Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
"Hey man, what's wrong? You look like someone stole your bowtie collection." Sam asked as he walked up to Blaine at his locker.
"What? Oh hey, uh what did you say?" Blaine was lost in his head, he'd just spent almost half an hour taking down Kurt's pictures from his locker.
"I asked what was wrong, but I think I figured it out." Sam said, pointing at Blaine's now bare locker door. "Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really, but thanks, I just, I'll see you in Glee Club okay?" Blaine needed to get out of there, that feeling of having a heart attack was coming back and he didn't want anyone else to see him fall apart.
"Uh, yeah sure dude, see ya." Blaine was already running down the hall when Sam responded. "Something is seriously wrong with him." Sam said out loud to himself.
"So you notice it too?" Tina asked, having walked up behind Sam after Blaine took off.
"Yeah, he's different and not in a good way. He won't talk about what happened and he's getting more and more distant."
"We need to do something, he's part of this Glee Club family whether he's with Kurt or ot and we look out for each other." Tina said as she walked with Sam towards their class.
"You're right, we'll talk to the others and get something worked out."
* *
"Okay is everyone here?" Tina asked as she closed the dooe to the choir room. She looked up to see mostly confused faces on the faces of the members of the Glee Club.
"Uh, why are we here, is there some big secret thing going on?" Jake asked, looking annoyed, he had places to go, he didn't want to be here with these people any more than he had to.
"Well yes, sort of, just listen to what Sam and-"
"Wait. Where is Blaine Warbler?" Brittany asked, looking around the room.
"That's why we're here Britt." Sam said with a smile. "I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but Blaine just isn't himself right now."
"We need to help him, he's lost. Whatever happened between him and Kurt is really getting to him. Blaine is a member of this club, he's one of us and when something is wrong, we help each other." Tina addressed the group.
"Now Blaine's the type of guy that doesn't talk about his feelings, he just lets them boil inside until he explodes. He's in a dark place right now and we need to pull him back before he reaches the point of explosion."
"Sam's right, we need to handle this carefully though, we don't want him to think we're trying to push him, that could cause him to close himself off even more."
"Yeah so does anyone have any ideas on what we should do?" Sam asked. Everyone was just kind of staring at him and Tina like they were aliens.
"Maybe we should sing to him, let him know we're all here for him." Marley suggested.
"That's a good idea, but not for Blaine. We need something different, but that you for the idea Marley." Sam said thoughtfully
"What about the Warblers?" Artie spoke up.
"What do you mean 'what about the Warblers' Artie?" Tina asked confused.
"Well they knew Blaine before he met Kurt, maybe they would know how to help him out of this funk. Let's face it, none of us really 'know' Blaine. Sure he's our friend, but we don't really know him." Artie said as he wheeled his way towards the piano stool where Sam and Tina were seated.
"Maybe he's right, they were his best friends." Tina smiles.
"Yeah exactly, they 'were' his friends, then Sebastian came along. I just don't know if it would be helpful, they betrayed him last year witht he whole slushie thing." Sam said as Tina's smile faded, she'd completely forgotten about that.
"Unicorn." Birttany barely whispered.
"What was that Britt?" Artie asked as everyone in the room turned to look at Birttany.
"I said unicorn." Brittany spoke a little bit louder.
"Um Britt, what do unicrons have to do with this?" Sam asked trying to figure out what she meant.
"We have to talk to Kurt, he'll know what to do, he knows Blaine best." Birttany said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"That would be a good idea Britt, except for the fact that they broke up. I'm sure Kurt doesn't want to think about Blaine right now. I mean Blaine even said that Kurt refused to talk to him." Tina argued, she knew Kurt he needed time to deal.
"Maybe, but Kurt loves Blaine, if he knew how Blaine was acting he'd do anything he could to help him. No matter how much it hurt him." Brittany said seriously.
"You know, she's right. Blaine helped Kurt through a dark time in him life. Kurt would hate himself if he couldn't help, or at least try to help Blaine through a dark time in his life." Sam said, a smile appearing on his face, he had a plan.
"So what should we do then?" Artie asked.
"Leave it to me, I have an idea." Sam was still smiling as the bell rang to signal class change. This had to work, it was a great plan.
Hi,I follow this story al from chapter one. I normally read stories when they already finished, because I have no patience, and am to afraid they just stop in the middle of a story, so I'm really grateful you upload so quickly. You write amazing, and check every day to see if a new chapter is coming up. It broke my heart when Blaine let go of Kurt and hope they get back together really soon. :)
Um, okay you are wonderful. :) I try to get a chapter up everyday, I always try to have a new one up within two days of posting the last one. I also am one of those people with no patience so I understand that. I'm really really glad you like what I'm writing and have continued to read it. :) Our boys will be back soon, maybe not "together" but they will be back on speaking terms soon. :) I can't make them mad at each other for too long. Thank you again for your support, you are wonderful <3-Krystal :)
im liking this!!
This was my first fic! :) I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :D It also has a sequel that I'm almost finished with. -Krystal :) x