Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,129 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
657 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Another short chapter this is Blaine's graduation, although I don't actually go through the ceremony. There's some cute, fluffy Klaine and Kurt has a surprise for Blaine towards the end. :)Enjoy :D

Blaine woke up with a jump when Kurt pulled back the curtains, letting the sun shine into the room.


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Kurt said cheerfully. "I made you breakfast in bed." He took the tray off the table and settled it on Blaine's lap with a smile.

"This looks delicious, but what's it for?" Blaine asked, not waiting to dig in on the pancakes.

"Today's a big day, you deserve it, and you made me breakfast in bed on my graduation day, so I'm returning the favor." Kurt smiled fondly remembering that morning.

"God Kurt, this is delicious. You are like the best cook ever." Blaine said with a mouthful of pancakes and bacon.

"Thanks, chew your food Blaine." Kurt's face scrunched up in disgust . "Anyway, we have a busy morning, well day actually. First, since Rachel insisted on flying in so late, and insisted on coming to your graduation, we have to go pick her up before we head over to Dalton. Then we have to get to Dalton by 2:00 pm since the actual ceremony starts at 3:00. Finally, we have to go back to your house where your parents are throwing a not-so-surprise party." Kurt was exhausted just thinking about it.

"Are you staying at my place tonight? I know my parents won't mind, but only if you want to."

"Maybe, we'll see when the time comes. Right now, I need to pick out an outfit, we need to leave in the next hour so we can get Rachel and make it there on time."

"Whatever you pick out will be amazing." Blaine said, takinga sip of his orange juice. "Is this fresh?"

"Yep, I know it's your favorite." Kurt smiled at Blaine, then moved towards his closet.

Blaine watched Kurt go through outfit after outfit, smiling when Kurt would get frustrated and run his hands through his hair. All of a sudden it hit him that this was going to be his life soon. Waking up next to Kurt, watching him argue with himself over outfits, having breakfast together. He couldn't stop the smile that spread over his face, he wanted that more than anything else in the world and he wanted it everyday for the rest of his life.


"Hey guy! You ready to get out graduation on?" David asked as he walked ino the senior commons. The entire graduating class was suppose to meet there.

"Hey David, we sure are, right guys?" Blaine laughed when everyone else let out whoops and yells of approval, he really was going to miss these guys.

"Dude, where's Kurt?" Jeff asked as he, Nick, Sebastian and Trent all arrived together.

"Sitting with my parents and a few of the New Directions."

"When do they graduate?" Trent asked.

"Tomorrow. I think Kurt and I are going, but I'm not sure yet."

"You should, they're your friends too."

"Yeah, you never shut up about them." Sebastian teased.

"Shut up, all of you. Why am I even friends with you guys? All you ever do is gang up on me." Blaine fake pouted, cracking a smile when Nick mocked him and made a pouty face back at him.

"Because you love us and we're awesome." Davis said.

"True, very true."

"Five minutes boys, get your caps and gowns on!" The headmaster announced, walking into the room.

"Well guys, this is it. Five more minutes of being high schoolers, it's been fun." Nick said, glancing around at his best friends.

It was time for these boys to start the next chapter of their lives. None of them said it, but they were all a little worried about moving on and away. They didn't want to move away and drift apart, they wanted to stay best friends for the rest of their lives.


"Congradulatios Blaine, sweetie we love you and we're so proud of you." Andrea said, hugging Blaine.

"Thanks Mom. The party looks amazing, did you get it all set up last night?"

"Yep, your father even helped."

"Hey now, what's that suppose to mean?" James laughed as he walked up to Blaine and Andrea. "I'm so proud of you son, you're going to do amazing at NYU."

"Thanks Dad, that means a lot." Blaine was so happy that his parents were proud of him, it's all his ever wanted.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Kurt was looking for you. He's waiting upstairs, he said something about giving you your graduation gift." James said, smiling. He had really grown to like Kurt. He made Blaine happy and that made him happy.

"Okay, thanks Dad, I'll head up there now." Blaine smiled as he ran up the stairs.


"Hey, my dad said you were up here, what's up?" Blaine asked as he walked into his room, seeing Kurt sitting at his desk.

"Oh, hey honey, I just wanted some time away from all the people. Do you even know half of them?"

"Honestly, no. They're all mostly friends and co-workers of my parents and their kids." Blaine laughed, walking over o the desk.

"I just wanted some time alone with you." Kurt saidm standing up to wrap his arms around Blaine's neck.

"I love you Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt smiled and leaned in to give Blaine a short kiss. "Mm... I wanted to give you your gift."

"Kurt, I told you not to buy me anything." They had both agreeed that they needed to save their money for New York. "Besides, you already got me this awesome bowtie."

"I know, I know, and just for the record, I didn't buy this." Kurt said with a smirk, handing Blaine a small box with a red and blue bow on it. "Open it."

"Alright, Alright, calm down- Oh my God, Kurt. Did you- You got in?" Blaine couldn't believe it, inside the box was a small and simple keychain that read NYADA.

"I did! I've known for a while, but I wanted to wait and surprise you." Blaine had convinced Kurt to re-apply to NYADA after a long talk about Kurt's dreams and his love for performing. He'd gotten his acceptance letter last month but wanted to surprise Blaine.

"Kurt this is amazing! Congradulations sweetie!" Blaine pulled Kurt into a death grip hug. If it was even possible, he was more excited to go to New York than before. They were both happy, and going to the schools of their dreams, living in the city of their dreams. All of Blaine's dreams were coming true.

"Thank you, thank you for pushing me to re-apply, I know I was being stubborn about it. I really don't understand how or why you put up with me, but I'm glad you do." Kurt said with a smile, resting his forehead against Blaine's.

"You're welcome, and I put up with you because I live you, you're my soulmate and I can't imagine my life without you."

"I love you, I really, really do."

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine couldn't wait to get to New York, everything was perfect.


End Notes: Chapter five done and over, an all around good, happy chapter. :)The next chapter, may or may not be the beginning of a small amount of Blangst. :(Hope you liked this one, let me know what you thought! :D-Krystal :) x


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