Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Fire and Ice.

E - Words: 1,385 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
672 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello my lovelies, I hope you all survived Come What May. :)We have some Sebastian/Blaine interaction and then all Klaine happy and in love because I needed to have them happy!Enjoy. :)

Blaine gets released from the hospital three days later once the doctor has determined that there was no damage to his sight. He still has dark bruises covering his chest and stomach and his eye is an angry shade of red, blue, and purple all mixed together. For the most part though, he feels fine, just a little sore. It's Kurt that's got a lot of recovery ahead of him, and Blaine has promised him he'd be there through it all. That's why, once he was released from the hospital, he headed up to the fourth floor where Kurt was instead of going home and resting like the doctor had instructed. 

When he got there, he found Burt napping in one of the chairs and Kurt sleeping, Vogue magazine still in hand. He smiled softly at how peaceful Kurt looked, despite the bandages on his head and the wires sticking out from his arm. He decided to go get coffe for him and Burt, letting them rest a little longer.

"Hey B, I heard the doctor released you." Sebastian was taking his break in the cafeteria when he saw Blaine walk in.

"Hey Seb. Yeah, she said I was good to go, no damage to my sight or anything thankfully." 

"That's great, you're lucky B, it could've been a lot worse."

"I know it could've been worse, but I'm far from lucky. One of my students attacked me and my boyfriend who is still in the hospital because the doctor wants to make sure the swelling in his brain stays under control. He's had a headache ever since he woke up from surgery that won't go away no matter how much medicine they give him, his body is covered in bruises and his shoulder was dislocated. That's not lucky."

"But that's Kurt, not you." Sebastian could tell Blaine was taking this hard.

"I would give anything to take his place. It's killing me to see him in pain, I just want to take it away. He doesn't deserve it and there's nothing I can do." Blaine sighed as the lady handed him two cups of coffee.

"Blaine, look at me." Sebastian only used his full name when he wanted Blaine to know he wasn't joking around. "You didn't make that kid beat you guys up, so stop blaming yourself. You want to help Kurt, well the best way to help him is just to be there for him, neither of you need to deal with this alone, so just be there for him and you can't do that if you're blaming yourself."

"I just feel like I should've done more to protect him." Blaine mumbled.

"There's nothing you could have done B, that Karofsjy kid is nothing but a homophobic ass, none of this was your fault."

"Yeah." Blaine tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I gotta get back up to Kurt. I'll see you later." He turned and left without another word, he didn't want to see any more of the pitty in Sebastian's eyes.



When he got back to the room, he found Kurt sitting up, the best he could, eating what looked like soup. "Hey, you're awake."

"Blaine! Hey, what're you doing here?" Kurt asked, happily surprised to see Blaine.

"The doctor released me so I'm free now, which means I can stay with you as long as I want. Where's your dad? I brought him a coffee." Blaine noticed Burt was no longer in the room.

"Dunno, the nurse woke me up when she brought my food in, which by the way is awful, and he wasn't here."

"That does look pretty bad, what's it suppose to be anyway?" Blaine questioned, looking at the bowl of mystery soup.

"I think some sort of chicken soup, but it tastes like diry gym socks."

Blaine couldn't help but laugh. "Do I even want to know how you know what dirty gym socks taste like?"

"Probably not." Kurt smiled for the first time since the attack. "Hey Blaine, can you do me a favor?" He asked hesitantly.

"Sure honey, what do you need?"

"Will you, uh, will you hold me?"

"A-are you sure? I don't want to hurt you or anything."

"Please." Kurt whispered so quietly that Blaine almost didn't catch it.

"Okay, let me get your food out of the way and get these wires situated, I don't want to unplug one of them." Blaine took Kurt's tray of half eaten food and set it aside before adjusting the tubes that were connected to Kurt's arms and climbing carefully into the bed, opening his arms for Kurt to snuggle into him.

Kurt sighed happily as Blaine's arms wrapped around him, and for the first time since before the attack, he felt safe. "I love you." He breathed out, smiling into Blaine's chest.

"I love you too Kurt, I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you. I would do anything to take the pain away, if I could, I would switch places with you. It's killing me to see you hurting like this." Blaine sniffed, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What could you have done to stop him? This isn't your fault Blaine, he hurt you too and that hurts me. I don't want to see you hurt either sweetie. I'm just glad that we have each other, because I really don't think I could get through this without you Blaine. Please don't blame yourself though, I'm going to be fine, you're going to be fine, and we're going to put all of this behind us and move on."

"I don't know how you're so optimistic about all of this." Blaine confessed. It really amazed him how well Kurt was handling it.

"Do you want to know my secret?" Kurt asked, settling himself closer to Blaine.

"Sure." Blaine carefully kissed Kurt's bandaged head, smiling when Kurt nuzzled his chest in repsonse.

"I think about you and how much I love you and how even though you're my first boyfriend and you're my teacher, I can easily picture the rest of my life with you. I know we've only been together for a small amount of time, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. Does that make sense or is it just my pain meds talking?" Kurt laughed and kissed Blaine's chest gently, knowing he still had a lot of bruising there.

"It definitely makes sense, because I feel the same way. The moment I met you, I knew there was something different about you and at first it terrified me because you're my student, I shouldn't feel this way towards you. Once I gave in though, I realized that you were someone I could see myself settling down with, and I want to, some day."

"Really?" Kurt asked, a little shocked.

"Yes really. I love you Kurt, I don't know what it is about you that makes me feel so complete, but I know that I can't live without you, not anymore."

Kurt smiled, happy to hear that Blaine felt the same as he did about their relationship. "Don't worry, you won't have to because I can't live without you either. I guess we're kind of stuck with each other."

"There's no where I'd rather be than right here with you."

"Really Blaine, really? That kind of ruined the moment." Kurt laughed, wincing at the pain in his chest.

"What? What did I say?" Blaine asked, clueless.

"That was a little too cheesy sweetheart. I can name a number of places I'd rather be than here, but I get what you mean though."

"Ha, yeah, I guess that was a little cheesy." Blaine laughed too, running a hand down Kurt's back.

"But it's okay because I love you and I can deal with your cheesiness."

"I hope so because it's only going to get worse. Sometimes I can't help myself, being cheesy is just a thing that I can't turn off."

"Hmm, thanks for the warning babe." Kurt said with a yawn.


"No, not really, okay, maybe just a bit. You're just so comfy and warm, I feel safe with you like this." Kurt mumbled through another yawn.

Blaine swollowed down the lump in his throat. "I will keep you safe from now on Kurt, I promise."

"I know. Love you Blaine." Kurt said before drifting off to sleep.

"Love you too honey." Blaine whispered, letting himself doze off, happy and content with Kurt there in his arms, knowing he was going to be okay, knowing that they were going to be okay.

End Notes: And there it is, some fluff to hold out until Tuesday! I think we'll find out what happens with Karofsky next chapter so that's going to be interesting to write. :)Hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you thought.-Krystal :) x


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Klaine fluff! :P Nothing better than Klaine fluff right? I'm a sucker for happy endings. In most cases I can't bear to kill off a favorite character. I can't see how people can do that. And if I do, I always have a round about way of bringing them back. Like in a story I have on my account called A Beary Happy Birthday Blaine, which I can't finish the final chapter for because my stupid browser on my phone will no longer let me into my account. I don't have a computer currently so unless I can get another browser app, people will have to wait. And I'll likely have to rewrite the whole thing if the 90 day edit window expires by then.Anyway, back on track! Still loving this story and looking forward to more fluffy stuffs! Yay! Keep up the good work! And I have a story on my tumblr too if you want to hit me up there at all. The URL name is potterheadedgleek. :) Can't wait for more!

You're right, nothing beter than Klaine fluff. :) I've never killed a character off in any of my stories, nor do I ever want to, at least not with my fanfictions. I couldn't handle killing one of the main characters off, I wouldn't be able to do that. I plan on more fluff cause it's fun to write, and I like fun. :) I looked you up on tumblr and followed you immediately! I don't post any of my stories on tumblr, they're all on here, but if you want to check it out, my URL is crisstalclear1. I updated all of my social media stuff on my profile here, so if you want to check that out, the information is there. :) I'll definitely be checking out your stories. :) Anyway, I'm glad you like this story, it's so fun to write, I'm going to be sad when it ends. :( But that won't be happening for a while. -Krystal :) x

This was really good. I like the friendship that Blaine has with Sebastian and I think it is great that he tried his best to get Blaine to realize that none of this was his fault. Kurt and Blaine were adorable in this and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Blaine and Sebastian as friends is something that I personally adore and would love to see made canon. (Maybe it's my love for Grant Gustin that makes me feel so strongly for Sebastian, who knows) :) I wanted to do some cute, fluffy Klaine to contrast the attack and angst, so I'm glad you liked it! Next chapter will be up Tuesday!-Krystal :) x

aww thats was just too greaking cuuute!

Klaine fluff is always the best, and I felt it was needed after everything that happened. :) -Krystal :) x