Gift of a Friend.
Preparing for the Nursery. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Preparing for the Nursery.

M - Words: 829 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
308 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: super short chapter, kind of a filler chapter, not going lie. I hope you enjoy it anyway. :)

Blaine insisted on working on the nursery instead of spending the rest of the week with Cooper. Kurt really couldn't say no to working on the nursery because the furniture they ordered would be arriving in a couple days and they needed to get everything moved out and get working on the painting.

"Okay, so the moving truck will be here in three hours, we need to get this stuff dismantled and ready to move to the storage unit by then." Kurt walked into the guest room, having just got off the phone with the moving company.

"Think we can get it done by then?" Blaine asked, already working on getting the sheets off the bed and getting it ready to move out.

"As long as we keep working and don't get distracted." Kurt said with a smirk as he walked over to the dresser to start working on taking it apart.

"What are you trying to say?" Blaine gave Kurt an innocent look.

"You know exactly what I'm trying to say Blaine." Kurt rolled his eyes and chuckled. "When you finish with the bed, you can move the t.v. into our room."

"Yes sir." Blaine said playfully before turning back to continue working on the bed.

By the time the moving truck arrived three hours later, the had dismantled everything in the room that could be dismantled and had it all packed up, ready to be taken to storage.

On their way to the storage unit, they discussed how they were going to go about painting the room to get it ready for the babies' stuff.

"It's a relatively small room, I think we'll be able to get it done in two days if we both work on it." Kurt said as they drove.

"I hope so, the furniture will be here in two days and we don't have anywhere to store it until we get the room finished."

"We'll start as soon as he get home, as long as we stay focused, everything will turn out fine." Kurt assured Blaine as the driver pulled into the storage lot.

"This shouldn't take too long, we don't have five floors to go up and down this time." Blaine joked, pulling boxes from the truck.

"I seem to remember it being easier when we moved in than it was this time. Maybe we're just getting old."

"Us? Old? Never." Blaine laughed, helping Kurt with one of the heavier boxes.

They got everything unloaded and safely stacked inside the storage unit in a little less than two hours. They thanked the driver and let him know they'd walk home because they wanted to stop and get lunch first.

"The weather is surprisingly good, we should get our food and eat in the park." Blaine suggested.

"Good idea, we haven't had a lunch date in the park in a long time."

Food in hand, they headed to the nearest park bench, watching all the families going for mid day walks in the park with their kids.

"That's going to be us before you know it." Blaine pointing to a couple pushing two strollers along the sidewalk.

"It seems like time is just flying by. Lucy's already in her second trimester, she's four months into her pregnancy."

"I know, it's hard to believe isn't it?"

"Very. We're going to have real human babies to care for in less than five months, it's kind of frightening really." Kurt said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"You're not having second thoughts about this are you? Because we can't back out now, it's a done deal." Blaine asked worriedly.

"No, no, I'm not, it's just scary to think that we're going to be responsible for two human lives for at least eighteen years."

"It is kind of scary, but we'll manage." Blaine smiled as Kurt reached across the table to take his hand.

"I love you so much, and our babies. We're going to be great parents."

"I love you too Kurt, and yes we will." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand.

"Why don't we get going do we can start working on the painting? If we get started as soon as we get home, we should be able to get a lot done today." Kurt said, standing up and pulling Blaine with him.

"That sounds great. I can't wait to see the finished product, it's going to be amazing."

"Well of course it is, we're the ones doing it." Kurt laughed, swinging his and Blaine's hands as they walked. It might be frightening to think about being responsible for two other human beings, but the excitement about being a father and sharing this experience with Blaine, is stronger than the fear. They'll find a way to be the best parents they can, and Kurt can't wait to meet their twins.

End Notes: The next chapter will be a little longer, it will be the delivery of the nursery furniture. :) And for those worried about Cooper and Blaine, they will have a discussion in chapter 21, so don't lose hope in them just yet.-Krystal :) x


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I know this chapter was just a filler but it was enjoyable and super cute so I'm glad that you put it in the story. I always love seeing Blaine and Kurt being a little flirty and thiswas just tje perfect place to put that. I hope we get more cute Kurt and Blaine moments in the future. I'm looking foward to reading about setting up the nursery, and the things that the boys talk about while setting it up. I also can't wait fo the Cooper and Blaine talk. Super cute chapter! I loved it! Update soon!Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. Sorry if there are any typos. I wrote this review without my glasses( they are currently lost). :(

I'm really glad you like it, even though it was a tiny little thing. I thought would be a nice little chapter to use, I had written it to go with another chapter and it just didn't fit, so I just decided to use it as a filler chapter. Flirty Kurt and Blaine are fun to write, and I thought it went well here and I haven't really had much flirty Klaine in this story, so I thought, what the heck. Next chapter will be the nursery furniture arrival, it's actually one of my favorite chapters and I'm very excited for people to get to read it! As I was writing it, I couldn't believe it was coming from me. I'll try to update it either today or tomorrow, we'll see how the day goes. It's been storming off and on here and our internet is spotting because of it. -Krystal :) xP.S. Oh no! I hope you either find them soon or get a new pair! I couldn't imagine having to go without my glasses.