Fix A Heart
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 14

M - Words: 2,108 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,075 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm back and I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to update, but it's been an extremely crazy week.This chapter is going to be Blaine and Kurt's talk following what happened at Dalton in the last chapter. :)Blaine tells Kurt what actually happened with Eli, I know we as an audience never really found out, so I came up with my own idea. I have had an idea of what I thought happened for a while, so I added it in.Enjoy!

When Kurt and Blaine arrived back at the Hummel house they found Burt and Fnn watching a game and Carole in the kitchen baking.

"We're back!" Kurt called to his dad, recieving a wave to show he heard.

"I will never understand what is so captivatin about football." Kurt said as he and Blaine made their way into the kitchen.

"Didn't you play?" Blaine asked with a smirk.

"Yes but, oh shut up Blaine." Kurt laughed, pushing Blaine playfully.

"Ah boys, you're back." Carole said looking up from her baking mixture to smile at them.

"Yep, we're back. What smells so good?" Kurt asked taking a seat at the table, motioning Blaine over.

"It's a surprise,  you'll find out later." Carole said, fishing things out of the cabinets.

"Fine." Kurt pouted. "Whatever it is smells really good though." He smiled.

"Yeah, it really does Carole." Blaine agreed.

"Thank you boys, now why don't you two go somewhere, I need to get back to work." Carole said, ushering them out of the kitchen. 

"This is new, I've never been pushed out of the kitchen before." Kurt said to Blaine with a laugh. 

"So uh, should we go talk now?" Blaine asked, unsure of what to do.

"Sure, sounds good. Let's go." Kurt said nervously, giving a small thought before reaching out to carefully take Blaine's hand to lead him upstairs.

They waited to speak until they got to Kurt's room,  closed the door and sat down on the bed indian style, facing each other, their knees touching.

Kurt took Blaine's hands in his, watching as he linked his pale fingers with Blaine's bandaged ones. "So can I start by asking a question?"

"Sure, we've got to start somewhere." Blaine answered, squeezing Kurt's hands gently.

"When you came to New York, to tell me about what you did, you said you were 'with someone'. Which yes, is cheating no matter what you did, but what did you do exactly?" Kurt asked, still looking at their joined hands instead of Blaine's face.

"Well to start of with, this guy-"

"What's his name?" Kurt asked quietly, almost afraid to find out, afraid it would be someone he knew.

"E-eli." Blaine answered.

"Okay, go on." Kurt hid the relief he felt at not recognizing the name.

"Okay, Eli friended me on Facebook and we chatted, nothing bad, just like I would chat with Sam, you know. Then I was feeling lonely, like you'd moved on with your life in New York when he asked me to come over. H-he called me sexy and it felt nice because I hadn't even heard you say you loved me recently, so I gave in and went, knowing full well what he meant. I felt sick the moment I got into my car, but some part of me said to keep going so I did. When I got there we just talked for a while, then he started to t-touch me and I didn't stop him. I told him I had a boyfriend, he started teasing me, touching me, but not enough, wanting me to make the first move."

"And did you?" Kurt asked, tracing patterns into Blaine's knee with one hand while holding Blaine's hand hand with the other.

Blaine sighed, looking at Kurt who was looking him in the eye, waiting to hear the answer. "Yes. I let my hormones take over. I pinned him to the couch and kissed him like there was no tomorrow." Blaine said honestly.

"What else happened?" Kurt asked.

"I t-told him to fuck me. He looked a little taken aback and asked me why. I said so I could feel something. I let him take me right there on his couch. The whole time I was thinking of what I was doing and how wrong it was." Blaine took a deep breath, preparing himself for the next part of his explanation.

"There's more, isn't there?" Kurt asked, already knowing the answer.

Blaine just nodded. "After we uh, finished, we went to his bedroom and just layed there, after about twenty minutes, I-I asked him to do it again."

"Why?" Kurt asked, trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"Honestly, because it felt good. He wasn't exactly gentle like you, but gentle wasn't what I was going for. I let him be in charge, I gave myself completely to him, and for once since you left for New York, I wasn't thinking about you. I think that's what I hated the most, the second time around, I didn't like about how it should've been you. I just let it happen and it felt good, someone was making me feel good again."


"I'm not done Kurt."

"Oh. Okay." Kurt wiped a tear that had fallen.

"After that we started getting dressed, he got up to get something to drink. As I was putting my shirt back on it hit me hard, what I'd done. I saw us, our future and then realized that I'd ruined it, it made me sick. Eli asked me if I was okay, I said no and ran out. I booked my ticket that nightm I knew I had to tell you, no matter how bad it killed me, or us, you needed to know. I sang Teenage Dream to you one last time because I was afraid  that after I told you, I'd never get to do it again." Blaine finished his explanation, finally letting himself break down. He'd finally told Kurt what happened, something he'd wanted to do since it happened, but Kurt would never listen.

Kurt just sat there, holding Blaine's hands, waiting until he calmed down to ask his next question. "Now that you've told me what you did, why did you do it?" He asked, letting his emotions show. This was the time to be open and honest with each other.

"I felt like I was losing you. It felt like you were moving on with your life and I wasn't a part of it. We barely talked adn when we did it was always 'Rachel this' and 'Isabelle that'. I just wanted to talk to you, about you and me, and how much I missed you and needed you, about Glee Club and the student council elections, and I never could. Every time I tried it always ended up turning into someething that happened in New York. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that you are making a life there and that you enjoy it, but I needed you too." Blaine broke into sobs, it felt good to finally tell Kurt what he was feeling, he still felt scared that Kurt would think he was weak, or too dependant on him.

"Oh Blaine, come here." Kurt opened his arms for Blaine. "I'm so sorry Blaine. I didn't know, I should've paid more attention." He couldn't stop the tears that fell, it hit him full force, he'd pushed Blaine away, making him feel the need to look for comfort with someone else.

"Please don't blame yourself Kurt."

"Why not Blaine, it's my fault. I should have been there for you. I was a horrible boyfriend, I didn't deserve you." Kurt cried, holding Blaine tighter like he was afraid he'd disappear.

"No Kurt, don't say that! You are- were the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, anyone would be lucky to date you. I don't deserve you, I'm the one that messed up." Blaine hated seeing Kurt blame himself, he shouldn't have been so weak and given in to the temptation.

"Blaine, can you stay tonight?" Kurt asked suddenly. "I'm not ready for you to leave."

"Sure, I-I'll stay as long as you want me to Kurt." Blaine hid the shock he was feeling at Kurt asking him yo stay. He figured Kurt would be disgusted, and hate him after finding out what he did.

"Thank you." Kurt said, giving Blaine a small smile. "I'm going to go shower, when I'm done we can go downstairs and see what Carole has baked, okay?"

"Sounds great. I'm just going to stay here, if that's okay?" Blaine asked shyly.

"That's fine, I'll make it fast." Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head as he got up, they both blushed at the gesture. "Wow, I've had sex with you more times than I can count and that made me blush, what is wrong with me?" He laughed, pulling clothes out of his dresser.

"N-nothing, you're perfect Kurt." Blaine stuttered. Since when was Kurt so open with talking about sex, he wouldn't even talk about what they had done, saying it made him feel uncomfortable talking about it.

"I'm far from perfect. I'll be out soon." Kurt said with a soft smile, shutting the bathroom door behind him, leaving Blaine alone with a quiet room and his thoughts.


While waiting for Kurt to shower, Blaine texted Sebastian to tell him that he'd told Kurt everything and thanked him again for listening. Then he called his mom to tell her that he was staying at the Hummel's again, which she seemed oddly okay with, and seemed very pleased that he was feeling better. After he finished his calls, he layed back on Kurt's bed, not planning on falling asleep, but he was emtionally drained and exhausted.


When Kurt walked out of his bathroom, he was worried for a split second because he did't see Blaine. They hadn't turned the light on when they came upstairs, and it got dark outside early now, causing the room to be dark. He moved over to the bedside table that held a small lamp, that's when he finally saw him. Blaine was laying with his face burried in one of Kurt's pillows, sleeping soundly. Kurt couldn't help but smile because he looked so peaceful, the bags under his eyes were starting to disappear which Kurt was thankful for, he also had a small, happy smile on his face, nuzzling his face further into the pillow in his sleep. That's when everything really hit Kurt, he was the reason Blaine was in this shape, he should've been a better boyfriend, he should have paid more attention to Blaine, he never should have went to New York, he didn't belong there, at least not without Blaine. He felt sick as he ran back to the bathroom and threw up.


Blaine woke up to the sound of someone coughing. He took in his surroundings and remembered that he was in Kurt's room, in Kurt's bed. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but he was exhausted and his emotions were shot, and everything was Kurt, it made him feel safe. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard more coughing followed by what he knew was the sound of someone vomiting. He looked towards the bathroom and remembered that Kurt was suppose to be taking a shower.

Blaine got up and walked slowly to the bathroom door. "Kurt? Kurt are you okay?" He asked, knocking lightly on the door.

He was only answered by more coughing and a groan.

"Kurt, I'm coming in." He warned before opening the door, finding Kurt on the the floor, bent over the toilet, looking pale and frightened. "Kurt, honey what's wrong?" He mentally cursed himself for the term of endearment.

"I-I- og God." Kurt couldn't stop. He really couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten this sick. He knew he was going to worry Blaine if he didn't get a handle on himself, but every time he thought about Blaine, it made his stomach flip even more.

"Kurt, what can I do, what's wrong? Do you need something, you're worrying me." Blaine had seen Kurt get sick before, but never this bad.

"I-I'm fine, I'll b-be fine." Kurt managed to choke out, refusing to actually look up at Blaine who moved over to the sink.

"Here, let me help." Blaine tilted Kurt's face towards him, using a damp cloth to wipe his face off, pushing Kurt's hair back away from his face to wipe the sweat that had gathered on his forehead.

"I'm sorry." Kurt mumbled. He felt horrible, after everything he'd done, pushing Blaine away, he still cared and worried about him.

"Hey, no don't apologize. What made you get so sick?" Blaine asked, standing and offering a hand to help Kurt up.

"I-I'm not sure." Kurt lied. "Ugh, I need to brush my teeth, I feel disgusting." He said, making a face at the taste in his mouth.

Blaine laughed, letting go of Kurt's hand. "Okay, do that and then we can go see what Carole baked."

"M'kay, sounds good. Hey Blaine, it's good to see you smile again, I-I missed it, you, I missed you." Kurt said, looking at Blaine through the mirror.

"I missed you too Kurt, a lot." Blaine's smile went from happy and carefree, to sad and longing. They may have finally had a heart to heart about what happened, but they still had a long way to go before things were 'fine' again.

End Notes: Chapter 14 done. :) Hope you found the "heart to heart" to be good enough. I hate making them blame themselves, but that's how things work, and I refuse to make them blame each other or make one blame themselves more. Right now, Kurt's getting a lot of blame, but I just feel like that's something Kurt would do if he ever was to find out why Blaine did what he did.Also, I hope none of you hate me for what Blaine actually did with Eli, that's just my take on what I think happened. :)Next chapter to come soon. :) Let me know what you thought. :D


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Home run!! Loved the chapter...I was disappointed at Glee, Actually that we didn't get to see the heart to heart talk that Kurt said he and Blaine were going to have when they saw each other at Christmas! Your story is awesome...with the time constraints on the show and our boys not getting enough screen time, in my opinion, you tell their story very well!! Thanks so much...until next time ;)

OMG, I think I literally teared up at this. I'm literally at a loss for words right now! I'm glad to know people think I am doing the boys justice. I'm beyond thrilled that you liked this chapter, and the whole story really. I truly never expected it to be recieved the way it has, and I cannot even begin to explain the feeling I get when people say they like the story. So thank you, thank you, thank you. <3

I really likedmit, I think how you dealt with their talk was very realistic and I think that Kurt would definetly blame himself. Hoping for a new chapter soon. :)

I'm glad that you enjoyed the talk. My goal was for realistic,so I'm glad to hear that I seemed to have accomplished it. :) New chapter coming very soon. :)

i hated reading about what happened between blaine and eli. it kind of killed me and made me resent blaine some.

it wasn't meant to be something that made you enjoy it. you're suppose to be upset, but it's progress and needed to be done