Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Bullies and Admissions.

E - Words: 2,211 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
1,142 0 10 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, first off I really struggled with this chapter. This is what came out, and I'm not 100% on board with it, but I can't think of any way to change it so I'm leaving it as is.Santana is less of a bitch in this one, and she will continue to be less of a bitch towards Kurt and Blaine. (They're the only two, everyone else is still free game)Also Nice!Sebastian plays an important part in this.Now, time for my WARNING: There is quite a bit of cursing, name calling, and some deeper levels of bullying in this chapter. If you don't like that, please don't read it.With that said, here's the next chapter. :)

Kurt woke up the next morning feeling happier than he has in weeks. He was so happy that his dad had to ask what was up when he came down for breakfast.

"Seriously kid, I'm happy that you're happy, but I don't understand what changed. Yesterday morning you were borderling depressed." Burt looked at Kurt with a slightly confused and amused expression.

"I was having a bad few weeks, too much stress, but I've decided not to let it get me down. I will enjoy my senior year, stress be damned." Kurt smiled into his glass of orange juice, thinking about his talk with Mr. Anderson. "Oh yes, I will most definitely be enjoying my senior year." 

"That's good Kiddo, I'm glad."

"Well, I'm going to go ahead and leave. I'm suppose to meet Rachel to discuss a song for Glee Club rehearsals. See ya!" Kurt jumped up, kissing Carole on the cheek and giving his dad a one armed hug before racing out the door.

"He seems better." Carole noted with a smile.

"Yeah, I've never seen him so eager to get to school." Burt didn't say anything, but he had a feeling it has nothing to do with Rachel or Glee Club.


Blaine woke up exhausted. He hadn't slept much the night before because every time he tried, he was greeted by visions of Kurt. "You really need to go out, this is getting way out of hand." He said to himself.

Just then his phone rang, he fumbled around for it without looking. He he finally grabbed it, he saw it was Sebastian. "Seb, why the fuck are you calling me so early?" He groaned into the phone.

"Because I knew you'd be awake, gotta get ready to go play the straight and innocent English teacher. I swear, you shouldn've been an actor instead of a teacher."

"What do you want Seb, I know you didn't call me at 6:30 in the morning just to make fun of me."

"You saw right through me. Look, I know you're playing it safe by playing straight, so I'm not going to suggest anything like that, although, I wouldn't say no if-"

"Sebastian." Blaine warned.

"Sorry. Anyway, I haven't seen you since the day you left for New York and college, so why don't you and I catch up tonight, at your place."

"Seb I-"

"Just two old friends catching up, that's all, I swear. I just- look, I've missed you B." Sebastian sighed.

Blaine gave it a serious thought. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea, maybe it would help him stop thinking about Kurt. "Fine, be here at 5:00, bring food."

"Yes sir Mr. Anderson." Sebastian said in a playful tone.

"Seb, don't. Just don't." Blaine gave a tired laugh.

"Okay, fine. See ya tonight B."

"Yeah, see ya." Blaine hung up, a feeling of dread settling over him. Unable to shake it, he headed to work, tired and not ready to deal with a bunch of high school seniors.


"Well don't you look all grown up and hot today Hummel." Santana said with a smirk as she walked up to Kurt's locker.

"If you're here for info, I have none, well nothing new." Kurt sighed, the fact that he was starting to get use to Santana and actually not find her to be a total bitch scared him a little.

"Nope, not what I'm here for. I'm here to walk you to class. Heard a nasty rumor that Karofsky is planning to jump you as soon as you round that corner."

"And why would you help me?" Kurt asked.

"Oh, I'm not helping you." Santana rolled her eyes and laughed, grabbing Kurt's arm and pulling him towards the classroom.

"Okay, I'm confused."

"For once you're not dressed like my grandmother, I like this new bold look Hummel. I would hate to see it ruined before Mr. Anderson even got to see it." Santana winked at him.

"I-I- oh piss off Lopez." Kurt couldn't stop himself from blushing. He had in fact dressed a little bolder knowing he'd be spending more time with Mr. Anderson. He'd picked out the tightest pair of black jeans he owned and paired them with a sky blue button up and his favorite white boots. He even did his hair like he had when they sang Born This Way in Glee Club last year.

"Auntie Snix just knows these things lady lips, you can't fool me." Santana said with a laugh as they rounded the corner.

"Hey Hummel, how about- Lopez?! What the fuck?" Karofsky was just about to throw a cherry slushie at Kurt when he spotted Santana.

"Not today Dave, sorry. Now beat it."

"You just wait until you don't have protection around you little faggot. You just wait." Karofsky whispered to Kurt before storming off down the hall.

"What did he say?" Santana asked a little worried.

"N-nothing, let's just go, I don't want to be late." Kurt said, ignoring Santana's attempts to get him to spill. He was terrified. What was Karofsky going to do?


As soon as Kurt walked in the first thing Blaine noticed was his outfit. "How did he get into those jeans?" He found himself wondering. "Dear God, stop, just stop." He scolded himself.


"Kurt, you look sick, are you okay?" Tina asked, taking in Kurt's paler than usual face.

"Uh, yeah. I-I'm good." Kurt lied.

"Did Santana say something to you?" Quinn hadn't missed how they had walked in together.

"No, really, I'm fine."


"Blaine overheard Tina and Quinn asking Kurt if he was okaym immediately he tore his eyes away from Kurt's body, "That shirt shows off his biceps amazingly." to look at his face. He looked terrified, Worry instantly filled Blaine's head, maybe he was hurt, maybe a bully had done something.

"Mr. Anderson, not that I'm all that thrilled to learn, but the bell rang like five minutes ago, are you going to teach or can I just leave now?" Santana asked. She noticed he was staring at Kurt and decided to get his attention before anyone else noticed.

"Uh yes, sorry. So, today we're going to start the Romeo and Juliet movie. Once we're finished, you will have to write me a paper on how it would have been easier for Romeo and Juliet if they had been able to just be together and not have to worry about the backlash. How would the story have played out if they weren't forbidden lovers.

As Mr. Anderson set up the movie, Kurt leaned over to Tina and Quinn, not taking his eyes off of Mr. Anderson. "I could write that essay without even watching the movie."

"Kurt didn't notice the look that passed between Quinn and Tina, he was too busy checking out Mr. Anderson's ass.


"Mr. Anderson, can I ask you a question?" Kurt asked once the class was over.

"Sure Kurt, what's up?"

"Well when I got him last night, I checked out some schools online and I found a few that I liked."

"That's great Kurt! What schools, are they here in Ohio?"

"No, not here, God no. New York actually, the one that I'm really interested in. It's called NYADA, The New York Academy-"

"Of Dramatic Arts." Blaine finished. "So you're looing at musical theatre then?"

"Yeah, it's kind of my passion. How did you know what NYADA was?" Kurt asked with a smile.

"Before I decided my calling was to teach, I thought about performing. I even looked into NYADA." Blaine said with a laugh.

"Wow, really? That's amazing." Kurt was now trying to picture Mr. Anderson on stage.

"Yep, but teaching is where my heart is." Blaine sighed. "So what was your question?"

"Oh yeah, I was just wondering if you would help me fill out the application, it's a beast?" 

"Sure, absolutely." Blaine smiled, glad that Kurt was taking him up on his offer to help.

"Thank you." Kurt sighed in relief, pulling the application out of his bag to get to work.


"That should be good, just write up your essay and I'll proof read it before you send it out." Blaine said. They had spent the entire thrid period working on Kurt's NYADA application.

"Okay, I will, and thank you again, really." Kurt gathered up his things and headed for the door.

"Not a problem." Blaine responded before Kurt left.


The rest of the day went pretty well for Kurt. Karofsky hadn't done anything to him, not even the usual locker shoves between classes. He should have taken that as a sign that something bad was going to happen, but he let himself believe it was just a good day.

The final bell rang and still nothing from Karofsky. "It's a miracle." Kurt thought to himself.

"Hey fairy, I warned you, you shouldn't be walking around all alone." Karofsky was smiling evilly.

"If you're going to throw me into the locker go ahead, or slushie me, I really don't care." Kurt sighed, shutting his locker.

Karofsky grabbed Kurt by the arm and spun him around. "Oh, I'm going to do worsr than that Hummel."

Kurt's blood ran cold as Karofsky grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.

"I'm going to beat the life out of you." Karofsky said before connecting his fist with Kurt's jaw, sending him stumbling bacwards.

"What the hell Karofsky!?" Kurt yelled, rubbing his jaw, wincing in pain.

"I'm sick and tired of your fairy, gay ass Hummel." He landed another punch, this time to Kurt's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. "I'm going to make you wish you'd never been born faggot." 

Another punch to Kurt's face, connecting with his eye.

"S-stop, p-please." Kurt was in tears, his whole body ached and he was scared shitless.

"Not a chance in hell Hummel." Another punch to Kurt's stomach, causing him to yell out in pain.

"What's going on out there?" A voice called from down the hall.

"Shit, you're fucking lucky Hummel. And fair warning, I wouldn't go around telling anyone who did this, or you will be sorry." Karofsky threw Kurt to the ground, Kurt's head hitting the floor, and ran off, leaving him bruised, bloodied and disorientated.

"Kurt? Oh my God Kurt what happened?" Blaine ran up, seeing Kurt on the ground.

"N-no, please s-stop." Kurt was out of it.

"Kurt, it's me, Mr. Anderson, I'm going to help you up okay?" Blaine's blood was boiling, someone had hurt Kurt and he wasn't there to stop it.

"No, I w-won't tell, p-please just s-stop." Kurt was crying. His eye was swollen shut, his face was bloody and bruised, his whole body was aching.

Blaine lifted Kurt up, carrying him bridal style, seeing as he was in no shape to walk. "It's going to be okay Kurt, I promise."

Blaine carried him to the nurses office who called his dad and said he should go to the E.R. to get checked out. Blaine stayed with him until Burt arrived and insisted on going to the hospital with them. By the time he got home it was 7:00pm.

"Whoa, are you okay B, is that blood?" Sebastian asked. He was sitting outside Blaine's appartment.

"Seb what- oh God, sorry. I- one of my students- fight. Can we go inside?" Blaine was exhausted physically and emotionally.

"Sure, yeah." Sebastian could tell something was really wrong.

As soon as they got inside, Blaine went immediately to the couch.

"So what happened?" Sebastian asked as he sat down beside Blaine.

"One of my students, Kurt, he was beaten to a pulp. If I hadn't walked out when I did-" Blaine felt tears sting his eyes.

"Is he okay?" Sebastian had only seen Blaine this upset one other time, and he knew what it meant.

"Yeah, nothing's broken, he has a concussion, he's bruised and really sore, but God Seb, why do people have to be so ignorant?"

"Because they're idiots. You like this kid."

"Yeah, he's one of my best students-"

"No, I mean you 'like' him."

"Wha- no, no! I-I- oh my God I do." Everything finally clicked, Blaine's brain caught up with his body. "I guess I've known all aling, but he's my student and I-"

"Blaine, dude, calm down. How old is he?" Sebastian asked, trying to calm Blaine down.

"18 I think. He's a senior but-"

"No buts, you like this kid, I can tell. The only last time I saw you this upset was when those guys through me in the dumpster and called me a fag our sophomore year."

"I feel like a pervert. I noticed him the first day of school, but I just played it off as him being the only gay guy I've been around since moving back, but it's more than that. He knows I'm gay, and when I talk to him I just feel like I can be myself."

"You love him. You may not be ready to admit it right now, but you do." Sebastian said, patting Blaine's knee.

"What am I suppose to do?" Blaine sighed.

"Well you could keep it to yourself and be a creepy teacher who checks out his students, or you could tell him the truth. It's up to you on how you go about it, but you do need to do something."

"Yeah, I know, you're right. Thanks Seb, I'm glad you were here, and I'm sorry we didn't get to catch up like we had planned."

"Don't apologize B, I think we got caught up enough for one night. I'm going to head home, but keep me updated, and if you need me, just call." Sebastian said, kissing Blaine's forehead.

"Thank you Seb."

"You're welcome B."

Blaine went to bed that night, tossing and turning. "I need to talk to Kurt, he needs to be okay." Was his last thought before drifting into a light and uneasy sleep.

End Notes: Okay, holy shit that was... intense. I really don't know what to say...Just let me know what you thought. Do you think I'm moving too fast with this? Was this okay? Just let me know.-Krystal :) x


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This. Is . A. Mazing!!!!!!!!

Really??!! Thank you!!!! I was so worried about this chapter, it just didn't settle right with me when I wrote it. I'm glad that someone actually likes it!! :) -Krystal :) x

I really enjoyed this chapter even though I hated seeing Kurt get hurt. It was nice to see Santana tone down her bitchiness and actually help Blaine and Kurt a little bit. This actually made me able to tolerate Sebastian and I was happy to see that he was able to help Blaine realize that he was in love with Kurt. I can't wait to see what happens next.

I hated writing Kurt getting hurt, like majorly. With Santana I decided I didn't want her to be a completely bitch, she knows about the boys, so I thought I'd have her be nicer to them. I have this thing for not being able to write Sebastian as he is in canon, I have to make him nice. I have a feeling he and Santana are going to have a big part in the boys' relationship before it's all said and done. I'm glad to hear you liked it, and hopefully next chapter will be a little brighter. -Krystal :) x

Oh my god...

I hope that was a good oh my god and not a bad oh my god. Not that this chapter ends good. But things will be getting better soon. I promise. :)-Krystal :) x

No, thank YOU! :) I'm having a blast writing this, I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it :) I hope you like the rest :D-Krystal :) x

Well holy shit I love your story...just found it today! Looking forward to reading the rest! And was intense but good! Thank you ;)

omg! so anxious to know if blaine tells kurt about his feelings!!

*in a sing song voice* We'll see. ;)-Krystal :) x