Gift of a Friend.
Eight Days to Go. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Eight Days to Go.

M - Words: 2,537 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
152 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So yeah.... I'm not sure where I'm going with Adam's character, but I'm definitely seeing some drama in the future. I think everything else is sort of in-character and shouldn't need any explanations. Next update in a few days, and we'll finally be back at the condo!-Krystal :) x

Three weeks after Sam and Tina showed up, the twins were almost ready to go home. They were both off their C-PAPs and strong enough to justify leaving the NICU. Doctor Jones still wanted to keep them the full 45 days, just to make sure nothing changed.

"Eight more days. We've managed this long, eight more days shouldn't be too hard." Blaine wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or Kurt.

"I hate this place, I really do, I just want to go home. Why can't they release them early?" Kurt collapsed into the oversized chair next to Blaine.

"Because they want to make sure they're really ready to go home, we can handle eight more days." Blaine let Kurt curl into him, running his hand through Kurt's hair, knowing it helped calm him down. "Besides, it isn't that bad being here, I've been in worse places, and so have you."

"I just hate hospitals, I always have." Kurt sighed, trying to get closer to Blaine. He was exhausted and just wanted to rest.

"I know sweetie, I know, but when you have kids, sometimes you have to deal with things you don't like."

"Like hospitals?"

"Like hospitals." Blaine repeated, kissing the top of Kurt's head. "Why don't you stay here and get some rest while I go down the block and get us some coffee."


"Yes, coffee. Grande non-fat mocha." Blaine winked, nudging Kurt off of him so he could get up.

"And a medium drip." Kurt smiled, remembering all the times they ordered coffee for each other at the Lima Bean back in high school. "Can you believe we still know each other's coffee orders?"

"Yes I can. I'm sure when we're old and wrinkly and can barely remember what day it is, we'll still remember each other's coffee orders." Blaine leaned down to capture Kurt's lips in a soft, sweet kiss. "Now, you rest and I'll be back with our coffee and maybe a muffin if they're fresh."

"M'kay, love you." Kurt mumbled, already dozing off.

"I love you too." Blaine smiled, closing the door quietly behind him when he left so he wouldn't disturb Kurt or the twins.

"Hey dude, where you heading?" Finn had just came around the corner as Blaine was shutting the door.

"Down the block to get some coffee, you wanna walk with me?"

"Yeah sure, can we wait on Sam though? He just went into the bathroom."

"Of course, what about the girls?"

"They were going shopping at like 6am, some big sale or something, I don't know." Finn just shrugged, he usually just tuned out what the girl were talking about if it didn't involve him.

"Are we going somewhere?" Sam asked as he walked over to where they were standing.

"Yeah, to get coffee, you coming with us?"

"Sure, the coffee here tastes awful." Sam made a disgusted face, earning him a laugh from Finn and Blaine. "So dude, eight more days until Ari and Payton can go home. You excited?"

"Uh, yeah, absolutely. I'm a little nervous of course, not having a nurse right outside the door just in case something happens, but I'm definitely ready to get them home."

"So is Kurt, he was talking to Burt last night about wanting to sleep in his own bed. He really hates hospitals." Finn said as they entered the cold winter air of New York.

"Yeah, he mentioned his dislike of hospitals just a little bit ago, but he's been really great about not complaining too much."

"Why does he hate hospitals so much? I mean I don't like them, but I wouldn't say I hated them." Sam asked, dodging a group of obvious tourists.

"When he was little his mom was in the hospital a lot because she was sick, then his dad had his heart attack that put him in the hospital, in a coma, then my dad has been in and out of the hospital with his cancer, now the twins, his hospital experiences haven't been the best." Blaine explained. There were more reasons that he and Kurt had talked about late at night, in the quiet and privacy of their bedroom, but he wasn't going to share those with Sam and Finn, they were Kurt's stories to tell if he wanted to.

"That makes sense I guess." Sam could tell Blaine really didn't want to talk about this, so he changed the subject. "Isn't the coffee shop right up there?"

"Yeah, it's right on the corner there." Blaine nodded, glad for the change in topics.

"Is Cooper still in? I haven't seen him around the hospital lately." Finn asked, unsure of what to talk about.

"He left for Paris two days ago, he got a call needing him back ASAP, so he had to go, but he's suppose to come back as soon as he's done over there." Blaine held open the door to the coffee shop to let Finn and Sam in first.

"At least he was able to come in to see the twins, I know he would've hated to miss it."

"Yeah, I'm glad he was here, I'm glad you're all here." Blaine stepped up to the counter to order. "Adam? What are you doing here?"

"I work here, at least until I can get something else. What can I get for you today?" Adam smiled brightly at the three of them.

"I-uh, a medium drip, a grande non-fat mocha, a muffin, if they're fresh, and whatever these two are having."

"What'll it be boys?"

"Medium drip for me." Sam ordered, moving to stand beside Blaine. "What's he doing in this part of town?"

"No idea, I haven't seen him since the musical ended." Blaine wasn't even sure if Adam knew the twins had been born.

"So, what are you guys doing over in this end if the city?" Adam asked while he was working on their orders.

"We just came from the hospital, the coffee there is crap." Finn said.

"The hospital? Is everything okay? Is Kurt-"

"He's fine. The twins were born early, we've been staying at the hospital while they're in the NICU." Blaine explained.

"Oh wow. I had no idea. How are they doing now?"

"Great. They're growing like weeds and should be ready to go home in eight days."

"That's great news, I hope everything works out." Adam smiled again, handing them their coffees. "Tell Kurt I said hey, I'm assuming the mocha is for him."

"I will, and yeah it is." Blaine took both cups, thanking Adam before walking back out into the cold.

"Well that wasn't awkward or anything." Finn said as soon as the door shut behind them.

"Shut up, it wasn't awkward. Adam and I are friends, I think." Blaine shrugged. To be honest, he wasn't really sure how to describe his and Adam's relationship. There was always that unspoken tension of 'you almost ruined my relationship', but other than that, they got along pretty well.

"You could've but the tension with a knife dude, it was totally awkward." Sam had to agree with Finn.

"Can we not talk about this please?" Blaine just wanted to get back to Kurt and the twins. He didn't want to think about Adam, or just how awkward that meeting had been, because he had no clue why it was so awkward.


That evening, Burt and Carole were planning on leaving because Burt needed to get back to the shop and Carole needed to get back to the hospital.

"If you need us to come back, we will okay? Don't feel bad about asking." Carole said for the fifth time in an hour.

"Yes Carole, don't worry, if we need you, we'll call." Kurt knew they were worried about leaving since they'd been there for so long, but Kurt felt that he and Blaine could handle the twins by themselves now that they were almost ready to be released.

"Carole honey, I think they got the point." Burt have Kurt an apologetic look.

"My parents are going to be here for a few more days, but I think we have everything under control." Blaine assured Carole with a smile.

"I know, I'm being the worried grandma. I'm sorry boys, I know you can handle it, it's just my maternal instincts I guess."

"You don't have to apologize Carole, we appreciate your concern." Kurt said truthfully.

"Mom, if you and Burt don't leave now you're not going to make your flight." Finn had been there for a half an hour waiting to take Carole and Burt to the airport.

"Yes, yes, okay. Just let us say goodbye to the twins and the boys then we'll be ready."

Burt was already lifting Payton out of his crib. "Alright little man, Gramps has to go home, but he'll be back to visit you and your sister soon."

"Gramps? When did you decide on what you wanted them to call you?" Kurt asked.

"Just now. I think Gramps suits me, don't you Carole?" Burt swapped babies, now taking Ari in his arms.

"I do. What about Grams for me? That's what I called my grandmother."

"I think they're both lovely." Blaine smiled, watching Burt and Carole say their goodbyes to the twins.

"Well Kiddo, I know I've already said this, but I'm going to say it again. I'm proud of you, of both of you and you're going to be great dads to these two lucky kids." Burt hugged both Blaine and Kurt tightly before stepping back to let Carole say goodbye.

"We love you boys and these two precious angels, and remember, we're only a phone call away if you need us, for anything."

"We love you too." Kurt hugged her tightly. "Don't forget to call when you land so we know you made it home safely."

"We will Kiddo. Love you."

"Love you too Dad."

"Ready?" Finn asked, standing with the doorknob in hand.

"Yep, lets get outta here before we really do miss our flight." Burt followed Finn and Carole out the door, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone with the twins.

"I'm exhausted and I haven't done anything today." Kurt sighed heavily as he took a seat in the chair, motioning for Blaine to join him.

"I know what you mean, but just sitting around can take a lot out of you." Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek as he got settled, letting Kurt rest his head on his chest.

They fell into a comfortable silence, only the occasional, content sigh from Kurt as Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair filled the room.

Blaine let his mind wonder to what it would be like once they got the twins home. Would time really fly by like everyone said it would? Exactly how much would having the twins really change their lives? Would they still be able to have their weekly date nights? Where would they take the twins on their first vacation? How would they work Christmas and the their birthdays since the twins were born on December 27th? He had a lot going through his mind when Kurt spoke. "What? I wasn't listening."

"I said, Sam told me you guys ran into Adam at the coffee shop this morning." Kurt laughed, kissing at Blaine's neck.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah we did."

"He also said it was awkward. Why was it awkward, or was that just a Sam thing?" Kurt sat up to where he could see into Blaine's eyes.

"Well it did seem a little awkward, but maybe that's because Adam was our barista?" Blaine really didn't want to talk about Adam right now.

"So that's what coffee shop he's working at. I knew he had gotten a job at a coffee shop, but New York is full of them, so I couldn't really narrow it down."

"You knew he was working at a coffee shop?"

"Yeah, we text occasionally, not often, just to check up with each other. Wait, does that bother you? That I text him?" Kurt searched Blaine's eyes for any sign of emotions, but wasn't able to tell what Blaine was feeling.

"No, no. It doesn't bother me, he's your friend Kurt, I'm not that guy who says you can't have other gay guy friends."

"Oh, good, because you know I love you and that I'd never do that to you. You do know that right?" Kurt could tell Blaine was holding back how he really felt, which he thought was weird because Blaine was friends with Adam now, especially after working on Les Mis together.

"I know, of course I know." Blaine did know. Kurt was stronger than him, he wouldn't make the same mistakes that Blaine did.

"You're holding back on me Blaine, I can tell there's something you're not telling me."

"It's nothing, really."


"Fine. It was just the way he acted today, like he was sizing up the competition or something. Even after I told him about the twins. It was just unsettling and I think even Finn picked up on it." Blaine confessed, letting out a frustrated sigh. He hated being the jealous husband, Kurt was his, they were married and had children, nothing was going to break them apart now.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry about him, okay? You're not going to lose me. When you married me, you signed on for life, those vows meant something to me, they meant forever." Kurt took Blaine's face in his hands, looking straight into his eyes. "I love you Blaine, I love you and our family and nothing, I mean nothing, is ever going to change that. You and me, we're forever Blaine, we're going to grow old together just like we always said we would."

"I know, I'm just being the stupid, jealous husband and I'm sorry. I guess there's still a little bit of that scared, clueless teenager in here." Blaine motioned to his heart.

"Good, I don't want you to ever lose that, not completely, that's the boy I fell in love with." Kurt smiled, leaning in until his forehead was touching Blaine's.

"I'm so glad you did. I love you." Blaine whispered, not needing to talk very loud.

"I love you." Kurt echoed, leaning in to place a firm kiss to Blaine's lips, one full of promise and love.

Before they could even separate, Ari starting crying, just waking up and probably in need of a changing.

"I'll get her." Kurt laughed against Blaine's cheek, placing a kiss there as well before standing up to attend to Ari's needs.

Blaine smiled, watching Kurt with their daughter. He knew that he and Kurt were forever, but he also knew that there would always be times when one or both of them maybe need a little reminder. It's okay to be a little insecure sometimes, it's only human and Blaine was just fine with that.


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