Gift of a Friend.
We're Having a Baby. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: We're Having a Baby.

M - Words: 1,349 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
145 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: There it is. The parents know, and everything went smoothly. :D Next chapter will be back in New York and it'll be open audition time for Les Mis!-Krystal :) x

Kurt and Blaine decided to have dinner at the Anderson home instead of going out. James was still pretty tired and Blaine didn't want to push him. Kurt called and invited his dad and Carole over, saying they want to celebrate James coming home, and asked them to pick up some take-out from Breadstix.

It was after dinner was finished and the kitchen cleaned, when Blaine got everyone's attention. "Kurt and I planned this little party to celebrate my dad getting to come home, but, that's not the only reason. We wanted to get all of you together because we have some good news of our own to share."

Kurt went to stand beside Blaine, taking his hand for support. "We've made the decision to have a baby and we asked Lucy to be our surrogate."

"You mean-"

"Blaine and I are going to be fathers in about nine months."

"Oh Kurt! That's amazing!" Carole jumped up to hug them both tightly.

"I may not look old enough to be a grandma, but I am happy for you boys. You'll be great parents." Andrea joined Carole in congratulating them.

"I should've known something like this would happen when you called me for advice." Burt gave Blaine a stern look before breaking out into a smile. "I'm happy for you guys, I really am. I'm not sure about being a grandpa though." Burt hugged them both, whispering to Kurt that they needed to talk later.

"Dad, are you going to say anything?" Blaine asked James. He hadn't reacted at all to the news.

James looked from Blaine to Kurt, then to Andrea before speaking "I'm proud of you Blaine. I'm proud of both of you, but I have to ask, why now?"

"James, that isn't-"

"No mom, it's okay." Blaine gave her a smile before answering his father. "Honestly, at first I didn't want to. Kurt brought up the idea and I said no."

"What changed your mind then?"

"I was letting fear of being a bad parent hold me back, once I accepted that making mistakes and being a bad parent are two different things, I realized there is nothing I want more than starting a family with Kurt. We're out of school, we're financially stable, and we both want this. There's nothing holding us back."

"Well then, as long as you're ready for it and it's what you want, I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Dad, thanks all of you, this really important to us and we're glad we get to share it with you."

"You said Lucy was your surrogate, right?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, we found out before we flew in that she is pregnant. She'll have the first sonogram at six weeks." Kurt answered, glad to see the news was accepted well.

"If you or her need anything, just ask, we want to help you in any way possible."

"Thank you, really. We are really excited for this."

They talked for about an hour more before Burt and Carole headed home and James and Andrea decided to go to bed.

"I think that was successful." Kurt said as he and Blaine got ready for bed.

"Yeah, it could've gone worse. I was worried about my dad, I thought he was going to tell us he didn't approve."

"I think he was a little overwhelmed and exhausted, but he's okay with it and that's all that matters."

"You're right. I'm just over thinking everything."

"You always do, don't worry about it. Let's get some sleep."

"Okay, good night Kurt."

"Goodnight sweetie."

"Do you really think they're ready to be parents? They're still just kids themselves." James asked Andrea as soon as they got to their room.

"Yes I do. Those boys have been through a lot, they're wiser than their age suggests. They'll be great parents." Andrea could tell that James was struggling to deal with this. "What's wrong honey? Something is bothering you, I can tell."

"When the cancer came back and I thought I was going to die, I told them I would regret not being around to see them have kids and I can't help but think they're rushing into this because of me." James admitted.

"Even if they are, which I don't believe, we should be happy for them. Either way they're adults, they're not kids anymore. They'll be fine, I have faith in them."

"I know, I am happy for them, it's just a lot to take in."

"Maybe if your treatments go well, we can go to New York and visit them once Lucy is farther along. I'll talk to Carole about it and see if her and Burt would want to come as well." Andrea smiled, kissing her husband's cheek.

"You are the best wife any man could ask for. I love you so much." There was so much more James wanted to say to her but he just couldn't find the words.

"I love you too, we'll get through this together." Andrea patted his knee. "Now come on, I know you're tired and need to get some sleep." She knew there was more James wanted to say, but couldn't. She just hoped she made it clear enough that he didn't need to say anything, she would always be there for him.

The next day was Kurt and Blaine's last day in Ohio and they decided to split up for the day. Kurt went to visit his dad and Carole while Blaine stayed with his mom and dad.

Kurt knew his dad wanted to talk to him, so this would give them the perfect chance to talk.

"So kiddo, you sure you're ready to be a dad?" Burt asked after lunch was over and Carole had left to run some errands.

"I think so, I know it's going to be hard, but I think I'm ready."

"What about Blaine, is he ready?"

"He doesn't think he is, but I know him better than that. He's going to be an amazing dad, our kid is going to be very lucky."

"I think as long as you two work together and help each other, you'll be the best parents a kid could ask for. I'm proud of you Kurt."

"Thanks Dad, that means a lot."

"No problem kiddo. Now, let's watch some t.v. and just hang out, I miss you being around."

"I miss you too Dad." Kurt smiled and settled in to watch t.v.

Blaine was sitting on the patio with a book and a cup of tea when James came looking for him. "Got a second to talk?"

"Sure Dad, what's up?" Blaine sat his book to the side and turned to his dad.

"I wanted to apologize, I know I didn't give you and Kurt the best impression last night when you told us about having a baby. I really am happy for you and I think you'll be amazing parents, it just took me by surprise."

"You don't need to apologize, I understand and so does Kurt. Maybe we should have waited to tell you, it's been a pretty emotional couple of months."

"No, no, I'm glad you told us, really. I'm so proud of you, of the man you've become. You're going to be a damn good father, don't ever think you won't."

"Thank you Dad, that uh- that means a lot."

"No problem buddy." James stood to go back inside.

"Dad wait. There's something we forgot to mention last night."

"What's that?"

"The baby's biological father."

"Oh, I uh- I never thought about that. Who-"

"Me. Kurt said he wanted me to father our first child, so yeah."

"So a little Blaine then. I don't know if the world can handle that." James joked.

"Just be thankful it's me and not Cooper."

"Ah yes. I don't think the world will ever be ready for a little Cooper."

"Yeah. You can tell mom, I need to call Kurt and make sure he tells Burt and Carole. I can't believe we forgot to mention that."

"Alright buddy, I will. I'll be in my office if you need me, and your mom will be in her office as well."

"Okay, thanks Dad."

"No. Thank you Blaine, for everything. I love you son."

"I love you too Dad." Blaine smiled, watching his dad walk back inside. He couldn't stop thinking about just how lucky he is to have all these amazing people in his life, and in just nine short months, he'll have another one.


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