Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Justice and Guilt.

E - Words: 1,102 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
657 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Kind of a short one, but I think it's a pretty big one as far as what happens. :)Enjoy!

As the weeks pass, things started returning to normal. Blaine was given time off work to recover, no one had questioned why he was in Westerville with Kurt, and Kurt was getting better every day. Burt and Carole had all but let Blaine move in because Kurt would have nightmares when Blaine wasn't around. The doctor said they would stop eventually, but it still hurt Blaine to see his Kurt so scared. They still had a long way to go, but they were getting there, starting with making Karofsky pay for what he did.

The cops had taken statements from both Kurt and Blaine, they assured them it would be taken care of, but after two weeks of nothing, everyone was starting to feel a little stressed out.

"It's been two weeks, why haven't they done anything?" Burt had been trying to focus on the game but his mind kept drifting off to Kurt and Blaine.

"These things take time Burt, we just have to wait." Carole understood why Burt was starting to worry, but she needed to stay calm, for her family's sake.

"We have waited! I'm tired of waiting! That little punk ass homophobe hurt my son and his boyfriend, he deserves to be punished!" Burt yelled.

"Dad please, don't stress yourself out anymore than you already are. You don't need to have another heart attack." Kurt said softly from the couch where he and Blaine were snuggled under a blanket.

"Kurt, he almost killed you, I don't care about me right now. I want this kid to pay for what he did."

"There's nothing you can do Dad, there's no point in getting riled up. Just let it go until we hear from the police." Kurt sighed, he worried about his dad getting too stressed.

Burt was about to argue but the phone rang, so instead, he gave Kurt a loot to say the conversation was over and went to answer it. "Hello? Hummel-Husdon residence."

"Hello, Mr. Hummel? This is Officer Jones from the Lima PD, I'm calling about your son's case. We are moving forward with the case, we're able to charge the suspect with assault and battery, and if we play our cards right, we could get it bumped up to aggravated assault and battery, which is a felony."

"Thank you Officer, we appreciate you calling to let us know. Have a good day." 

"You too Mr. Hummel."

Burt hung up and turned to Blaine and Kurt who were looking at him curiously. "Well, that as Officer Jones, the man in charge of your case. He wanted to let us know that they are moving forward with the case and charging Karofsky with assault and battery. He also said it's possible that they could get it up to aggravated assault and battery and that's a felony."

"So that means he's going to jail?" Kurt asked hopefully.

"It's a pretty good possibility. If he gets charged with the felony, he definitely will." Blaine pulled Kurt closer, something he'd started doing every time they talked about Karofsky.

"When will we know for sure?"

"He didn't say, but I'd guess soon." Burt said, wanting nothing more than to have this whole mess over with.

"Don't worry Kurt, he'll never hurt you again. I promise." Blaine kissed forehead, smiling when Kurt placed a kiss to his chin in response.

"Hopefully by the time I get back to school this will all be settled. It's going to be bad enough with everyone asking questions, I don't want to deal with the possibility of him popping out from behind a door or something." Kurt was kind of thankful he still had a while to go before he could return to school. He wasn't ready to face the entire McKinley High student body shooting him looks of pitty.

"If it's not settled, we'll just have to look into getting you transferred for the rest of the year. Blaine, you said you went to that private boys school in Westerville right?" Burt asked, he'd already talked this over with Carole, they knew it was something they should look into, just in case.

"Yes I did. It's a great school, they have a 100% no harrassment policy and it's very effective."

"No, I'm not transferring schools over this. I'm not moving away from my friends, from Blaine. It's my senior year, I won't let him run me out of my school." Kurt couldn't stand the thought of switching schools because of Karofsky.

"Kurt honey, I know you don't like the idea, and it's not a for sure thing, but if it's the safest option, then you should at least think about it. Your friends will understand, I'll understand. Honestly, I'd feel a hell of a lot better knowing for sure that you were safe." Blaine said, rubbing soothing circles across Kurt's back.

"But it's my senior year."

"Like Blaine said, it's not set in stone, we'll wait and see how things go then we'll figure something out. Your safety is what's important."

"Your dad's right. You need to be safe honey."

"Can we not talk about this anymore? I'm getting a headache." Kurt just wanted to go lay down and forget all about Karofsky and the attack.

"Sure kiddo. Do you want Blaine to get your medicine and take you upstairs to rest?" Burt asked, his heart aching for his son.

"Yes, please."

"Alright, I'm going to carry you, no complaints." Blaine warned before picking Kurt up effortlessly and heading upstairs.



Once he got Kurt settled into bed with his medicine and a glass of water, Blaine turned out the light and started to head back downstairs.

"Blaine, please don't go." Kurt sounded so scared and broken that it ripped Blaine's heart in two.

"I won't, I'm right here baby." Blaine struggled to keep his emotions in check.

"Will you come cuddle with me? I want to be able to feel you here." Kurt asked.

"Of course baby, of course." Blaine hurriedly pulled off his socks and shirt, Kurt said he liked to feel Blaine's chest when they cuddled, the warmth of his bare skin.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you Blaine." Kurt sighed, settling himself against Blaine.

"I'm here for you. Always. Now, get some rest." Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head and squeezed him tighter.

Kurt drifted off to sleep, but Blaine stayed awake, thinking. What if this was all his fault? What if Kurt was hurting because of him? He's the one that took Kurt to that restaurant, if he'd just been brave enough to be out with Kurt, they wouldn't have had to sneak around in Westerville, and maybe Karofsky wouldn't have been able to do what he did.

Blaine felt like he was drowning in guilt and shame. How did he let this happen?

End Notes: Kind of an angsty ending for this chapter. Oops!I did a little research on the assult and battery thing, but if I've gotten it wrong, feel free to correct me, I didn't do that much research, just a quick little google search. :)Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. Next update on Thursday!-Krystal :) x


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You know I'm liking the story of course. :P I just want to give you a spelling note for misspelled word. ;) It's assault, not assult. ^_^ Can't wait for more!

Thank you! I didn't even notice that!! I'm completely sure that if you went through again, you'd find more spelling problems. I may love to write, but I'm just awful at spelling. :D I'm glad you're liking the story and thank you again for pointing that out, I appreciate it very much.-Krystal :) x

This was really good. I like that Burt has become more accepting of Kurt and Blaine's relationship and that he has allowed Blaine to stay at the house rather than keeping them apart. I hope that Kurt is able to show Blaine that what happened wasn't his fault. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

I think Burt realizes that no matter if he approves or not, Kurt is in love with Blaine and there's nothing he can really do to stop his son from loving someone. He's seen that Blaine really loves Kurt back so he's accepting it because he knows they're good together and that Blaine isn't just using Kurt. I haven't written the next chapter yet, but I'm sure there will be some talk about Blaine's guilt, maybe by more than just Kurt and Blaine, we'll see. :) -Krystal :) x

i hate that blaines blaiming himself =/

A little guilt is healthy sometimes. :)-Krystal :) x