April 9, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 9, 2016, 7 p.m.
Blaine expected the Slytherin's hand to fly off and away from his waist as if it was on fire the second he heard Sebastian's voice, but his grip only tightened.
"Sebastian" Kurt barely managed to say through his gritted teeth and clenched jaw in greeting. His blue eyes were suddenly almost aflame, burning imaginary holes onto the other Slytherin's face, meanwhile he was just grinning back at Kurt like he was completely oblivious about the fact that he was far from a pleasant person to be around.
”Blaine.” Sebastian said flatly in what was undoubtedly his attempt on a nice greeting. Needless to say, the attempt wasn’t very successful, and all Blaine could do was breathe and nod and be thankful that so much of his attention was aimed at his knee and the pain and keeping his balance. Because if it hadn’t been for his slight struggles, he would’ve possibly already broken the Hufflepuff protocol of being kind and compassionate and lashed out on the boy – which was exactly what Kurt did.
“So what is it that you want?” Kurt all but snapped. He maybe didn’t want to have anything to do with Sebastian outside the unavoidable time they spent together because of quidditch, but he certainly didn’t want Sebastian anywhere near Blaine.
“Oh, nothing. I just couldn't resist coming by and reminding you of this one particular conversation we had not four full days ago.”
The Slytherin’s eyebrows rose and frustration started bubbling inside of him as he realized what conversation Sebastian was referring to.
So, it was all about Blaine.
Over the years he had spent so much time thinking of how he should behave to fit the regular Slytherin mold, wondering who he could talk to and who he could be seen with, caring so much for an incredibly old, conservative way of thinking it was absolutely ridiculous – and just how much so? That was all only coming to him now.
He was really tired of trying to meet expectations that were not realistic, and in that moment he realized that it really wasn’t worth it. Not anymore, at least. He had been sorted into Slytherin for a reason and he knew that. He was quick-witted and sharp-minded. He didn’t really care about other’s opinions. He appreciated the history, to a certain point. He just couldn’t allow himself to come to terms with something as stupid as the strong belief that only the ones of the same house could have mutual respect and understanding.
“Okay.” He started, locking eyes with Sebastian. “You are not one to tell me what I can or can not do, Sebastian. Nor is this school for that matter, but you even less so.” He said, his voice perfectly stern.
“And what does that mean, exactly?”
“It means that you can’t tell me who I spend time with, who I talk to, or whose bones I break on the quidditch field. You have no power over me, no matter what you have convinced yourself for all these years. You are older than me, yes. You are the captain of a team I belong to, yes! But you are not above me anywhere but on that field. See, being the captain of a sports team does not give you the right to treat other people like human garbage when you are certainly not any better yourself.”
Blaine stared at Kurt with his mouth unconsciously gaped open. He knew that Kurt was always ready with his words, but he had never seen him like this. Honestly, he was kind of undecided on if he simply adored or despised what the Slytherin was doing, but quickly settled on adored after realizing he would've done the same thing if he was in the same position as him. pr
Though Kurt desperately wanted to turn and look at Blaine, his gaze never left Sebastian’s face where his obnoxious grin was still on place.
“Oh wow, Hummel. I’m afraid I can’t believe any of the things that you just said.” He snorted.
“Yeah, I'd imagine you can't because you can’t take criticism and you have absolutely no sense of realism, Smythe. Also because you only care for yourself and don’t probably even realize that all these people around you have – shocking as it is, feelings, and bones.”
"Have I hurt your feelings or something, because if I have, l am sincerely-“ He started with a laugh only to immediately be cut off by Kurt who was not going to listen to any of his crap more than was absolutely necessary.
“I could never be offended by any of the trash that comes out of your mouth, and even if I could, I never would give you the satisfaction of letting you know.” He said, flinching at how bitter he suddenly sounded.
This has nothing to do with Sebastian, he had to remind himself. This wasn’t about how many times he’d let that boy make him feel like he wasn’t evil enough to be Slytherin or something else as perfectly crooked as that. This was about standing up for himself and the person that had grown to be one of the most important people in his life in just a few weeks.
“Besides, that’s bullshit. You are never sincerely anything besides an intolerable jerk.”
“Do you want to keep your place in the team or not, Hummel?” He suddenly asked, sounding like he had nothing else left to say, mouth somehow still turned into a smirk and his arms crossed tightly across his chest.
“Whether or not I want to have the place in the team, you can’t kick me out.” Kurt stated, much calmer, enjoying this way more than he should've. “I mean you can, but we wouldn’t make it, would we?”
He didn’t really even need to ask to know the answer, because he knew that they wouldn’t. He was the best seeker they could have, and though he wasn’t too big on being egoistic or self-centered (the team already had one of those), he knew that without him the team wouldn’t be winning a singular game.
Sebastian was clearly trying his hardest to hide the realization that the other Slytherin was just being truthful. “Yeah, right.” He said flatly. “What do you think I’m going to do?”
“I’m not going to start playing trivia with you. All I know is that you are going to leave me and my boyfriend alone and that’s that.”
He realized what he’d said the fracture of a second after the word left his mouth.
Kurt had messed up enough times in his life to instantly know when he did mess up, and boy had he messed up now.
Not only was his own instinct an indication to that he had screwed up big time; The boy – the one he’d just seconds ago called his boyfriend, the one who wasn't, tensed and though he wasn’t brave enough to look at him, from the corner of his eye he could see his head ducked down and his chin nearly touching his chest.
Maybe he didn’t know what he was thinking, but the boy looked more than uncomfortable.
And he was. Blaine was uncomfortable. They hadn’t had any conversation around the topic and though he’d been wondering exactly what they were for days, this didn’t make him feel any better. He still felt like he had no answers to his questions whatsoever, and on top of that, this was Sebastian Kurt was talking to. The person who wouldn't hesitate to use any assumption of the two of them being nothing but enemies against them. Still, he couldn't ignore the fluttery feeling in his chest caused by Kurt calling him something he'd wanted to be to him for so long.
Kurt swallowed and it felt like it was audible for the entire school to hear. He could feel heat creeping up his neck and face and with skin as pale as he had it was always very, horribly visible.
Way to go, Kurt Hummel, he thought, making another mental note to slap himself for yet another stupid thing he'd done.
When he finally looked back at Sebastian after several moments of looking at anything but him including the stone walls and moving portraits surrounding them, his smirk was alive and well stretched across his lips.
“Your boyfriend, huh?”
“We’re done here, Sebastian.” Kurt proclaimed hurriedly, somehow even to his own surprise managing to keep his voice completely unwavering.
It was Kurt’s time to be surprised when Blaine’s hand went nowhere from around his upper back when he turned on his heels and started heading towards the stairs. Considering how utterly idiotic he’d been, he was expecting Blaine to be far far away from him by now, but there he was. He did have a knee problem, but Kurt was sure if he’d needed to, he would’ve tried to run nevertheless.
Even though he was there Kurt was too scared to say anything because he truly wasn’t ready to give up on Blaine. They had just gotten to know each other, and if they never talked to each other again because of some jerk Kurt desperately needed to give a piece of his mind to, he didn’t know what he’d do.
The Slytherin took a deep breath and mustered up all his courage to turn to look at the boy next to him when they came to the end of one flight of stairs.
They started exactly at the same time, with both their eyes wide and confusion written all over their faces.
Kurt ducked his head and breathed in sharp through his nose. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about what I was saying I- I just hate the guy and I wanted to make my message as clear as I could and I- Honestly, I’m-”
“Kurt” The Hufflepuff said, his voice so soft Kurt raised his eyebrows quizzically at him on instinct. Wasn’t he supposed to be having a mental breakdown? “You’re rambling. Stop.”
“But I-“ Kurt was left with his mouth gaping open, his thoughts running into walls inside of his head as he tried to make sense of the situation. “We- I called you that. I called you my boyfriend in front of Sebastian” He said, declaring the perfectly obvious as if Blaine hadn’t been there.
“I know.”
“But we aren’t- Are we?” The Slytherin finally let himself ask out loud what he’d been wondering for days, and he kind of really hated how small and insecure his voice was coming out as. Considering how afraid of rejection he was, though, maybe he should’ve been thankful for being able to talk at all.
Blaine bit his lower lip, never looking away from Kurt’s breathtakingly blue eyes.
“Do you want us to be?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Of course” Kurt said before any filter between his mouth and brain could process and approve of the thought, almost outraged that Blaine was even asking him this. When he did realize what he’d said, he blushed and cleared his throat, only causing a smile to take over Blaine’s stunning features. “I mean, yeah. I do want you to be my boyfriend.”
“Okay.” The Hufflepuff said. “I mean, good. Because I want you to be mine, too.”
Although it was really silly, Kurt didn’t recall many times he’d been as relieved in his seventeen years of life. He exhaled loudly, letting out a quivering breath as a smile slowly formed on his lips as well. “Okay.”
Blaine also let out a breath he maybe hadn’t realized he was holding in, nodding with matching visible relief. This time around Kurt didn’t even try and convince himself that it was because of something related to his injury or something, but gave himself full credit – Every emotion reflecting on Blaine’s face was because of him.
It took the Hufflepuff a while with his limp, but he turned to face Kurt from head to toe and leaned forward to wrap his arms around his shoulders, Kurt’s remaining on his waist to keep him up steadily.
“I really admire you standing up for yourself, you know. Even if you could’ve done it nicer.” He said with a small smile, honey-hazel eyes glistening from said adoration, making Kurt’s heart do cartwheels.
“Nicer? No, not with him.” Kurt chuckled, shaking his head lightly. “Besides, I did what I did for us.”
“Well, thank you for standing up for us.”
Kurt just smiled, because he felt it was the only thing he could do without confessing his undying love for the boy, and they truly weren’t there yet. He quietly hoped they would be, eventually.
“Do you think you can deliver me back to where I belong, boyfriend? Seeing as I can’t really walk too well.” Blaine asked with a grin, shifting back to his earlier place of being pressed against Kurt’s side.
“I think that it’s your lucky day, boyfriend.”