Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 23 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 23

E - Words: 1,035 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
513 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: This is a bit of a deeper chapter (if that makes sense.) We have Blaine and Finn's talk. Rachel has a plan (Rachel always has a plan.) And a sweet Klaine ending.Enjoy :)

"I guess you want to talk about why I don't think you and Kurt should get married." Finn spoke once Blaine had stopped walking. He'd led them to a small park a few blocks away from the Hummel-Hudson house.

"It's a start."

"You cheated on him with some guy you met on Facebook, then when he breaks up with you because of it, you go off the deep end and get all depressed. Then you guys fix everything and move to New York where Kurt almost cheats on you with the first guy to pay him attention. I care about both of you, Kurt's my brother and you're one of my best friends. I just don't think you two are ready for marriage." Finn could tell that Blaine is upset.

"Do you want to know what I think?" Blaine asked, trying to remain calm.

"Sure, go ahead and tell me, but it's not going to change how I feel."

"I think you're jealous, you're jealous of the relationship Kurt and I have."

"No, that's not-"

"You don't think I'm good enough for Kurt after what I did. Cheating isn't very high up on your list because of what Quinn did to you. You know what Finn? You're nothing but a fucking hypocrite!" Blaine felt himself getting angry.

"I don't like what you did, but that's not why I don't want you two to get married. I just think you should wait. You're both freshmen in college, do either of you even have a job? You're living off your family's money and-"

"Mine and Kurt's lives are none of your business Finn. I'm warning you now, back off. Kurt and I are getting married, we both want it and we're happy. No one is going to stop us from getting married, so leave us alone." Blaine growled, his hands curling into fists

Finn held his hands up in surrender. "Fine, just make sure to keep me out of the plans, I don't want to watch you two ruin your lives." 

"My pleasure." Blaine said simply and turned to walk back towards the house.

"One more thing, I think the reason you're so upset about this is because you're afraid Kurt's going to realize that I'm right and call off the wedding. Not very trusting of the man who's going to become your husband."

"You don't know a damn thing about me Hudson." Blaine paused to look back at Finn before continuing back to the house. He hoped he would be calmed down by the time he got there.



Finn watchedd Blaine walk away, making sure he wasn't coming back before pulling out his phone to call Rachel.

"Hey Finn, what's up?" Rachel asked, slightly confused as to why Finn was calling her.

"Blaine and Kurt getting married, don't you think it's too soon? I mean-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. First, you have no right to say it's too soon considering you proposed to me before we even graduated high school. Second, no I don't think it's too soon. After everything they've been through together and they still managed to make it through, they deserve to be together and be happy."

"I'm not saying that, I just-"

"That's exactly what you're saying. You don't trust them, you think they're going to hurt each other, well let me tell you something, that's what relationships are about. After all the love and pain and happiness and sadness they've been through, they've made it out on top, even when some of the worst hurt was caused by the other. No one has the right to say they can't get married. especially not you." Rachel finished, hoping to have gotten through to him.

"But why rush into this? That's what I don't get."

"Oh my God Finn. just stop! It's not your place to understand. It's their relationship, their life, not yours. I'd advise you to stop being an idiot and leave them alone before you lose them. You're being selfish and it's not cool. Goodbye Finn." Rachel hung up and let out a frustrated scream.

"You okay? You sound upset." Adam said as he walked into the dance studio where Rachel was.

"I'm about five seconds away from flying to Ohio to kick my ex-boyfriend's ass for meddling in his brother's relationship. So yeah, I'm upset."

"Did Kurt call you too?"

"No, Finn did. Kurt called you?" Rachel asked. She'd grown to like Adam, he was kind and a very good friend to Kurt.

"Yeah, he said Finn wasn't happy about the engagement. He ased me if I thought he was rushing into it."

"What did you say?"

"I told him no. I don't think they're rushing, they love each other, they should get married."

"You still have feeling for Kurt." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, but I know nothing will ever happen because he's with Blaine, they're soulmates. I am more than okay with just being his friend." Adam could tell Rachel was planning something.

"Have you ever been to Ohio?"


"Have you ever been to Ohio?" Rachel repeated with a smile.

"No, I-"

"Go pack a bag, you're coming with me."

"To Ohio?" Adam asked, following Rachel out of the studio.

"To Ohio." Rachel confirmed. She wasn't going to let Finn ruin this, and she has a plan.



When Blaine got back to the house, he went straight upstairs. "Hey sweetie, sorry I was-" Blaine stopped when he saw Kurt laying on the bed, asleep, wearing one of Blaine's old shirts. He just smiled and got dressed for bed quietly. He climbed into bed as easily as possible, trying not to wake Kurt.

Kurt woke up when he felt Blaine wrap his arms around him. "You're back."

"Yeah, I'm back. Sorry I woke you up, I was trying to be careful." Blaine whispered, kissing the back of Kurt's neck.

"It's okay. I'm glad you're back." Kurt mumbled sleepily.

"I wasn't gone that long sweetie." Blaine laughed softly and pulled Kurt closer.

"I know, but I still missed you. I miss you anytime I'm away from you, no matter how ling or short it is."

"Me too Kurt, me too." Blaine sighed.

"I love you Blaine."

"I love you too Kurt. Let's get sleep."

"Mkay. G'night B."

"Goodnight beautiful." Blaine placed a kiss to Kurt's shirt covered shoulder before letting himself fall asleep, happy and content with the love of his life in his arms. He couldn't wait to call Kurt his husband.

End Notes: And there it is. Next chapter we'll have Adam and Rachel in Ohio, they won't be staying long because of Rachel's audition. We're almost to the holiday chapter and I plan to have everything smoothed over by Thanksgiving. :) Then it's Christmas, New Years and wedding plans! All happy and love. :D-Krystal :) X


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So... I loved how Rachel knew exactly what to say and she stood up for what Kurt and Blaine have because she is one of the most important people to both Kurt and Blaine( I think). She has always helped them when they had problems and have stuck by them when they needed her to, she is just such a good friend to both of them so I was happy with that part. The Blaine/Finn talk went a little better then I thought it was going to go, so thats good, even thought I still think Finn is being a jerk and that it isn't his buisness how Kurt and Blaine choose to spend their lives. I do think that both of them were right about to other to some extent though( like how Blaine said he was jealous and how Finn said Blaine thought Kurt was gonna change his mind), but I just hope they talk a little more after this is all worked out and that Finn apologizes for how he acted. Also I really what to see how Rachel's plan works out and what her plan is exactly (I have some ideas).The part at the end with Kurt and Blaine was so sweet and lovely. Lastly, I wish this chapter had been longer I was reading it and I saw the bottom and I was like "why does it have to be over so soon?". Anyway loved that chapter and can't wait for more.Until next time,<3 Emma

It was a short chapter, I wanted it to be longer but it just didn't happen. Rachel is probably the most important person in Blaine and Kurt's lives right now. She goes out of her way to make sure they're okay and help them when they need it (Even if they don't realize they need it). I'm sure there are people who read this and think that Rachel needs to butt out and let them handle their problems on their own, but that's not the point of the character. She's their friend, best friend actually, and she'll do anything to help them, whether they want it or not. The Finn/Blaine talk was something I struggled with, I didn't want to make it too bad because I don't want them to literally hate each other and not be able to fix things. But at the same time I wanted it to be very clear that Finn was being a jerk and Blaine was angry. I also wanted them to have a subconscious understanding of each other. (With Blaine thinking Finn is jealous and Finn thinking Blaine's afraid of Kurt changing his mind.) Finn is jealous in a way, he still very much loves Rachel, and he want the kind of relationship that Kurt and Blaine have. Blaine is scared that Kurt's going to change his mind and call off the wedding. They have more understanding of each other than they realize at the moment which is why they're getting under each other's skin. Rachel's plan is probably the silliest thing I've ever decided to write, she's literally dragging Adam off to Ohio with her because Finn's being a jerk. I somehow needed to get this group of people together, and this was the best way I could think of. Adam is new to the group, he's not really use to Rachel's crazy so he would go with her just to keep her from killing him, so it works. :) Adam is one of my favorite characters to write for in this story because I enjoy showing that he obviously likes Kurt in a romantic way but he knows he'll never be able to be with him, so instead of being an ass about it and try to steal Kurt, he accepts it and chooses to remain a close friend to Kurt, someone Kurt can trust and talk to in a way that he can't with Rachel. Adam is definitely going to play a big part in this, I'm just glad to be able to keep him around. :) I wanted to add something sweet at the end to kind of dull out some of the drama, so I added the Klaine bed talk at the end. Originally, it was just Blaine getting into bed and snuggling Kurt who remained asleep, but I changed it around and made it a little more fluffy. :) Next chapter up on Friday will reveal Rachel's plan (so you can see if you were right) Glad you liked it, I promise to try to make the next one longer. -Krystal :) x