A Fresh Start.
Parent/Teacher Conferences. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Fresh Start.: Parent/Teacher Conferences.

T - Words: 1,054 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Next chapter we'll see how they choose to spend the time at Kurt's and how they decide to answer the questions about their relationship when Tyler and Cory start asking.-Krystal :) x

Two weeks into the school year, Lima Elementary holds parent/teacher conferences so the parents can officially meet their kids' teachers and see how they're doing in classes so far.

"Uncle B, why do I have to be here?" Tyler asked, he and Blaine are sitting in the music room, waiting for parents to come see Blaine. "Why do parents have to see you anyway, you're just the music teacher."

"Tyler, that's enough, please finish your homework." Blaine sighed, sometimes Tyler is so much like Cooper that it's creepy.

"Fine, but it's not like anyone- Cory!"

"Mr. Anderson right?" Kurt smiled politely, holding his hand out.

"Yes, and you're Mr. Hummel. It's nice to finally officially meet you." Blaine took Kurt's hand, holding it longer than needed for a handshake.

"Please, call me Kurt, Mr. Hummel makes me sound so uptight."

"Okay, Kurt, you can call me Blaine."

"Blaine." Kurt felt a spark ofsomethingwhen he said Blaine's name, but he ignored it for now.

"Let's talk about Cory since that's what you're here for."

"Y-yes, of course. How is he doing, does he participate in class?" Kurt looked over at Cory where he was sitting with Tyler. "I know moving from New York has been hard, but he seems to be fine, at least at home."

"Uh, he's been amazing so far, he seems to really like music."

"It sort of runs in the family."

"Have you ever thought about giving him music lessons?"

"He was taking piano lessons in New York, I haven't looked into anything since we got to Ohio though."

"Did he enjoy them?"

"Yes!" Cory yelled from the table he and Tyler were sitting at.

"Would you like to start lessons again?"

"Duh." Cory rolled his eyes, a habit he inherited from Kurt.

"Well, I offer lessons to any student who's interested, if your dad doesn't mind I could give you lessons." Blaine looked back to Kurt.

"Please Papa?" Cory looked up at Kurt with pleading eyes.

"I'll think about it and talk with Mr. Anderson again, then I'll let you know, okay buddy?"

"Okay Papa." Cory smiled, turning back to Tyler.

"Any other questions?" Blaine asked, secretly hoping there was so he could keep talking to Kurt a little longer.

Kurt thought about it a minute before answering. "How do you feel about take out?"

"What?" The question caught Blaine off guard.

"I-I- how do you feel about take out?" Kurt felt nerves kick in, what was he thinking, Blaine probably-

"I love it, why?" Blaine refused to jump to conclusions and get his hopes up, but it sounded like Kurt was trying to ask him out.

"I was wondering if you would like to get some take out... with me."


"Yes, I-I would like to maybe- oh god I'm horrible at this." Kurt felt himself blushing, he hadn't done this since college- since Adam- and he was very much out of practice.

"You're not horrible, and yes I would like to get take out with you." Blaine smiled brightly, grabbing a post-it from his desk. "Here's my number, just let me know the time and date, and I'll be there."

"I will, thank you Blaine." Kurt read over the phone number carefully written on the post-it.

"No, thank you Kurt."

"Cory, are you ready? We need to get you to grandpa and grandma's before it gets too late." Kurt stood up, not really wanting to go home to an empty house.

"Can Tyler come to grandpa and grandma's with me?"

"I don't know if-"

"I don't mind, as long as grandpa and grandma don't mind." Blaine interrupted.

"I-I'll call them." Kurt was already pulling out his phone.

"You'll love grandpa and grandma, they're the best!"

"Okay, thanks Dad, see ya in a bit." Kurt hung up and turned back to Cory, Tyler, and Blaine. "They don't mind. Does Tyler need to go home to get anything?"

"Uh, yeah, do you want to follow us there so we can follow you back to your parents house?" Blaine grabbed his bag and ushered everyone out of the room so he could lock up.

"Sure, sounds good. Come one Cory, lets go." Kurt led Cory out to the car, thinking up a plan to spend more time with Blaine.


When they all got to Burt and Carole's house, Kurt led Tyler and Blaine inside while Cory ran ahead of them.

"Dad, Carole, we're here!" Kurt called as they entered the house.

"We're in here Kurt!" Burt called back from the living room.

"Come on, I'm sure they'll want to meet you." Kurt motioned for Blaine to follow him.

"Grandpa, grandma, this is my friend Tyler." Cory pointed to Tyler who was standing beside Blaine.

"Hello Tyler, it's nice to meet you." Carole smiled warmly.

"Dad, Carole, this is Blaine, Tyler's-"

"Uncle." Blaine jumped in and held out his hand for Burt.

"I though Cory said you were Tyler's dad?" Kurt looked from Cory to Blaine.

"It's a long story. He's my nephew, but I have custody of him and like I said, it's a long story."

"Well, you'll just have to come over for dinner one night and tell it." Burt suggested.


"I'd love to Mr. Hummel, thank you." Blaine wasn't going to pass up a chance to spend time with Kurt and his parents.

"Blaine, I'm getting ready to leave. Can I walk you to your car?" Kurt asked, heading to the front door and waving goodbye to his parents.

"Sure, I'd like that." Blaine smiled and followed Kurt outside.

"Thanks for letting Tyler stay with Cory tonight, I know they're really good friends." Kurt really didn't want to say goodbye to Blaine, he's fallen quite fast for this hazel eyed man.

"No problem, I try let him do stuff like this when he wants to, he's been through a lot."

"Maybe that's why he's such good friends with Cory, Cory hasn't had the best year."


"Would you like-"

"I was wondering if-"

They both stopped talking, blushing like teenagers.

"I'm sorry, go ahead." Blaine encouraged.

"I uh- would you like to maybe come over and, I don't know, watch a movie or something?" Kurt looked down, rubbing his hands on his jeans.

"Yes! I mean, that would be great, I mean-"



"Let's go, my apartment is only a few blocks away."

"Alright, I'll follow you." Blaine got into his car before he could embarrass himself anymore.

Kurt just smiled, getting into his car as well. There was something about Blaine that made him feel like a teenager again, made him forget about everything that happened with Adam, so deciding to wear his heart on his sleeve when it comes to Blaine is something he's willing to do.


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