Gift of a Friend.
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Gift of a Friend.: Exit Stage Left. Enter Stage Right.

M - Words: 1,613 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
382 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: This is actually two chapters that I put together after writing them because the first one was so tiny and they go together so I figured it would be better this way. :) Now, on to the story!

Now that they know Lucy is pregnant, Kurt and Blaine have to find a way to tell their parents. They had decided it needed done in person, but they hadn't decided on when they would break the news.

Blaine was just finishing up his shift at the coffee shop when Kurt walked through the door looking upset, stressed, and a bit frazzled.

"Isn't that your husband?" Jen asked when Blaine just stood there staring at Kurt.

"Yeah, I just- I'll be right back to finish stocking."

"Blaine." Jen called when he took off towards where Kurt was sitting. Don't worry about it. I can finish up, you're already clocked out anyway."

"Thanks Jen, I owe you." Blaine thanked her before walking over to Kurt.

Kurt looked up at Blaine, seeing the concern written all over his face. "Two of our actors walked out of rehearsal today, and they're not coming back."

"Oh Kurt, I'm sorry. Don't they have understudies though?" Blaine asked, pulling a chair up next to Kurt.

"No. The musical is already under-staffed, there's barely enough chorus members. Understudies are hard to come by when no one wants to do the musical."

"What's going to happen then?"

"Josh has already pulled Adam from the chorus and told him he has to play Enjorlas, but I think he's going to hold open auditions for Marius, and if he can't find anyone then I don't know what's going to happen."

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to play that role, don't worry about it." Blaine smiled and wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulders. "Come on, let's go home, I'll give you a massage and fix you a bath, you're too stressed."

"You're the best husband ever." Kurt stood up and followed Blaine out of the coffee shop. He didn't know what he'd do without Blaine.

The next day, Blaine got a call from his mom saying James has another appointment with the doctor in two days to check his progress. He told her him and Kurt would be there. When he hung up, he went to find Kurt in the guest room.

"Hey, it's break time. I'm going to make sandwiches."

"Give me a second, I have one more- got it! Okay, break time." Kurt folded the now finished costume and followed Blaine to the kitchen.

"Ham or turkey?" Blaine asked, pulling what he needed out of the frig.

"Um, both. I skipped breakfast."

Blaine sat to work on the sandwiches and filled Kurt in on his mom's phone call.

"So we should leave tomorrow then." Kurt was already booking them a flight on his phone.

"Yeah, and I was thinking, if it goes well, maybe we could tell them about Lucy."

"Oh, I guess we should tell them now." Kurt hadn't even thought about it, not since they found out.

"We have about five weeks until the first ultrasound, this might be the only chance we get to tell them before then, and I don't want to wait that long." Blaine handed Kurt his plate and took a seat beside him. "Unless you think we should wait."

"No, no, we should go ahead and tell them, I just honestly haven't thought about it, I've been so focused on this damn musical."

"I understand, any word on a replacement for Marius?"

"Not yet, Josh texted me earlier and said he's putting up flyers for open auditions. Hopefully someone will show up."

"Did he say when the auditions are?"

"Next week. Monday from 10:00am-3:00pm and Tuesday from 1:00-5:00pm."

"And anyone can show up right?"

"Yep, that's the point of having open auditions."

"Well I'm sure you'll find someone."

They finished lunch and decided to go for a walk in the park. As they walked, Blaine decided he would audition for the role. He'd have to cut back on his hours at the coffee shop of he got the part, but it would be worth it, performing is his passion. He made up his mind not to tell Kurt just yet, he'd just surprise him when he showed up.

They left the following day for Ohio, deciding to meet up with Sam and Tina again that night at Breadstix.

"Hey guys, congratulations!" Tina greeted them, hugging them both.

"Thanks Tina, did you tell Sam?" Blaine asked, linking arms with her and Kurt as they walked inside.

"Tell Sam what?" Sam came up behind them, smiling.

"Yep, I called him right afer we hung up."

"Oh, about Lucy being pregnant? Yeah, she told me, congrats guys."

"Thanks Sam." Kurt gave Sam a one armed hug before they took their seats.

"So, are you excited? Have you picked out names yet? Do you know if you want a boy or girl? Tell us everything!"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down Tina! Yes we're excited, obviously. No we haven't picked out names yet, and I don't know if I want a boy or girl, I'll be happy either way, as long as he or she is healthy." Kurt answered then turned to Blaine. "What about you?"

"As long as our baby is healthy I'll be happy, but I honestly think I want a girl."

"You guys are going to be great parents either way. I could totally see you having a daughter though, with Blaine's hair and Kurt's attitude." Sam said with a laugh.

"That sounds dangerous, let's be thankful that they can't have kids that are biologically both of theirs. The world isn't ready for a kid with both Anderson and Hummel genes." Tina pointed out.

"That would be one talented, good looking kid." Kurt was trying to picture what they were describing.

"Next time, you can be the bio dad, that way each of us can have a kid that's biologically ours."

"That's a good idea, but let's get the first one here before we worry about having more." Kurt wasn't ready to think about having more kids, one was enough to worry about right now.

They finished dinner and headed to the Anderson home which was empty since Andrea was staying at the hospital with James. Hopefully though, if everything turns out well, James will get to come home tomorrow, at least until his next round of treatments.

Blaine and Kurt made sure they were at the hospital plenty early, wanting to be there before the doctor got there.

"So, how's work? How's New York?" James asked while they were waiting.

"Good, good, everything is good." Blaine said nervously, he just wanted to get this appointment over with.

"Hey, don't worry buddy, everything is going to be okay." James took Blaine's hand, trying to calm him down.

"I-I know, I just-"

"Good morning James, Andrea, boys." Doctor Thomas greeted them as he walked in.

"Good morning Doctor Thomas."

"Well, let's get right to it, shall we? You're treatments seem to be working, you've still got a long way to go and the cancer isn't gone, but the radiation is helping."

"Does that mean he'll get to go home?" Andrea asked hopefully. She was exhausted and she hates hospitals.

"We're releasing him today. When it's time for the next round of radiation we'll admit him again, but it won't be for a long period of time, just long enough for the treatments."

"Oh thank God." Andrea smiled a genuine smile for the first time in weeks.

"Did you hear that Blainey? I get to go home." James turned to his son.

"Y-yeah, I-I did Dad. Oh God I-I-" Blaine couldn't help but cry.

"Hey, what's wrong B?" Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders, pulling him into a hug, letting Blaine cry into his chest.

"I think he's finally letting it all out." Andrea moved to sit on the other side of Blaine, rubbing a hand up and down his back.

"S-sorry, I'm just really h-happy. I was so s-scared." Blaine lifted his head frm Kurt's chest, resting his cheek against Kurt's shoulder instead.

"It's okay BB, everything is okay." Andrea gave him a watery smile.

Some time during their celebration, Doctor Thomas slipped out of the room, leaving them alone to celebrate the good news.

A couple hours later, James was discharged and sent home. Blaine rode back to the Anderson house with his mom and dad while Kurt followed behind them. He called his dad to let him know they were bringing James home and promised to come see him and Carole soon.

After they got James settled, Kurt pulled Blaine to the side. "Do you think they'll be up for dinner tomorrow or should we wait an extra day and let them rest?"

"We have to do it tomorrow, I can't wait any longer Kurt. Even if even if we get Burt and Carole to come over here and have dinner in instead of going out. I'm just too excited to wait."

"Okay, we'll decide tomorrow. I'm glad to see you so happy." Kurt smiled, cupping Blaine's cheek.

"Well, I've had a lot of good things happen lately to make me happy." Blaine grinned, pulling Kurt towards his old room.

"I love you Blaine."

"And I love you."

"Can I ask you something?" Kurt had wanted to ask the day before, but he decided to wait.

"Of course."

"You told Tina you would like for our baby to be a girl, any particular reason?" Kurt laid down on the bed, pulling Blaine with him.

"Not really, I just think having a daughter would be nice. Of course I'd be just as happy if we have a boy, don't get me wrong." Blaine rested his head on Kurt's chest, taking comfort in the soft thump-thump of Kurt's heartbeat.

"I know I said I don't have a preferance, but I think I'd like to have a boy, a mini Blaine." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's curls.

"Either way, I'm just glad I get to share this experience with you."

"Me too, all of our dreams are coming true."

Blaine didn't respond, just sighed happily and snuggled closer to Kurt, letting himself drift off to sleep.

Kurt hugged Blaine tighter and let him drift off to sleep as well. In that moment, everything was finally perfect.

End Notes: The next chapter will have Kurt and Blaine telling their parents about the baby!! AAAANNNDDD we'll have a James/Andrea talk after they find out about the boys deciding to have a baby! (See Emma, I didn't forget!) I'll try to have it up in a couple of days!-Krystal :) xAlso, I just want to wish good luck to Darren on the start of his tour, and to anyone going to any of the gigs! I'll be at the Cleveland show!


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Love this story! Can't wait to read more. I will be at the Cleveland show too :

Thank you so much!! I can't wait! It's going to be totally awesome but I'll probably be a whole big mess of crazy! :D-Krystal :) x

great chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! super excited for blaine to audition!

Thank you! :D We have a couple more chapters before Blaine's audition, I can't wait to upload it, it's one of my fave chapters! :D-Krystal :) x

I loved this chapter everything being pretty much happy, and James going home from the hospital. I am looking forward to Blaine's audition for Marius. As soon as Kurt said that two people had left the show I thought to myself that Blaine was going to be one of the replacements. You said in the beginning of this story that this job was going to change both their lives forever so I'm hoping that Blaine getting this part will be why as well as Kurt being able to design the costumes for the show ( maybe they will both get lots of new opportunities out of this job). I am also excited to see how Carol, Burt, James, and Andrea all respond to finding out that they're going to be grandparents. Sooo happy that Andrea and James are going to have their scene(I didn't think you would forget). Update soon!Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. I wish I could go to Darren's concert. I was going to fly back to where I used to live (Orange County) which is near Anaheim, California, but my mom didn't want me to miss school for a concert, and then I was going to go to my cousin's graduation in New Jersey and go to the concert in New York but the trip was going to be to expensive so I'm not going (sorry for ranting just upset I can't go). Have fun though. I wish I was you. :D

I'm not going to confirm or deny your spec about Blaine's audition, but that's some good speculation right there. I think the entire chapter where the parents find out about the baby is one of my favorite ones I've done just because it's more based around the parents instead of Kurt and Blaine. It's fun to write for Burt, Carole, Andrea, and James. :) I knew I wanted Andrea and James to have a scene together, but I just couldn't picture it until after they found out about the baby. I kept reminding myself about writing it so I wouldn't forget, I would have been very upset and disappointed in myself if I had forgotten to write that scene in, it's kind of important. :)-Krystal :) xP.S. I have a lot of friends who can't go to the concert because they live outside of the US, so I've been kind of quite about my freaking out over getting to go so I don't get on their nerves. I don't have VIP or anything, but that's not important. I'm just happy that I get to go see him sing. :) Your ranting is fine, I understand, I would be upset too. I'm lucky I'm getting to go since it's a 4-5 hour drive to Cleveland from where I live, I know that doesn't sound like much compared to other people's road trips to see him but still. I'm going, I'm lucky, and I plan on taking plenty of pictures and videos so I can share my experience with everyone. :)