Forbidden Love
Freak Outs and Arguments. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Freak Outs and Arguments.

E - Words: 1,759 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
864 0 9 0 0

Author's Notes: Are you ready to find out who Quinn and Tina's mystery person is? Also there's a shocking end to Kurt and Burt's argument leaving us with yet another cliffhanger. :)Enjoy.

"Mr. Anderson, I need to talk to you." Santana said, walking into the Enlgish room.

"What can I do for you Santana?" Blaine set aside the paper he'd been grading, she looked like she was about to say something very serious.

"I wanted to give you a heads up, Quinn and Tina know something is going on between you and Kurt, and they're not keeping their mouths shut. They were heading to talk to someone when I heard them, hopefully it's not Coach Sue, because if it is, you and lady lips are in for WWIII."

"What? How did they-"

"Kurt oogled you a little too much today. They're just speculating, they don't actually know for sure, but you needed to know because they won't just keep it a secret like I am." Santana gave him a sad smile. "Also, one more thing, they've got it figured out that I was blackmailing Kurt for Glee Club information, which means they know Kurt gave me the information. You should tell Kurt before everything blows up. I'm really sorry about all this, I wish things were different for you two." Santana gave him a genuinely sorry look before leaving Blaine alone to process everything she'd just told him

Blaine pulled out his phone and dialed Sebastian's number.

"Hey B, what's up?"

"I'm freaking out Seb. This thing between Kurt and I, it was a bad idea. People are starting to notice and-"

"Whoa, slow down and take a deep breath buddy. Now listen to me, no one has proof, you're not openly gay, so if they give you a hard time about it, fight it. Don't give up."

"But I-"

"No, you love Kurt, love is not something you just toss to the side when you get scared. Talk to him about it, work something out. I gotta go, duty calls, but seriously Blaine, don't give up on Kurt."

"Okay, thanks Seb." Blaine felt a little better, he needed to talk to Kurt but couldn't risk it at school, not now.

"No problem B." Sebastian hung up just as one of the other nurses came running up.

"Come on Sebastian, we don't have all day." Carole ushered him into the elevator. He wondered if he should mention to her that he was Blaine's best friend, but decided against it, now wasn't the time or place, maybe another day.


"Quinn, are you sure about this?" Tina asked as they stood outside of the office door.

"Yes, we have to Tina." Quinn said sternly as she pushed open the door. "Mr. Shue, do you have a minute?"

"Quinn, Tina, sure come in." Mr. Shue took in the sad, worried looks on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"It's Kurt. We have reason to believe that he's involved with the new English teacher." Quinn spoke first.

"You mean Mr. Anderson? That's- no." Mr. Shue couldn't believe it. Blaine didn't see like the type to mess around with students, male students at that. Come to think of it though, he'd never mentioned anything about his personal life.

"Something's going on, the way they look at each other, it's not the way students and teachers should look at each other." Tina spoke up.

"Finn even said Mr. Anderson visited Kurt in the hospital a lot and came over for dinner yesterday." Quinn said. "And that's not all."

"What do you mean that's not all?" Mr. Shue sighed.

"We also think Kurt's the one that's been giving Sue the inside information on the Glee Club."

"What on- Why do you think that? No matter what Kurt is or is not doing with Mr. Anderson, he love Glee and he's one of the original members, he wouldn't do something like that."

"Not unless he was being blackmailed by someone who knew about him and Mr. Anderson." Quinn countered.

"He's been spending a lot of time with Santana lately." Tina said quietly.

"Hold on let me get this straight. You think Kurt's fooling around with a teacher and Santana found out so she's blackmailing him to get information for Sue." Mr. Shue shook his head, this was too crazy.

"Yes and we have to do something before the whole school finds out, that's why we came to you."

"Mr. Shue thought about it for a minute before deciding on what to do. "Okay, I'll call Burt and talk to him about it. You two just keep quiet and don't mention this to anyone, okay?"



"Good. I'll see you in Glee Club." Mr. Shue watched them leave, sighing in frustration once the door shut. How the hell was he suppose to tell Burt about this?


Kurt went through the whole day, completely in the dark about what was going on. He noticed Quinnn and Tina looking at him with mixed expressions of worry and curiosity, but he never got the chance to talk to them because Santana shooting them a 'back off' look. He didn't really think anything of it until that night when Blaine called.

"Well hello there handsome, I was just-"

"Kurt, I need to tell you something."

"O-okay, what's up?" Kurt could hear the frustration and fear in Blaine's voice.

"I got a visit from Santana today, Quinn and Tina know about us."

"Wha- why? How?" Kurt thought back, trying to remember if he'd said anything.

"Apparently we're not doing a good job of hiding our heart eyes. They also suspect you to be the one who is passing Glee Club info to Sue."

"Oh my God, this can't be happening, this can't-"

"Hey, hey Kurt, calm down. At least let me finish before you start freaking out." Blaine laughed humorlessly.

"How can there be more? This is already bad enough."

"They were going to talk to someone about it when Santana over heard them. Now I'm done." Blaine let out a frustrated groan.

"This is- how- wait, what um, what do you want to do? Should we-"

"Nothing, we do nothing. We just go on like normal, if we start acting different it'll make it more obvious."

"What about our date that we had planned for tomorrow? Is it safe to still do that?" Kurt was still trying not to go into a full-fledged panic attack.

"I still want to go, if you do. We can talk more about all this then." Blaine wasn't going to let this mess ruin his plans.

"I do, I want to go. I-I miss kissing you." Kurt blushed.

Blaine smiled. "I miss kissing you too Kurt. Hey, I gotta go, make take out just arrived. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Blaine Anderson you better not eat take out evey night! We will have to talk about that!"

Blaine laughed, imagining Kurt giving him that stern look with his hands on his hips. "Okay, I'll add that to the list of things we need to talk about."

"You better, I won't forget mister." Kurt smiled, he really enjoyed these kinds of talks with Blaine, they could be silly and no one really cared. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

Once they hung up, the paniced feeling came back to Kurt, he needed to talk to Carole, she'll know what to do. 


"Are you sure about this Will? I know my son and-"

"No, I'm not sure, but I had two students come to me today about it. They seemed pretty convinced that something was going on. I thought you would like to know."

"Yeah, thanks. You know, I thought there might be, but Kurt said-" Burt stopped talking when Kurt appeared in the doorway.

"Hey Dad, where's Carole?" Kurt asked. He thought he'd heard his dad say his name, but ignored it.

"Uh she went out with Funn, they'll be back later. Why?"

"N-no reason, just wanted to p-plan another shopping trip." Kurt hoped his dad would believe him.

Burt looked at his son suspiciously, he was hiding something. What if- "Hey, I'll call you back." Burt hung up and turned to Kurt. "We need to have a chat son."

"W-wha- why?" Kurt was nervous, there was no way his dad knew, he couldn't.

"The other day I asked you if you were sleeping with your English teacher, you said no. Maybe I should have worded it different, so let me ask you this. Are you romantically involved with Mr. Anderson?"

Kurt thought about telling his dad the truth and accepting whatever punishment he was bound to get. Then he thought, "No, I don't have to tell him. I'm legally an adult, I can date who ever I want."

"Kurt, answer the question." Burt fixed him with a glare.


"No you're not involved or no you won't answer the question?"

"No, I won't answer the question. I told you I wasn't sleeping with im so why are you still asking about it? Is it because he was here for Sunday dinner? If so that was all Carole's idea, he did save my life Dad, she just wanted to thank him for that." Kurt's voice started to rise, he was getting angry. 

"I'm still asking because of the wat you act when he's around, and when he's mentioned you get all defensive. Then I get a call from Mr. Shue saying he had two students come to him about the looks you and Mr. Anderson have been giving each other. It just makes me wonder if maybe there is something going on."

"So you're going to believe Quinn Fabray and Tina Cohen-Chang over me, your own son? Good to know." Kurt scoffed."

"Kurt, that's not what I meant and watch your tone with me. I just wanted to-"

"I already told you! Honestly, it's none of your business anyway!" Kurt yelled, his temper taking control.

"I said watch your tone Kurt. He's your teacher, he's older, more experienced. You can't just go fooling around with guys like that Kurt, you're better than that." Burt said sadly. "If this is your way of-"

"Dear God Dad, I'm not fooling around with Mr. Anderson! I'm not fooling around with anyone! Blaine isn't using me, I love him, he loves me, he's kind and caring and-" Kurt's eyes widened in horror. He hadn't meant to say any of that.

"So you are involved with him." Burt sighed and sat down. How did he let this happen?

"I didn't mean- it's not like- I'm going to bed." Kurt turned to head back upstairs.

"Get some sleep, but this conversation isn't over. Tomorrow, you're going to skip school and we're going to have a nice, long talk about all of this."

"O-okay." Kurt ran upstairs and slammed his door. What was he going to do now? His dad knew, Carole knew, Santana, Quinn, Tina and Mr. Shue knew.

He sent a text to Blaine saying he wouldn't be at school the next day, but that he would still be going on the date. He promised to explain everything tomorrow. He got ready for bed, not sure what to expect when he woke up.

End Notes: Dun, dun, dun! What's Burt going to do? What's going to happen when Blaine finds out that Burt knows? We'll find out Thursday! :D-Krystal :) x


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Yep!! Hopefully Burt doesn't get too upset, they are going to have a conversation about it, and we'll see how Burt feels about his son dating a teacher. We'll also have Burt finding out that Carole knew. :)thanks for reading and reviewing! -Krystal :) x

Oh my god , Kurtieee let it slipppp

Oh my god , Kurtieee let it slipppp

Thank you :) Burt's not going to give in without a fight, so hopefully between Carole and Kurt they can come up with a compromise so Kurt can go on the date. I haven't actually decided if the date is going to happen or not, we'll see tomorrow when I'm writing it :D I'm glad you liked this and thanks for reviewing!-Krystal :) x

This was really good. I can't wait to see what Burt decides to do and to see if he is even willing to let Kurt go on the date in the first place. I am just hoping that Blaine refuses to give up on Kurt. Looking forward to reading the next chapter on Thursday.

I know right? ;) Kurt should be more careful and watch what comes out of his mouth when he's angry. Thank you for reading and reviewing!-Krystal :) x

I make Sebastian a nice guy in all of my stories that he appears in because I love Grant Gustin and I hate that they made Sebastian a dick on the show, so I make him a nice guy for my own personal gain. :) I think you'll get to where you like Tina and Quinn again, just wait. :) -Krystal :) x

i sooo love this sebastian! EWWW! I HATE TIA AND QUINN! OOOHHH EEMMMMM GGEEEEEE! he just told burt. nervous what hes gonna say... so i just finished the chapter... this is crazy!