Gift of a Friend.
The Beginning of Family vs. Career. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: The Beginning of Family vs. Career.

M - Words: 1,198 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
321 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes:

Kurt and Blaine's parents decide to stay for the whole week so they can spend time with their sons and Lucy.

Carole and Andrea made plans to take Lucy shopping for maternity clothes while Kurt and Blaine were with James and Burt at the theatre getting stuff ready for the show that night.

"This is so nice so nice of you guys, I've already had to start wearing looser pants." Lucy said as they walked through the mall, trying to pick a store to go into first.

"You're carrying our grandchildren, we want to help in any way we can." Andrea gave her a smile.

"And shopping for maternity clothes is a lot less stressful when you do it with other women, the men just don't understand." Carole added.

"I was in need of new clothes, it doesn't look like I'm showing much, but I've definitely grown."

"Well now you won't have to worry about it, that's what we're here for." Andrea said as she led Lucy and Carole into a store.

"Hello and welcome to Veronique, my name is Mindy, if you need help with anything, just let me know and I'll be happy to assist you in any way I can." The sales-woman gave them a bright, cheery smile.

"We'll need a changing room when she's ready." Andrea informed her before heading towards the pants section. Lucy and Carole were already browsing through the jeans.

"These are kind of pricey, maybe we should-"

"Don't worry about the price, just get whatever you need." Andrea interrupted her, replacing a pair of jeans back to the rack.

"What about these?" Carole held up a pair of cute, light blue jeans.

"Those are lovely." Lucy took them with a grateful smile and added them to the pile she already had.

Two hours later, they left the mall with multiple bags full of clothes and decided to stop and eat before taking them back to Lucy's apartment.

"So you're eight weeks along now, right?" Carole asked while they ate.

"Yes. It doesn't seem like it's been that long though, but it has."

"I'm sure the boys have thanked you for doing this, but I want to thank you as well. You really are a great friend to the boys, they're lucky to have you." Andrea hoped Lucy understood just how thankful she was for her doing this.

"It's nothing really. I'm happy they thought of me in the first place, I'm honored."

"If you need anything, just let us know. I'm a nurse, so if there's anything you want or need to talk about, you can call me any time." Carole smiled, she can see why the boys love Lucy so much, she's a lovely girl.

"Thank you so much Carole, you too Andrea, you're making me feel like part of your family and I can't express how thankful I am for that."

"You're more than welcome sweetie, as far as we're concerned, you are family, right Andrea?"

"Absolutely." Andrea reached across the table to squeeze Lucy's hand. "We should probably get going so we can get these clothes put away before we have to leave for the show."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, it's going to take a while to get this stuff put away."

They dumped their trash and gathered the bags before heading back to Lucy's house, satisfied with how their day ended.

That night, after the performance, Lucy went backstage to see Kurt and Blaine.

"Hey Lucy, I see you survived shopping with our moms." Blaine hugged her and let her into his dressing room.

"Yep, we had a great time, your parents are lovely people."

"You didn't live with them, you haven't seen them on their bad days." Kurt said, walking into the room.

"Oh come on, they aren't that bad Kurt." Lucy laughed.

"We'll agree to disagree. Is that a new outfit?" Kurt asked, changing the subject.

"Mhmm, I got quite a few new outfits today. I needed them, all of my clothes were starting to get too small for me."

"You'll probably start showing soon, like really showing." Blaine said excitedly.

"It won't be too long, all of my old pants are too tight, these munchkins are growing like weeds." Lucy smiled as she rubbed her stomach, something she had started doing a lot recently.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Blaine yelled.

"I figured you'd be here. Blaine, Kurt, this is Ray Mills, he wants to to talk to you for a second if you don't mind, it won't take too long." Josh introduced the older man who was standing beside him.

"Of course, come in, have a seat."

"I'm going to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Lucy excused herself while Ray got seated.

"Alright, goodnight Lucy." Kurt showed her out before joining Blaine to see what this man had to say.

"Thank you. First, I want to say how much I enjoyed the show, Blaine, you are an amazing performer. Kurt, your designs are some of the best I've ever seen, and I've been doing this a while. However, that's not the reason I'm here, at least, not completely."

"Thank you sir, we really appreciate your kind words."

"I've talked to a few people, trying to do my research on the two of you before I came to see you and I found out that Kurt also went to school for musical theatre. Why aren't you performing?"

"Oh, I uh- well, I couldn't find anything and this job just kind of fell into my lap. It keeps me so busy that I haven't even thought about performing."

"Would you like to perform?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. I'd like to make you boys an offer, I'm directing a new show called Dominion of Thieves, it's kind of a play on Robin Hood. It's going on Broadway next year and I think you two would be perfect for my two male leads, if you want them that is. There would be no auditioning, if you want the parts, they're yours."

"A-are you serious?" Blaine couldn't believe he was being serious, things like this just don't happen.

"Very serious son."

"I-I- we-"

"I don't need an answer today, I just wanted to let you know before someone else came in and got you to do their musical." Ray said, standing up and walking towards the door. "Just think about it."

"Thank you Mr. Mills, we'll talk it over and let you know." Kurt shook his hand, accepting the business card he was handed.

Once Ray left, Blaine turned to Kurt. "Can you believe it? Broadway. Male leads. Broadway!"

"I heard him Blaine, we need to really think about it though. The twin will be here around February, then we'll have them to think about as well. Our responsibilities as parents come first."

"You're right, that's just a big opportunity. I'm sure we can work something out." Blaine smiled. No matter what kind of amazing opportunities they get offered in the future, their family will always come first.

They went straight home that night, both exhausted from the long day. They fell asleep to thoughts of kids and Broadway, finding a way to balance their family life and careers would be a hard thing to do, but they'll find a way.

End Notes: Sooooo Blaine and Kurt have been offered roles for a new, upcoming Broadway show!! This idea won't be coming back for a while, but keep it in mind, I put it in here for a reason! :)-Krystal :) x


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aahhhh!!!!! =DDDDD

:D I'm glad you liked this chapter! :D-Krystal :) x

Loved this chapter! I'm so happy Lucy got her girl time. I remember going to stores and shopping for maternity clothes for my mom with her, it was so much fun and this brought all those awesome memories back (I have a sister 10 years younger than me). I am also extremely happy to hear about the offer that Ray gave to the boys ( I am confused how he knew that Kurt had a good voice though, I mean he hasn't heard his voive right. Kurt's voice is a very different and unique so I'm just wondering.), and I hope they take the job and that we get to hear more about it. I'm also super excited that we are going to be getting the babies part now! I can just imagine how fun those scenes are going to be! Update soon!Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. I remember you saying in the last story that you had forgotten about Lucy, just imagine how different this story would be without her as a character (random thought that just popped into my mind, it happens sometimes).

In my mind, Lucy and Rachel aren't that close so I wanted Lucy to have some time without the boys and what better way to do that than with Carole and Andrea. (I can see Carole and Andrea becoming super close to Lucy and thinking of her as a daughter.) With Ray's offer, he done some research on Kurt, and found that he graduated from NYADA, and has watched some Adam's Apples performances to hear Kurt's voice. It wasn't really mentioned because this isn't going to be the main focus of the story for a while, and I didn't want to get too much information thrown in there for people to have to try and remember for later. This was just the basic meeting of "Oh here's an offer" and then later on down the road (probably after the twins are born or right before) we'll bring this storyline back. I just wanted to go ahead and establish the character and the new musical so I can write Kurt and Blaine as having that offer in the back of their minds as they move forward in their careers. :) I'm so excited to get to the baby stuff now! Because of the time jumps I'm putting in, we're getting super close to Lucy's next ultrasound so that's a topic of discussion. It's going to be so fun to write everything (not that it hasn't been fun before). I'm just really happy about the baby stuff! :D-Krystal :) xP.S. I don't even want to think about how this story would have turned out without her. I'm very thankful to you for asking about her and helping me remember that she is in fact a character, this story wouldn't be happening like it is without Lucy.