May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
When Kurt woke up, the first thing he noticed was how much his body ached. He felt like he'd been hit by a truck. "Maybe I was." He thought. He tried to recall what had hapened but it just made his head hurt worse.
"Kurt? Buddy, are you awake?" Burt asked, noticing some movement from Kurt's bed.
"Ye-yeah. W-what happened?" Kurt asked. His throat had never felt so raw.
"Someone beat you up after school. Mr. Anderson found you, and thank God he did." Burt was seconds away from tears.
"Mr. Anderson?" Kurt tried to remember, but he just couldn't.
"Yeah, he took you to the nurse and even came here to the hospital last night." Burt was really thankfull to Mr. Anderson, he'd be sure to track him down later and thank him.
"Hospital? I-I'm in- Oh God!" Kurt started to panic, he hated hospitals.
"Kurt, calm down kiddo, please." Burt tried calming him down, Kurt's body wasn't ready to handle any stress like that.
Just then a rather young looking nurse walked in. "Hello, my name's Sebastian and I'll be here until noon, if you need me, just press the button. I'll be in and out every half hour as well. Do you have any questions Mr.-" Sebastian looked up from the paper work and his blood ran cold. "No, this can't be. But it fits, his name is Kurt, he was badly beaten. Oh dear sweet lord."
"Uh, you okay sir? You look like you saw a ghost or something." Burt asked.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine, sorry. I just- can you give me a few minutes Mr. Hummel? I need to run some short tests. It won't take long, I promise." Sebastian needed to find out if this was Blaine's Kurt.
"Sure, I'll be in the cafeteria." Burt kissed Kurt's bandaged head. "I'll be back buddy."
"Okay Dad, love you." Kurt just wanted the pounding in his head to go away, maybe the nurse would help with that.
"Love you too Kiddo." Burt walked out, willing his emotions to stay in check.
Sebastian walked up to Kurt, surveying the damage fone to the boy. He felt his heart drop to his stomach at the sight, if this was the same Kurt, no wonder Blaine was so out of his ming last night.
"So, Kurt I know this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it. How are you feeling?"
"Awful. Everything hurts, but my head. Oh God-" Kurt couldn't even finish, he felt like he was dying.
"It's okay, I'll get you started on something for the pain. I'll be back, just hand in there kid." Sebastian felt sorry for him. No one deserved this, especially not someone who meant so much to Blaine.
After setting up the I.V. with the pain meds, Sebastian decided to talk to Burt, he needed to be absolutely positive that it was the same Kurt.
"Mr Hummel, can I talk to you for a second?" Sebastian asked as Burt came back into the room.
"Sure, is this about Kurt? Is he-"
"He's fine, well, he'll be fine. I was just wondering if this is he kid that Blaine Anderson brought in last night. Blaine and I are friends, and he mentioned bringing in one of his students."
"Uh, yeah. Mr. Anderson found him were the bastard left him." Just thinking about it made Burt's sking crawl.
"Oh, okay. Well, if you need anything, just let me know. He should be in and out of sleep, I've got him on some medicine for the pain." Sebastian had to get out of the room, he needed to call Blaine.
"Okay, thank you." Burt shook his hand before taking his seat by Kurt's bed.
Sebastian walked out of the room and took a shaky breath before pulling his phone out and dialing Blaine's number.
"Hello?" Blaine answered, groggy and still tired.
"Hey B, it's Sebastian, I uh- well I-" He had no idea what to say. Blaine didn't even know he was a nurse.
"What Seb? I'm tired and I just want to sleep." Blaine snapped, sometimes he really wasn't a morning person.
"Look, I have no idea how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. I'm a nurse, I work at the hospital in Lima and Kurt is one of my patients."
"You're a- Kurt is- is he okay? I mean, nothing hap-"
"He's fine. I just wanted to tell you. You know, if you wanted to see him without having people wonder why, you could always come visit me." Sebastian hinted.
"I don't want people to- ah, screw it. I'll be there in 10." Blaine jumped out of his bed, pulling on an old pair of sweats and and old t-shirt.
"Thought so, see ya B."
"Yeah, see ya."
"This is a bad idea, you're an idiot. Just turn around and go home." Blaine thought to himself as he pulled into the hospital parking lot.
He sighed and got out of the car. Truth is, he needs to see Kurt, needs to make sure he was still breathing.
"Hey B. Damn, you look like death. Didn't you get any sleep?" Sebastian asked as Blaine walked towards him.
"No actually, I didn't, and just for the record, you and I are going to have a chat, very soon about what possessed you to become a nurse. Now, where is he?"
"206, his dad went home afte the doctor all but kicked him out, so you'll be alone." Sebastian winked at Blaine.
"Really Seb, really?"
"What? Oh and I should tell you, I'm not sure if he remembers it, he did hit his head pretty hard." Sebastian said seriously.
"Alright, thanks Seb, I owe you."
"Yeah you do, now get in there." Sebastian pushed Blaine towards the door.
Kurt heard the door open. "Dad? I thought the doctor told you to go home?"
"Uh, guess again." Blaine said as he moved into Kurt's line of sight, feeling extremely nervous.
"Mr. Anderson! Wha- why- come in, please." Kurt had never been more pleased to see a teacher than he was right now.
"How're you feeling? Okay, dumb question." Blaine's heard hurt at the sight of Kurt. His face was still swollen and bruised, his head was bandaged and he was hooked up to several different I.V.s.
"Better than earlier, the nurse gave me some pain meds so I've been in and out. I'm glad you caught me while I'm awake." Kurt attempted to smile.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you Kurt. I wish I could have done something to stop it." Blaine felt tears start forming in his eyes.
"What could you have done? It still would've happened, maybe not then and there, but eventually. I'm just glad you walked out of your room when you did or-"
"No, don't talk like that, please." Blaine felt the tears start to fall, he couldn't stand to think about what wouldn't happened if he had already left, or if he hadn't left when he did.
"Hey, why are you crying?" Even with all the pain meds he was on, Kurt still found himself attracted to Mr. Anderson, and seeing him cry made Kurt want to cry.
"I-I-" Was he ready to tell him? Should he tell him?
"Mr. Anderson?" Kurt was starting to worry about his teacher, and it made the pounding in his head worse.
"Have you ever liked, no, loved someone that you know you shouldn't but you just can't help it?"
"Yeah, I can say I have." Kurt was curious as to where this conversation was going.
"Did you ever tell them?"
"Uh- no, I-I-" Kurt's head was pounding, but he was determined to keep the conversation alive.
"Oh I- okay." Blaine wasn't sure where he was taking this conversation.
"Look, if you like someone, no matter who it is, you should tell them. If you're worried about what they'll say, get over it because eventually you'll have waited too long." Kurt thought maybe he should take his own adivce.
"Yeah, you're right. It's just, I'm not out here, but this guy knows I'm gay, I just- I don't want to lose my job." Blaine could feel his walls cracking, he was going to tell Kurt.
"Wait, is it the guy you were on the phone with that day, Sebastian wasn't it?" Kurt asked, a slight frown on his face.
"No, no, God no. That ship sailed a long time ago, and by the way, that guy is your nurse, and yes his name is Sebastian. He's the reason I'm here." Blaine smiled.
"What, really? Wow, I'll have to thank him I guess." Kurt laughed, wincing at the pain from his bruised ribs.
"It was now or never. "Just do it Blaine, stop heing a chicken and man up." He thought to himself. "Kurt, can I tell you something?"
"Sure, anything Mr. Anderson." Kurt felt his heart start racing. "Why is he looking at me like that?"
"Blaine, my name is Blaine. You don't have to call me Mr. Anderson outside of school, it makes me feel old." Blaine took a breath, he was ready.
"Oh okay, so Mr.- Blaine, what did you want to tell me?" Kurt thought it odd that his teacher wanted him to call him by his first name outside of school.
"It's you. The guy I like, it's you. I'm not a pervert, I swear. I just- there's something about you that I- Oh God, I sound like a pervert, you're probably totally creeped out."
Kurt just sat there, he couldn't respond. He must have heard wrong because no guy like's him, especially not hot, 25 year old English teachers that he already has a crush on.
"Say something, please. Maybe I should just go, you probably-"
"No, please don't leave." Kurt gave him a pleading look with his good eye.
Blaine let out a sigh of relief. "Maybe he doen't totally hate me."
"Y-you like me? Me. Kurt Hummel?"
"Yes you, Kurt Hummel." Blaine thought he saw disbelief in Kurt's eyes.
"Why?" Kurt asked shocked.
"You really don't see how amazing you are, do you?" Blaine asked, sadness taking over him. How could this perfect, amazing boy not see just how perfect and amazing he is?
"I'm far from amazing, but thank you for the complement." Kurt looked away from Blaine.
"Hey Kurt, look at me. You are so amazing, you're smart, funny, you sing, you're ambitious, you're strong and proud, you're kind and you're beautiful. Like really beautiful, and I don't mean that in a demeaning way, you're just simply beautiful." It felt like a weight was lifted from his chest once he finished.
"Kurt just stared at him, there was no way anyone thought all those amazing things about him, he wasn't that lucky.
"I can tell you don't believe me, but it's all true. I wouldn't lie to you Kurt." Blaine wanted so bad to reach out and take Kurt's hand.
"Y-you really think all that about m-me?" Kurt asked slowly.
"Yes, that and so much more that I can't even find words for. I, Blaine Anderson, am falling in love with you, Kurt Hummel." There, he said it, and he couldn't stop the smile that spread over his face.
"I've had a crush on you since the first day of school, then I found out that you're gay and it increased like, ten fold, but I never thought-" Kurt was at a lose for words.
"Well I do, so very, very much." Blaine finally gave in and reached for Kurt's hand, grasping it carefully, causing Kurt to gasp.
"I-I- what about your job, you could lose your job, not just because you're gay, but I'm your student. I don't want to be the reason why you lose your job."
"We'll take it slow. First, we need you healthy and healed up, then we'll worry about this." Blaine gestured between them.
"Okay, I- stay with me?" Kurt asked hopefully, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"Of course." Blaine smiled, letting Kurt relax and get some rest, never letting go of Kurt's hand.
I, cookiesncream, am falling in love with this story...
Awww. Thank you darlin' :D-Krystal :) x
I'll be honest, I shocked myself when I wrote Sebastian as a nurse. I may be the writer, but I am equally as curious to see why he decided to become a nurse. I'm glad you enjoyed the way I had Blaine tell Kurt, I wasn't sure if the day after the beating, at the hospital was a wise choice, but I really liked it, so I left it. :) Thank you so much for reading and liking this story :)-Krystal :) x
This was awesome. I share Blaine's opinion and find myself extremely interested in seeing what possessed Sebastian to become a nurse although I am happy that he was so that he could allow Blaine to see Kurt. I was so excited to see Blaine express how he felt to Kurt and to have him assure him that he was really being honest about everything he felt. The interaction between Kurt and Blaine was so sweet and I look forward to seeing what happens next.
No kiss? :( and my last review... That oh my god was a good oh my god :)
There will be kisses soon, I promise :) Kurt is still pretty beat up, and that's not where Blaine's mind was at the time. Now that Kurt knows, there will be some kisses. And I'm glad it was a good oh my god :) -Krystal :) x
what???! sebastian is his nurse?? omg thats so sweet how blaines going to stay with kurt! og=h just so you know why my comments are sort for one thing to the next abruptly its because i copmment as i read so i dont forget what i want to say.
Yep, Sebastian likes to pop up at random times, not unlike an actual meerkat. ;) As far as your comments, short comments mean the same to me as long comments, I love hearing from my readers, even if it is just a small sentence. It lets me know there are people out there who read it and like it enough to tell me what they thought of it. :)-Krystal :) x