Gift of a Friend.
Third Trimester Blues. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Third Trimester Blues.

M - Words: 2,172 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
146 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: We haven't had much Kurt/Lucy interaction, so I thought I'd fix that. I also felt like it was a good time to discuss some important topics. I hope you all liked this one, the next chapter will be up in a few days! :D-Krystal :) x

Time flew by after the ultrasound. Everyone had places to go, meetings to be in, musical offers to think about. Before they knew it, it was December and Lucy was entering her third trimester.

The day of Lucy's month seven appointment also happened to be the final show for Les Mis. The musical was suppose to end in September, but it had done so well that they got extended to December.

Blaine and Kurt woke up before sunrise that morning, both exhausted.

"Not that I don't love having a job and performing every night, but I'm going to be very happy once this thing is over. I don't think I've ever been this tired before." Blaine groaned as he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Just wait until the twins get here, we'll be up most of the night with them."

"No. Our kids are going to be good and well behaved and let their daddies get the rest they need."

"Mhmm. Whatever you say sweetie." Kurt laughed, joining Blaine in the bathroom. "You need to move a little faster B, we have to meet Lucy at 7:00 and its 5:45."

"I'm tired Kurt, I'm moving as fast as I can."

"Just get through tonight and I promise, we'll take a well break." Kurt kissed Blaine's untamed curls before walking over to start a shower. "You first, I'm going to go call Lucy and make sure she's up."

"Alright. You're the best." Blaine sighed as he stepped under the warm water. He really needed to talk Kurt into giving him a massage.

After they both had showered, gotten dressed, and had breakfast, they were on their way to the subway station to meet Lucy.


"Good morning everyone, how are we doing this morning?" Doctor Jones asked when she walked into the room.

"Exhausted." Blaine said with a chuckle.

"These munchkins were moving around all night, I barely got any sleep." Lucy said.

"That's normal, they'll start moving around more now that we're getting closer to the end of your pregnancy because they're running out of room in there." Doctor Jones explained as she scribbled onto her chart. "Why don't we get this started so you can get out of here? I know tonight is the last show for your musical and I'm sure you want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Yeah, sounds good." Kurt said as he and Blaine stepped back out of the doctor's way.

Everything was going normal, as always, until Doctor Jones checked to see if Lucy had started dilating. "Have you had any contractions yet?"

"No, not really. Why, is something wrong?" Lucy could tell by the doctor's tone that something was not normal and it worried her.

"No, no, everything is fine, you just seem to be dilated more than you should be at this stage in the pregnancy, but its nothing to worry about." Doctor Jones assured her as she stood to throw her gloves in the trash and take notes on her chart. "I am going to have to confine you to bed rest. No activities, and I want to see you back in two weeks. If you do start feeling contractions, measure how far apart and how strong they are. If they get too bad, come in before your next appointment."

"Wait, is there something wrong with our twins?" Kurt wasn't following with what the doctor was saying.

"No, the twins are fine. We just need Lucy to take it easy." Doctor Jones assured him before turning to Lucy. "Is there anyone who can stay with you at home? You don't need to be alone."

"Um, well, I could ask-"

"You can stay at our condo, one of us is usually always there." Blaine suggested. He wanted Lucy to be with them if anything happened.

"What about tonight? You guys have the musical and-"

"I can stay with you. I don't do anything other than sit in the audience or if someone needs something stitched up, but I have an assistant." Kurt interrupted.

"But its closing night Kurt, I don't want you to miss it." Lucy was already hating being on bed rest.

"Nonsense, my family comes first."

"I'm going to recommend you taking a cab home, I don't want her walking through the crowded subway station." Doctor Jones said, closing her file and standing up.

"Okay, we can do that. I'll call for one right now, if we're finished." Blaine said.

"We're done. I'll have a nurse being a wheelchair for you to use to get to the cab. Just have them pull up to the drop off zone."

"Okay, thank you Doctor."

"We'll see you in two weeks unless you need to come in before then, okay?"

"Alright, thank you." Lucy smiled as Doctor Jones left the room to go find a nurse to bring them a wheelchair. "Ugh! This sucks, I can't do anything."

"It could be worse, just be glad it's just bed rest." Kurt said, helping her sit up.

"The cab will be here in ten minutes." Blaine said, pocketing his phone.

"Okay, why don't you take her to the condo, and I can go to her apartment and get what she needs from there." Kurt suggested.

"That's a good idea."

"I have a bag packed, it's sitting right inside my closet. I wanted to be prepared for anything, so I packed just in case."

"If you need anything else, just call me, I'll have my phone on." Kurt helped Blaine get her off the bed once the nurse rolled a wheelchair in.

"I will. Thank you guys, I was hoping I'd be able to go full term with no bed rest."

"Don't worry about it, we want you and the twins to be as healthy and safe as possible, we'll do anything we can to help you."

"I'm going to go ahead and head to her apartment, can you get her from here?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"Yeah, I got it."

Kurt left Blaine and Lucy in the room to wait on the cab, deciding to take the subway to Lucy's apartment so it would go faster. The ride gave him time to think about what the doctor had said. If Lucy was already starting to dilate, then there was a pretty big probability that the twins would be born early. But what if they're born too early? No, he can't think about that now, right now he needs to focus on getting Lucy's stuff and making her as comfortable as possible in their condo, everything else can wait.


When Kurt gets back to the condo, he finds Blaine and Lucy on the couch, asleep. He smiles and walks over to wake Blaine.

"Kurt? Oh, hey, you're home." Blaine whispers sleepily, sitting up and stretching.

"Yeah, I put Lucy's bag against the wall for now, we'll worry about putting it somewhere else later. How long have you guys been here?" Kurt asked.

"About an hour, maybe an hour and a half. As soon as we got here she fell asleep." Blaine nodded to where Lucy was still sleeping.

"Let her sleep, she said the twins kept her awake last night, she's probably exhausted. What time are you leaving to get to the theatre?"

"Around one or two, I want to get there in time to explain to Josh why you're not there."

"Good idea. Are you hungry? I can make us some sandwiches."

"Uh, I- yeah, I could go for a sandwich." Blaine hadn't noticed how hungry he was, but he hasn't eaten today.

"Alright, sit tight, I'll bring it to you when I get it made. Is lemonade okay to drink?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Thank you Kurt."

"You don't have to thank me silly." Kurt laughed, kissing Blaine forehead before walking into the kitchen to make their lunch.


Lucy woke up about half an hour after Blaine left for the theatre.

"Hey, you feel better?" Kurt asked, noticing her moving to sit up.

"Uh, yeah, I do actually. How long was I asleep?"

"A few hours. Blaine's already left. I got your bag, if you need anything else, we can get it tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you Kurt. I could've called someone to stay with me, but I appreciate you guys letting me crash here."

"Having you here takes some of the worry off of us. Besides, we said we would do anything we could to help you through this."

"Well I really do appreciate it." Lucy smiled. "Ugh, I need to use the bathroom."

Kurt moved to help her up and down the hall to the guest bathroom. Once she was safely seated back on the couch he asked her if she was hungry.

"I think I just want some fruit or something, I have to be careful with what I eat."

"That's fine, what kind of fruit do you want?"

"Do you have any peaches? Peaches are safe."

"I'm sure we do, Blaine loves peaches, he likes to keep them around. I'll go check."

"Well that explains why I've been craving peaches, these little rugrats are just like their daddy, they love peaches." Lucy laughed, leaning back and propping her feet up.

Kurt returned shortly with a bowl of peaches and a glass of water. "I wasn't sure what you wanted to drink, so I thought water would be the safest choice."

"It's fine, thank you." Lucy said, taking the food from Kurt. "So, have you guys talked about who is going to be Dad and who is going to be Papa? Or do you have other names picked out for yourselves?"

"Oh, uh, we haven't exactly discussed it, but I think Blaine wants to be called Daddy, and I really like Papa, but we'll see once they get here I guess."

"I think you definitely look like a Papa. Papa Kur- oh." Lucy was interrupted by one of the twins kicking her stomach.

"What's wrong? Do you-"

"I'm fine. Come here, I want you to feel this." Lucy motioned him over, sitting her bowl on the coffee table.

"What is- oh." Kurt stopped when Lucy put his hand on her stomach just as she received another kick.

"I think you got a couple of soccer stars in the making. Or football kickers, which ever they want to be."

"That's- wow. Doesn't that hurt?"

"Not really, it's more bothersome than painful. They like to kick all night and sleep during the day."

"No wonder you can't sleep, that would drive me crazy." Kurt laughed, moving his hand from Lucy's stomach.

"I've kind of gotten use to it, they were really active last night though. That was the worst night I've had with them."

Kurt leaned down to where his face was near Lucy's stomach. "Hey kiddos, you should cut your mom some slack, she needs her rest. Could you do that for Papa?"

Lucy just laughed and rubbed her stomach. "Something tells me they're not going to listen, but good effort Kurt."

"It was worth a shot."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything."

"You called me their mom, I know I'm their biological mother, but I'm not going to be their mom. What am I going to be to them?"

"You can be whatever you want to be. If you want to be their mother, then you'll be their mother. It's up to you, they are yours biologically."

"I don't want to be their mother. They're yours and Blaine's kids, not mine. Maybe I'll be their crazy aunt Lucy."

"If that's what you want to be, then that's what you'll be. Although I'm not so sure about the crazy part, you're pretty sane compared to most people I know."

"Talk to me after they're born and see how sane I am."

"You'll do great. Do you want to watch a movie or something? We have quite a collection."

"Sure, but don't be surprised if I fall asleep in the middle of it."

"Okay. I'll put one in then go get you some blankets and pillows, if you need anything, just let me know."

"I will, thank you Kurt."

"Don't mention it." Kurt smiled, getting up to put in a movie.

Lucy did fall asleep somewhere around the halfway point of the movie, Kurt just smiled and put adjusted the blanket. He couldn't explain it, but having Lucy here, at their condo made him feel safer, like he knew exactly what was going on with his twins, and knowing he'd be there if she needed him, made him feel like a real parent.


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