Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 8

E - Words: 1,553 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
653 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: What happened with Blaine and his dad at the end of the last chapter and how does it affect our boys? Time to find out! :D*Also on a completely different note, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode, the Men of McKinley calender and the old Rachel vs. the new Rachel. :)Okay, now to the story.

When Kurt woke up he temporarily forgot about the night before. It wasn't until he exited the bathroom after his morning skin care routine that he remembered the way Blaine had acted and that he didn't reply to his text. His stomach twisted into worried knots as he made his way to his bedside table where his phone was resting. With shaking hands, why were his hands shaking, he picked up the phone to see if Blaine had replied during the night.


The only this Kurt was greeted with was a picture of him and Blaine smiling up at him. No new texts, no missed calls, no voice mails, nothing. Worry filled Kurt's body, making his blood run cold. Something was wrong, he could feel it.

"Kurt! Breakfast is ready! I'd hurry up, Finn is already down here!" Burt called, causing Kurt to jump.

"I'll be right there!" Kurt replied, glancing at his phone, one last time, deciding to take it with him just in case Blaine tried to get in touch.

"Hey kiddo, sleep well?" Burt asked when Kurt finally appeared in the doorway.

"Um yeah, I guess. What's for breakfast?" Kurt didn't want to talk, he knew his dad would catch on to his worry and he just really didn't feel like discussing it.

"Bacon, eggs, and biscuts." Carole answered, pulling what appeared to be a second pan of biscuts out if the oven.

"Sounds delicious." Kurt smiled, pushing his worry aside and pouring himself a glass of orange juice before taking a seat at the table.

"So how was New York? Haven't seen you much since you got back, you've been busy."

"It was good Dad, I'm glad to be back though." Kurt was doing his best to act as normal as possible, trying not to glance at his phone every five seconds.

"Expecting a call?" Burt asked, nodding to Kurt's phone.

"Uh- wha- no. No I'm not, I just- it's nothing." Kurt sighed, that went well.

Burt just gave Kurt a look, he could tell Kurt was on edge about something, but decided not to push it. "This bacon is great Carole, as always."

Kurt sighed with relief when his dad changed the subject, although the victory was short lived when Finn started to speak.

"So what was up with Blaine last night? He seemed tense or something."

"He was just tired, I'm sure he's fine." Kurt couldn't keep the worry out of his voice, or his eyes from darting to his phone.

"You sure? You seem, distracted. Kurt, is everything alright?" Burt asked.

"It's fine, can we please just-" Kurt was interupted by Teenage Dream blaring from his speaker, letting him know Blaine was calling. "I'm going to go upstairs." He didn't wait for a reply, he jumped up and ran upstairs to his room as fast as he could.

"Kurt?" Blaine's voice sounded through the speaker as soon as the call connected.

"Blaine, thank God, I was starting to get worried. You didn't reply last night and you were upset, and-"

"Kurt, c-can I come over?" Blaine sounded broken, Kurt could tell he'd been crying.

"Wh- of course you can sweetie. What's wrong, what happened, are you okay?" Kurt's worry came back full force hearing how upset Blaine was.

"M-my dad, w-we had a fight. Kurt I-I ne-" Blaine couldn't finish, he broke off into a sob.

"Blaine." Kurt's heart ached. Blaine was hurting and Kurt wasn't there to to comfort him.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I-"

"No, shhh... it's okay, you're in no fit shape to be driving. Pack a bag, I'll be there as fast as I can." Kurt was already slipping on a pair of jeans and an old Dalton t-shirt. He needed to get to Blaine.

"Y-you don't have to-"

"Pack a bag Blaine. I'm coming to get you." Kurt said, trying to be gentle, but also make Blaine understand that there wasn't another option. He was already running down the stairs.

"O-okay, hurry." Blaine sounded so small and scared. It broke Kurt's heart, and angered him all at the same time.

"I will sweetie, I'm on my way. I love you."

"I love y-you t-t-too."

Kurt hung up as he hastily made his way towards the door.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Burt asked. The rest of the family had moved to the living room.

"Blaine, I gotta go get Blaine. Keys, keys, where are my keys?" Kurt was starting to freak out, he needed to get to Blaine.

"What happened, is everything-"

"AH! There they are. I'll be back, and I'm bringing Blaine!" Kurt said before running out the door to his car.

"I'm on my way Blaine." Kurt whispered as he pulled out if the driveway, heading for Blaine's house.


"Blaine honey please, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Andrea had been playing referee since Blaine had got home last night and confronted James. Personally, she didn't understand why her husband was so set on Blaine going to law school.

"Yes he did Mom! He meant every fucking word he said!" Blaine was angry, hurt, upset and just needed Kurt to hurry up and get there.

"Blaine, watch your language. You know your father, he is set in his ways, he's stubborn." Andrea tried to reason with her son. Things had been going so well, and now it was falling apart.

"Look Mom, I'm sorry, we both need to calm down. iI'm going to go stay with Kurt, I'll call you." Blaine sighed, he really hated hurting his mom, but he had to get awat from his dad for now. Maybe things would be better after they both had a chance to calm down.

"I'll try to talk to your father, maybe I can get through to him."

"It's fine Mom, really." Blaine hugged his mom, hearing a car pull up, knowing it was Kurt. "Kurt's here, I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too son." Andrea squeezed Blaine a little tighter before letting him go. She watched him run down the stairs, heard him open the door and tell Kurt he just wanted to get out of there. She knew she had to do whatever it took to fix this, it had taken too long to get her family back, she wasn't about to lose it again.


Blaine and Kurt were quiet the whole drive back to Kurt's house. Singing along to the radio occasionally, other wise not speaking. As soon as they pulled up to Kurt's house, he killed the engine and turned to Blaine.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm better than I was on the phone. I'm sorry if I scared you." Blaine took Kurt's hand, tracing patterns into his palm.

"You said you got into a fight with your dad, what happened?" 

"You were right, law school wasn't my choice. I hate law, it's boring and too perfessional for me."

"So why are you going to study it?"

"My dad. He offered to pay for my college, if, and only if I went for law school. I wanted to be able to provide for us when we're living together, not having to worry about money for college would be a huge help, and lawyers get paid pretty damn good."

"But being a performer is your dream, your passion." Kurt wasn't understanding.

"Yeah maybe, but going to law school was the sensible option, so I said yes."

"So why did you have a fight with your dad?" Kurt was confused.

"Last night, I went home to tell him I change my mind. Talking about it made me miserable, I knew there was no way I could handle it. My dad got upset, he started yelling at me, telling me hoe worthless I was, how much of a disappointment I was."

"Oh Blaine, that's-"

"I'm not finished. I told him that performing was what I wanted to do and he said that I would never amount to anything because I was a weak, worthless, fagot. Then he just got quiet and left."

Kurt had tears in his eyes, he couldn't imagine his dad saying something like that, his heart ached for Blaine. "Blaine, I'm so sor-"

"You know what the worst part was?" Blaine asked, tears forming in his eyes. "I let myself believe that he'd changed, that he really did love me for who I was. I was so stupid."

"No, no you're not stupid Blaine. You did nothing wrong, he's the stupid one. He doesn't deserve you, he doesn't deserve the satisfaction of all this pain you're putting yourself through over this. I know it hurts, I can't even imagine how much, but you need to show him it doesn't bother you, that you're better than that. You need to prove him wrong, and he'll just be left here, bitter." Kurt gave Blaine a strong, fierce glance.

"What about money, I-"

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out. We'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay, thank you Kurt. I don't know what I'd do without you." Blaine smiled and squeezed Kurt's hand.

"You're welcome sweetie, now, let's get inside. I'm sure my dad and Carole are worried. I didn't have time to explain. I just kind of ran out like a crazy person when you called." Kurt laughed, opening his door and getting out.

Blaine grabbed his bag from the back seat and joined Kurt. As they walked towards the door, Blaine felt something settle inside him, Kurt was right, he deserved so much more, and he was going to get it and prove his dad wrong. He wasn't weak, or worthless, not with Kurt there to help him. Nothing was going to stop him from achieving his dreams.

End Notes: I really really REALLY hated making Mr. Anderson out as a villian, but I needed it to happen. I'm thinking of ways to make it better in later chapters. I want a happy ending for all of them. :)I hope you liked this one. Our boys will be heading to New York very soon!! (YAY)Let me know what you thought :D-Krystal :) x


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Its good that Blaine's mom is being sweet,but his dad needs to stop being closed minded and stubborn, its really sad to see or read this because I can imagine it happening in real life, and I know it happens all the time but it shoudn't.

I'll be honest. I used Blaine's dad being like this as a push for them to get to New York. But there will be some things happen in New York that will cause James to re-think his view point on this whole thing. I also couldn't just have him 100% better, he still has some reservations with Blaine being gay and he really tried to hide them when Blaine was going through everything in Fix A Heart. I promise I will get them to fix it before I end the story though. :) happy endings for all :)-Krystal :) x

i love andrea!! god i k=could kill blaines dad! i hope blaine never forgives him.

you'll see the development of Blaine and his father's relationship throughout the rest of the story. I'm sure he'll grow on you later. Everyone has a reason for doing what they do.-Krystal :) x