Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
The trip to Ohio left both Kurt and Blaine in a good mood when they returned to New York. However, Monday morning rolled around faster than Kurt would have liked.
"Kurt, Kurt wake up."
"No." Kurt groaned, throwing a pillow over his face.
"You have to, you have open auditions today." Blaine was standing over Kurt, trying not to laugh.
"Shut up."
"I made pancakes." Blaine offered, knowing it would work.
"Of course."
Kurt sighed and pushed the blankets away, he couldn't resist blueberry pancakes.
"I figured that would work. I'll go ahead and get your coffee ready." Blaine helped Kurt to his feet before he turned around and headed back to the kitchen while Kurt got ready.
"How do I look?" Kurt asked when he stepped into the kitchen ten minutes later.
"Dashing, like always."
"I thought you took the day off." Kurt noted, seeing Blaine dressed in his khakis and black work polo.
"We're short staffed today so I offered to go in."
"Hmm. Well, don't work too hard." Kurt didn't quite believe him, but he let it slide.
"I won't." Blaine smiled. "I should be home before you are so is there anything special you want for dinner?"
"No, that's fine. I'll pick up pizza or something and maybe we can have a date night in, we haven't done that in a while."
"That sounds amazing Kurt. I gotta run, have fun at work." Blaine leaned in to kiss Kurt.
"I'll try, open auditions can be pretty scary, you never know what's going to walk through those doors." Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, burrying his face in Blaine's neck.
"Kurt, I have to go." Blaine laughed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck.
"I know, so do I." Kurt said, but didn't let go of Blaine.
"Someone's clingy this morning. What brought this on?"
"I just want to go back to bed and cuddle, Monday's suck."
"Yes they do, and as tempting as that souds, I really need to go or I'll be late." Blaine said, slipping out of Kurt's embrace.
"Yeah, me too. Josh will kill me if I'm not there."
Blaine took Kurt's hand as they headed for the elevator. "Tonight we'll go to bed early so we can cuddle all we want."
That night, just as Blaine promised, they went to bed long before they usually did. Kurt was laying on his back with Blaine curled into his side.
"How did auditions go? Blaine asked after a long period of silence.
"They could've been worse I guess. No one really stood out though." Kurt said, running his hand through Blaine's loose curls.
"I'm sure you'll find someone tomorrow."
"I hope so. Josh is going crazy as it is, if we don't find someone-"
"You will."
"How do know that?" Kurt asked, his voice a little harsher than he meant it to be.
"I just have a feeling."
"Oh, do you now? What are you, a magic 8 ball?"
Blaine laughed. "No, but I do have a good feeling about it, so don't worry, everything will work out." He said into Kurt's chest. If Kurt only knew his plan.
"If you're not too busy at the coffee shop tomorrow, you should stop by and make sure Josh hasn't went on a killing spree and murdered the entire cast and crew."
"Auditions are from 1-5 right?"
"Yeah. What's your time schedule for tomorrow?"
"6-1. I'll see if I can stop by after work, it's not that far away." Blaine was trying not to give himself away, he didn't want Kurt to suspect anything.
"Okay, just let me know tomorrow."
"Mkay, I will." Blaine said with a yawn.
"Jus' a little."
Kurt just laughed and pulled Blaine closer. "You have to be up early tomorrow, get some sleep."
"Okay. Love you Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine, sweet dreams."
The next day, Blaine called Lucy and invited her to go to the auditions with him. He nor Kurt had seen her since they got back to New York and he wanted to check up on her.
"Does Kurt know you're going to be there?" Lucy asked as they left the coffee shop and headed towards the theatre.
"Nope, not to audition anyway. I told him I might come visit him."
"You boys and your surprises." Lucy laughed.
"We've been like this since high school. it's kind of our thing."
"You guys are too cute, seriously, you make everyone else look bad."
"That's not our intention, we just like to surprise each other."
"I've noticed. I guess I should've asked, how's your dad?"
"He's a lot better. They let him come home this time which is great news. He hates hospitals."
"Blaine, that's amazing!" Lucy smiled and squeezed Blaine's arm.
"Yeah, it's progress but he's still got a long way to go. We uh, we told our parents about the baby."
"You did? What did they say?"
"They're all happy for us. I think it kind of shocked them though."
"So they're okay with it or no?"
"Oh yes, they're more than okay with it. They know that we want this and that we're as ready as we'll ever be, it just kind of came out of nowhere for them."
"That's good. I know you and Kurt will be amazing parents, this little one is very lucky." Lucy said, patting her still flat stomach.
"Thanks Lu-Lu." Blaine said as they entered the theatre.
"So where do you-"
"Blaine? Lucy? What are you doing here?" Adam had just came around the corner when he saw them walk in.
"Adam, hey. Uh, I'm here for the open auditions, Lucy just came with me."
"Oh, Kurt didn't mention-"
"He doesn't know, it's a surprise."
"Ahh. Well, we've had a slow day, not many people seem to want to audition. I'll show you to the stage." Adam smiled. He knew right then that they had found their Marius.
"Thanks Adam."
"I'm going to go sit in the audience. I'll find you later, break a leg." Lucy hugged Blaine before she went to find a seat.
"You do have a song prepared don't you?" Adam asked as he walked Blainne to the stage.
"Yeah, I'm doing Empty Chairs at Empty Tables."
"Good choice, you'll do great. Break a leg."
"Thanks man." Blaine smiled. He was glad that everything had worked out between him, Kurt and Adam, he was a good friend to them.
"Next!" Josh's voice rang out.
Blaine took a deep breath before stepping out onto the stage. He heard Kurt gasp, but couldn't see him because of the bright lights.
"Blaine Anderson-Hummel."
"And what will you be singing today Mr. Anderson-Hummel?" Josh asked.
"Empty Chairs at Empty Tables."
"Alright, whenever you're ready."
Blaine had learned the entire score on piano as a child, so he to do his own accompaniment.
"There's a grief that can't be spoken.
there's a pain that goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
now my friends are dead and gone.
Here they talked of revolution
here it was they lit the flame.
Here they sang about 'tomorrow'
and tomorrow never came
From the table on the corner
they could see a world reborn.
And they rose with voices ringing
I can hear them now!
The very words that they had sung
became their last communion
on the lonely barricade at dawn.
Oh my friends, my friends forgive me
that I love and you are gone.
There's a grief that can't be spoken
there's a pain goes on and on.
Phantom faces at the window
phantom shadows on the floor.
Empty chairs at empty tables
where my friends will meet no more.
Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me
what your sacrifice was for.
Empty chairs at empty tables
where my friends will meet no more."
The last note died out, but Blaine stayed where he was.
"That was- thank you Blaine." Josh was blown away by that performance. He knew he'd found his Marius.
"Thank you for your time." Blaine said before walking off the stage.
"Hey Blaine, wait." Adam called after him.
"You sounded amazing. Josh liked you, I can tell."
"Oh, uh, you think so?"
"Definitely. That performance was Broadway worthy, I'd say you'll get the part."
"Wow, thanks Adam. I hope you're right, I'd love to be a part of this musical."
"We'd be lucky to have you. I've gotta run, see ya around." Adam headed down the hall, leaving Blaine on the lobby of the theatre.
"Hey, there you are, Kurt said to wait, he's almost ready to leave." Lucy said, walking up to Blaine.
"But they still have two hours left for auditons."
"I don't think they care, they've found their Marius."
"They did?"
"Yes silly, you killed it out there Blaine. You need to give yourself some credit."
"Oh, I-I-"
"She's right, you were fantastic." Kurt was smiling as he walked over to them. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I wanted to surprise you." Blaine said.
"Well it worked." Kurt pulled Blaine in for a hug.
"So it was good? I did good?" Blaine asked, hugging Kurt back.
"You were-"
"Amazing." Josh interrupted. "Why didn't you tell me your husband could sing Kurt?"
"I didn't know he was interested in the part, he never mentioned it to me."
"Well, if you want the part, it's yours." Josh said to Blaine. "I've been directing shows for about three years now, and I've seen a lot of auditions, but yours was by far the best one to date."
"I-I- thank you. Wow. I- wow."
"So does that mean you want the part?"
"Yes! Yes, absolutely."
"Okay then, welcome to the cast of Les Misérables Blaine. Kurt can fill you in on the schedule and the basic run of things."
"Don't worry, it's pretty simple. Show up, learn your stuff, go home, do it all over again the next day." Kurt explained.
"Pretty much. Oh, and make sure you get his costumes ready Kurt, I'll need them in about two weeks."
"I'll have them ready long before that. I already know his measurements."
"Alright then, I guess we're finished here. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning."
"See ya." Kurt waved Josh off before turning to Blaine and Lucy. "I think this calls for a celebration."
"I agree. That was one hell of an audition." Lucy said.
"Thanks guys. Let's get out of here." Blaine linked arms with both of them as they headed out to to celebrate. He smiled to himself as they walked, he was going to be a major character in an Off-Broadway production. It may not sound like much, but it's only the beginning of an amazing career.