May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
"So, do you want to tell me why you showed up at my apartment last night? I'm not complaining, just curious." Adam and Kurt were sitting in Adam's kitchen when he finally decided to ask Kurt about what had happened.
"It's a long story and honestly I don't want to talk about it. I-I just needed somewhere to stay." Kurt sighed and looked over at Adam, he deserved to know what was going on.
"Look, Rachel told me about you walking out on your boyfriend becsuse you think you have a crush on me. I'm just confused why you asked to stay with me and not her."
"Rachel told- of course she did, she can't keep her mouth shut. Sometimes I just want to shake her." Kurt couldn't believe Rachel had told Adam, of all people.
"She's just trying to help." Adam gave Kurt a small smile. "Let's go get some coffe then we can talk about all this, that sound okay?"
"I guess." Kurt stood up and headed for the door. This was going to be a long and difficult conversation.
Sam woke up hearing Tina call his name. "Wha- Tina, why are you-"
"Shh.. he's sleeping, he was up almost all night. Should we carry him to his room or something?" Tina asked. She hated seeing Blaine like this, it reminded her of last time.
"Uh, no, just leave him. I'm hungry, time to raid the kitchen. Do you want anything?" Sam was already halfway to the kitchen.
"I'm going to go take a shower, I'll get something later."
"Alright." Sam checked the pantry, deciding on cereal because it was the easiest thing he could find.
He sat down at the table, noticing the candles that Blaine had't bothered to move from the night Kurt left. Sam sighed, he was still shocked that Kurt had just walked out and honestly, it upset him. Kurt knew Blaine didn't cope well with things like this. He sat there in silence, eating and thinking of way to keep Blaine from going off the deep end.
Once he finished, he took his bowl to the sink and that's when he saw it. The little blue box was laying on the floor, right under the edge of the table. He didn't even have to open it to know what it was.
"Hey, I'm out. What do they have for breakfast?" Tina asked, stepping into the kitchen.
"Uh, there's uh- cereal and I think I saw Pop Tarts in there too." Sam shoved the box into his pocket, he needed to talk to Blaine about this. No wonder he was so numb right now."
"Are you okay, you seem tense." Tina gave Sam a look like she was trying to read his mind.
"Yeah, I'm good, just a little sore from sleeping on the couch. I'm going to go for a walk, get some coffee, I'll bring you and Blaine back a cup." Sam didn't wait for a reply. He needed some time to think about how to talk to Blaine about the ring.
"So, I guess you want to talk about what happened, right?" Kurt asked once he and Adam had their coffee.
"Yeah, I would. Rachel said you have a crush on me, is that true?"
Kurt sighed, Adam deserved the truth. "Yes, well at least I think so. I mean, I feel something for you that is stronger than just friendship, but to be honest, I'm confused. I just reall don't know."
"Okay, and you lied to your boyfriend about having class so you an I could go get lunch together." Adam wanted to make sure he and Kurt were on the same page.
"Yes, and he saw us. That night he asked me about it, I don't know what happened, he asked me if I was cheating on him and I couldn't give him a straight answer, so I left." Hearing himself say it out loud, he realized how awful it made him seem.
"Why couldn't you give him a yes or no when he asked if you were cheating?"
"Becuse I know you and I never did anything, but I didn't exactly have innocent intentions either. I just-"
"What you an I did was go to lunch as friends, yes you should've been honest with him about it, you shouldn't have lied, but you didn't cheat on him."
"But I would have." Kurt whispered.
"And that's why you ran. Kurt, listen to me, you may have a crush on me, but you love this guy. Don't ruin what you have with him, on me. God knows the first time I saw you I noticed how amazing you are, but as soon as I found out you had a boyfriend, I settled for just being your friend. I don't want you to lose what you have with this guy over a silly little crush. You need to talk to him, explain everything to him, work it out." Adam looked Kurt in the eyes, hoping he'd get through to him.
"Y-you- I can't, not yet anyway. I need time to work through my feelings." Kurt wished Adam hadn't mentioned that he'd felt it too, it would make this so much easier.
"Then tell him that, but don't just walk away." Adam gave Kurt one last pleading look before changing the subject. "Come on, let's go back to my place, I'll stay with you."
They walked back to Adam's apartment in silence, giving Kurt time to think about everything Adam had told him.
By the time Sam made it back to the condo, Blaine was awake, sitting in the kitchen staring at the burnt out candles.
"Hey dude, I got you a coffee." Sam sat the medium drop down in front of Blaine.
"Thanls. Where's Tina?" Blaine sounded tired, almost on the verge of cold.
"She's going out for a walk, maybe heading over to Rachel's to check on things." Sam had all but pushed her out the door with her coffee, saying he wanted some guy time with Blaine.
"And by check on things, you mean Kurt. You can say his name, it's not going to kill me." Blaine sighed. "Even if it feels like it." He finished in his head.
"Yeah, look, I uh- I wanted to talk about this." Sam pulled the ring box from his pocket, he heard Blaine gasp. "I found it under the table this morning. You were going to propose to him." It wasn't a question.
Blaine just stared at the box like it had abused him. Just looking at it brought back the memory of the door shutting behind Kurt.
"Blaine, come on dude, don't shut me out." Sam said, moving the box out of Blaine's view.
"I'm sorry, I just- I was going to propose, I made dinner, I had candles. It was suppose to be romantic and happy."
"What happened?"
"It was going great, but I've never been able to mask what I'm feeling around Kurt, he always sees right through me. He asked me what was wrong, I told him I saw him and some guy having lunch when he told me he had class. I asked him if he was cheating and he left. He didn't even try to explain or defend himself." The more he talked about it, the more Blaine just wanted to forget.
"Blaine, I don't know what's going on between Kurt and that guy, but I'd bet my life he isn't cheating on you. He's probably confused, just give him time." Sam sat the ring box beside Blaine's coffee.
"I feel like I'm going to die. I lost him once, I can't lose him again Sam." Blaine hated that he was so dependent on Kurt.
"You won't, I promise." Sam patted Blaine's shoulder before walking away and heading down the hallway.
Once he was safely out of ear shot, he took out his phone and called Rachel.
"Hey, how is he?"
"He's hanging in there, listen I just found out that he was planning on proposing to Kurt that night, he had a ring and everything." Sam whispered, he didn't want Blaine to find him telling Rachel about the ring.
"He what? Oh my-" Rachel's heart dropped to her stomach. How could this get any worse?
"Somehow we've got to get Kurt to talk to him, he's staying strong for now, but I don't think it'll last much longer." Sam couldn't bare to think about what would happen if Blaine just gave up.
"You watch after Blaine. I'll worry about Kurt. Keep me updated." Rachel needed to talk to Adam.
"Will do. Bye."
"Bye Sam." Rachel hung up and immediately found Adam's name in her contacts.
"Hello?" Adam's voice sounded quietly through the phone.
"Adam, hey it's Rachel. We need to talk."
"Oh, hey Rachel. Give me a second." Adam stepped out of the room sos he wouldn't wake Kurt, who had went to sleep as soon as they got back from getting coffee. "Okay, what do we need to talk about?"
"Have you talked to Kurt yet?"
"I have. I assume you know he's here." Adam could hear a slightly paniced tone to her voice.
"Yes, I hoped he was anyway. He won't listen to me so I need you to get him to go at least talk to Blaine."
"Why? Did something happen?" Adam asked worriedly.
"No, not yet, but if Kurt doesn't go talk to him soon, it's very possible. Blaine was going to propose that night, and Kurt-"
"Just left him." Adam finished.
"Yes and Blaine doesn't have a good track record when it comes to him and Kurt being apart like this. Please just get Kurt to go talk to him, please."
"I'll do my best" Adam glanced towards his room. This wasn't going to be pretty.
"Thank you." Rachel sighed in relief.
"No problem." Adam hung up, taking a deep breath before heading back to his room to wake Kurt.
"I'm awake." Kurt rolled over when Adam sat on the bed and shook him awake.
"You need to go talk to Blaine."
"I already told you I-"
"Listen to me, I got a call from Rachel, he was going to propose and you just left. Kurt please, just go talk to him, make sure he's okay." Adam pleaded. "You can come back here after if you don't want to stay there, just please, go talk to him."
Kurt stared blankly at Adam until his words hit him. He jumped from the bed, grabbed his bag and ran out the door.
When Kurt got to the condo he rang the buzzer, he didn't want to frighten Blaine by bursting in. He was taken by surprise when Sam answered the door.
"Sam, what-"
"Kurt. About fucking time. He's in the guest room, I'll be at Rachel's." Was all Sam said before walking off.
Kurt decided to worry about why Sam was here later, he needed to talk to Blaine. He made his way, slowly, to the guest room. His heart ached being back in th condo, it reminded him of how stupid he was. He opened the door to the guest room to find Blaine asleep, he looked peaceful, except for the bags under his eyes.
"Blaine, Blaine wake up." Kurt crawled into the bed beside Blaine.
"Kurt? Oh my- Kurt!" Blaine jolted up, Kurt was really here, it wasn't a dream.
"I'm here, you're okay." Kurt's heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
"What are-"
"To explain. I'm so sorry I walked out, I shouldn't have. I should have stayed and explained."
"Kurt I-"
"No, let me talk. I lied to you and went to lunch with Adam, a guy who I'll admi to feeling something for, but nothing as strong as what I feel for you. Still, I do feel something. I walked out when you asked me about cheating because, no I didn't cheat on you, but I would have. I couldn't stand the thought of hurting you like that, not after everything that's happened. I paniced and I'm sorry." Kurt finished, barely keeping himself from crying.
"It's okay, thank you for telling me. I just- when you left I-"
"I know. God, Blaine I'm so sorry. I just- please know that I've had some time to think and I don't want Adam, or anyone else. I want you, if you still want me."
"Of course I do Kurt. I'll always want you. I need you." Blaine started crying.
"Oh Blaine, please don't cry. Come here beautiful." Kurt held out his arms for Blaine who fell into the embrace.
"I love you Kurt. So, so much."
"I love you too Blaine." Kurt kissed Blaine's curls. He had to tell him he knew about the proposal. "Blaine, there is one more thing I need to tell you. I know that you were going to propose to me. I'm sorry I ruined it for you, for us."
"How did- Sam." Blaine sighed, he couldn't be mad at Sam, not right now, not while he was in Kurt's arms, safe and at home.
"Something tells me this was a Rachel Berry plan. Are you mad that I know?"
"No, not at all, because you're here. When you left I didn't think I'd ever get to give the ring to you, and now-" Blaine cut off.
"Are you-"
"No, not yet. We still have stuff to work ou, but I will, once we get past all this. I promise."
Kurt just smiled and squeezed Blaine tighter. They would have to talk mre about this, but for now they just needed to hold each other, make sure the other knew they would always find a way to fix their relationship. There will be more obstacles to overcome, but they will always persevere because their love is stronger than anyting the world had to throw at them.
Keep going, please ;)
Thank you. :) I have some plans for stuff that could happen, we'll see. :D-Krystal :) x
Please continue writing this,I love this story and I want to read more, especially because I was hoping that you would either make this story very very long or you would make 3rd story. So that's my answer to that. Now for my review: I am happy that Adam, Rachel, and Sam got Blaine and Kurt to at least talk and make sure they would work things out. Adam is being a very good friend to Kurt and I like his character as a friend to Kurt instead of a love interest. Sam dealt with the whole proposal thing pretty well, so I'm happy about that. When Kurt said he would have cheated that kinda broke my heart a little because I was thinking to my self then what is gonna stop you from cheating with someone else. Hopefully they will talk about that and Kurt will learn how to deal with his crushes to come because there will always be another one. Looking forward to reading more, so again please PLEASE continue writing this.Until next time,<3 Emma
I think next chapter I will have Kurt and Blaine talk about the 'I would have cheated' thing. I just hope people don't think I put that in there just because Blaine cheated, that isn't Kurt's reasoning at all. Kurt isn't thinking that its okay to cheat just because Blaine did, that is not even close to where his mind is. I'll definitely explain that in the next chapter. (Which, yes means I'm continuing) :D I would love to keep Adam around as a friend, because Kurt needs some guy friends in New York and at NYADA. Sadly though, I'll probably be sending Sam, Tina and Finn back home in the next chapter. Kurt and Blaine need some time to talk everything through, like you said, Kurt needs to learn how to deal with having crushes. Really the biggest obstacle they're going to have to overcome in this whole mess is the fact that Kurt admitted he would have cheated with Adam, that's the main thing they have to deal with now. Just about all of the next chapter will be them talking through everything, although the worst is over. Now they have to rebuild and Blaine has to find a new way to propose. :) I might through in a little group get together with Finn, Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Tina and Sam before I send them home, but that's not a for sure thing yet, just a thought :DNext chapter will be up on Wednesday1-Krystal :) x
Geez. I'm glad you did NOT end it here. Kurt is being a real jerk with the "I would have (cheated)" stuff. There is a lot between a crush and actually cheating, especially after previously going through all of that with Blaine. They supposedly left all that behind them and for Kurt to even contemplate such a thing seems absurd. Blaine is too needy and Kurt was a jerk. Period.
I would say it gets better, but I know you've already read on and found that out so... yeah. But you are right, Blaine is too needy and Kurt was a jerk, but it was necessary for the story. :)-Krystal :) x