." Blaine smiled from the floor, putting away his sweatpants.
"Well obviously we'll both be wearing tuxes of course, and bowties are a must because regular neck ties are too boring. I was thinking you coul wear a white button up shirt with black buttons and a black bowtie and I could wear a white button up with white buttons and a white bowtie."
"That sounds really nice Kurt, where did you come up with that idea?" Blaine wanted to point out that Kurt wasn't a bride and didn't need to wear white, but decided against it since it was Kurt's idea.
"I actually saw it in a wedding magazine that Carole got me and thought it looked really nice. What do you think though?"
"I think it sounds great sweetie." Blaine gave Kurt a bright smiled as he stood up, having finished unpacking his suitcase.
"Me too." Kurt beamed, handing Blaine the toiletries to put away while he took care of the suitcases.
By the time Blaine emerged from the bathroom, Kurt had already changed into an old pair of sweats and a tank top and was spread out, face down, on the bed. Blaine quickly changed into a pair of sweats, no shirt, and joined Kurt in bed. "I enjoyed visiting our parents, but I'm glad to be home."
"Me too. I missed our bed, it's so comfy." Kurt mumbled into the pillow.
"How about a massage? I'm sure you could use one after the flight." Blaine asked, rubbing a hand up and down Kurt's back.
"Mmm, yes please." Kurt breathed, turning his head to the side to look at Blaine.
"Okay, take your shirt off while I go grab the lotion." Blaine jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom.
Kurt sat up long enough to remove his shirt before falling back down with a groan.
Blaine just smiled as he climbed on top of Kurt, rest on Kurt's thighs as he poured lotion into his hands.
"A-ahh." Kurt sighed as Blaine began working at the knots in Kurt's back and shoulders. Blaine had always been great at massages.
"God Kurt, your really tense. What's got you so worked up honey?" Blaine asked. He was surprised Kurt wasn't in pain with how tight his muscles were.
"I- ah- I don't know. May- god Blaine that feels good. Maybe being back in Ohio and the holidays." Kurt never wanted Blaine to stop, his hands were like magic.
"Why were you stessed to be in Ohio?"
"Kurt, I can tell it's not Ohio. What is it that's got you so tense?" Blaine stilled his hands, wanting answers.
"I-I- ugh fine. I know we haven't even started planning yet, but the wedding, school, everything that happened with Adam, your dad's cancer, Finn being an idiot, my dad's health, I just- I've been a little stressed.
Blaine started working his hands again as he spoke. "Jesus Kurt, you shouldn't keep all of that bottled up, it's not healthy babe."
"I-I know I just- oh god that feels amazing."
"You know you can talk to me about anything right? I don't want you to feel like you have to carry all of that stress on your own. That's what I'm here for."
"I know Blaine, I know. There uh, there actually is something I want to talk to you about. I can't stop thinking about it." Kurt rolled over when Blaine got up to go put the lotion away and wash his hands.
"Okay, what's on your mind beautiful?" Blaine asked, crawling into bed, letting Kurt snuggled up to him.
"Well we talked about it a little bit the night after Cooper told that story about you and the scary movie and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since."
Blaine thought back to that night, remembering the conversation very clearly. "About us wanting kids?"
"Yeah. I don't know why I can't get it out of my mind, it's stupid-"
"Hey, hey, no. It's not stupid. Let's talk about it."
"Really? You really meant it when you said you wanted kids too?" Kurt asked hopeful.
"Of course I did Kurt. I want everything with you." Blaine pulled Kurt closer to him, kissing Kurt's hair.
"I do too. H-how would we- I mean should we-"
"Adopt or try surrogacy? Blaine said trying to help Kurt out.
"Mhmm. I mean, I know we don't want kids now, we want to wait a while, but I would at least like to have an idea for what we want to do when we do decide to do it." Kurt started tracing patterns into Blaine's skin, a habbit he'd started doing when he got nervous.
"Hey, don't be nervous about this, it's good to be prepared. Personally, while adoption ia a great thing, I think I'd rather try surrogacy. I'd love to have a little Kurt or two around here." Blaine smiled just thinking about little blue eyed kids running around the house.
"I like the idea of surrogacy too, but I'd much rather have little Blaine's, mostly because of the hair." Kurt laughed.
"We could always decide to both father kids." Blaine suggested.
"That's actually a good idea, but how many kids are we talking here?"
"The more the marrier!" Blaine laughed when Kurt smacked him. It was no secret that he loved kids.
"Don't get too carried away Blaine, I don't want to end up like Cheaper by the Dozen." Kurt said seriously, he knew Blaine would have twelve kids if he thought he could get away with it. "So, we've decided that when the time is right, we want to use a surrogate and we each want to father at least one child."
"That sounds absolutely perfect." Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead, thinking about their future.
"Yeah, yeah it does." Kurt placed a kiss to Blaine's chest, all this talk about their future making him smile. He planning on spending the rest of his life with Blaine, his soulmate, and he wouldn't have it any other way.