Fix A Heart
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 2

M - Words: 1,389 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
2,169 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy!! :)

"Kurt! Kurt are you home?" Rachel called out as she closed the door to her's and Kurt's apartment. "Kurt!" Still getting no answer, she went to check his make shift room, making sure he was really out and not just sleeping.

Finding him to be gone, she went to the kitchen to make some dinner for when he got home, but decided against it considering last time she almost burnt the place down. She decided to call Kurt ti see when he'd be home and if he wanted take out or pizza for dinner. She was just about to dial the number when Kurt's smiling face popped up on her screen.

"Hey Kurt where are you?" Rachel asked as soon as the call connected.

"Still at work, Isabelle's running us to death over here. I had a break though so I thought I'd call." Kurt said, trying to sound as normal as possible, but knowing he'd failed.

"You almost called him again, didn't you?" Rachel sighed as she grabbed her coat. No way was she leaving Kurt there in this state.

"Yeah I did Rachel. I- ugh God, what am I suppose to do?" Kurt asked, wiping te tears from his eyes, refusing to cry at work.

"I'm on my way to get you, we'll go shopping and stop for ice cream on the way home okay?"

"Thanks Rachel, what would I do without you?" Kurt sighed in relief, grabbing his things and shoving them in his bag. He needed to get out of that tiny office.

"Have a break down and be hospitalized, and don't mention it, that's what freinds are for. Now just sit tight, I'll be there in twenty."

"Okay, please hurry." Kurt said as he hung up. "Just stay calm and breathe, don't break down here, just stay cool, Rachel's on her way." Kurt gave himself a pep talk as he walked around the corner to Isabelle's office.

"Hey Kurt could I get you to- oh wow, Kurt, are you okay, you don't look so hot?" Isabelle asked, guiding Kurt to a chair.

"Yeah, well not really. I think I have some sort of virus and I-"

"Say no more, go home, we'll manage without you." Isabelle said with a warm smile.

"A-are you sure because I can-"

"No, I'm positive. Now, get out of here."

"Thanks, I'll make it up I promise." Kurt yelled as he practically ran down the hall. He needed to get to Rachel. This just wasn't getting any easier for him.


"Sam, hey do you have a minute?" Artie ased as he wheeled himself up to Sam's locker.

"Yeah man, what's up? I was just headed to study hall."

"What's your plan?"

"What? Oh, you mean my plan for Blaine? It's a secret, but I promise it's going to be great." Sam was smiling, he got excited every time he thought about it.

"I hope so, and I hope you do it soon, I just came from the locker room and Blaine was there again." Artie has a sad look on his face, he felt bad for his friend.

"Again? Was he at the bag?"

"Yep, just like always. This just keeps getting worse. He's not even trying to be social anymore."

"I know. Look, I'll get to work right after study hall. We have Glee rehearsal next, I'll do it then, before Blaine gets there. I was going to wait until the weekend, but now I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Agreed. Let me know if it works out okay?" Artie asked as they reached Sam's room. He was going to work out exactly what he was going to say before Glee.

"I will, and Artie, look out for him. He's not stable right now."

"I will, we all are."

Sam walked into class with a newfound determination. He had to get this plan worked out fast, or they might just lose Blaine.


"Rachel I really can't thank you enough for all of this." Kurt said as he sat down, handing Rachel her ice cream.

"I've told you before, it's not a problem, you're my best friend, you don't have to thank me. I want to help you."

"Yeah... anyway, you see, to be good. I mean you did break up with the man you were dead set on marrying." Kurt didn't want to talk about his relationship problems in public.

"I am oddly. I feel, I don't know, free. I really think this is good for me, and for Finn. He needs to take some time for him and not have to worry about me or anyone else. Now I'm not saying I've completely given up, but for now, it's for the best." Rachel said with a smile and Kurt had to admit, she did seem different, it was refreshing.

"I hop that soon I can be as okay about my break up with Blaine as you are about yours with Finn. It just seems like it's not geting any easier to deal with. I had to leave work because I couldn't control my emotions."

"It'll take time Kurt, but it will get better. You're a very strong person, you'll get through this and it'll male you, and Blaine better people." Kurt flinched when Rachel said Blaine's name, he'd been avoiding saying it because it hurt too much.

"Okay, so I'm going to pretend I didn't see that flinch, let's get out of here." Rachel grabbed Kurt's hand and pulled him off the bench.

"What- where are we going Rachel!?" Kurt yelled as Rachel dragged him towards the exit.

"We are going out. We are going to do anything we can and want until we both forget our problems, now lets go!"

"Okay, okay, just calm-" Kurt's phone interrupted him with his ringtone of Santana singing 'Trouty Mouth'." 

"Really Kurt?" Rachel wasn't sure what to say about his choice in ringtones.

"What? It's just for Sam." Kurt said innocently.

"Yeah whatever." Rachel said under her breath.

"Sam, hey what can I do for you?" Kurt was a little nervous that Sam was calling him at this time of day, he should be in Glee Club.

"Kurt, hey I need your help."

"With what? Is everything okay? Is Bla-" Kurt couldn't finish, he felt like all the air was puched from his lungs.

"Calm down and breathe dude. Blaine's alive, but he's not okay." Sam said in a quiet voice, he wasn't sure how Kurt was going to react.

Rachel could tell something was wrong, she ushered Kurt to a bench, away from people's view.

"What do you mean by that Sam?" Kurt barely managed to get the words out.

"Well ever since he got back from New York, he's been distant but it's gotten worse, now he's just not himself at all." Sam wasn't sure he should tell Kurt everything over the phone. His plan was just to ask Kurt to come home to help Blaine, he didn't know Kurt would freak out at the sound of Blaine's name, he could hear Rachel telling him to breathe.

"And by that you mean?"

"Kurt, look dude maybe this was a bad idea, I can't tell you all this over the phone, I can tell you aren't taking this very well."

"You will tell me, if something is wrong with him I want to know." Kurt had never heard his voice go so low or sound so dangerous, even Rachel drew back at the sound of it.

"I will tell you, I need to tell you, but over the phone is not the best way." Sam hoped that Kurt would get the hint so he wouldn't have to outright ask.

"Is it that bad Sam? I need to be there?" Kurt sighed, calming down just a little bit.

"Yeah it is Kurt, you know I wouldn't even have called if I had had any other options. I'm scared for him, we all are."

"Fine. I'll be on the next flight in, I'll call you when I get there." Kurt got up, grabbed Rachel and headed out the dooe. Rachel just followed silently, speechless for once.

"Good, and thank you Kurt, he really needs you." Sam said.

"It's not a problem, and Sam, please take care of him for me."

"I will Kurt, just hurry."

"I am, believe me." Kurt said as he hung up.

"I'm going with you Kurt." Rachel said as they headed back to their apartment.

"Good, because I'm going to need you, this is going to be a long night." Kurt sighed. He had no idea what to expect when he got back to Lima, but he knew he wasn't ready, no matter what it was.

End Notes: I decided to leave you with a small cliffhanger. I will try to have the next chapter up tomorrow some time, no later than Thursday. Let me know what you think so far, I know we're only on chapter 2, but I'd love to hear what you think. :)


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This was really good. It was nice to see that Blaine wasn't the only one suffering and to see that Kurt had Rachel there to help him through the pain. It was also great to see that Sam and Artie did care about Blaine and that they wanted to do whatever they could to help him. I was surprised that Kurt was willing to drop everything and come to Lima but I was also happy to see that he was worried about Blaine.

Thank you for taking time to read and respond :) There are some more shocking things that Kurt does in the spirit of helping Blaine, one really big decision later on.

I'm really anxious to see how their meeting will affect the both of them.

All be be explained in the next chapter. Thank you for reading, :)

this should be good/.

this story isn't a fun happy one like my others, it's kind of got an angsty undertone throughout the entire story, even when there are happy moments. So that's my horrible way of saying I hope you like that kind of thing and I hope you like the rest of the story. :)-Krystal :) x