Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Secrets and Blackmail.

E - Words: 2,112 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
1,181 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, I just want to warn you that this is the weirdest chapter I've ever written for anything. I'm not sure what made me decide to go this route with this chapter but I hope it's okay.Enjoy :)

It had been a week since Kurt had eavsedropped on Mr. Anderson's phone call. One whole week and he still had no idea what to do. Should he tell him or should he keep it a secret? It had gotten to the point that he hated going to English. It wasn't because he was afraid he'd spill the secret, it's because now that he knows Mr. Anderson is gay, his crush has gotten way out of control. Like embarrassingly so.

"Mr. Hummel?" Kurt was pulled back to reality when Mr. Anderson called his name.

"Uh what? I'm sorry." Kurt felt himself blushing, this had been happening a lot lately. He found his mind wondering during class, usually to thoughts of Mr. Anderson.

"Mr. Hummel, if you can't stay focused I will assign extra work to make sure you do. Now please pay attention, and see me after class." Mr. Anderson looked exhausted and Kurt decided it was best to push his thoughts away and focus.

Once again when the bell rang, Kurt found himself staying put, waiting for the other students to leave.

"Maybe next time you'll keep your day dreams about the gay hobbit to a minimum, or maybe not, I'm sure you enjoy getting all freaky after class." Santana whispered in his ear before walking out of the room, winking at Mr. Anderson.

Kurt just sat there, staring after her. How did she know about Mr. Anderson? Did she really know or was she just being her typical bitchy self?

"Kurt?" Mr. Anderson appeared right in front of Kurt's desk, his eyes displaying concern.

"What? Sorry I-" Kurt really had no idea how to explain what was going on.

"Are you okay? For the past week you've seemed, different. I know I'm not really able to judge your change in mood, but those first few days you seemed happy. Now you just seem closed off." Blaine really was worried about Kurt. His first thought was that the bullying had gotten worse.

"I'm fine, I've been working a lot with classes and Glee Club." Kurt was proud of himself for coming up witht that on the spot.

"Okay, I just want you to know, I'm here if you need to talk. I know I've already told you-"

"It's okay Mr. Anderson, really, but thank you." Kurt smiled, hoping Mr. Anderson would drop it. Kurt just realized he was alone in a room with his very hot and very gay English teacher.

"O-okay, just please try to stay focused, I know learning about Shakespeare isn't ideal but"

"It's not that, actually you make it fun." Kurt flushed red the moment the words were out of his mouth.

"Really, you think so?" Blaine couldn't help the fuzzy happy feeling that he felt knowing that Kurt thought his lesson plans were fun.

"Yes really. Did the kids at your last school not like it?" Kurt knew he should go, but something kept him from actually getting up and leaving. 

Blaine just laughed at the memories of his Shakespeare lessons at his old school. "Where I taught nothing could make the kids like Shakespeare, not even Leo DiCaprio."

Kurt pretended to be shocked, taking in a gasp and putting his hand over his heart. "How dare they." He just barely managed to keep from laughing, but his smile betrayed him.

"I'm not kidding. And that's a great movie, it's a good, modern make of Romeo and Juliet." Blaine found that he was enjoying himself just laughing and joking with Kurt.

"Mhmm, personally though, I have to say I'm biased because it's Leonardo DiCaprio." Kurt smirked before realizing what he'd implied. "Oh God, I'm sorry, that was so not appropriate. I-"

"It's okay Kurt. Really it's fine." Blaine had assumed Kurt was gay, he prided himself on his almost always accurate gaydar, but knowing for sure sent a chill down his spine that he couldn't explain. "Stop it, jeez Anderson you can't have a simple conversation with a student without your mind going places." Blaine mentally scolded himself.

Kurt didn't miss the way Mr. Anderson's eyes darkened for only a second. "I-I guess I should go. I'm sure you have tests to grade or something." Kurt jumped up and all but ran out of the room, leaving Blaine clueless and confused.

As he made his way to his locker, Santana came up behind him. "So Hummel, I assume you overheard him on the phone last week too."

"W-what are you talking about?" Kurt tried to play innocent, but he was freaking out inside. Santana knew, she was there and now she knows.

"Cut the crap Hummel. I know you know what I'm talking about, you've been acting weird ever since that day." The look on Santana's face told Kurt he wasn't going to lie his way out of this.

"Fine, yes I overheard. Apparently you did too." Kurt gave in, she obviously had a reason for bringing this up, that's how Santana worked.

"Obviously. Look, I don't care who he takes home, that's none of my business, but I know you do, so I have a deal to make with you." Santana said, leaning back against the lockers.

"First, I don't care who he takes home, second, why on Earth would I make a deal with you?"

"Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone you and Mr. Anderson are 'seeing each other after class' if you know what I mean."

"Santana you-" Kurt sighed knowing it was useless to argue. "Fine, what's your deal?"

"You like him, it's obvious, don't try to deny it."

"So, what's your point?" Kurt asked, trying to figure her out.

"Okay, so here's my deal: the Glee Club doesn't trust me anymore, and for good reason, but it makes getting dirt for coach Sue even harder. You on the other hand, are a pretty, innocent pony, no one would ever suspect you."

"So you want me to give you dirt on the Glee Club, why?" Kurt was confused.

"To give to coach Sue, duh. And if you don't, I'll tell Mr. Anderson that you him to bend you over his desk and-"

"Okay, okay! And if that doesn't work, you'll tell everyone that we're getting it on after class."

"Exactly. Basically, I'm blackmailing you." Santana said matter of factly.

"Why are you doing this?" Kurt asked.

"Because I'm a bitch, I thought you knew that."

"Oh I do, but why me?"

"Because you're the only one who would actually do it."

"What about Quinn?" Kurt countered.

"They don't trust her either. They trust you, and you're the only one I have dirt on." 

Kurt gave it a long thought, if he said yes and the Glee Club found out, he'd lose all of his friends. If he said no, she'd tell Mr. Anderson's secret along with a very unture rumor that could get him fired. "Fine, I'll do it." He sighed.

"Good, I knew you'd make the right choice." Santana smirked and walked off leaving Kurt alone.

"Shit!" Kurt slammed his locker shut and headed for the library. This was so not how senior year was suppose to go.


As the weeks went by, everybody noticed a change in Kurt. When they tried to talk to him about it though, he'd snap at them and walk off. No one was able to get through to him

"Kurt will you please talk to us? We're just worred about you. Has the bullying gotten worse, did Karofsky do something?" Tina pleaded with him before English started.

Kurt glanced at Santana before responding. "I'm fine, I just have a lot to deal with right now, I wish people would stop asking me if I'm okay. If I wanted to talk about it, I would." Honestly, Kurt was far from okay. He was going behind his friends' back, giving Sue information that could ruin the Glee Club, trying to keep his grades up, getting preached at by his dad about college, and fighting an internal battle over his crush on Mr. Anderson.

"We can tell something's wrong Kurt, you're different, angrier." Quinn said softly.

Kurt didn't notice Mr. Anderson walking in just was he started in on his rant. "Oh my God, I'm fine guys. Please stop fucking asking! I already have enough stress, I do not need ant more!" By the end, he was yelling.

"Mr. Hummel, that's enough! Everyone except Mr. Hummel, go to the library and do research for your essay on Hamlet. Mr. Hummel, you and I are goung to chat."

The class quickly made their way out of the room, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone.

"Was that necessary?" Blaine could tell Kurt was on the verge of snapping, something was obviously bothering him.

"I'm just tired of everyone breathing down my neck! This isn't how senior year was suppose to be! I'm being blackmailed to pass info to Sue on the Glee Club, my dad won't stop going on about college. I have to keep my grades up, trying to hide a crush on someone who will never return the feelings, and I'm keeping your secret. I'm exhausted!" Kurt didn't even realize what he had said.

"First if Sue is blackmailing you, you should go to principal Figgins. Second, you're a senior, college isn't that far off. Third, you're a smart kid, I'm sure you're grades are great. Fourth, that's why they're called crushes. And fifth, what the hell are you talking about, my secret?" Blaine had a pretty good idea, but he still had hope that he was wrong.

"Um, I uh- nothing, it's nothing." Kurt couldn't believe he'd let all of that out.

"It's obviously something, what is it?" Blaine softened his gaze, hoping to get Kurt to talk.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just on my way to talk to you and you were on the phone and I overheard and-"

"Whoa, calm down Kurt. What did you hear?"

"You telling some Sebastian guy that you're gay. I wasn't trying to listen, I didn't know what to do, so I left. I'm really sorry." Kurt was almost in tears.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I trust you Kurt, I'm not mad." Surprisingly, Blaine was calm, Kurt, one of his students, knew he was gay but it didn't bother him, he felt somewhat relieved.

"No, it's not okay because Santana overheard too. She's using it to blackmail me. She said if I didn't pass secrets about the Glee Club she'd tell the whole school about you and say that we are fooling around after class." Kurt sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Kurt listen to me. You can't let her do that, it's hurting you, I can tell, everyone can tell." Blaine's heart dropped to his stomach knowing Kurt was doing this for him.

"If she tells, you'll get fired. I can't let that happen."

"Kurt you-"

"No, you're the first teacher around here to actually give a crap about me, you're the only one who's ever extended a hand for me to come talk to. I'm not about to be the reason you get fired." Kurt was serious, he wouldn't ever forgive himself.

Blaine's heart ached for Kurt, hearing that none of the other teachers ever tried to help him, it made him angry. "Okay, fine. You're really stubborn you know that? I'll make you a deal, since you're doing this for me, I'll help you out. If you need help in any of your classes, I'll help and I'll help you with your college applications." He felt something inside him saying it was a bad idea. He still wasn't sure about all of these feelings he had when he was around Kurt, but part of him needed to do this, wanted to do this.

"You really don't-"

"I insist. I know what it's like, please let me help lighten the load." Blaine smiled.

"Okay, I guess I could use some help, especially with the college thing." Kurt's stomach tightened up with anticipation, he was going to get to spend more time with Mr. Anderson, outside of English class. He'd be a fool to say no to that.

"Alright then, it's settled." Just then the bell rang to signal the end of the class.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you Mr. Anderson." Kurt smiled, really smiled for the first time in almost a month.

"No, thank you Kurt. See you tomorrow."

As Kurt walked away it hit him hard, like he'd ran into a brick wall. "Holy shit! I'm in love with my English teacher!" 

As soon as Kurt left Blaine let out a frustrated sigh, much more confused about his feelings than before. "He's a student, you are not doing this. He's just the first gay guy you've been around since moving back to Ohio, you do not have feelings for him." He let himself believe that was the reason his heart skipped a beat when Kurt smiled, and that it was the reason he was so determined to be the one to make him smile. He was so not in love with his student!

End Notes: Okay, so like I said, that was the weirdest chapter I've ever written. I have no idea where the Santana blackmail thing came from. I'm really sorry if this chapter was all over the place. At least Blaine knows that Kurt and Santana know that he's gay. Hopefully the next chapter will be a little bit better. :)Let me know what you thought about this chapter, I know it's kind of crazy and out of nowhere.-Krystal :) x


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This chapter was awesome. The whole blackmail thing was unexpected but it added an interesting twist to the situation and it was something I could totally seeing bitchy Santana doing. It was nice to see that the girls from Glee were worried about Kurt and that Blaine also realized when something was wrong. Seeing them both realize that the feelings for each other might be love was really great as well. I can't wait to see what happens next.

I am so glad that someone actually liked the blackmail thing. I had no intentions of writing that but it just kind of happened so I left it in. I have plans for Tina and Quinn later on in the story BIG plans, Santana too. :) I want to work up to Kurt and Blaine really realizing their feelings for each other, especially Blaine. I'm extremely happy that this chapter wasn't a total train wreck :) -Krystal :) x

I totally didn't plan for her to be such a bitch, it just kind of happened, but I'm glad it did now, I have some big plans for her later in the story. :) I'm glad you're enjoying it!! :D-Krystal :) x

Wow Santana is a real bitch playing with Kurts emotions and good nature as she does. I'm really enjoying this story.

the thing that makes the santana-blackmail thing weird is that i thought santana was in glee club. one would think that by being in the club, she can get the dirt herself through firsthand observation. but since that doesn't appear to be happening, it suggests that she's not in glee club. can you confirm or deny this?

Sure :) no she's not in Glee Club, she was but for this story she's not. There will be more about the blackmailing thing once Kurt gets back to school. I'll make a point to explain why she's not in Glee Club anymore later on :) thank you for reading and reviewing. :) if you have anymore questions just ask :) -Krystal :) x

santana bllackmailing kurt wasnt too far fetched... i love her bitchiness but its hurting kurt (my gav gee character)

The blackmailing is needed, otherwise I wouldn't do it. :) -Krystal :) x