A Fresh Start.
Let's Go to the Symphony. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Fresh Start.: Let's Go to the Symphony.

T - Words: 3,417 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
155 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: That was fun to write. I hope it was fun to read. I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible.-Krystal :)

When Kurt pulled into his driveway, he felt his nerves kick into overdrive. He just invited his son's music teacher to his house to watch a movie, what was he thinking, there is no way this could work.

"Kurt?" Blaine had gotten out of his car and was waiting on Kurt.

"Coming. Sorry, I was- I haven't done this in a while, I guess my nerves are getting the best of me." Kurt shut his car door, leading Blaine to the apartment. "Just ignore the mess, Cory isn't very good with putting his things back where they belong." He said as he opened the door, letting Blaine in first.

"Tyler is the same way, he's very much like his dad." Blaine assured Kurt, taking in the tiny apartment.

"About that, I thought you were his dad, but you just have custody of him?" Kurt wanted to get this conversation out of the way, he wanted to know everything about Blaine.

Blaine sighed before speaking, "like I said, it's a long story. Can we sit down?"

"Sure, yes of course. Do you want anything to drink? I have soda."

"Uh yeah, that would be fine. Thank you." Blaine smiled, following Kurt into the kitchen.

"Here, I hope you don't mind diet." Kurt handed Blaine a can of soda then headed to the living room, sitting on the sofa, motioning for Blaine to sit beside him.

"Okay, so firstly, Tyler is my nephew, he's my brother's son. My brother and his wife were killed in a car accident, leaving Tyler an orphan. I got custody of him so now he's technically my son, but he still calls me Uncle Blaine. Sometimes he'll call me Dad, but that's only if he's having bad day." Blaine finished, taking a huge gulp of his soda, giving Kurt time to process this information and to respond.

"I'm sorry about your brother, I know that must've been hard. Tyler is very lucky to have such an amazing uncle as you." Kurt smiled, hesitating just a moment before taking Blaine's hand.

"Thank you, it's been hard but we've managed." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand.

"I want to tell you this before this," he motions between them, "goes any farther. I was married before Cory and I moved here. My ex-husband cheated on me, we got a divorce and I moved back home to start over."

"I thought so, Cory mentioned something about his other dad, I kind of put two and two together. I still like you Kurt, I don't care if you've been married before, you're not married now and now is all I care about."

"How are you real?" Kurt laughs, searching Blaine's face and finding nothing but sincerity.

"I thought the same thing about you when I first saw you, and even more so after I got to talk to you. I have no idea why you're interested in me, but-"

"Seriously? Do you not see how amazing you are? You took in your nephew after his parents died, you're an elementary school music teacher, you are a very kind, caring person. Not to mention you are one of the most beautiful men I've ever met." Kurt felt himself blush aa the last part came out.

"Surely you've met guys better looking than me, you lived in New York." Blaine tried to brush off the complement.

"I'm serious Blaine, you are," Kurt thought for a minute, trying to find the right words, "you are exactly what I was looking for when I met my ex-husband, smart, talented, kind, and I thought I'd found that with him. I grew up here, I was the only out gay kid in my school, I didn't know what it was like to have someone be interested in you, but I always knew the type of guy I wanted. Adam was- he was great, we dated through college and then we got married and had Cory, everything was perfect, until it wasn't. We had been fighting and arguing a lot and one day when I came home, he was in bed with one of the actors from the musical he was working on. He and I weren't meant to be, and for the longest time I wondered why, but now I think I know why." Kurt smiled, tracing patterns into the back of Blaine's hand.

"Do you still love him?" Blaine asked.

"I guess I do, just not in that way. He's my son's other dad, I still care about him and I would be sad if anything happened to him, but I don't feel anything for him romantically anymore." Kurt had asked himself that question many times.

"I really like you Kurt, I really do. I'm just- I'm not good with relationships, I'm afraid-"

"Don't be. We can take this slow, I want to take this slow. We have more than just ourselves to think about, we have our kids. I really like you too Blaine, I don't want to mess this up by rushing things."

"Okay, so how about we agree to just be friends, for now. Let's get to know each other first, see where things go and then maybe we can be more. Does that sounds okay?"

"That sounds perfect." Kurt smiled, grabbing the remote and settling in beside Blaine. He knew this man was special, he would do whatever it takes to make this work, even if that means being just friends for a while. He can handle that.


He really couldn't handle that.

It wasn't that he didn't want to be friends with Blaine, the problem was it was hard to be just friends with Blaine. So far they have been pretty good at keeping everything at a friendship level, the most they've done is hold each other's hand or put an arm around the other while watching a movie. They both agreed that those were acceptable things, but today Kurt was having a hard time not blurring the lines and he really couldn't help but blame Blaine.

They had agreed to take the boys to the park since it was a surprisingly warm day, but Kurt hadn't counted on Blaine showing up to his apartment looking like he'd just stepped off the runway with his khaki shorts, extremely form fitting polo, bowtie, and a hat covering his not so gelled curls.

"Hey, are we early? Tyler has been really excited all morning so we just decided to go ahead and come over." Blaine said when Kurt opened the door.

"N-no, it's fine, come in." Kurt composed himself quickly, hoping Blaine didn't noticing him staring.

"Is Cory in his room?" Tyler asked, looking up at Kurt excitedly.

"Yeah, go ahead back there, maybe you can get him to get ready faster than I can." Kurt nodded back towards Cory's room, watching Tyler run back the hallway.

"So I was thinking, maybe after the park we can take them to lunch, I know Tyler really likes this pizza place in Westerville, it's a bit if a drive, but- Kurt, are you even listening to me?" Blaine waved his arm in front of Kurt's face, causing him to jump.

"What? I'm sorry, I was- you look great. I mean you- I'm sorry." Kurt felt a blush creep up his neck, he wasa grown man but when he was around Blaine, he felt like he was a blushing school boy who was experiencing his first crush.

Blaine laughed, putting his hand over Kurt's on the counter. "Thank you, and don't be sorry, I really don't mind."

"I just- I've never seen you dress like this, it's different."

"'Good different or bad different?"

"Good, very good. Distractingly good."

Before Blaine could reply, the boys came running back into the kitchen, ready to go to the park.

"I'll drive." Kurt grabbed his keys, hoping driving would help him keep his eyes off Blaine.

When they got to the park, Tyler and Cory ran off, seeing a few of their friends from school.

"I know we agreed to take things slow and that it's only been a week since we agreed to this, but I have two tickets to the symphony and I'd love it if you went with me. Unless you hate the symphony, then I can find someone else." Blaine held his breath, waiting for Kurt to reply.

"I'd love to go with you, when is it so I can ask my dad and Carole to babysit."

"Next weekend, it's in Westerville." Blaine smiled, trying to hide just how happy he was that Kurt said yes.

"Then it's a date."

"Yeah, it's a date."


By the time next weekend rolled around, Blaine was a nervous wreck. He wanted to impress Kurt, show him that he wasn't doing the wrong thing by choosing Blaine. He had literally tried on every suit he owned and none of them seemed to be the right one.

"Hey Uncle Blaine, how- oh my god, what happened in here?" Tyler asked, seeing the mess of clothes all over Blaine's room.

"I'm trying to find something to wear tonight and nothing is working. It has to be perfect, none of this is perfect." Blaine sighed, running is hands through his ungelled curls.

Tyler walked into the room, looking over what Blaine had laid out. "Go with the black dress pants, the green button up, with the darker green vest, and maybe not put so much gel in your hair, I think Kurt likes your curls."

Blaine just stared at his nephew. "When did you become so fashionable?"

"Since I started going to Cory's house and seeing all of Kurt's designs. He's a really good designer, you know. He showed me some of his stuff and explained how it all works. It's actually pretty neat." Tyler explained, helping Blaine put the rest of his clothes away.

"Oh, well thanks buddy, I appreciate this. I don't think I've ever been this nervous."

"You really like Kurt, don't you Uncle Blaine?"

"Yeah buddy, I really do. He's a very special man, we're lucky to have him in our lives."

Tyler just nodded, heading towards the door to let Blaine finish getting ready. "Uncle Blaine?"


"I'm glad you found Kurt, he's a really nice person."

"I'm glad I found him too." Blaine smiled, sometimes Tyler was so much like Cooper, that it made Blaine's stomach flip. He knows Cooper would have said that exact same thing to him, had he been here. That thought made him feel a little more at ease as he got dressed and fixed his hair just as Tyler had suggested.

They had agreed to meet at Burt and Carole's house since the we're going to watch the boys for them while they went out. Blaine was surprised when he was there before Kurt.

"Come in sweetie, Kurt will be here in a few minutes, he called and wanted us to let you know." Carole ushered Blaine and Tyler inside. "I made cookies this morning, if you want some." She smiled, leading Tyler into the kitchen, leaving Blaine standing in the doorway.

"You got a minute Blaine?" Burt asked, coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, of course." Blaine nodded, following Burt into the living room.

"I know Kurt's an adult now and he would kill me for doing this, but I know what happened with the last guy he was with, I don't want to see my son hurt like that again."

"I really, deeply care about your son Mr. Hummel, I have no intentions of hurting him in anyway. He's an amazing person, I really admire him and his strength."

"He's a strong person, he's had to put up with a lot of crap in his life. He told us you two were just friends, but I think it's obvious you both see each other as more than that. I just want you to promise me that you'll take care of him, and let him take care of you, no matter if you're just friends or something more."

"I promise Mr. Hummel, you have my word." Blaine said seriously.

"Good. That's all I wanted, I'm sure he'll be here any second."

"Thank you Mr. Hummel, Kurt's really lucky to have a dad like you."

"Yeah well, I'm lucky to have a son like him."

"Blaine?" Kurt called out, shutting the front door.

"You better go, have a good time tonight, and don't worry about gettin back to the boys, they'll be fine right here."

"We will, and thanks again Mr. Hummel."

"Ah, there you are. Are you ready?" Kurt asked, walking into the living room.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Blaine smiled reaching out for Kurt's hand.

"Thanks for watching the boys Dad, we'll be back later."

"Don't worry about it, you two enjoy yourselves." Burt said, waving them out of the room.

Kurt led them outside to Blaine's car. "You look amazing, green is a great color on you."

"Thank you, you look amazing too." Blaine said, taking in Kurt's outfit, a pair of dress pants, a dark purple button up, a black silk scarf, and a black blazer.

"Why thank you kind sir." Kurt laughed as he got into the passenger seat.

They made small talk during the drive, when they weren't singing along to the radio. Kurt was surprised just how easy it was to just be with Blaine. It was something that he never had with Adam, not even in their early years as a couple.

When they pulled into the parking lot, Blaine hurried out to get Kurt's door.

"Such a gentleman." Kurt smiled, taking Blaine's hand without a second thought as they headed inside.

"Our seats are in the balcony, personally I think the balcony is better than the floor." Blaine said as after they got their programs and entered the theatre.

"I love the balcony. When I was little, my mom would take me to see the symphony in Lima, we would always sit in the balcony."

Blaine just smiled, he loved learning little thinks like that about Kurt. It always made him feel that much closer to him.

Just as the show was about to start, Kurt seueezed Blaine's hand and whispered out a quick "thank you." Blaine didn't get a chance to say anything in return because the curtains went up and the music started, so instead he squeezed Kurt's hand back, hoping Kurt would understand what he was trying to convey.


The show was amazing, and Kurt was sad to see it end, partially because the show was just that good and partially because that meant his night with Blaine was almost over. They had held hands throughout the entire show, even after intermission when they returned to their seats, their hands found each other's like they were meant to be together.

"So what did you think?" Blaine asked as they walked back to his car.

"It was amazing, I really enjoyed it."

"But?" Blaine could tell there was something else Kurt wanted to say.

"But I kind of don't want this night to end. Spending time with you, it makes me feel like I'm not alone. I'm not ready to go back to an empty apartment." Kurt admitted, not looking at Blaine.

"It doesn't have to end yet, not if you don't want it to. I know this great little café a few blocks down that's open until like two in the morning, why don't we go get something to eat and decide from there?" Blaine asked, putting the car in gear and heading towards the café.

"I'd like that." Kurt smiled, sitting back in his seat, listening to the hum of the car's engine as they made their way down the road.

"Kurt, hey we're here." Blaine nudged him awake, laughing when Kurt jumped, almost hitting his head against the window.

"I fell asleep, how did I fall asleep?" Kurt sat up, checking his hair in the sunviser mirror.

"Are you tired? We can head back to Lima if-"

"No, no, I'm fine. I just need coffee." Kurt said, getting out of the car and following Blaine inside.

After they placed their order, they picked a table by the window and sat down to wait.

"This place is beautiful at night." Kurt spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Yeah it is. I always loved it here, but Lima has grown on me."

"It has it's charms. I was always dying to get out of there, but after being away for so long, it's good to be back."

"Do you miss New York?" Blaine asked, taking Kurt's hand and placing it face up on the table, drawing patterns into his palm.

"Some days I do. It's a lot quieter here in Ohio, but I miss the big city." Kurt answered, watching Blaine's hand in his.

"Do you have any plans to move back?"

"Not in the near future, but eventually I think I'd like to go back. Maybe once Cory's in high school." Kurt shrugged, to be honest, he hasn't thought about going back to New York, not since he met Blaine.

"I think I'd like to live in New York." Blaine said absentmindedly.

"It's a beautiful city. Maybe this summer I can take you and Tyler, have a proper vacation."

"Hmm." Blaine wasn't really paying attention to the conversation anymore, his mind was drifting off to all the things he and Kurt could do together.

"Blaine, are you still here?" Kurt pulled his hand away, causing Blaine to snap out of his daydream.

"Sorry, I got distracted picturing you and me in New York together."

Kurt smiled, returning his hand to its previous position. "This summer, you and me and New York."

"What about the kids?" Blaine asked, looking Kurt in the eyes.

"We'll figure something out." Kurt promised as one of the workers brought their food out to them. They dropped the conversation in favor of eating, but Kurt kept thinking about it coming up with plans and ideas. A few weeks ago he would have told himself not to plan so far ahead, but now didn't care. He really likes Blaine and he doesn't care what happens, he isn't going to let Blaine go.


The car ride back to Lima was mostly quiet, neither of them really wanting to say goodnight, so before they made it to Burt and Carole's house, Kurt spoke up. "Would you like to spend the night? It's late and I'm sure the kids are sleeping."

Blaine's breath hitched at the thought of spending the night with Kurt. "S-sure, I'd- yes."

"Good, because I'm not ready to say goodnight."

Blaine took the road to Kurt's apartment, pulling into his driveway before he could chicken out.

As they walked through the apartment, Kurt turned on the lights so they could see to get back the hallway. When they reached Kurt's bedroom, Blaine felt his nerves go into overdrive. He'd never actually been inside Kurt's bedroom before.

"There are pajamas in the top drawer, you can barrow a pair. I'm going to go call my dad and let him knew we'll pick the kids up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll just get changed." Blaine made his way to Kurt's dresser, opening the top drawer and picking out a pair of pants and a t-shirt. As he changed, he thought about what this meant for them, spending the night together, sharing clothes. It's such a couple thing, but they aren't a couple, they're just friends.

"Okay, we're good. I'm going to go do my nightly skin care routine and change, make yourself comfortable, I'll me out in a few minutes." Kurt smiled as he brushed past Blaine on his way to the bathroom. When he shut the door, he let out a shaky sigh, seeing Blaine in his clothing was not helping him with the whole 'taking it slow' thing. He'd invited this man that he's very much attracted to, to spend the night in his apartment, what on earth was he thinking?

Blaine sat on the edge of Kurt's bed, trying not to overthink this. They're just friends, he has to keep reminding himself of that, they said they would take it slow and he wasn't going to ruin their relationship by thinking this means something that it doesn't. He sighed and laid back on the bed, letting the smell of laundry soap and Kurt fill his senses.

When Kurt came out of the bathroom, he found Blaine asleep on his bed. He didn't mean to stare, but Blaine looked so young when he was asleep, Kurt felt like he was looking at a teenage Blaine instead of the man he'd been falling for. Trying not to wake Blaine, Kurt quietly got into bed on the other side, turning off the bedside lamp. He had just gotten settled when he felt a hand slide over his stomach and a head on his chest.

"G'night Kurt." Blaine whispered sleepily, never opening his eyes.

"Goodnight Blaine." Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine closer and placing a kiss to his curls. This pushed the boundaries they had set up, but falling asleep with Blaine in his arms, knowing he'd be there when he woke up, made Kurt realize he really care that much about their boundaries.


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