Fix A Heart
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 12

M - Words: 1,643 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,143 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry I didn't get this one up yesterday, I took a lazy Sunday. :)I think this chapter will please most of you ;)Enjoy :D

"Oh my God. Really?" Rachel yelled in frustration. Her and Burt had gotten stuck in construction work on the highway.

"We'll never get there at this rate." Burt said, hitting the steering wheel.

"Maybe Kurt's stuck in it too?" Rachel asked hopefully.

"Doubtful. Have Sam and the other's gotten Blaine out yet?" Burt asked, changing the subject.

"They haven't gotten in touch yet, I'll call them." Rachel said dialing Tina's number.

"Hello?" Tina answered.

"Tina, hey. Where are you guys?" Rachel asked.

"At Dalton, we couldn't get him to leave." Tina sighed.

"What? Where is he now?"

"Still here, his plan is to stay here until Kurt gets here and deal with it."

"That's, he can't. Kurt. Ugh." Rachel was getting more and more upset as time went on.

"I know, but he told us what happened, he said he had to do this, we couldn't force him." Tina said.

"Yeah I know. Burt and I are stuck inn construction so you guys are on your own."

"Okay, we'll keep you posted. I really hope Blaine knows what he's doing." Tina said worriedly.

"He may think he does, but he hasn't seen Kurt yet. He really has snapped." Rachel sighed.

"We'll let you know what happens, and we'll watch out for both of them." Tina assured her.

"Okay, thanks Tina."

"No problem Rachel."

Nothing was going the way any of them expected. They weren't sure when everything went so horribly wrong, but they all just wanted things back to the way they use to be, back to the simple ways of high school romances and glee club.


"Kurt pulled up to Dalton Academy and part of him wanted to turn around and leave, head back to New York and forget about Ohio. Still, another part of him knew he couldn't do that. He'd had time to calm down and think things through on the drive to Dalton, he knew he needed to call Rachel and apologize for what he had said and done, but that would have to wait. Right now he needed to find Blaine, he wasn't going to let him run away like that, they were going to talk about everything, the cheating, the missed phone calls, Blaine's obvious depression, and Kurt wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Kurt!" Sebastian called out, seeing him walking into the front lobby of the school. Sebastian had been waiting for him.

"Where is he?" Kurt asked, trying to keep himself in check.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Sebastian asked.

Kurt was taken aback, Sebastian seemed genuinely worried. "I just want to see him, now please let me through."

"Fine, he's in the senior commons, but Kurt, he's not okay. He told me everything, he's confused and scared and I know you don't believe me, but I want you guys to work this out."

"Why?" Kurt asked, not sure why he was wasting his time with Sebastian.

"Because you belong together, and I care about him. He's lost without you, even now, after he walked out, he's still lost."

"You said the senior commons?" Kurt needed to get to Blaine.

"Yeah. Good luck Kurt." Sebastian said, extending his hand out to Kurt who looked at it for a second before reaching out to shake it.

"Thanks Sebastian."

"Don't mention it. I gotta get to Warbler practice, you guys should stop by. I know they'd love to see you, and apologize to Blaine for helping me last year."

"We'll see." Kurt said, already running up the grand staircase towards the commons.


"Blaine?" Kurt asked as he pushed open the door, slightly out of breath from running up the stairs.

"I've been waiting. I knew you'd find me." Blaine said, his voice sounding tired.

"It wasn't hard." Kurt laughed, closing the door, leaving him and Blaine alone. The last time they'd been here like this was when Blaine told Kurt that he wanted to be with him.

"I ran again Kurt, it just seemed like the only place to go." Blaine said finally turning to face Kurt, his eyes bloodshot from crying, not bothering to wipe away the fresh tears falling down his face.

Kurt sucked in a breath at the sight of Blaine so broken. "Blaine can we just talk, without either one of us running?

"Kurt I-"

"No Blaine, we need to just talk. I know you heard what I told Carole, but you need to listen to my whole story without running out. Please." Kurt sat down a the table, pointing towards the other chair for Blaine.

"The last time we were sitting here, I told you that you moved me and then I kissed you. Now look at us." Blaine said running his hands through his hair.

"I know, Blaine promise me you'll let me finish and not run away." Kurt asked taking Blaine's hand, running hos thumb over his bandaged knuckles.

Blaine just nodded, his voice caught in his throat.

"Okay, so you heard everything I said to Carole, and I'm not going to deny any of it. What I said was the truth, I-"

"You blame yourself, you don't know if you can trust me again. That's why I left, you need to sort out how you feel, not be here worrying about me, that won't help."

"Blaine, please just let me talk. I didn't get as bad as you, but I couldn't sleep, eat, or even work. I'd have break downs at work, Rachel would have to come pick me up. When Sam called me and told me what was going on, I didn't even question if I should be here. I knew I had to. On the plane I thought about it and realized, yes you made a horrible mistake,, but I needed to know why. I needed to really listen to you. I know I pushed you away and I hate that I did, but I took this as a chance to try to talk and maybe get to the point to where we could start over. I was ready to start forgiving you Blaine, I told Carole that I wasn't sure if we were fixable, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to try." Kurt finished, wipinng a tear that had fallen, waiting for Blaine to reply.

"You really are the most amazing person I've ever met Kurt." Blaine wasn't sure how to react. He'd heard Kurt tell him he still loved him, then heard him say he wasn't sure it was going to work, now saying that he wanted to at least try to fix it. Blaine was tired and confused.

"Doubtful. Blaine, what do you want? I told you what I wanted, now it's your turn."

"I want, I want you Kurt, always. The only reason I said goodbye to you was because I thought we needed more time and I knew you wouldn't agree because of how I've been acting lately. I want more than anything to start again, to be Kurt and Blaine, together. You are my soulmate Kurt, you are the person I want to marry, have a family with, grow old with, but right now all I want is to gain your trust again. Before we were boyfriends, we were best friends, I just want my best friend back."

"I want that too Blaine." Kurt could tell Blaine hadn't said all he wanted to say.

"I also wnat to stop blaming myself, I want you to stop blaming yourself, I want us to talk about what happenedand take the blame together. I want to be better at telling you how I feel and I want you to not push me away. I want us to work this out and maybe after all that, I want us to try again. I want to move to New York after graduation. I want us to get our first apartment together. I want us to argue and make up. I want to marry you, have a family, two kids, a boy and a girl, and a dog. I just want the future we always talked about." Blaine sighed. He hadn't meant for all that to come out, but once he started talking, he couldn't stop.

"Oh Blaine, I want all of that too. I never stopped wanting it." Kurt said, letting the tears spill over.

"So you really want to talk about it?" Blaine asked, hopeful.

"Yes, I'm ready." Kurt smiled, glad that they were making progress.

"I'm glad Kurt." Blaine smiled back, a genuine smile as Kurt pulled him into a hug.

"So what do you what do you say we get out of here so we can get this talk started?" Kurt asked, pulling Blaine out of his chair.

"Sounds great, but I uh, I need to see someone first, if that's okay." Blaine was worried Kurt would be angry that he wanted to see Sebastian, so he didn't say who he needed to see.

"That's fine. I actually need to stop and see Sebastian while we're at it, I need to thank him." Kurt said walking out the door into the hallway.

Blaine couldn't believe he'd just heard Kurt say that. He just stood there, shocked.

"Blaine are you coming? Did I say something wrong?"

"N-no, I just can't believe that you said you have to thank Sebastian." Blaine said honestly, leaving the room and following Kurt towards the staircase.

"Me either, but he stopped me and helped me calm down when I got here, so I figured I should say thank you."

They'd been so caught up in talking that they didn't realize that they were on the staircase until Blaine stopped at the bottom, causing Kurt to almost fall, grabbing Blaine's shoulder for support.

"Blaine why did you- oh." Kurt realized where they were amd just smiled.

"A lot has happened since that day." Blaine said, looking up at Kurt with a smile.

"Yes it has, but I'm glad it was you who I stopped and not one of the other boys." 

"Me too. Let's go, I know a short cut." Blaine said grabbing Kurt's hand, leading him towards the Warbler's practice room.

Kurt laughed at Blaine, letting him pull him through the halls of the not-so-short short cut. This is what Kurt missed, the little things.

End Notes: I shall stop there on this chapter. :) A little bit of happy to go with all the sad that's been lately.The next chapter should be up sometime tomorrow. :) Let me know what you thought. :D


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I think they needed to just calm down like they did and talk so I am very happy, even though I really didn't see it coming I thought Kurt was gonna lose it and make it worse so I am happy that didn't happen and this did because now they have a place to begin to start again. Loved this chapter! :)

I'm glad you liked it! :) When I first started writing this I was going to make Kurt blow up on Blaine and yell a lot, but Sebastian was there and told me no. I like having Sebastian as a good guy, he's got some more things to come in later chapters. :) Happy New Year! :)-Krystal :)

yay for progress!!!!