Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 25

E - Words: 1,502 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
518 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Some minor wedding planning and some small New Direction appearances will be made. :)A quick shout out to Emma for helping me make up my mind on who I wanted the boys to use as their best men and groomsmen/maids. :D

The next day was a busy one for everyone. Finn had set up a "party" for the New Directions, past and present, for that afternoon at Breadstix. Blaine and Kurt were going to meet everyone there once they dropped Adam and Rachel off at the airport.

Kurt had volunteered him and Blaine to take them to the airport because he wanted to talk to Adam about being a part of the wedding, as a thank you for helping with Finn and just being his friend.

"Okay, so our flight leaves in an hour, let's go ahead and get through security so we don't have to rush." Rachel said, looking down at her ticket to confirm their take off time.

"Hang on a second, there's something I want to ask Adam." Kurt spoke up. He hadn't talked to Blaine about this, he hoped it wouldn't cause problems.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"Uh well, first, I want to thank you for helping out with Finn, I owe you for that."

"You don't owe me anything Kurt."

"Yes I do, but maybe you could do me one more favor?"

"Yeah sure, anything."

"Will you be one of my groomsmen? Rachel's already said she would and I want to ask my friend Mercedes too, but it would mean a lot to me to have you there too." Kurt took a deep breath and waited.

"Are you sure about this Kurt? I don't want to cause any problems." Adam was shocked that Kurt even considered having him at the wedding after everything, let alone being a part of it.

"Yes I'm positive. You're my only guy friend in New York, other than Blaine of course, it would mean a lot to me Adam."

"Wow. Kurt, I- I don't know what to say."

"Yes would be nice." Kurt laughed.

"Well I don't see how I could refuse, so yes, of course I will." Adam smiled, Kurt was just full of surprises.

"Thank you, I promise to make it up to you when you get married." Kurt hugged him, he really was glad everything had worked out so he and Adam could be friends.

"I'll hold you to that."

"Adam, we really should get going." Rachel spoke up, pulling him towards the security check. "We'll text you when we land, tell everyone I said hi." She called to Kurt and Blaine.

"We will, have a safe flight."

They waited until Adam and Rachel got through security before heading back to their car.

"So you already have your best man and groomsmen picked out and I haven't even started thinking about mine." Blaine mentioned as they reached the car.

"We still have time to figure it out, but maybe start thinking of some people so you won't be completely clueless, this stuff is important."

"I know, I know. I guess I kind of do have a couple people in mind, Sam and Tina, they helped me out so much last year and we're really close."

"That's a good idea, what about Mike? I know you guys were pretty close." Kurt suggested as they pulled onto the highway, heading for Breadstix.

"Yeah, but I feel bad not involving the Warblers in some way, especially David, Jeff, Nick, and Trent, those guys are my best friends." Blaine frowned, he didn't want to leave anyone out.

"Here's an idea, how about we ask the Warblers, old and new, to be our entertainment? We could even jump in on a few songs."

"That's a great idea Kurt! Then I wouldn't feel so bad about asking Mike to be my third groomsman, but what about my bestman? That's like the most important to the groom right?" Blaine asked, trying to think of someone.

"What about Cooper?"

"No, completely out of the question." Blaine loved his brother but there was no way he was going to deal with him and his attitude during his own wedding.

"Why not? Because you're afraid he'll try and upstage you?" Kurt joked.

"No, no, yes, maybe. It's just- I don't want him to try to make our wedding all about him." Blaine sighed, pulling into the Breadstix parking lot.

"With me planning this thing, there's no way in hell he could ever do that. He's your brother Blaine, you'll regret not asking him once it's over." Kurt took Blaine's hand in his as they started towards the door. "At least think about it."

"Alright, I'll think about it. Let's just go have fun with our friends." Blaine smiled and walked through the door, putting thoughts of Cooper in the back of his mind for now.

Two hours later, the party was still going. The New Directions had more or less taken over Breadstix for the afternoon. They had karaoke set up in the stage in the corner, the tables had been shoved out of the wat to make a small dance floor, and there was food everywhere. Everyone was catching up, find out how everyone was doing after graduation.

Kurt had excused himself from the table with Blaine, Tina, Sam and Mike to go talk to Mercedes and Quinn.

"Hey girls, mind if I join you?"

"Of course not boo, get over here and let me see that ring." Mercedes moved over to give Kurt room to sit beside her with Quinn on her other side.

"I heard about the engagement from Rachel, congratulations." Quinn smiled, she'd been expecting this, her and Puck had even made a bet that they would be the first of the group to get married.

"Thanks Quinn, we're really excited. Everything's been a little crazy lately, but we're happy and ready to get married."

"That's all that matters and I better be invited to the wedding." Mercedes said with a laugh.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that. We've been friends since, well forever, and I wanted to ask you to be one of my groomsmen, well groomsmaid, but you get my point."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I will!"

"Thank you 'Cedes. This is going to be perfect." Kurt hugged her then proceeded to catch up on what had been going on in her's and Quinn's lives since they'd last seen each other.



"So you proposed to Kurt after we left. You didn't wait very long dude." Sam said with a smile, letting Blaine know he was joking.

"We talked everything through and it felt like the right time so I went for it."

"I think it's sweet that he turned around and proposed to you the next day." Tina grinned.

"Yeah, that's so like Kurt, full of surprises." Mike chimed in.

"No kidding, it was amazing though. Speaking of the wedding, since I have all three of you here I want to ask you guys a favor."

"Sure man, what do you need?"

"Out of everyone at McKinley, you three were the most accepting of me, and we became really close so it only seems right to ask you three to be my groomsmen, well groomsmaid for Tina, but yeah."

"I'm in." Tina said immediately.

"Me too." Mike nodded.

"Of course dude. We'd be honored." Sam smiled.

"Thanks guys, this really means a lot to me."



They sat and talked for another hour before people started leaving. Kurt and Blaine were heading out to the car when Blaine's phone rang with a call from Cooper.

"Hey suirt, how's Ohio treating ya?"

"Don't call me thatm and how in the hell did you know I was here?" Blaine couldn't even remember the last time he'd spoken to his brother.

"I talked to Mom and Dad, they said you were in. I wanted to congratulate you on the engagement, which I also had to find out about from them."

"I'm sorry Coop, I should've called you, it's just been crazy with school and New York and Dad's cancer."

"I know kid, I know. Listen little brother, I wated to tell you, if you need anything, anything at all, all you have to do is call. I'm always here if you need me." Cooper said honestly.

"Thanks Coop, I know you are."

"Ask him, ask him." Kurt mouthed to Blaine.

"Uh, hey Coop, there is something I would like to ask you."

"Sure Blainey, ask away."

Blaine rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Would you uh- would you be my best man at my wedding?"

"Absolutely squirt-"

"Please don't call me that."

"I'd love to be your best man."

"Thank you Coop, it would mean the world to me to have you there."

"Count me in, just send me the details. I'll try to make it in for Christmas, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Sounds good. Hey, I gotta go, I'll talk to you soon." Blaine knew he needed to get off the phone before Cooper decided to get too chatty.

"Alright squirt, hopefully we'll see each other soon."

"Yeah, hopefully, and don't call me that, seriously." Blaine wasn't even sure why he bothered.

"Bye little brother, love you."

"Bye Coop, love you too." Blaine hung up with a sigh, he always felt tired after talking to his brother.

"See, that wasn't too bad." Kurt smiled, laughing when Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just get back to the house, I'm exhausted." Blaine pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards the Hummel-Hudson home.

So far things were going smoothly, but nothing lasts forever, and weddings are always filled with drama, theirs would be no different.



End Notes: So to recap: Kurt's best man is Finn and his groomsman/maids are: Rachel, Adam, and Mercedes. Blaine's best man is Cooper and his groomsmen/maid are: Sam, Tina, and Mike. The Warblers are going to be the 'entertainment' for the wedding reception (as soon as they ask them) and we might see some of Warbler Wes. I miss Wes. Seeing as it's a wedding, there's obviously going to be drama coming up soon, but we're going to get through Thanksgiving before we get too much drama in. I'm super excited to bring Cooper in, I've never written for him before. :)Hope you enjoyed this one, next update on Wednesday!-Krystal :) x


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LOVED this chapter soo much. Happy that Blaine and Kurt got to see their friends again and also happy that they picked their groomsmen/groomsmaids. I'm excited to see the Warblers, I really love them and am excited to see how everyone reacts to the knowledge that Kurt and Blaine are getting married. I hope Sebastian will also be included in the Warblers because I would especially love to see his reaction( I bet it would be priceless, whether it is nice or mean). I think deciding to have Cooper as the best man is going to be fun because I know he will try to get the attention on himself. I really liked how Kurt suggested both Mike and Cooper, and basically forcing Blaine into asking Cooper to be his best man because that was cute. I'm looking foward to also see some more planning and seeing how Thanksgiving turns out. I also liked how Quinn and Puck had bet that Kurt and Blaine would be the first of the couples to get married because it was just a little sentence but it showed that all the New Directions knew that Kurt and Blaine were soulmates and were gonna wind up together.Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. it was soooo sweet of you to give me a shoutout. It made me smile and made my day a lot better( I was having a really bad day). So thanks again. :D

I wanted to establish the bestmen and groomsmen/maids early on because they're going to be there to help plan everything. They needed to be the first thing decided on. I'm super excited to bring the Warblers back, we haven't seen them since Blaine's graduation and it's time to bring them back. I have some plans for some funny stuff to go down when they find out about the boys getting married, Sebastian is definitely making a comeback. He is a friend to Blaine in these stories, but we'll have to wait and see his reaction. :) Cooper and the Warblers are going to be the comedic relief from any drama and stress caused by the wedding planning. Kurt practically forcing Blaine to ask Cooper was something that I really liked because Blaine is a stubborn little thing and would have ignored it and then felt bad later for not asking his brother. Kurt knows this and he is making sure Blaine does the right thing. Thanksgiving is probably going to be the big Anderson, Hummel-Hudson dinner that was mentioned ages ago, at least that's the plan as of this very second, things could change though. The Quinn and Puck bet is going to come back later I think, we'll see, but I definitely want it to come back. I can't wait until we get closer to the wedding and have the rest of the ND and the Warblers meet Adam, I'm very excited to write that. :D-Krystal :) xP.S. you're welcome for the shoutout, I'm glad it made you smile :) I felt it was long overdue. :)