May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
"Okay, so we have everything loaded. Do you boys have anything else? We don't want to have to turn around." Burt said surveying his truck which was packed full, literally.
"That's everything. We have our backpacks, we're ready to go." Kurt was anxious, he really wanted to get on the road.
"I'm going to miss you boys." Carole started crying as she pulled Blaine and Kurt into a hug.
"We'll miss you too Carole, but you can come visit us any time you want." Kurt said wiping a tear, he really did love Carole.
"Oh I will. You take care of each other, okay?" Carole gave them a watery smile.
"Of course, absolutely Carole." Blaine was trying his best not to cry, but Carole was like a mother to him and he was really going to miss her.
"Carole honey, we really need to get going. Where's Finn?" Burt asked.
"Right here, are we ready?" Finn was going to make the drive with them to help with the unloading and so Burt wouldn't have to drive back by himself.
"Yep. Finn and I will be back in a couple days." Burt hugged Carole, then climbed into the driver's seat while Finn took the passengers seat and Blaine and Kurt got in the back.
As Burt pulled out of the driveway, Kurt and Blaine waved at Carole until the house was out of view.
"Are you boys ready?" Burt asked, looking in the rearview mirror.
"Yes, absolutely." Kurt smiled fondly at Blaine, taking his hand as settling in for the long drive to New York.
"Oh my God, Finn!"
"What? That soda went right through me dude!"
"We'll never get there if you keep making us stop every five seconds."
"I was thirsty."
"Boys! Please stop fighting, please." Burt jumped in. They had been driving for five hours and so far this was the first argument he'd had to break up, thankfully.
"I'm sorry, I just want to get there." Kurt huffed, giving up as Burt pulled into the rest area.
"Don't worry honey, we'll get there. Maybe we should get out and take a walk." Blaine could tell that Kurt was restless, feeling cooped up and needed some fresh air.
Kurt sighed, he knew Blaine was right, he did need to take a walk. "Fine, let's go."
It was two in the afternoon and it was actually kind of cool considering the time of year.
"So we only have like three and a half to four hours left to drive, are you excited?" Blaine asked, slipping his hand into Kurt's.
"I'm more than excited. I just want to be there already. I wasn't even this anxious for my NYADA audition."
"Kurt honey, we'll be there soon and when we get there it's going to be great, and well worth the wait."
"I know, I'm just very impatient." Kurt pouted, stopping to turn and face Blaine.
"Yes you are, but I love you anyway." Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.
"You better." Kurt joked before leaning down to kiss Blaine, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck, pulling him closer.
"God, I love you so much Kurt." Blaine said, pulling back, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.
"I love you too Blaine." Kurt smiled, he'd never felt this comfortable with PDA before, but this was a new start for Kurt Hummel.
"Hey boys, do you want to get back on the road or just stand there holding each other for the rest of your lives?" Burt called from the truck.
"Coming!" Kurt yelled, pulling Blaine towards the car. He wasn't wasting any time, he was ready to get to New York.
"Blaine, dude, are you sure this is the right address? This place is huge." Finn was in awe as they pulled up to the very large but very beautiful condo complex.
"Yes I'm sure. We're on the 4th floor." Blaine just laughed. Finn had never really grasped that his family wasn't lacking in the money department.
"Let's go, I want to see it from the inside." Kurt grabbed Blaine and pulled him towards the doors.
"What about the stuff?" Bur called after Kurt.
"Leave it, we'll get it after we've seen the inside!" Kurt was bouncing with excitement as the four of them made their way inside and to the lobby.
"Hello sirs, can I help you with something?" A girl about Kurt, Blaine and Finn's age asked.
"Uh yes, the Anderson-"
"Ah, you must be Mr. Anderson, we got a call this morning letting us know you'd be arriving today. Welcome!" The girl, Lucy according to her name tag, said brightly.
"Thank you, we'd like to go check the place out before we start unloading if that's okay." Blaine was all business.
"Of course, ust let me get you the key cards for the elevators and other areas of the building. It's a safety thing. Here you go, the elevators are to your rightm and if you have any questions, please just ask." Lucy smiled brightly at them as they made their way to the elevators.
"She's the most chipper New Yorker I've ever encountered." Kurt said once they were inside the elevator.
"This place is so fancy." Finn still seemed awestruck.
"I love it already and we're not even to our place yet!"
"Kurt, buddy, calm down." Burt laughed when Kurt gave him his bitch glare.
The elevator came to a halt on the fourth floor, as they all piled out Blaine spoke up. "Each floor is divided into two sections, A and B, we are A. Which is over there." Blaine pointed to the right.
When they were standing in front of the door that had a fancy black letter 'A' on it, Blaine took the key out of his pocket and turned to Kurt. "Let's do it together."
"Okay." Kurt stepped up beside Blaine, both holding onto the key. "On three."
"Three." They unlocked the door and stepped inside.
"Wow, Blaine this is-"
"I know."
The door opened to the living room which was completely furnished with black lether couches and chairs, they surrounded a small glass coffee table.
"Dude, you guys even have a t.v.!" Finn exclaimed as he and Burt stepped inside.
There was a flat screen t.v. hanging on the wall where Finn was pointing.
"I wonder where it came from, it wasn't my grandma's, that's for sure."
"Let's go look at the other rooms." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine towards what looked like a kitchen.
"Boys, this place is amazing." Burt had followed them to the kitchen.
"This kitchen is perfect. It's like my dream kitchen, only better." Kurt turned to look at Blaine. "And it's ours?"
"Yes babe, it's ours." Blaine pulled Kurt into a hug.
"Let's go check out the bedroom."
"Bedrooms, there's two." Blaine smiled as he led Kurt back the hall, followed by Finn and Burt.
"How will we decide which one's ours?" Kurt asked.
"Well, mom said one is smaller than the other and that the bigger one has a bathroom so I was thinking that would be our room and we can set the smaller one up as a guest room."
"Sounds perfect." Kurt smiled, leaning down to press a quick kiss to Blaine's cheek.
They found that the smaller room had a bed, desk, and a t.v., along with a reasonably sized closet according to Kurt. There was a seperate bathroom across the hall with a walk in shower that both Kurt and Blaine liked. Now all they had left was their room.
"Dad, can we go check it out by ourselves first? I kind of want it to be just me and Blaine first."
"Sure buddy, Finn and I will go ahead and start bringing some stuff up."
"Burt, wait. When you get down to the lobby tell them you're ready to start unloading, they have people to help." Blaine said.
"Of course they do." Burt mumbled, walking towards the door.
"Does that mean I-"
"Come on Finn!"
"Alright." Finn sighed and followed Burt out the door.
"So are you ready?" Blaine asked with a smile.
"Yes. Dear God yes!" Kurt laughed as Blaine pushed open the door.
The room had a queen sized bed placed directly center, but backed against the wall. There was another t.v. in here, hung facing the bed. There was also a desk that looked big enough for both of them to use, agaisnt one of the side walls. The desk was beside a window that looked out to a beautiful view of the city.
"Look at that view." Kurt said, almost breathless.
"It's beautiful." Blaine said, only he was looking at Kurt instead of out to the city.
"Oh stop it, what about the closet and the bathroom?"
On the opposite wall of the desk and window were two doors. The one closest to the entrance was the rather large walk in closet.
"This is perfect Blaine!" Kurt called as he was invesitgating the closet.
"I'm sure it is honey." Blaine was enjoying watching Kurt get excited over their new home.
"Okay, now for the bathroom."
They moved to the next door which was the bathroom, it has a large tub with jets, a his and her, well his and his in their case, sink and a nice walk in shower just like the other one had.
"We'll have to test these out, soon." Kurt turned to Blaine, completely serious.
"Uh, yeah. Yes we will." Blaine's mouth went dry and his eyes darkened at the thought of what Kurt was talking about.
"Hey boys, you want to come out here and tell these people where you want everything!" Burt yelled from the living room.
"We're coming!" Kurt yelled back, wincing when his voice cracked.
"Let's go, we'll have plenty of time soon." Blaine smiled as they made their way to their living room to being the process of unloading their stuff.
It didn't take long at all for them to get all of the boxes and bags put in the rooms they needed to be in. It was 7:00pm when they got the last box carried to their room. Blaine tipped the workers before shutting the door behind them. He turned to find everyone looking exhausted, sitting on the couches and chairs.
"So, who's hungry?" Blaine asked, walking over to sit beside Kurt.
"Me!" Finn suddenly seemed to have loads of energy.
"I know a really great take out place that delievers, I'll call and order. I'm too tired to go out." Kurt said with a yawn, pulling out his phone and dailing.
"He always gets whiny when he's tired." Burt laughed.
"It's okay, I think it's adorable." Blaine smiled at Kurt who was giving the order for their food. It felt so sureal to be here, in their home, in New York.
"The food will be here in fifteen minutes, I'm going to go wash my hands." Kurt stood up and headed towards his and Blaine's room, stopping in the hallway causing Blaine, who had followed him, to almost run right into his back.
"Why'd you stop, what's wrong?" Blaine asked.
"Nothing I- it just hit me that this is our hime." Kurt said as they entered the bedroom, heading straight for the bedroom.
"I know, I had my moment earlier. This is it Kurt, we've made it."
"And I couldn't be happier." Kurt leaned in to give Blaine a kiss before turning to the sink.
Once the food arrived, they ate and small talked. The whole time Kurt and Blaine kept looking over at each other, smiling when they'd catch each other's eye. They were happy, in love, and ready to live their dream in the city they both loved.
I loved it :D I can't wait for the next chapter.
Thank you :D The next chapter was one of my favorites to write, it was also the most time consuming. I can't wait to get it up :D-Krystal :) x
Nice job
Thank you :)-Krystal :) x
This chpter was sweet. I liked the parts where Kurt and Blaine were alone discovering their new home together. I really can't wait to see whats going to happen once they settle in and really begin living there by themselves.<3 Emma
They say goodbye to Finn and Burt next chapter so you'll get to see what's going to happen very soon :) Once they start school is when things are going to get really interesting. ;)-Krystal :) x