Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Blaine was woken up the next morning by soft kisses to his face and next. As he opened his eyes, he saw Kurt's looking down at him, happy and wide awake.
"Good morning cutie." Kurt smiled, placing one last kiss to Blaine's check before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Sleepy well?"
"Amazing actually. I forgot what it was like to get an entire nights worth of sleep." Blaine sat up, leaning his back against the headboard with a groan. "I'm getting old."
"Hush, I'm older than you."
"Only by a year."
"Still older."
"Fine, you win." Blaine gave Kurt a look that said he clearly didn't win, but it was too early in the morning for this. "So, what do you want to do today?"
"I don't know, I was checking out all of the things we can do here before I woke you up and I just couldn't decide." Kurt stood up, helping Blaine out of bed as well.
"Maybe rafting? Or hiking?" Blaine suggested, walking sleepily towards the bathroom.
"Me hiking? That's hilarious Blaine." Kurt had never had the desire to go hiking.
"Oh come on, hiking is fun, they have a trail here, you'll love it."
"And if I don't?" Kurt asked, he still wasn't too excited about hiking.
"If you don't, we'll turn around and come back, promise."
Kurt thought about it for a few more seconds before sighing. "Fine, hiking it is, but we have to take a picture because my dad will never believe that you got me to go hiking without one."
"Deal." Blaine smiled widely, shutting the bathroom door. Kurt was going to love hiking, he was sure of it.
"Finn! Where did you put Payton's bottle?" Rachel yelled from the living room where she was trying to calm down a screaming Payton.
"It's in the frig where you told me to put it!" Finn yelled back from down the hall in the nursery. He was working on getting Ari back to sleep after her feeding.
"Of course, the one time he does what I say." Rachel mumbled, carrying Payton with her to the kitchen. "Your Uncle Finn is driving me crazy." She grabbed the bottle out of the frig and headed back to the living room to feed Payton.
"Did you find it?" Finn asked as he came into the living room.
"Yes. Did you get Ari back to sleep?"
"Yep, I sang to her and she just went right to sleep. I think my voice is magic or something." Finn was really proud of himself, anytime Ari had been getting fussy, all he had to do was sing to her and she calmed down almost immediately.
"I'm sure it is Finn, can you hand me that towel? Payton is a drooler." Rachel pointed to a small green towel with brown monkeys on it.
"Sure." Finn handed over the towel with a smile. "Have you heard from the boys yet?"
"Nope, we are three hours ahead of them as far as time goes."
"I know, I just figured Blaine would have called by now asking about the twins, he seemed pretty reluctant to leave them." Finn said, sitting down beside Rachel on the couch.
"They're his children Finn, of course he was reluctant to leave them." Rachel rolled her eyes. Sometimes Finn said the stupidest things.
"Kurt didn't act like that though. Do you think it's because he's not their biological dad?"
"No, not at all. I think Kurt is more of a laid back parent than Blaine is. Blaine is very protective of the people he loved and his children are no exceptions."
"It's hard to imagine Kurt being a laid back parent though. Maybe I'm just not seeing it." Finn shrugged, taking the bottle from Rachel when Payton was finished eating.
"Kurt's the parent that is going to let their kids learn from experience, he's not going to tell them to not do something that they want to do even if it isn't the best idea. Blaine is the exact opposite."
"What do you think they'll be like when the twins get older?"
"I think they'll be great parents who do the best they can by their children. These kids are very lucky to have dads like Kurt and Blaine." Rachel smiled down at Payton who gave her a big toothless grin. "I need to put him down for a nap, I'll be back."
"I'll do it. You stay here, you've worked hard this morning." Finn held is arms out for Payton.
"Alright, I'm not going to argue." Rachel handed Payton over before relaxing more into the couch.
"I'll be right back then we can watch some tv or something."
"Sounds good." Rachel said sleepily, already starting to nod off.
Finn just smiled at her, carrying Payton back to the nursery and putting him to sleep. When he came back, Rachel was sound asleep, baby monitor in hand. He couldn't help but snap a picture on his phone before taking the monitor out of her hand and throwing a blanket over her legs. He would have to do something romantic for her after they finished babysitting, she deserves it.
"Exactly how long is this trail?" Kurt asked after about an hour of hiking. He didn't want to admit it, but he was actually enjoying it.
"About another half an hour and we'll be there." Blaine answered, walking just ahead of Kurt.
"Be where?" Kurt had been trying to get Blaine to tell him what they would find at the end of the trail since they left the cabin.
"You'll see, I don't want to spoil the surprise." Blaine turned around and winked at Kurt before taking off at a sprint up the trail.
"Blaine Devon!" Kurt took off after him, knowing he'd never catch him unless Blaine stopped running, but still trying anyway.
"Kurt Elizabeth!" Blaine mocked, stopping suddenly and causing Kurt to run right into the back of him.
"Why did you stop?" Kurt asked, wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulders more to keep himself from falling than anything.
"So you could catch me and I could do this." Blaine said, grabbing at Kurt's thighs until he got the point.
"A piggy back ride? Really? Are you 12?" Kurt laughed, hugging Blaine tighter before jumping onto his back and wrapping his legs around Blaine's middle.
"You're never too old for a piggy back ride Kurt." Blaine laughed, steadying himself before starting to walk again.
"This is ridiculous." Kurt said, placing a kiss to Blaine's cheek. "You're ridiculous."
"You love me."
"I love you yes, but you're still ridiculous."
They continued on for a little while before Blaine had to let Kurt down because his back was starting to hurt.
"Not as young as you use to be."
"You're a little heavier now than when we were teenagers thank you."
"Blaine Devon Anderson-Hummel, are you calling me fat?" Kurt faked shock.
"Not at all, you've just gotten a few more muscles, that's all." Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hand as they walked. "It's not much farther now by the way."
"I finally get to know what's at the end of this trail?"
"Yep, it's right past those trees." Blaine pointed just ahead of them, speeding up his pace. He remembers coming here with his uncle many times, this was his favorite part about the trips.
"Oh my god, it's beautiful." Kurt couldn't believe his eyes, there was a huge house, mansion really, right there in a huge clearing. There was a lake behind the house and a beautiful garden off to the side that had tons of colorful flowers and different plants. "What is this place?"
"It was my grans and gramps place, my mom's mom and dad. They built this after my mom and her siblings got out of the house. I remember coming here as a kid and spending as much time as I could up here."
"It's amazing." Kurt was still in awe of this beautiful place being out in the middle of nowhere. "Does anyone live here now?"
"No. My uncle owns it, but he never used it, he just keeps it up and running. None of our family wants to live out here because its so cute off from civilization."
"But it's so beautiful and peaceful out here."
"When I was little I always thought this was my gran and gramp's castle and they were the king and queen of this forest. I was obsessed with fairytales and my gran always told me that one day I'd be the king and I would find a queen and we'd live here together. When I realized I was gay I was scared that I wouldn't get to be the king and live in gran's castle, but you know what she told me when I came out to her?"
"What?" Kurt was mesmerized by Blaine's story, he'd never heard much about Andrea's parents.
"She told me that I wouldn't have a queen, I'd have a king. I didn't understand how that would work and she told me that here, in this place, it didn't matter if there was two kings, two queens, or a king and a queen. She told me that if I ever got upset, to think about this place and remember what she said. My gran was a wise woman, she helped me through some of the hardest parts of my life." Blaine smiled, looking out to the house, remembering all the childhood memories he had of his grandparents and this special place.
"You could be living here, but instead you're living in a condo in New York? Are you insane?"
"Broadway is in New York, you're life, our lives are in New York."
"Yeah but-"
"I'm not going to ask you to uproot our lives just so we can live in this fairytale place. Maybe when we're old and gray and our children are grown up and have children. Maybe then, but not now."
Kurt understood what Blaine meant. While he would love for his kids to grow up here, this really isn't the place to raise children. "One day, you will have your fairytale Blaine, I promise."
"I only want it if you'll be my king." Blaine smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to Kurt's lips.
"It would be my honor." Kurt whispered before pulling Blaine closer and kidding him like the world was ending. He didn't think it was possible to love Blaine more than he did, but this proved that it was. One day he and Blaine would live here and they would both have their happy ever after.