Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 26

E - Words: 889 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
492 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, first I want to apologize for how short this chapter is. I just kind of threw this one together so I also apologize if it's not up to par with previous chapters.

The rest of the week went by uneventful, Kurt and Blaine spent time with Burt and Carole, hung out with the New Directions as much as possible, and spent time just the two of them, going to the Lima Bean and re-creating some of their favorite dates. 

There was now only three days before Thanksgiving and Kurt was trying to figure out how they were going to work it out with both families. "Seriously, how are we suppose to fit both families in this house? And while your parent's house is big, it's not going to work with your parents plus us, my parents and Finn." 

"Here's an idea, why don't we take them out for dinner instead of staying in? We said we wanted to take them out for dinner while we're in." Blaine suggested while they were laying in bed that morning.

"Maybe, but where would we take them? Not Breadstix, that's completely out of the question."

"What about that fancy Italian place in Westerville?"

"You mean the one you took me to on out first real date?" Kurt asked, smiling at the memory of their date. It seemed like a lifetime ago, yet it also seemed like just yesterday.

"Yep, it's my mom's-"

"Favorite place. I remember." Kurt laughed and snuggled into Blaine.

"Speaking of our first date, do you remember it?" 

"Really Blaine? Do you really have to ask?"

Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt's cheek. "No, I don't have to ask, I should've known you would remember. Do you want to know something I never told you about that date?"


"I had planned for us to just go to the movies, but Wes told me that wasn't good enough. He suggested I take you out for a romantic dinner because you love romance. You know, I never thanked Wes for that." Blaine chuckled, he remembered that first date as well as he remembered his own name. It was something he'd never forget.

"Just so you know, while I loved that first date, and I will always consider it one of the best days of my life, anything you would've done would've been perfect. I had been waiting for that first date since the first day I met you. I would've been happy with just going to the Lima Bean, as long as I was with you."

"I love you so much Kurt." Blaine murmered.

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine. He couldn't wait to call Blaine his husband.

Blaine called to make the reservations for Thanksgiving day later that evening. They got reservations for 6:00pm.



"Dad! Finn! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" Kurt yelled upstairs.

"Alright kiddo, we're coming." Burt said as he and Finn entered the kitchen.

"Finally." Kurt huffed. "Blaine's going to meet us there with his parents. We need to get going."

"Dude, why do I have to wear this suit? I thought we were just going out to dinner?" Finn complained, pullin at his tie.

"We are just going for dinner Finn, but we're going to a fancy restaurant where you need to wear this. Can you handle that or is it too much?"

"Boys, don't. Let's go." Carole ushered them out of the door before Finn and Kurt could start arguing.



"Mom are you ready yet?" Blaine called into his parents' room.

"Just a second sweetie! Is your dad ready?"

"Yeah, he's in the car."

"Alright then, let's go." Andrea smiled, grabbed her jacket and headed out the door.



When Kurt and his family arrived at the restaurant, he sent a text to Blaine to let him know they were there.

"We're here. Where are you?" -Kurt.

"Already inside. I'll come meet you at the door." -Blaine.

"They're already here but Blaine's going to meet us at the door." Kurt said as they got out of the car and headed inside.

"Hey! I missed you." Blaine smiled when he saw Kurt.

"I missed you too babe. You look very handsome and I love that bowtie." Kurt pulled Blaine into a hug, kissing his cheek quickly.

"Thank you, you look very handsome too, let's go sit down. Burt, Carole, Finn, you all look great." Blaine led them back to the table where James and Andria were waiting.



The dinner went grea, both families got along great, just as the boys expected. Burt and James talked about cars and sports with Finn chiming in occasionally. Carole and Andrea talked about everything from their children to fashion. Kurt and Blaine just sat back and watched their families interact.

"I can't wait until we're all one big happy family." Kurt whispered to Blaine.

"Me either, but in a way, we kind of already are, aren't we?" Blaine leaned over to place a short, chaste kiss to Kurt's lips.

"Yeah, I guess we are." Kurt smiled and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. "I just can't wait until it's official. I've dreamed of being your husband for a long time, I just can't wait until it really happens."

"We're going to be great together."

"Yes we are Blaine Devon Anderson, yes we are." Kurt took Blaine's hand in his.

They may not be perfect, they may mess up from time to time. They may fight, argue, and get upset with each other, but above all of that, they are in love. That love is what will pull them through even the toughest of times, and of course, there will be plenty of tough times to come. Some of those tough times may come sooner than they expect.


End Notes: So again, I'm sorry it's so short and I'm sorry if it's kind of lacking in substance, this was written in a hurry last night.A happy chapter with a cryptic ending, just how I like it. :)-Krystal :) x


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I liked this chapter it was sweet. I would have liked if we had gotten more detail about what happened at the dinner, but the way you wrote it was good too. I liked the sweetness of the Kurt and Blaine talk at the begining of the chapter. I really don't want there to be any problems with Kurt and Blaine, outside them or around them is fine just not between them, thoughs kill me inside just a little. Its ok that the chapter was shorter, in my case it was actually convinent because i had to write and type a paper for congressional hearings and that was just blah and I have a debate tomorrow I had to practice a bit more so it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm going on vacation to where I used to live starting next Tuesday, so I might not be reviewing as much(hopefully I will stil review all of them,but just wanted to tell you so you know that I'm not just stoping.) Looking forward to your next chapter. Hopefully it will be longer :DUntil Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. I don't know if you can edit the stuff you already posted but you spelled Blaine without the e in one of the sentences, so you might wanna fix that.

I would have loved to go into more detail about the dinner but I literally had to write this in a half an hour and this was the best I could come up with in that short amount of time. I like to take my time on my writing so I usually take an hour and a half to two hours just to write a chapter. I tried to make it as sweet and cute as possible to over shadow the obvious fact that I just threw this together. I don't want there to be any problems between the boys, at least nothing major. If there is anything it will be something like them disagreeing on what color the table cloths should be, nothing serious, just usual wedding bickering. :) Good luck on your debate and have a nice vacation! :D Thank you for telling me though. I'm sure the next chapter will be longer.... I'm thinking of bringing one Mr. Cooper Anderson in/ ;)-Krystal :) xP.S. I can edit it, and thank you. I typed this in such a hurry and I don't have anyone look over it before I post it. I'm sure there are more mistakes if you looked closer. :) But thank you for telling me, I'll definitely be fixing that!