May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
When Kurt walked into English, he was expecting the worst. He was fully prepared for Blaine to not be there, a long term sub in his place saying something about Mr. Anderson not returning for the rest of the year. What he didn't expect was for Blaine to be standing at the board, writing the lesson he had planned with a huge smile on his face that only got bigger when he noticed Kurt.
"He seems to be in a good mood today." Quinn said once Kurt was seated so no one would over hear them.
"Yeah, yeah he does." Kurt smiled. He didn't know why Blaine was so happy, but he didn't care. If Blaine was happy that meant the meeting went well.
"Okay class, take your seats. Today we're going to finish up our Shakespeare unit and get ready for our test, which will be Thursday."
The entire class let out groans of protest.
"I know, I know. Tests suck, but we have to have them. How about this, I'll make you a deal, if no one falls asleep in class from now until Wednesday I'll pass out a cheat sheet for you to use on your test. Can we handle that?" Blaine had never been a fan of cheat sheets, but he was in such a good mood that he decided, why not.
Kurt just stared at Blaine in wonder. He knew Blaine wasn't a fan of cheat sheets, he hated them, so why was he willingly agreeing to give them one? He decided that he needed to find out why Blaine was in such a good mood, he'd talk to him after class.
Kurt hung back after class was over, not even bothering to make himself look busy. Once everyone had left and the door was shut, he spoke up. "Someone has either had too much coffe or they're meeting went better than expected."
Blaine laughed and motioned for Kurt to take the seat beside his desk. "Well since I only had a half of a cup of coffee this morning, I'd go with the second option."
"Wait, really? What happened? Did they-"
"It wasn't about us. They're starting a research class next semester that is going to be manditory for all seniors and they asked me to teach it."
"Hold on, so they don't know about us? We're safe?" Kurt wanted to be absolutely sure before he let himself feel relieved.
"We're safe." Blaine said with a soft smile.
"Oh my- Blaine!" Kurt squealed with excitement and flug himself at Blaine, hugging him.
Blaine hugged him back. "We're going to be okay. I was so worried, but you were right, everything worked out."
"God, I was worried too. I was so afraid I was going to lose you annd I don't want to lose you, ever."
"You're not going to lose me Kurt, I promise."
They stayed like that for a few minutes before Blaine spoke up again. "Do you think I could get your dad to let me take you out to celebrate? I just really want to be with you after everything, and-"
"Just give me the time and place, I'll be there." Kurt said, pulling back so he could look at Blaine.
"Uh, my house, around six. There's this little place my mom always-"
"I'll be there." Kurt interupted, already coming up with a plan.
"A-are you sure? I don't want-"
"I'll be there Blaine, don't worry. I gotta go, I'll see you tonight." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand before standing and running out of the room. He needed to find Tina.
"Kurt! Hey Kurt, wait up." Rachel called after him, seeing Kurt run out of the English room.
"Shit." Kurt mumbled under his breath before turning around to face Rachel. "What can I do for you Miss. Berry?"
"C-can we talk, privately?" Rachel asked nervously.
"Sure, but can it wait? I really need to find Tina and-"
"I know."
"I-I know about you and Mr. Anderson." Rachel said quietly, not looking Kurt in the eye.
"Come again?" Kurt sounded more forceful than he would have liked, but didn't say anything about it.
"You heard me. I know about you and Mr. Anderson."
"I don't know what you're talking about Rachel."
"Yes you do. Why didn't you tell me Kurt? I'm your best friend, do you not trust me?" Rachel asked, still not looking at Kurt.
"Of course I trust you Rachel, it's just- look, I'm not saying you're right about this, but for future reference, somethings are meant to be kept as secrets."
"You thought I'd tell everyone if you told me. You're my best friend Kurt, I would never hurt you like that, and the fact that you think I would- I gotta go." Rachel ran off, leaving Kurt torn between telling her and risking it, or just letting it slide, knowing she'd come around eventually. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Karofsky slipping out from behind a door, walking away with an evil smirk on his face.
It's getting to the point where sometimes I only remember what day it is when I see your updates. I can't tell if that's a good or bad sign...Oh, wait. It's good :)
Oh my! I'm glad you like it! I do that with the updating, I would have no idea what day it was if I didn't know what I was updating. :D Hopefully you'll be able to keep the days straight until Tuesday, next chapter's going to be fun (or not) :D -Krystal :) x
aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! no!!!! i hate karofski.
Oh I'm sure you'll hate him more very soon. -Krystal :) x