Forbidden Love
The End of the Line. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: The End of the Line.

E - Words: 1,309 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: Next update on Tuesday. -Krystal :) x

Everything happens so fast that it's like a blur. Kurt gets the mysterious text from Rachel, Blaine gets a phone call from Figgins telling him that he needs to meet with him. Burt gets a phone call from Figgins telling him he needs to meet with Kurt. Kurt realizes what Rachel's text meant, realized what she'd done. The decision for Kurt to return to school on Monday is made so they can get this over with. 

Sunday night brought nothing but silence to the Hummel-Hudson home, not even the t.v. was on. Burt and Carole sat in the living room, both wishing there was something they could do, but knowing there was nothing. Finn locked himself in his room, trying to figure out why Rachel would betray them like this. Kurt and Blaine were in Kurt's room, cuddled up together on the bed. Kurt would cry, Blaine would hold him until he stopping, he himself having gone numb to the entire situation the moment Figgins had called him. So much needed to be said, but there was simply no words



Kurt woke up first Monday morning. He got out of bed as quietly as possible to take a shower and get dressed.

Blaine woke up just as Kurt was coming out of the shower. He wordlessly got out of bed and showered. When he exited the bathroom, Kurt was nowhere to be found, so he dressed quickly and headed downstairs. 

Burt and Carole had both already left before anyone had come downstairs. Burt went to the tire shop just to have something to do, and Carole to the hospital for her her shift. 

Finn was the last to wake up. When he made his way downstairs, Kurt and Blaine were sitting in the kitchen with cups of coffee, but not drinking. They were just staring off into space. Finn wanted to scream, to do anything to fix this, but he knew the only thing he could do was the be there for them, and that's what he planned to do.



They left the house at the same time. Kurt riding to school with Finn, Blaine driving himself. Neither car had music or small talk, just silence.

Finn walked them to the office door, saying nothing, just nodding before heading off to class.



Upon entering the office, Kurt and Blaine noticed Rachel sitting on the sofa, practically curled in on herself. She didn't speak, they didn't speak. Figgins gestured for the them to sit in the two chairs in front of the desk, they did so silently, waiting for the ball to drop.

The silence seemed to stretch on for hours before Figgins finally spoke. "I believe you both know why you're here." It wasn't a question.

"Yes sir." Blaine spoke, clear and certain.

"Yes." Kurt sounded less sure of himself.

"Good, that will make things a lot easier for all of us. On Friday afternoon, I was approached by Miss Berry with what she claimed to be proof to her previous claim about the two of you being romantically involved, are you aware of this?"

"Yes sir." Blaine spoke again.

Kurt only nodded, not trusting his voice.

"When I asked her to show me her proof, she produced a recorded phone call between herself and you, Mr. Hummel, where you clearly call Mr. Anderson your boyfriend. Do you know the phone call I'm talking about?"

"Y-yes." Kurt stuttered, holding back his tears.

"So you admit to calling Mr. Anderson your boyfriend?"

"Y-yes." Kurt repeated.

"Mr. Anderson, would you care to explain why Mr. Hummel is telling his friends that you're his boyfriend?" Figgins turned to Blaine.

"Because it's the truth. I am Kurt's boyfriend." Blaine said calmly, no trace of fear or nerves.

"Is that your confession of being romantically involved with a student Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes sir, it is."

"And you know that being involved with a student is cause for immediate termination?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Well then, seeing as you understand the rules, I'll make this quick. I'm sorry Mr. Anderson, but you are fired on the grounds of having an inapproptiate relationship with a student. Now, seeing as Mr. Hummel isn't a minor, there will be no need to get the police involved. You have one hour to clear out your classroom and get off the campus."

"Thank you sir." Blaine stood, shaking Figgins' hand and leaving, not looking at either Kurt or Rachel.

"Mr. Hummel, I understand that this is going to be hard on you, especially with everything that has happened to you recently, so I want you to go collect your work and then go home. And Mr. Hummel, I am truly sorry for all of this, I wish it could've ended differently."

"T-thank you Principal Figgins." Kurt stood and went to leave, giving Rachel a look pf pure hatred and disgust.

"Miss Berry, thank you for everything, you are free to go." Figgins dismissed her.

Rachel ran after Kurt, yelling his name through tears.

Kurt finally stopped and turned around, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "How could you do this Rachel? You've ruined his career! Tell me what did we ever do to you to deserve this?"

"Kurt, I-I'm sorry, I-I-"

"You're sorry?! Save your fucking apologies for someone who doesn't know that you're a heartless bitch who only cares about herself! After everything we've been through, you go and do this! I will never forgive you for this, never. I never want to see your fave, or hear your voice, ever again. I want you out of my life, you're a sorry excuse for a human being and I hope one day everyone figures it out because everyone deserves to know the real Rachel Berry. Goodbye Rachel. I hope you rot in hell." Kurt turned away, leaving Rachel stunned into silence.



Kurt met Blaine in the English classroom once he'd finished gathering up his work. "Figgins said I could go home, so if you'll take me-"

"Yeah sure." Blaine pushed past Kurt and headed for the exit.

Neither of them talked on the way to the Hummel-Hudson home. Kurt texted Finn to let him know what happened and that he was going home.

Once they pulled into the driveway, Blaine shut off the engine but didn't move to get out.

"Aren't you- are you coming in?" Kurt asked.

"Do you want me to?"

"Of course I do Blaine. Do you want to come in?"

"Please." Was all Blaine said. He sounded so small and broken. His life was falling apart and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Kurt let him straight upstairs to his room, shutting and locking the door. He pulled Blaine to the bed, setting down on the edge. "You need to let it out Blaine, it isn't going to help if you keep it bottled up. Let it out, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

That was all it tooke for Blaine to burst into tears and fall into Kurt's open arms. "I-I- m-my life i-is falling ap-part a-and I d-don't know what t-to d-do."

"Shh, it's going to be okay. I've got you, just let it out." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine face anywhere there was exposed skin, pulling him closer.

"P-please d-don't l-leave me Kurt. I-I need y-you. P-please."

"I-I'm not going anywhere honey. I'm here, right here, and I'm not going to leave you. I love you Blaine, remember how we said forever? I'm never letting you go Blaine, never." Kurt was doing his best to stay strong, he needed to, for Blaine.

"I-I love you t-too, f-forever."

Kurt just pulled Blaine until they were laying down, never letting go as he maneuvered their bodies under the covers, whispering little nothings into Blaine's ear to sooth him. Eventually Blaine's breathing evened out, he'd fallen asleep wrapped up in Kurt's embrace. Kurt let himself cry then, clinging tightly to Blaine. He'd meant what he said, he was never letting Blaine go. Blaine had been there for him when he needed him most, now he was going to be there for Blaine, no matter how bad things got.


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