Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 17

E - Words: 1,694 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
624 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was fun to write in the beginning, but the end just made me... well I think you'll get it when you read it.Enjoy. :)

Sometime during the day, they moved from the guest room to their room. They each took a shower then immediately got into bed. Neither one saying a word. They drifted in and out of sleep, knowing they'd have to talk, but not knowing where to actually begin. So they didn't talk, they just stayed in bed, holding each other until it was time to go to sleep.



When Blaine woke up the next morning, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief knowing Kurt was there with him. He decided to get up and go make breakfast, he'd make omlets, Kurt loved omlets.

Once in the kitchen, Blaine started thinking of ways to start the conversation. He really wanted to ask Kurt about why he said he would have cheated, it was eating at him. He was so lost in his thoughts and making breakfast that he didn't hear Kurt come into the kitchen.

"You're up early." Kurt said with a yawn. 

Blaine jumped, almost dropping the plate he was holding. "Jesus Kurt, you scared me."

"I noticed." Kurt laughed. "Omlets huh, I take it you want to talk so you're making sure I'm nice and distracted by your delicious breakfast."

"Wha- no, no. I-"

"It's okay Blaine. It was a joke." Kurt gave Blaine a sad smile.


"So uh-"

"This is awkward. Why is it awkward? Things are never awkward between us."

"Whoa, calm down, who said anything about awkward? Just- let's finish breakfast and we'll talk while we eat okay?" Kurt took Blaine's face in his hands, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"O-okay, yeah." Blaine took a deep breath before pulling away from Kurt. "Can you make the toast while I get these out?"

"Sure sweetie."

They worked in silence, Kurt watched Blaine closely, ready to calm him down if he freaked out again. "So, I can tell you have questions." Kurt thought that would be a good way to start out.

"Yeah, I'm just not sure how to word them."

"Don't worry about that, just tell me what you're thinking."

Blaine looked across the table at Kurt before deciding to just say it. "You said you would have cheated, what did you mean?"

Kurt thought about it, what did he mean when he said that? "Honestly, Adam and I hit it off, I don't think it would've been a conscious decidion, it would've been one of those tings that just kind of naturally happen. I know that doesn't make any sense."

"No, I understand. Why did you lie about having class when you were going to lunch with him?" Blaine was trying to keep the hurt out of his voice.

"I don't know, I really don't. It just sorta happened, I didn't even think about it." Kurt frowned remembering that day.

"You have feelings for him don't you?"

Kurt looked up at Blaine, he didn't want to hurt him, but he couldn't lie. "Yes."

"You should date him."

"Excuse me?" Kurt dropped his fork. He was sure he'd heard wrong.

"You heard me. You should date him, maybe I'm not the one for you, maybe he-"

"Blaine Devon Anderson, don't you dare." Kurt gave Blaine a cold glare.

"I'm serious Kurt, I was your first boyfriend, how do you know that I'm the one if you've never been with anyone else?" Blaine wasn't sure where all of this was coming from.

"Really Blaine? Really? Okay, let me tell you a story about a conversation Rachel and I had. I thought that too, a while back, thankfully though Rachel was there to explain this. Now let me explain it to you. I don't need to be with other guys to know that you're my soulmate. I don't know where this is coming from, but you can stop. You are it for me Blaine, and yes I need to learn how to handle crushed because I'm sure Adam won't be the last, but that's all they'll ever be, crushes. Nothing could ever compare what I feel for you, nothing." Kurt had moved from his chair to kneel in front of Blaine, taking his hands.

"You promise?"

"I promise. I love you Blaine. You saved me when I thought no one ever could. You were my best friend, you were everything I needed at the time. Then for some reason, fate decided to let you love me, and you became more than just my best friend. You became the man that I was destined to spend the rest of my life with. We've had our share of bumps in the road, and I'm sure there will be plenty more, but I will always love you. I promise, nothing or no one will ever change that." By the time be finished there were tears falling.

Blaine moved his hands to wipe away the tears that were on Kurt's cheek. "I love you too Kurt."

Kurt just smiled and stretched up to kiss Blaine. He tried to focus every ounce of love he felt into that one kiss. Blaine was the one to break the kiss, but only to envelope Kurt into a massive hug, firm hug.

Kurt sighed and breathed in the smell of Blaine's shampoo and aftershave. "We should finish our breakfast."

"Yeah." Blaine sighed, nuzzling Kurt's neck.

"I'm serious Blaine." Kurt laughed and pulled away from the hug.

They finished their breakfast in comfortable silence then headed back to their room.

"I should really call Rachel before she shows up to make sure we didn't kill each other." Kurt said, reaching for his phone on the night stand.

"I'm scared to turn my phone on. I turned it off the night you left and never turned it back on."

"Blaine! What if your mother tried to call you!"

"I know, I know. I just-" Blaine stopped mid-sentence when he turned his phone on.

"What, what's wrong?" Kurt saw Blaine visibly tense up.

"My dad. I have a missed call from my dad." A million things went through Blaine's mind.

"When's it from?" Kurt asked.

"Last night. Should I- no, I can't." Blaine tossed his phone to the bed, he couldn't deal with his father, not right now.

"You have to. Blaine, he called you, now man up and return his call." Kurt picked up Blaine's phone and held it out to him.

"Kurt I can't."

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll tell him you're too stubborn to return his call so I had to do it for you."

"No! God, fine. Give me the damn phone."

Kurt smiled smugly, he knew that would do the trick.

"I'm going to go call Rachel." He said before leaving the room.



After calling Rachel to let her know that they were okay and a promise to get together before Tina, Sam and Finn went home, Kurt walked back towards their room, stopping when he heard Blaine talking.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Blaine sounded upset.

Kurt poked his head into the room, finding Blaine sitting on the bed, looking like he'd just been told someone had died.

"Hang on, let me put you on speaker, Kurt's back."

"What's going on?" Kurt asked, slightly worried.

"I called to tell Blaine that I-I uh- I found out about a month before you boys graduated that I have brain cancer. I didn't want to ruin graduation and New York, so I didn't say anything. I went to the doctor yesterday and they told me it was starting to spread."

"Oh my-" Kurt couldn't believe it. James had always been so strong and healthy.

"That's why I was pushing law school. God knows Cooper would never do it, but I know Blaine could. I'm so sorry that I pushed you away son, that was never what I wanted."

Blaine didn't know what to say, his dad couldn't be dying, it was impossible.

"Blaine, honey, say something." Kurt started rubbing Blaine's back, trying to break through to him.

"H-how long did they give you?" Blaine winced at the way his voice cracked at the end.

"That's not important right now son. Your mother and I were planning to come up in a few weeks, but only if you want us."

"Of course we want you, right Blaine?"

All Blaine could manage was a barely whispered "yeah."

"Alright, Andrea will get in touch before we fly up so you'll have a warning. I've got to go. I'll talk to you boys soon."

"Okay, thank you James." Kurt looked to Blaine to see if he was going to say anything.

"Bye Dad. I-I love you." Blaine bit his lip to keep the sob from following his words.

"I love you too little man."

Blaine managed to hit the end button before he lost control. The last time his dad had called him by his childhood nickame was right after the Sadie Hawkins dance. He only used it when something was wrong and wanted to comfort Blaine.

Kurt pulled Blaine up to lay on the bed, whispering in his ear that everything was going to be fine.

"Can y-you just s-sing t-to me?" Blaine asked through his tears.

"Of course honey, of course." Kurt ran a hand through Blaine's curls while trying to think of a song, then it hit him

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings and learn to fly
all your life
you were only waiting for this moment to arise."

Blaine sighed as he pressed himself closer to Kurt, losing himself in Kurt's voice.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
take thses sunken eyes and learn to see
all your life
you were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Kurt felt Blaine relaxing, nuzzling his chest. He could still feel Blaine's tears soaking his shirt, but he didn't care, he was focused on making Blaine feel better.

"Blackbird fly, backbird fly
into the light of the dark black night."

Blaine felt himself start to drift off to sleep. He made sure to squeeze Kurt a little tighter, just to make sure he wouldn't disappear.

"Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
into the light of the dark black night."

Kurt felt Blaine's breath even out, but he kept singing.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
take thse broken wings and learn to fly
all your life
you were only waiting for this moment to arise
you were only waiting for this moment to arise
you were only waiting for this moment to arise."

Kurt just layed there, holding Blaine. He held him like if he let go, Blaine would fall apart. He fell asleep making a silent promise to stay strong for Blaine. Blaine needed him, and he would be there, always, no matter what.

End Notes: So uh... yeah. I'm not sure where that came from, but there it is. Blaine's dad has brain cancer. I didn't want to make it sad, but when I started writing, this is what came out. I'm still promising my happy ending, but this way, we'll get a longer story.Let me know what you think.-Krystal :) x


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I know someone who survived brain cancer, but I also knew someone who died when she was 4 because of it so I guess there is hope. I am happy Kurt and Blaine had the talk about "I would have" because I have been wondering how Blaine would react to that. I feel sooo sad for Blaine right know because the person I know who survived it was 19 and it skrewed up her entire family because the other kids went a little insane, so I hope this brings their family together instead of apart. I am happy that the story will continue and be long because I'm not prepared for it to end any time soon.Until next time,<3 EmmaP.S. I love writing reviews for this story :D

I know someone who's survived brain cancer and someone died too, so you're right, there is hope. I hope the 'I would have' was final enough, because I'm planning on focusing on them getting through this thing with the cancer. Blaine's going to have a hard time with it, obviously, but he will have Kurt, Rachel, and his friend Lucy in New York to help him. Next chapter will probably be the Anderson's coming to New York, I'll make sure to mention that Tina, Sam, and Finn went home, I don't want to leave them hanging. Blaine and his father have some things to talk about now. I plan on later in the story to have Blaine and Kurt return to Lima for a visit so we'll have some New Direction and possible Warbler visits as well. :) This one is going to be longer, because I can't end it any time soon now that I have this storyline going. :)-Krystal :) x

Ok. I feel better now. Having been with my own soulmate for eighteen years until her death, I understand the ups and downs of a life-long relationship. I was her first (and only) and we had some serious discussions about her never having been with anyone else too. It hurt to talk about, but it was necessary. You wrote Kurt's explanation very well. And thank goodness for a wise Rachel. Nicely done.

Thank you, back when I was writing this story, I knew I needed to make sure it was something believable and this is what I came up with. I'm glad to see that it has went over well. and yes, thank goodness for Rachel! -Krystal :) x