Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Three days after Lucy gave birth to the twins, she was released from the hospital. She was just on her way up to the NICU to see Kurt and Blaine when she ran into Cooper.
"Hey, you're Blaine and Kurt's friend Lucy right? You were their surrogate." Cooper smiled, proud of himself for remembering and extending his hand for Lucy to shake.
"Uh, yeah, that's me, and you're Cooper, Blaine's older brother. Did you just get here or-"
"Yeah, getting a flight in was harder than I expected, were you going to see them?"
"Yeah, they haven't left the hospital since the twins were born, I was just going to go let them know I was discharged today." Lucy said, leading Cooper to the elevator.
"Have they named them yet? I know Blaine had said something about waiting until they were born to name them."
"Yep, they picked out two of the cutest names, but I'll let them introduce you." Lucy grinned as they reached the NICU. "You have to keep your voice down in here, especially if the twins are sleeping. They'll kick you out if you're too loud and disturb the babies." She warned before opening the door to the room. "Hey guys, look who finally made it."
"Cooper! We were beginning to wonder if you got lost." Blaine had never been so happy to see his brother.
"It was harder to get a flight than I expected, but I'm here now and ready to meet my niece and nephew."
"Well then, sit down and we'll introduce you." Kurt chuckled, standing up to I've Cooper his seat.
"Alright, we'll do one at a time, this is Arianna Marie, or Ari for short." Blaine said, handing over the baby that he had been holding.
"She's so tiny." Cooper whispered in awe.
"She weighs 2 pounds and 7 ounces, and she's 19 inches long. She's actually gained 4 ounces since she was born so we're really happy about that."
"What's this mask for?" Cooper nodded to the breathing mask on her face.
"It's a CPAP, it keeps her breathing. She, well, they both have to wear them to help keep them breathing because of apnea." Kurt explained
"Is that bad, the apnea?"
"It could be, but no, not really. The doctor told us it was caused by their nervous and muscular systems being immature, as they get older and closer to the day they were actually due, the apnea will start to disappear and will eventually go away completely."
"But for now, they have to wear these masks to make sure they keep breathing." Blaine added. "Are you ready to meet the little guy?"
"Yeah, let's see him." Cooper handed Ari over to Kurt, ready I meet his nephew.
"This is Payton James Anderson-Hummel and he's a rowdy little thing." Blaine laughed as he handed Payton over to Cooper.
"He's tiny too. How much does he weigh?" 2 pounds and 14 ounces, he's gained 7 ounces since he was born, and he's 20 inches long."
"Hey Lucy, do you want to hold Ari?" Kurt asked, still holding the baby.
"Oh, I, uh, no. I-it's fine." Lucy stuttered. "I don't want to hurt her or anything thing."
"Are you sure? You can hold her, you won't break her."
"No, no, I'm sure. I'll wait until she's a little older and bigger, but thank you for asking."
"Alright, whatever you say." Kurt went to place Ari back onto her bed. "Your aunt Lucy is afraid she'll hurt you, she's silly isn't she Ari?"
"When will you guys get to take them home?" Cooper asked, handing Payton back to Blaine.
"The doctor said if everything goes well and they keep growing and getting stronger, we should get to take them home in about 45 days."
"That long? Really?"
"It's really not that long, especially for twins who were born at 29 weeks. But they're doing exceptionally well and the doctor is optimistic." Kurt said, leaning against Blaine's chair.
"Where did your parents go? I just realized they weren't here." Lucy asked.
"They went out for breakfast and went to the condo to pick up some things for us, they'll be back later. Did you get discharged today?" Blaine noticed Lucy wasn't wearing the hospital gown she had been wearing before.
"Yep, I'm a free woman. I was on my way up here to tell you guys when I ran into Cooper."
"I'm sure you're ready to get home and rest, aren't you?" Blaine asked.
"Well, I'm not going to say that doesn't sound appealing, but I think I'll hang around here for a little while, just in case you guys need anything."
"You don't have to do that Lucy, we know you must be tired, it's hard to get a decent amount of sleep in a hospital." Kurt didn't want Lucy to feel like she needed to stay.
"I know I don't have to stay, but I want to. You guys were so kind to me while I was pregnant, I want to return the favor. I'll be here if you need anything." Lucy said, leaving no room for discussion.
The four of them sat there for most of the morning, just talking and watching the twins sleep.
Around noon, James, Andrea, Burt, and Carole came back after their morning out.
"Glad to see you finally made it Cooper." James smiled when he saw his oldest son sitting in floor in between the twins' beds.
"I got here this morning. I would've been here sooner, but tickets were harder to find than you'd think."
"At least you're here now, that's what's important." Andrea said.
"Where's the boys?" Burt asked, looking around the room.
"They went with Lucy to the cafeteria, they'll be right back."
"And they trusted you to watch after the twins?" James tried not to sound surprised.
"Yes they did. I'm not completely childish you know, I can be a serious adult if I want." Cooper rolled his eyes.
"Mom, Dad! You're back!" Blaine, Kurt, and Lucy walked into the room, carrying enough food to feed a small army.
"Who is all that food for?" Carole asked.
"Us. There's four of us, and we all know Cooper could eat his body weight in food if he was hungry enough." Blaine replied, handing a tray to Cooper.
"Okay, if you say so. How have Ari and Payton done this morning? Any spells?" Carole changed the subject as she walked over to check on the twins.
"Ari had one earlier, but that was while the doctor was in here and had her off her CPAP. Payton did fine, and Doctor Jones thinks he'll be off of his in a few weeks, as long as he keeps progressing as well as he is now." Kurt went over everything the doctor had told them while he ate.
"What about Ari, when will she be able to lose the CPAP?" Burt asked.
"We're not sure, as soon as she can breathe in her own and these spells stop."
"They still have a long way to go, but they're strong, we're very proud of them." Blaine smiled, looking over at his kids. He felt a warmth spread through him every time he looked at them and he couldn't help but smile.
"They're just like their Daddy, they're brave, strong, and very courageous." Kurt looked at Blaine, reaching out to take his hand.
"Their Papa is the courageous one, they get that from you."
"You're pretty courageous, you've given me courage when I never thought possible."
"Do you want us to leave you two alone or are you going to acknowledge that your parents are in the room?" Burt asked, laughing when Kurt just rolled his eyes.
Blaine looked over to where Ari and Payton were sleeping, " your gramps is being silly."
The rest of the day was spent as a family. Even with the twins being in the hospital, it was one of the happiest days Blaine had Kurt had ever had. They had their son and daughter here, alive and getting stronger every day, they couldn't ask for anything else.