Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 19

E - Words: 1,696 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
668 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Ummm so happy Monday. :) If you watched the Oscars yesterday, hope you had a lovely Oscar Sunday, I know I did!Anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

The next day got started early, getting breakfast at a small diner about a block from the condo, then heading off for shoppinh. James and Blaine watched with amusement as Kurt and Andrea got excited over sales.

Around lunch time, James decided to interupt the shopping. "How about some lunch?"

"Yeah, lunch sounds great." Blaine agreed. "Maybe after lunch we can go for a walk."

"But shopping." Kurt pouted, he hadn't been to nearly enough shops to suit him.

"I promise we'll shop more, but lunch and a walk first." Blaine smiled at Kurt, he really needed them to take this walk.

"Okay, as long as you promise." Kurt could tell Blaine really wanted to take a walk for some reason, so he went with it.

"I promise. Why don't you and Mom go ahead and find a place to eat, I have something I want to discuss with Dad first." Blaine hoped Kurt wouldn't question it.

"Sure, let's go Andrea." Kurt took Andrea's hand and led her off towards the restaurants.

"What's on your mind son?" James asked once Kurt and Andrea were gone.

"Two things actually. First, I'm going to propose to Kurt today, that's why I want to take a walk after lunch. I want to go to Battery Park to do it because that's where I told him I cheated."

"You know, you're just like grandfather, a romantic." James said with a laugh. "What else?

"I've already talked to Kurt about this, and I wanted to tell you, I've decided to change back to pre-law. I know you said they caught the cancer early, but I want to make sure that if something does happen, you'll know that everything will be taken care of."

"No, you can't. I want you to stay in musical theatre." James said without hesitation.

"Why? I-"

"No. After everything happened, I had time to think. I want you to go to school for something you want, not what I want. Yes, I'd love to see you go to law school, but there's something I want more than that, you know what that is?"


"I want to see my son happy. You'd never be happy as a lawyer, your passion is theatre and that is what I want. I want you to persue your dreams, make them come true. So please, just forget about law school and do this for me."

"I just want to make you proud." Blaine said, trying to hold back tears

"I am proud of you Blaine, so very proud of you." James said, pulling his son into a hug.

"Thank you Dad." Blaine gave his dad a huge smile.

"You're welcome little man. Now, let's go find your mother and Kurt. I'm starving."

They headed off in the direction Kurt and Andrea had went. Blaine was on cloud nine and there was only one thing that could officially make this the best day of his life, and that would be Kurt saying yes to his proposal. He'd find out very soon whether or not that would happen.



Lunch went great, they talked about the food, holiday plans, future visits. Now they were walking the route to Battery Park and Blaine was doing his best to distract Kurt so he wouldn't figure out where they were going. They hadn't been to Battery Park since the night Blaine had confessed his cheating.

Kurt thought Blaine seemed nervous and a little jumpy, like he was waiting for somene to yell at his for doing something wrong. It wasn't until they made it to Battery Park that Kurt realized why. "W-why are we here?"

"Just trust me, please." Blaine gave Kurt a pleading look before walking to the exact spot he'd been standing when he told Kurt that he had cheated. "Come here."

Kurt walked numbly to where Blaine was standing. "This is-  you told me-"

"Yes, this is the exact spot and a lot has happened since then. Two years ago if someone would've asked me where I planned to do this, I would've said the staircase at Dalton because that's where we first met. I didn't know it then, but you stopping me on the way to what was suppose to be just another Warblers performance, was the moment my life changed forever. Fate stepped in and told me to turn around when you called out, and I will forever be glad I did. You changed my life Kurt, you taught me that there isn't anything better than loving another human being and being loved back. We've helped each other through some of the worst times in our lives, even if we were also hurting. I thought I'd lost you for good that night, standing right here, I'd hurt you in the worst possible way. Thankfully, fate decided to step in again and let us have another chance. That's why I wanted to do this here, to completely put everything behing us and start anew." Blaine got down on one knee and pulled the little blue box from his pocket.

Kurt gasped, he'd been trying not to cry the whole time Blaine was talking, but he couldn't stop the tears from spilling over now.

"So, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, will you do me the honor of making me the happiet and luckiest guy in the world by becoming my husband?" As Blaine said 'husband', he popped the lid on the box to reveal the ring.

"Oh my- Blaine!" Kurt started at the ring, he'd never seen anything as beautiful as that in his life. "Oh Blaine, yes. Yes, of course I'll marry you!" Kurt started really crying once he got the words out.

Blaine barely registered the people around them who started clapping and cheering as he got up and pulled Kurt in for a quick kiss before slipping the ring out of the box and onto Kurt's finger. He brought Kurt's hand to his mouth and gently kissed the ring.

"It's so beautiful." Kurt whispered holding out his hand to admire his ring.

"Not as beautiful as you." Blaine smiled, giving Kurt as small, chaste kiss.

"I'm going to ignore how incredibly cheesy that was because this is perfect and nothing could ruin it." Kurt smiled playfully at Blaine.

"I'm glad. I wanted it to be perfect, you deserve perfect."

"Blaine." Kurt blushed and his his face in the crook of Blaine's neck.

"Come on, let's go. I promised you more shopping after our walk." Blaine said, pulling Kurt towards where his parents were sitting.

"No, no more shopping. I just want to go home with my fiancé. I have to start planning immediately!"

"Kurt, honey, calm down. Let's just enjoy being engaged for a while, then we'll worry about plans." Blaine laughed at Kurt's eagerness.

"Okay. I can- OH! I have to call Dad and Carole!"

"Well then, let's go home and call them." Blaine slipped his hand into Kurt's, a jolt of happiness ran through him when he felt the cold metal of the ring.

"Yes, let's go home." Kurt smiled softly at Blaine before pulling him in the direction of the condo, leaving James and Andrea to follow.

"We should get a hotel room tonight, let the boys have their first night as an engaged couple to themselves." Andrea said as she and James followed Kurt and Blaine to the condo.

"That's a good idea." James smiled as he watched his son and future son-in-law walking hand in hand. He was thankfull that Blaine had found someone as wonderful and kind as Kurt. He knew they'd be together until the end, they're soulmates. He couldn't have asked for someone who loved his son more than Kurt, and he was happy for his son.



"Dad! Dad guess what? Wait, is Carole and Finn there?" Kurt asked, trying to keep himself from yelling.

"What's up kiddo? Yes Carole and Finn are here, you're on speaker." Burt could tell Kurt was excited about something.

"Blaine proposed! We're getting married!" Kurt shouted, he couldn't help himself.

"Oh my God, that's wonderful honey!" Carole exclaimed.

"That's great son, I'm happy for you and Blaine." Burt said. He'd been waiting for this phone call ever since the day they'd moved to New York.

"Congrats guys." Finn didn't sound as excited as Carole and Burt.

"What's wrong Finn?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, don't get too excited or anything." Kurt said sarcasticly.

"Nothing, I'm happy for you, really I am. I just thought maybe you'd wait a while after everything that happened."


Blaine cut Kurt off. "We talked through everything, we're happy and everything is fine. We're ready for this Finn, and I promise to take good care of him."

"Thank dude, I really am happy for you. It'kk be cool to actually be able to say you're my brother." Finn said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I have to say, I'll have the best in-laws in the history of ever." Blaine smiled, he really felt at home with Kurt's family.

"You've always been on of our boys Blaine, this will just make it official." Carole said.

"You two better come and see us soon, I want to see this ring, and Blaine, you and I will need to chat." Burt said seriously.

"Dad! Oh my God." Kurt felt himself blushing.

"What? I want to have a talk with my future son-in-law, there's nothing wrong with that."

"You'll scare him away then I'll be lonely."

"He hasn't scared me away yet, and honestly, I don't think anything could scare me away from wanting to spend the rest of my life with you." Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek.

"We are planning to come visit around Thanksgiving and stay through Christmas but coming home before New Years. We want to spend New Years in New York, maybe even go watch the ball drop in person." Kurt said.

Burt didn't miss Kurt saying 'visit' and calling New York 'home'. "Sounds good kiddo."

"Well, we'd better go, James and Andrea got a hotel tonight so we could spend our first night of engagement together, and I want to go celebrate."

"Alright, talk to you soon. Love you." Burt said with a laugh.

"We love you too. Bye Dad."

"Bye kiddo." 

Kurt hung up and turned to Blaine. "So we have the place to ourselves and we're engaged, what do you say we go celebrate?"

"I think that's a brilliant idea." Blaine stood up at the same time Kurt did. Linking their arms together, they ran back the hall to their bedroom, happy and in love, and ready to start this new chapter of their lives.

End Notes: See, the happy is back. No more sadness, at least not any time soon. :)Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and for anyone who didn't get to see the ring when I posted it before, just click here and it will open in a new window :DLet me know what you thought, and if you have anything you would like to see in Kurt and Blaine's wedding.-Krystal :) x


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I loved this chapter sooo much, it was soo sweet to read Blane's little speech he said to Kurt before he proposed. I loved how Blaine told his father about the law school thing and his dad stopped him and told him to do what he loved and had a passion for because that just shows that he is finally just excepting Blaine. I really hope that he survives because it would be horrible for everyone if he didn't just as he is becoming to father Blaine always wanted. I am looking foward to reading about Kurt and Blaine's visit to Lima, and Blaine and Burt's talk. I really hope their talk is just sweet and meaningful because I love their scenes together. Also I hope Finn and Kurt have a few scenes by themselves because I feel like there might be something Finn wants to talk about with Kurt before he marries Blaine. Anyway, I hope that we get to see Finn and Cooper as best men at the wedding and Rachel, Tina, Sam,and some of the other NDs and Warblers at their wedding as groomsmen and bridesmaids or something. Looking foward to finding out the details of the wedding and how perfect (or not) it is going to be. Again I loved how this chapter played out and was written.Until next time,<3 EmmaP.S. I really loved this chapter soooooooooooooooo much.

This chapter was probsbly the happiest one I've written. :) Blaine speech was one of the easiest things I've ever done, I thought It was going to be hard, but it wasn't, thankfully! I've always wanted to have James and Andrea be nice in this story, I just had to have a little set back in the beginning. This whole cancer thing has put it in perspective for James and he realizes that he needs to make amends with his son. I have no plans to kill him, but I won't know for sure until the last word is written. That's how this works since I don't write ahead, sometimes that can be kind of dangerous. Kurt and Blaine's visit to Lima is something that I'm already planning in my head. Blaine and Burt's talk is going to be nice and sweet, just the usual Burt/Blaine stuff. He's going to talk to Blaine about James, and maybe about something else that could be a HUGE step for Kurt and Blaine AND cause me to have to write a 3rd story, but we'll see. ;) Finn definitely does have something to say to Kurt before he marries Blaine, he's the one that's not so thrilled about the wedding. In my mind it was always going to be Burt, because he's Burt! But it turned out that it's Finn. He's just worried that Blaine's going to hurt Kurt or Kurt's going to hurt Blaine... he's just being typical Finn. :) I haven't completely decided on the best men, I want Finn and Cooper, and that's who will probably be in the end, but I don't think Blaine and Kurt want that yet, so there might be a little drama when they go to pick their best men. I'm definitely planning on having Rachel, Tina, Sam and Sebastian there as part of the wedding. The rest of the ND and Warblers will more than likey be there too, but maybe no part of the wedding. In general I want the wedding to be wonderful, so nothing like the Wemma wedding in I Do, but there will be some drama when it comes to it, it's a wedding after all.... there's always drama. Oh, and a bonus, Adam is going to make a come back appearance soon, but only as a friend. :D I'm done with the cheating and almost cheating, it's time to focus on the happy stuff like their wedding!! :DI'm really glad you liked this chapter, I kind of thought it would be a nice change from all the angst we had in the previous chapters. -Krystal :) x