Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
The first full week of having Lucy stay with them was a little more stressful than Kurt and Blaine had expected. They hadn't really thought about Lucy being a moody, bedridden, 28 weeks pregnant woman and how that would affect them.
"I'm going to go crazy before she gives birth, I really am." Kurt said, running his hands through his hair. He and Blaine were sitting in the kitchen while Lucy was in the bathroom.
"Pregnant women are scary. Did you see the look she gave me when I mentioned going out to get lunch?" Blaine let his head fall to the table with a thump.
"Yeah, it was the same look she gave me when I suggested we do something other than watch a movie every single night. I know women get mood swings when they're pregnant, but this is ridiculous."
"What's ridiculous?" Lucy asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"Oh uh, nothing, I was just talking about uh-
"The prices for Marc Jacobs' new spring line, they're insanely high, and you know how Kurt loves his Marc Jacobs." Blaine jumped in with an answer, hoping his face didn't betray his lying.
"Oh, yeah, I'd say it is pretty expensive." Lucy smiled. "I'm sorry I've been so moody lately, I know you guys are probably sick and tired of me by now."
"What? No, no Lucy, we just- it's not something we're use to." Kurt rushed to assure her.
"Yeah, we understand, I'd be moody too if I had two human beings growing inside me, crushing my internal organs." Blaine agreed.
"I'll try to tone it down a little bit though, I'm getting on my own nerves." Lucy laughed, "Why don't we go play a board game or something? I saw a Candyland box in your coat closet, I loved that game when I was a kid."
"Sure, that sounds like fun. I'll go get the game while Blaine helps you to the couch, you're not even suppose to be standing." Kurt raised his eyebrow at her before heading down the hall to get the game.
"Come on, don't pay attention to him, I couldn't imagine having to just sit all day and not do anything."
"It's not that bad, I have you two for company so I'm never bored, and then I have these two munchkins who wouldn't let me be bored even if I wanted to be." Lucy pointed her stomach with a laugh.
"Have they been moving around a lot today?"
"Not yet, they like to wait until evening to start up, then they don't know how to stop."
"Alright, who's ready for some Candyland?" Kurt said as he walked into the living room.
"Just so you know, I kicked ass at this game when I was a kid." Lucy warned.
"Is that so? Well, I'll have you know that I never lost a game when I played with Cooper, even when he tried to cheat." Blaine challenged.
"Oh no, this isn't going to be pretty." Kurt mumbled under his breath. He knew how competitive Blaine was, he would do anything to win.
"Well then Mr. Anderson-Hummel, it looks like- ow." Lucy winced as one of the twins kicked her, hard.
"What was is? Did they kick you?" Blaine asked, worried that it could've been something worse.
"Yeah, the little rugrats are getting riled up, they must want to play too." Lucy said just as she felt another kick. "Hey now, not so hard kids, you're not busting out yet."
"Can I?" Blaine gestured to her stomach.
"Blaine Devon Anderson-Hummel, if you keep asking me to touch my stomach, I'm going to break your hand. You know you don't have to ask, they're your kids."
"Sorry, I just- wow, that was, that was my baby." Blaine looked over to Kurt with wide eyes. "Come here."
"Hey there kiddos, it's Papa again, and Daddy." Kurt spoke to Lucy's stomach.
"Do you think they can hear us?" Blaine asked Lucy.
"I don't know, but I talk to them all the time, it's good to talk to them before they're born."
"It's almost time to meet them, we're getting closer to the due date." Blaine said excitedly.
"We still have a while sweetie, she's only 28 weeks, don't get ahead of yourself." Kurt laughed.
"Yeah, yeah." Blaine rolled his eyes and turned back to Lucy's stomach. "Your Papa is being silly."
"Your Daddy is being silly." Kurt smiled.
"You're both being silly. I thought we were going to play Candyland so I can kick Blaine's ass?"
"Ah yes, that is what we were doing." Blaine said, standing back up.
"Oh boy, here we go. Maybe I should just let you two play this round, I don't want to get in the way." Kurt wasn't sure if he wanted to play with them, they could get feisty when it came to games like this.
"Oh no, you're playing, you're not getting out of it that easy Mister." Blaine grabbed Kurt's arm to keep him from taking off.
"Fine, but I'm going first."
Lazy days were their favorites, especially knowing that in just a short while they wouldn't have many, if any, lazy days. They were looking forward to meeting their twins though, if they had to give up their lazy days for anything, they're happy it's for their kids.