Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
"I see you got the clothes and my letter." Kurt said looking up at Blaine when the door opened from his spot on the floor across from his room.
"Yeah, thanks. I should have went hope to get clothes." Blaine said, sliding down to the floor, leaning against Kurt's door so they were directly in front of each other.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure half of your wardrobe is still around here somewhere." Kurt joked, earning a small smile from Blaine.
"So I'm assuming you want to know what happened down there right?" Blaine asked, pointing to the stairs.
"Yeah, I'd like to, but if you don't-"
"I do. Not talking about my feelings is part of what got us into this mess, I don't want anything like that to happen again."
"Good. I don't want that to happen again either."
"Blaine took a deep breath, preparing himself to tell Kurt everything. "Okay, when your dad mentioned New York I could tell that just for a second, you wanted to go back. It's your home now Kurt, you don't belong here. You have an apartment, a job, Ohio is just a place to visit, but it isn't your home anymore. Seeing that made me feel like I'm holding you back, that's why I sent you to New York in the first place, you don't belong here Kurt."
"Neither do you Blaine, you belong in New York too." Kurt said, moving closer to Blaine, noticing Blaine hadn't taken his bandages off yet and making a mental note to change them when he had a chance.
"Maybe, but you staying here now, because of me, it makes me feel weak. That's why I ran at dinner, I didn't want you to see me break."
"Oh Blaine, no-"
"I'm not finished Kurt. Then while I was in the shower, I- uh, I don't even know where the thought came from, but I thought how much easier things might be, how much happier you could be, if I was, gone." Blaine was trying to keep himself calm, but seeing the look on Kurt's face when he realized what Blaine meant made him break down.
"Blaine look at me." Kurt was all but in Blaine's lap, holding his head in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over the stubble on Blaine's chin, something he really missed. "My life without you would be hell, literally. I would never have been able to stand up to Karofsky, I never would have had a best friend that really understood me, I would've been lonely, depressed and not the person I am today. You made me strong Blaine, you gave me courage when I had none. You showed me how to be proud of who I am and not be the victim. I can't imagine where I'd be without you, mostly because I'd probably be dead."
"No, it's true Blaine. They bullying would have gotten worse, I wouldn't have had Dalton because I wouldn't have known about it. I would have become depressed, and I very well could have been killed, or killed myself. You saved me Blaine, and now, it's my turn to save you." Kurt said, leaning in and kissing Blaine. It was a short kiss, but Kurt put all the love he could manage into it to show Blaine that no matter what, he'd always be there for him and love him.
"You saved me too Kurt." Blaine whispered when Kurt pulled back, pressing their foreheads together.
"How so?" Kurt asked, not really sure what Blaine was talking about. He'd always been strong and proud, at least that's how he was around Kurt.
"I know when you first met me I seemed like a pretty happy, headstrong guy, but I really wasn't. I was just so use to pushing away my feelings that I forgot how to show them. I was miserable to be honest. My home life wasn't as great as most people thought. My parents never actually said they didn't accept me being gay, but you could, and still can tell that they don't exactly understand it. They always try too hard and it usually ends badly. I had been bullied out of my old school, I ran and didn't stand up to my bullies because I was scared. I was struggling with myself on the inside, but on the outside, I was the dapper, happy, out and proud Blaine Anderson, lead soloist of the Warblers. I was cool, I was the guy that everyone wanted to know. I liked that, it made me feel like I belonged, so I took it and hid what I was really feeling, afraid that if anyone found out, they would think I was weak. I went around being overly helpful and being that guy that would listen and give great advice. All I was doing was giving others what I so desperately needed. Then you came along and I did the same thing for you, but you were different. You would ask me if I needed to talk and how I was doing, and you actually cared. Sometimes I would feel like you could actually see that I needed help. You made me see that there was someone who actually cared, you gave me hope that one day I'd be able to be that happy person I was pretending to be." Blaine let out a shaky breath as he finished talking.
"I- I helped you that much?" Kurt looked awestruck, like he was seeing Blaine for the first time all over again.
"Yeah, you really did Kurt. I was able to be that happy guy when I was with you, even before I realized I loved you. Just being with you made me forget about everything bad that was going on."
"Wow. I never thought about what I'd done for you. We both saved each other." Kurt said with a laugh."
"Yeah, I guess we did." Blaine said, watching Kurt stand. "Where are you going?"
"We are going downstairs to tell my dad, Carole, and Finn that I'm staying in Ohio for a while." Kurt smiled offering his hand to Blaine who took it as he stood.
"You still want to stay?" Blaine asked, shocked.
"Of course I do. You know, I'm not just doing this for you, I need to be here so we can work everything out. I'm doing this for me as much as I am for you. Let's get down there, I'm sure they're all a little worried about the way we acted."
"Yeah. Kurt, thank you and, I love you." Blaine said stopping Kurt on the stairs.
"No thank you Blaine, and I love you too, more than you'll ever know. We're going to work this out, and come out of this mess stronger than before, then we're going to go to New York, together."
Blaine just smiled and took Kurt's hand as they headed downstairs, unable to speak because of the lump in his throat.
Burt, Carole, and Finn were all in the living room watching a game on t.v. when Kurt and Blaine came into the room.
"Hey boys, everything okay?" Burt asked when he saw them standing in the doorway.
"Yeah, it's good now Dad. Actually, we, well I need to talk to you guys." Kurt said, feeling nervous. Did he really want to do this? Once he told his family it was done, he wouldn't be going back to New York until after Blaine graduated.
Blaine noticed that hesitation in Kurt again, his brain working overtime trying to think of a way to get Kurt out of staying here. There was one thing he could think of, but he knew Kurt would flip out.
"Is this what you were going to tell us earlier? Is everything okay?" Burt asked, turning off the t.v. and giving the boys his fill attention, Carole doing the same.
"Yes Dad, everything is fine, quit asking." Kurt said, slightly annoyed. "I just wanted to tell you all this because we are a family. Before I do though, promise me you'll listen first and ask questions when I'm completely finished."
"Okay sweetie, just come in and sit down, you look like you're going to faint, are you sure you're okay?" Carole had never seen Kurt look so pale.
"I- uh, yeah Carole, I'm fi- I'm okay."
"Kurt, what's wrong?" Blaine whispered worriedly so only Kurt could hear.
"N-nothing, can we just stop asking me what's wrong so I can talk?" Kurt asked, getting extremely annoyed.
"I'm sorry, could you give us a second?" Blaine asked as he dragged Kurt into the kitchen.
"What the hell Blaine?"
"I can't let you do this, I won't."
"No, Blaine, not again please." Kurt started shaking.
"No, shhh, listen to me. I have a plan okay, but I can't let you sacrifice your dream, your home, for me." Blaine said trying to sooth Kurt.
"Y-you have a plan? Wha-"
"Shh, just go with it." Blaine gave Kurt that special smile he reserved only for Kurt. He had to do this, seeing Kurt almost break down made him realize Kurt couldn't stay here, but he also wouldn't go back, at least not without knowing Blaine would be okay, he was stubborn, so this had to work.
"You want to what!? No Blaine absolutely not!" Kurt yelled, startling Finn who had been texting instead of paying attention.
"Kurt you nneed to calm-"
"Dad! I- do not tell me to calm down! This is stupid! Just no!" Kurt felt like he'd taken crazy pills.
"Kurt, please." Blaine begged, pulling out his pouty, puppy dog eyes to try to get through to Kurt.
"First, stop with the puppy eyes, they are so not working right now! Second, you can't move to New York in the middle of your senior year! No, just no! You can't drop out of high school! NYU Blaine, think about that! This is crazy!" Kurt couldn't understand why he was the only one that realized how crazy this was.
"Kurt, did you even hear anything I said? I didn't say anything about dropping out. All I said was I would move to New York, you didn't let me finish." Blaine said, slightly amused at how worked up Kurt was over this, not that he had expected any different, that's why he found it so funny.
"Tell me Blaine, how are you going to find a high school in New York that will accept you this late in the year? How are you going to find a place to stay in New York, you're 18 and unemployed! Rent is not cheap, trust me, I know. This is insane, this is rediculous!"
"Kurt please just let me finish." Blaine was starting to get somewhat frustrated.
"Fine, go ahead, explain to me how this is going to work, because I can't seem to think of anything." Kurt gave up with a frustrated sigh, he didn't see how this was the magical solution to their problems.
"Thank you. So my freshman year I looked into performing arts high schools in New York, there was one that really caught my attention in Manhattan called The Performing Arts High School of New York. I never applied, but I do know that they accept applications each semester, so I could apply for the spring semester. It's a really amazing school and it might help my chances of getting in at NYU." Blaine looked hopeful at Kurt.
"I've heard of it. There's a girl in Rachel's dance class that went there, and I work with a guy who went there but decided fashion was more his thing. Are you sure you want to do this? What about your parents? Why didn't you apply before?" A million things were running through Kurt's mind.
"Yes I'm positive I want to do this. As far as my parents are concerned, they were all for it before, they had even volunteered to pay my tuition and for an apartment. And I didn't apply before because I met this amazing guy who showed me there was still something good for me in Ohio." Blaine said with a smile, knowing Kurt wouldn't be able to argue with him now.
"Blaine." Kurt's words got stuck in his throat. Blaine had never mentioned that before.
"So, what do you think? Could we work this out?" Blaine still needed to hear Kurt agree.
"I- uh, yeah, sounds like a plan I guess. Oh God, I'll need to call Rachel and Isabelle! I already called and told them wasn't coming-"
"Kurt stopped, they never got around to talking about the original plan."
"Kurt." Burt said in a warning tone.
"I'm sorry Dad, that's what I was going to tell you, then I freaked out for some reason and Blaine came up with wihis idea, then I freaked out even more and-"
"Whoa, calm down buddy, it's okay, but did you really think staying here would have done either of you good? You would have felt trapped here and Blaine would have felt like he was holding you back and things would have ended up worse than they already are." Burt said honestly.
Kurt just glared at his dad, not really sure what to say.
"It's doesn't matter now Mr. Hummel-"
"Burt, call me Burt, we've been over this kid."
"Sorry, Burt, it doesn't matter now because we've got a new plan that suits both of us, right Kurt?" Blaine was smiling like a little kid at Christmas, which in turn made everyone else smile.
"I still think it's absolutely insane, but yes, it 'suits' us. Now I need to go call Rachel so she doesn't rent out my half of the apartment." Kurt shuddered at the thought of Rachel having Brody move in with her.
"Um, well I kind of need to go home." Blaine said in a fast, quiet tone.
"What, why?" Kurt asked, stopping in his tracks.
"Um, well for starters I haven't been there in like two days and I need clean clothes, perferably clean clothes that are mine. Not that I don't like your clothes, it's just they don't reall fit me. Also, I kind of live there, I know I am welcomed here, but I don't live here, I need to go to my house. I'll be fine Kurt, I promise. Just call me if you need me, and I promise to do the same, okay?" Blaine's heart warmed at the thought of Kurt not wanting him to leave.
"Uh, yeah okay. Be carefully driving home, and I'll see you tomorrow?" Kurt really didn't want Blaine to leave, but he knew that he needed to go home. He just wanted to stay with Blaine forever, that's when he realized that he was ready to forgive Blaine, a smile formed on his face.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll call you later." Blaine noticed the smile that appeared on Kurt's face, he really wanted to ask what it was about, but decided to wait until later, he really needed to get home. After everything that had happened in the last few months, things were finally starting to fall back into place, and Blaine couldn't help but smile.
Yet another great chapter...you do such a good job of filling in for background of Blaine...Such limited time on the show so we don't get much...I feel you did Blaine justice here when he told Kurt how he saved him as well...my brain remembers when we first met Blaine and how dapper and sure of himself he was but then I read this chapter and think, wow yes that is so him!! Love love Love it!!! Thanks!
Wow. Thank you, I just, I'm speechless. I would love to see the show give us more background on Blainers. Since we don't I just make up a lot of my own. I've always thought there was more to Blaine, then we got the little but of information about the Sadie Hawkins dance. I just think Blaine isn't as put together as he has always seemed and I love exploring that. I'm so happy that you liked it. :D-Krystal :) x
Omg. That was soo sweet of both Kurt and Blaine. Blaine really does know Kurt really well which always makes me smile. That thing about Blaine almost leaving,but staying in Ohio for Kurt was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am soo happy Blaine didn't do something stupid to make everyone mad at him and force Kurt to leave him and Ohio cause thats what I thought he was gonna do. Or do something that would freak everyone out like propose or something equally stupid. I hope that Blaine's plan does work even though I know that there is always a chance that it won't. It makes me sad to see that there will only be 3 more chapters, please write that sequel quickly! :D Always happy to see another update.<3 Emma <3
Thank you so much :D I'm glad that to hear I'm doing our boys justice! Blaine's 'plan' just sort of smacked me in the face. I needed to have something kind of crazy but not too crazy, and it had to be totally Blaine. I also really enjoy writing Kurt go all diva so that gave me a chance to do that! :) I've been thinking of ideas for the sequel, I already have some big stuff planned for our boys :)-Krystal :) x
see, things got a little better. ;)