Forbidden Love
Enter the Fray, Kurt Hummel... Or Maybe Not. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Enter the Fray, Kurt Hummel... Or Maybe Not.

E - Words: 1,151 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: I just noticed how weird and creepy the ending sounds, please don't take it as Blaine being a creepy stalker person, he means it with love. That was his moment. :) 

When Kurt walks into school on Wednesday morning, he feels as if his heart is going to beat out of his chest. He expected everyone to already know about him and Blaine, he was ready for everyone to judge him, to blaime him for getting Blaine fired, for turning Blaine gay. He was greeted as usual though, most people ignored him, some smiled, some nodded, but no one stopped him to question him about Blaine. He sighed in relief as he made it to his first period class and took his seat, getting out the work he and Blane had finished the day before.

He should have known the quiet wouldn't last long, he had English next which meant Santana, Tina, and Quinn would be there and they knew. They would want to talk to him, to know everything.

He was right. He'd barely made it into the room before the girls were surrounding him.

"Kurt, you're back!"

"We missed you, are you feeling better?"

Santana didn't say anything, she just eyed him, watching for his reaction to Tina and Quinn's questions.

"Girls, girls, I'm fine. I'm not even sore anymore." Kurt pushed through them to his seat, wanting to get sat down before class started as not to draw any attention to himself.

"But how are you with-"

"That's enough, that doesn't need discussed here. Now move, I'm sitting with Hummel today." Santana literally pushed Tina and Quinn away from the desk and sat down.

"Thank Santana, I-"

"Don't thank me, I'm just trying to help you like a friend should." Santana lowered her voice before continuing. "Are you going to be okay? This was his class."

"I'll be fine, I promise." Kurt smiled just as the teacher walked in.

"Hello class, I will be your teacher in Mr. Anderon's absence. My name is Mr. Montgomery, first name's Wes. Why don't we start by-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Montgomery?" One of the female students raised her hand.

"Uh, yes?"

"Why is Mr. Anderson gone? I heard he wasn't coming back for the rest of the year."

Kurt tensed up beside Santana, and held his breath, waiting for the bomb to explode.

"Well, uh, I-I don't- that's not any of my concern, nor is it yours. Now, please do not interupt me again, and no more questions about Mr. Anderson." Wes said sternly. Of course he knew exactly why his best friend from high school had been fired, but he wasn't going to discuss it with the students. It seemed as if the students didn't even know he'd actually been fired.

Kurt let out a shaky breath when Mr. Montgomery answered the girl, glancing over at Santana, who gave him a small smile. He put his head down and willed the class to go by as possible so he could get out of that room.

"Alright, as I was saying, let's take the roll and then see where you're at in your lessons." Wes cleared his throat and started calling out names. When he got to 'Kurt Hummel', he couldn't hide the surprise in his voice. "That's the kid, Blaine's boyfriend, the one Sebastian told me about."

"Here." Kurt muttered when his name was called. He didn't raise his head up, so he didn't notice the shock on his teacher's face.



After class, Kurt went with Santana to the library so he could study for a French test he needed to take. Santana watched him closely, she could see that he was doing a good job of hiding the fact that he was scared shitless. She texted Finn to let him know that English had been a success. The next, final, and hardest task would be getting through glee club. Not everyone in glee knew about Kurt and Blaine, so they had to keep them from finding out, and keep Kurt from freaking out or breaking down when he saw Rachel.



Much to Finn and Santana's surprise, glee club went smoothly. Kurt didn't react at all when Rachel walked in and sat down in the only available chair which just happened to be right next to him. He smiled and laughed along with everyone else when they welcomed him back. He even managed to insult Puck in his usual sassy way. If he was struggling, he hid it very well.



Kurt told Finn that he was going to Blaine's apartment after school and that Burt and Carole knew so he didn't have to tell them. Blaine had decided to go back to his apartment to check things out and because he had only been staying at the Hummel-Husdon home while Kurt was out of school. 

As soon as Kurt got to his car, he turned his music on, blasting it loud enouh to drown out his thoughts, and drove towards Blaine's apartment.

Once he arived at Blaine's, he grabbed the over-night bag he'd packed and headed inside. He needed to see Blaine, to remind himself that everything was going to be okay. Being at school had effected him more then he had let on.

"Kurt, hey, come in." Blaine smiled and let Kurt in, taking his bag from him. "How was school?"

"Exhausting, but okay I guess. No one knows, at least no one who didn't already know." Kurt sighed as he fell onto Blaine's couch, losing himself in the smell of Blaine all around him.

"Did you get all of your work turned in? Blaine asked as he sat down beside Kurt who immediately laid down, his head in Blaine's lap.

"Yes mom." Kurt laughed, the first real smile of the day appearing on his face. "Thank you for helping me by the way, I would never have finished it without you."

Blaine smiled and started to run his fingers through Kurt's hair. "You don't have to thank me sweetie, that's what boyfriends are for."

"Hmm, good to know." Kurt relaxed into Blaine's touch, going quiet until his stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Blaine laughed as Kurt sat up.

"A little, I skipped lunch."


"Not because of that. I had a French test to make up and I only had lunch time free."

"How does take out sound?" Blaine was already getting up to get his phone.

"It sounds delicious. I'm going to go wash up while you order."

"Okay, just don't get upset when I don't order anything you like."

"You know what I like, so don't even pull that card Blaine Devon Anderson." Kurt said seriously. but breaking into laughter at Blaine's surprised expression.

"Oh just go." Blaine playfully shoved Kurt towards the bathroom while he called for the take out.

After he ordered the food, he sat in the living room and waited for Kurt. While he was sitting there it hit him that this was what he wanted, this, the domesticity of ordering take out while Kurt washed up. Having dinner and talking about their days and what all happened while they were away from each other. He wanted it so bad, it hurt, and he would find a way to make it happen. Job or no job, he needed to be with Kurt like this all the time.


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