May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
when Kurt and Finn got home after Glee rehearsal, they both went straight to their rooms, not speaking.
"Boys, dinner's ready!" Carole called up, she hoped that they would talk about what was wrong.
"So how was school?" Burt asked once they were all seated.
Kurt glared at Finn who rolled his eyes. Burt could tell they were having an argument.
"Alright, spill. What's up with you two?"
"Nothing Finn mumbled."
"Finn and Rachel are meddling in things that are none of their business." Kurt snapped.
"Burt sighed. "Like what?"
"Like the life of the new English teacher. Santana has already been giving him crap, he doesn't need them making it worse."
"What exactly are they doing?" Carole asked, giving Finn a death glare.
"Telling everyone in Glee Club that he's gay. That could cause him to get fired, or cause Sue to bully him until he quits." Kurt had no idea why it made him so upset, but he couldn't shake the anger he felt.
"Finn, that is very serious. You know how people are around here when it comes to gay people. Kurt's right, if parents find out, even if it is just rumor, and start complaining, he could get fired." Carole couldn't believe how unthoughtful Finn was being about this.
"I'm sorry." Finn hung his head, ashamed.
"Thank you." Carole patted his hand. "So, other than that, how did the first day go?"
"Pretty good."
"It could have been worse."
As they finished up dinner and went their seperate ways. Kurt couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Anderson. "What if he is gay?" Kurt sighed as he layed down to go to sleep. "He's your teacher Kurt, stop being a creepy, insane idiot!"
Kurt fe asleep that night, dreading going to school the next day.
Blaine awoke to his alarm clock, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom. He hadn't slept much the night before because he kept seeing Kurt's eyes every time he closed his. When he finally did get to sleep, Kurt was in his dreams.
"This is horrible, he's my student!" Blaine sighed and threw water over his face. "Stop being a pervert and focus on keeping your job!"
Blaine left his appartment dreading second period.
"Watch where you're walking fairy!" Karofsky said, pushing Kurt against the lockers, laughing as he walked away.
"Kurt, are you okay?" Rachel asked, looking sad knowing she couldn't do anything to help.
"Yeah, I'm good. I gotta get to cass." Kurt said, running off towards the English classroom.
"You're late Mr. Hummel." Blaine noted when Kurt walked through the door, looking miserable.
"I know I- I'm sorry." Kurt walked over to his seat, waving off Tina and Quinn's attempts to find out what was wrong.
Blaine could tell something was wrong with Kurt, he looked sad. Blaine's heart restricted at the sight of Kurt's sky blue eyes looking cold and dark. "See me after class Mr. Hummel." The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
When the bell rang, Kurt stayed seated, waiting until everyone had left to talk to Mr. Anderson.
"Don't be too loud lady lips, although I'm pretty sure he'll make you scream." Santana whispered with a wink as she passed Kurt's desk, causing him to blush.
"So Kurt, why were you late?" Blaine asked, causing Kurt to jump.
"Wha- oh, I-I was-" Kurt debated telling him everything, about the bullying and teasing. "I was talking to my friend and lost track of time. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He couldn't tell him.
Blaine saw right through Kurt's lie. He saw a look in Kurt's eye that he'd saw in his so many times when he was in high school. Kurt was getting bulled. Just the thought of it made Blaine's stomach twist up in anger.
"So am I in trouble?" Kurt asked, pulling Blaine back to Earth.
"No, I'll let it slide." Blaine smiled seeing how relieved Kurt was.
"Well I should go, I don't want to keep you from work." Kurt stood up and headed to the door.
"Okay, and Kurt, if you ever need someone to talk to, about anything, my door is always open. I've been told that I'm a good listener." Blaine gave Kurt a soft smile.
"Thank you Mr. Anderson, I'll keep that in mind." Kurt returned the smile and left the room. Somehow Mr. Anderson made him feel safe.
The rest of the day went along pretty uneventful, the occasional show or push, but nothing too bad. By the time Glee Club rolled around, Kurt was feeling pretty good.
"I don't know Rachel, he doesn't seem to be gay." Tina looked skeptical.
"No, I swear he is, I can just tell."
"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked, sitting beside Tina.
"Not what, but whom. We're talking about Mr. Anderson." Rachel focused her attention on Kurt.
"Rachel thinks he's gay." Tina rolled her eyes.
"He is!"
"Rachel, seriously? Just stop. A teacher's sexuality is not something to gossip or joke around about." Kurt was getting frustrated with hearing people say that Mr. Anderson's gay.
"Fine, but I still stand by my statement." Rachel said, crossing her arms.
"You are such a drama queen." Kurt huffed as Mr. Shue walked in, going on about this week's assignment.
After Glee Club, Kurt found himself walking towards Mr. Anderson's room. He wasn't even sure why, he just wanted to talk to him.
As he got closer, he heard Mr. Anderson talking. Kurt gathered he was talking on the phone given he could only hear one voice.
"Listen Sebastian, I already told you I can't." Blaine sounded frustrated with this Sebastian.
Kurt knew he shouldn't be listening, but he couldn't force himself to move.
"Look, I don't want to ruin my teaching career, I already lost one job, I don't want to lose this one."
Kurt wondered why Mr. Anderson had lost his job.
"Please Sebastian, I-"
Kurt wished he could hear what Sebastian was saying.
"That was high school Seb, we're older now. Besides, I'm not even out here."
Kurt refused to let himself believe what he was hearing, there was no way Rachel was-
"No, no one knows I'm gay. I can't risk it again." Blaine sighed, and Kurt heard his chair squeak, telling him Mr. Anderson was getting up.
Kurt ran back the way he came, not wanting Mr. Anderson to catch him. He still couldn't believe it, Rachel and Finn were right, Mr. Anderson is gay. "Obviously he doesn't want anyone to find out because of his job." Kurt thought to himself.
He made his way to his car and drove home, thankfully Finn had football practice and they drove seperately. He needed time to process this new information and what he would do about it.
"Thanks Seb, I appreciate it. Bye." Blaine hung up, pocketing his phone before grabbing his bag and exiting the room. Little did he know that not only Kurt had heard him, but Santana was walking away from the other entrance to the classroom with her signature bitch smirk on her face.
ohh emm gee! i can only imagine what santana is going to do...
She's Santana... expect everything. -Krystal :) x