Gift of a Friend.
The Ultrasound. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: The Ultrasound.

M - Words: 1,604 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I want to apologize for not making that doctor's visit sound very professional, but I've never been to an ultrasound appointment before, and I don't really know how they go, so I did the best I could with what little knowledge I do have on the subject. Other than that, I hope you could enjoy the chapter. I know mesined reviewed and said 2 boys would be nice, but this was written in advance, so I hope I didn't disappoint you too much. Anyway, I hope everyone liked this chapter, and I'll update in a few days!-Krystal :) x

The two weeks until the ultrasound passed faster than Kurt or Blaine expected. They were in the final week of Les Mis so they didn't have time to really discuss the appointment until the day of. They took the subway with Lucy so she wouldn't have to walk.

"Are you guys excited?" Lucy asked as they stepped off the subway, heading for the stairs to take them back up into the city.

"I'm actually kind of nervous, I don't know why though." Kurt frowned, he had been excited the night before when he and Blaine were talking to their parents who were meeting them at the hospital.

"That's normal, it's okay to be nervous, these are your children." Lucy assured him that his feelings were nothing to worry about.

"You're quiet, is something wrong?" Kurt glanced over at Blaine who hadn't said a word since they got on the subway.

"No, no, I'm fine." Blaine smiled.

Kurt raised an eyebrow at him, not really believing him, but not wanting to push the subject since they were walking up to the hospital door.

They met their parents and Rachel and Finn inside before heading to the desk to get Lucy checked in.

"I'm glad you're here Rachel, I wasn't sure if you were coming or not." Kurt smiled as he hugged her.

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm here, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Rachel said, returning the hug.

Blaine couldn't help but smile at his family and friends here to support him and Kurt, it meant a lot to him.

"Hey kid, why are you so quiet?" James asked his son once everyone had finished with their hellos.

"I- I don't know, it's just a big day. I'm just taking it all in I guess."

"I was the same way when your mother was pregnant with her brother. Being a first time father is a big deal, but you and Kurt will be great at it, so smile a little, you're going to get to see your kids in a little bit."

"Thanks Dad, I'm really glad you're able to be here for this."

"Me too kid, me too." James said as they all headed back the hall to the room where the ultrasound would take place.

"Nervous?" Burt asked Kurt as they walked.

"A little. That's normal though, right?" Kurt looked to his dad for reassurance.

"Absolutely. I was nervous when your mom had this ultrasound with you, it's a big deal."

"Yeah, yeah it is." Kurt sighed as they pushed open the door and walked into the room. It was like the moment of truth, sure they'd had an ultrasound done before, but this was different, it really hit both Kurt and Blaine that they were going to be dads.

"Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel, Lucy, it's good to see you again. How are you today?" The doctor asked with a smile when she walked into the room.

"Nervous and excited." Blaine answered with a laugh.

"I see you have quite the audience here, is this your family?" She asked as she worked to prepare the machine and Lucy.

"Uh yes, these are our parents, my step-brother, and best friend." Kurt pointed everyone out as an introduction.

"It's really cool that you are all here for this, I know for a lot of parents this ultrasound is in the top three most important parts of pregnancy. How are you all feeling?"

"Excited, right Finn?" Rachel was the first to answer.

"Totally." Finn agreed.

"We're happy to be here for this." Andrea answered second.

"It's an important moment for our boys, we just want to be here to support them." Carole responded.

"Alright then. Are you ready Lucy?"

"Yep, let's do this."

"Okay, this is going to be cold." The doctor warned before squeezing the gel onto Lucy's stomach. She moved the wand over Lucy's stomach, stopping here and there to take down a few notes in her chart. "Everything looks normal, they seem to be growing properly and they appear to be very healthy. I guess I should ask, are we announcing genders today or are we waiting?"

"Can you tell yet?" Blaine asked. He hadn't gotten to talk to Kurt about his change of heart in wanting to find out their twins' genders.

"Yes, definitely, but do you guys want to know yet?"

"I do. I think Kurt and Blaine want to wait, but I want to know what I'm carrying, so when I'm at home and I go to talk to them, I will know what to call them." Lucy explained, turning to Kurt and Blaine to see what they wanted.

"If it's alright with the boys, we'd like to know as well, they're are grandchildren." Andrea looked to Kurt and Blaine for approval.

"Anyone who doesn't want to know can go into the hall for a few minutes, it won't take very long." The doctor said, thinking it would be easier.

"That's a good idea, come on Blaine." Kurt was already moving towards the door, he noticed Blaine wasn't following him. "Blaine?"

"I-I know we said we wanted to wait, but I just don't think I can Kurt. I mean, if you do that's fine, but I can't, I'm sorry." Blaine felt bad because this was something they had agreed on, but he just couldn't stand to wait until they're born.

"It's fine sweetie, we said that if one of us wanted to know and the other didn't, we'd be okay with that." Kurt smiled and walked back over to Blaine, cupping his cheek.

"Aren't you going to go out there? I thought you wanted the surprise." Blaine asked when Kurt stayed put.

"I did want the surprise, but I really don't think I can stand waiting that long, and besides, our family is here and I want to share this with them, so I'm staying."

"Well then, let's do this shall we?" The doctor picked the wand back up and placed it to Lucy's stomach. "Okay, here's baby one, and here's baby two, do you see them?"

"Yeah." Kurt nodded.

"Okay, if you look right here, you can see that baby one is definitely a boy, you can see the penis." She pointed to the screen.

"I can see it." Blaine said excitedly, squeezing Kurt's hand. "We're having a boy!"

"I can't see it." Kurt frowned, squinting his eyes but no matter how he looked at it, it still looked like a little gray and black blob.

"Are you ready for baby number two?"

"Yes please." Blaine was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Look right here, this is where we'd see the penis if this was a boy, there's nothing there, so this one is a girl."

"I can't tell the difference." Kurt admitted, "It all looks like a grey and black blob to me."

"You're not the first person to walk in here and say that, a lot of people have difficulty seeing the babies in ultrasounds." The doctor said, "You'll get copies of this, just go home and look at it closely, you'll be able to see it."

"You were right." Blaine turned to Kurt with a smile.

"I usually am Blaine, what was I right about this time?"

"You said that one was a boy and one was a girl, you were right."

"I did say that, didn't I? I knew it!"

"I'll go get everyone copies of this, I'll be right back." The doctor said as she left the room, leaving the family to take in the news.

"Can you believe it? We're having a boy and a girl!" Kurt looked to his dad and Carole.

"That's great kiddo, we're happy for you."

"I'm going to be an uncle." Finn blurted. "It just hit me, I'm going to be an uncle."

"You'll be a great uncle Finn, don't worry." Rachel patted his arm.

"Mom, Dad, what do you think?" Blaine asked, waiting on his parents to comment.

"We couldn't be happier Blaine. Congratulations sweetheart." Andrea wiped a tear that threatened to fall, from her eye before pulling Blaine into a hug.

"Lucy, you haven't said anything, what are you thinking?" Kurt asked.

"I'm excited for you guys, I can't wait for you to meet them." She answered, rubbing her stomach as she talked.

"Alright guys, here's the pictures and the dvds, Lucy, be sure to stop at the front desk and schedule your next appointment before you go." The doctor handed everything to Kurt and Blaine when she reentered the room. "Is there anything else before I let you guys out of here?"

"I don't think so." Kurt looked around the room at his family to see if they had any questions.

"Well then, we'll see you at the next appointment, if you have any questions before then, you know how to get a hold of me."

"Thank you Doctor, we'll see you next time."


That night, after going out for dinner to celebrate, Kurt and Blaine were at home, getting ready for bed.

"Are you glad we went ahead and found out what we're having?" Blaine asked as they did their nightly skincare routine.

"I am actually. It makes it seem more real, you know?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean, it's not just 'the twins' or 'the babies' anymore, it's 'our son and daughter'."

"That gave me chills." Kurt laughed, dabbing a towel across his face.

"Four more months and we'll get to meet them in person, we'll get to hold them." Blaine sighed happily at the thought of holding his children for the first time.

"I can't wait." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's temple before walking over and getting into bed.

Blaine followed, turning out the lamp before rolling over to face Kurt. "Me either." He said and gave Kurt a closed mouthed kiss before wrapping his arms around him and falling asleep.


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