Standing By
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Standing By: Chapter 5

K - Words: 2,528 - Last Updated: Apr 09, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Apr 09, 2016 - Updated: Apr 09, 2016
276 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hi. I'm happy to announce that I am in fact not dead, but recovering from stomach flu, very much feeling dead, posting from my bed because I can't really move much. So all good.

I love yalls very much and all that. I hope you enjoy x

"Dude, what took you so long?" Sam turned to Blaine from where he was sitting on his bed, looking genuinely confused.

Blaine stared at him for a moment with wide eyes, not knowing what would be the most sensible thing to say since it absolutely wasn't 'I practically only have one leg, you moron, that's what. Some help could’ve been okay'.

"Uh, Kurt came to talk to me. " He said instead, putting down the crotches right beside his bed, carefully climbing on it with all of his books and papers.

"Oh, okay, I get it. Planning wedding invitations and such. Remember to send me at least two."

The shorter boy huffed, opening a textbook with the words 'History of Magic' on the cover of it. He turned to look for a nonexistent pencil on his left to hide the stupidly giddily smile on his face.

"Maybe - just maybe, you could focus on your and Quinn's relationship instead of something of mine that does not exist." Blaine said after a while, looking over to Sam.

"I know. I'm real sorry if I've come across annoying or something but it's just that I can really see how much you like him, now more than ever, and like how happy he makes you and - I want you to be happy."

Blaine ducked his head, breathing in deep. He had honestly thought that the best friend of his had only been following the rules of being a best friend and bothering the heck out of him by reminding him of his crush every two seconds.
Learning that it wasn't just that took him by surprise, but talking about happiness was probably what took him flying out of his comfort zone in the matter of seconds.

He shook his head, fidgeting with the hem of his robe. "I am happy, Sam."

Before Sam got the opportunity to say anything, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory and a moment later, Rachel's head popped in.

"Hi, boys." She said, as quiet as a whisper, as she walked into the room and sat on Blaine's bed. "Quinn's looking for you, Sam."

Sam got up from his bed and walked straight out of the room, waving his hand as he went.

After the door shut behind Sam, Blaine looked at Rachel with his brows furrowed. "Rachel, you can't be in here."

She leaned forward to briefly hug him and folded her legs under her before clearing her throat.
"Actually, I can. I told Schuester that I had a cripple friend who really needed my assistance and he let me go like that. Almost sounds like something a Hufflepuff would do, right?"

"Okay." Blaine said slowly, squinting his eyes at her. "And why are you really here? Not that I don't want you to be, I just have a lot to do and-"

"No, no, stop that. I'm here because I'm your friend and I love you and I feel that you might need someone like that right now." The girl said and smiled like she really meant it, making Blaine really think at what point in the timeline had he become so lucky to have such amazing friends.

"Thank you, Rach." The Hufflepuff said, smiling. "I really appreciate that."

"Yeah, well, you should because I have like four essays to write and they're all due next week." She laughed, squeezing his shoulder lightly.


A while passed and they talked about everything and nothing, but Blaine couldn’t get the conversation from not an hour ago with Sam off of his head.

“Uhm, Rachel. Would you say that I seem like a happy person?” He asked, looking at her quizzically.

The girl seemed a bit bewildered to be interrupted like that in the middle of the story of how she found the perfect shoes for her fourth year winter ball two years ago.
Soon, her expression softened. She tilted her head and took Blaine’s hands between hers.

“You don’t need to be a happy person, Blaine. There is no such thing. That would mean being happy all the time, and that’s not how it works. Besides, considering everything, you have every right not to be or pretend to be constantly full of sunshine and puppies.”

“Yeah. It’s just- I talked with Sam.”

“Does this have anything to do with- Kurt?”

Blaine didn’t even bother asking how she knew about Kurt, because of course she did. If there was something to be known, there was a 99% chance that Rachel Barbra Berry knew it.

He looked at her with confusion and frustration suddenly whirling in his eyes. He didn’t think the sudden feeling of uncertainty had anything directly to do with Kurt, really. He felt it had much more to do with what the Slytherin made and didn’t make him feel and how it so massively differed from how he normally was.

“I really don’t know.”

He knew what Rachel said was true. It had been seven years since he had been driven out of his childhood hometown elementary school by ignorant, prejudiced idiots. He wasn’t even out then, of course, hardly knowing what such a thing meant. But he was a wizard, and so, not the most regular kid there was. That was enough for them.

Before and after he went to that school he was the happiest and absolute most energetic, charming little boy in the neighborhood. Or so he had liked to think. After being haunted by boys who thought he wasn’t quite normal but whom they couldn’t really point anything too odd out of either, he did change.

He got really depressed.

His mother was so patient and kind with him. He could spend days in bed and she would always try and cheer him up, get him to do things, invite him to go shop with her – rarely succeeding. The ‘rarely’ was what kept her trying though.

He stayed home for six months before his mother even started looking for other schools.

Then his letter to Hogwarts came.

When Hogwarts stepped into the picture, the depression got lost. It was no longer present in his life, and got back to his normal state of mind.

Except that he didn’t, not completely, and he only got to really realizing that now.

“Are you okay?” Rachel asked, both of her hands on his shoulders.

Blaine’s gaze wondered for a while before it found Rachel’s worried eyes. “Yeah, I am. I just- I don’t think I’ve felt the way I feel now in years. I haven't felt complete, and now I do, in a way.”


“I’ve properly talked to him twice, Rachel.” Blaine chuckled, shaking his head. “Am I naïve to think something will come out of it?”

Rachel shook her head immediately. “Because you've talked two times? Because you’re from two different houses? No, of course you’re not. It would be incredibly naïve to think that nothing could come out of it because of whatever differences there are between you.”

Blaine smiled a little, nodding. His fingers found their way through his hair filled with remainings of possibly grass and definitely hair gel.

“You kicked the butt of depression years ago, Blainers. The fact that you haven’t felt as happy-go-lucky or positive since you were a little boy doesn’t mean that you still aren’t those things, because you are.” Rachel hopped a little closer to him on the bed, wrapping her arms around him. “Sometimes, even with a lot of time passing, it’s hard to let go of things. What you have to let go of is your past in a way that you understand that you can’t change that, and also that you can’t change yourself to be something from the past. You are yourself now, living life now, and overcompensating it will do more harm to you than it will do good.”

Blaine tied his arms around the Gryffindor girl and rested his head on top of hers.

After a few moments of the two of them just sitting there, he lifted his head up and sniffled.

“Rachel, have I ever told you how much I love you?” The Hufflepuff asked, audibly emotional, causing Rachel to pout.

“Aww. Gosh, Blaine, you have, but please tell me again.”


After an hour, Sam returned back to the dormitory smiling very widely.

“Hey guys!” He greeted, falling right back on the spot on his bed where he left from, in the middle of the growing pile of all different varieties of muggle comic books.

Rachel rolled her eyes at him affectionately, getting up from the bed.

“I think that might be my queue. It’s past 8 pm and my wake-up call is at six in the morning.”

Sam groaned at that, remembering that he also had to wake up way before seven in order to make it early to his 8 am class.

“But, Blaine- Based on nothing but what you said to me, I do have a feeling that you and that boy are meant to be. Like, soulmate level meant to be.” She said, shot him a warm smile and closed the door.

From Sam's face he could see that he was going to ask for details of their conversation, so before he got the chance to say a single word, Blaine tossed the History of Magic textbook on his bed and pointed at it. “You are going to read the chapter yourself.”


“Hummel! Wake up now or you’ll have to choose between styling your hair and eating breakfast.”

Kurt sat up in his four poster bed with his eyes still partly closed. He rubbed his face and shook his head. If the stinging in his head was any indication, it couldn’t be legal to wake up at such an early hour.

“What in the name of Merlin are you doing in the boys’ dormitory, Santana?”

Santana chuckled and took his duvet from where he was cuddling it in his arms.

“I am here exactly sixty five minutes before your History of Magic class starts at eight so that you can get dressed, fill your hair with your ridiculously expensive hair-care products and still have time to come eat breakfast with me. Now, get up.”

It took Kurt about thirty minutes to be ready, standing in the Slytherin common room with his uniform and hair quaffed to near perfection with the help of several products.

“Good job, Hummel. Proud of you.” She clapped her hands with a grin on her face, making it impossible for Kurt to resist twirling around once and taking the sarcasm tripping compliment like it had been totally genuine.

“I’m starving, let’s go.” ¨


Kurt and Santana were almost done eating and all the glances Kurt had thrown towards the Hufflepuff table hadn’t made Blaine appear there. He couldn’t help feeling a little bit disappointed – Well, very disappointed, but he was also kind of worried.

What if something had happened? Sam hadn’t been exactly the most helping friend yesterday.

Maybe he had fallen somewhere on the halls on their way to breakfast.

Or maybe he was sick and he wasn’t going to see him for the entire day?

The Slytherin leaned on Santana sitting next to him, and looked up at her.

“Are you done?” She asked a little distantly, trying to hold a conversation with the other sixth year Slytherins sitting with them.

Kurt nodded, leaning on her arm a little heavier. “Can we go, please? You have History of Magic as well.”

She stopped with the apple halfway on it's way to her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut. “Dammit.”

She looked at him with a somewhat pained expression. “Do we really?”

Kurt nodded again, eyes drawn to a group of younger Hufflepuffs who were making their way into the hall and who Kurt had less or more secretly hoped had been Blaine. He sighed, his shoulders slumping even deeper than before.

“Okay, fine. Let’s go. I have to copy the analysis of the chapter we had to read from some nerd anyway.”

Kurt got up so fast he thanked his luck he didn’t fall flat on his face in the middle of the Great Hall.


The clock on the wall informed them that the class would start in ten minutes, but most of the students were already there.
And there were people from each house. That was going to be interesting.

The Ravenclaws Kurt didn’t recognize had already occupied the first two rows of both sides of the class, to actually everybody’s relief. Nobody wanted to sit in front row, especially in Ms. Beiste’s classes, but clearly they had yet to figure that out.

Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors alike were looking for their places, but Kurt stopped paying attention the second he heard Blaine’s voice not five steps behind him. Well aware of people wanting to still get through the door and into the class, he turned around right in front of the door.

“Kurt, hi.” The Hufflepuff greeted him, smiling none other than the blinding, wide smile of his.

“Hi, Blaine.” He said, returning a smile to the boy. He was trying his hardest not to bring up breakfast and Blaine's absence there, because the least of all things he wanted to sound like some stalker who watched his every move.
He was also trying hard not to pay attention to the widest, most obvious smirk on Sam’s face, but he ended up failing horribly on both of his tasks.

Kurt turned to look at Sam with his brows raised, who chuckled and caught Brittany on her way to the class, stopping her to talk with him.

“Uhm, how come you weren’t at breakfast? Are you on like a pre-match all foods cleanse or something?”

The Slytherin would’ve liked to slap himself right that moment, but lucky for him, it could’ve been worse. He had gotten much better. The latter part of his question only sounded like a joke, not a mean quip that his brain had surely first-handed thought of it as.

And sure enough, Blaine laughed, and Kurt felt like his life had only ever missed that.

“Oh, no. I just didn’t have much time. I woke up like thirty minutes ago and so Sam went to eat and brought me something. So I’m alright.”

From the corner of his eye, Blaine could see Sam letting Brittany move forward in the classroom and gesture to come with him and find his seat. “Have a fun history class.” Blaine said, and went searching for a place with Sam.

Kurt nodded to himself, biting his lower lip to contain himself and his wide smiles that were totally inappropriate to have plastered on your face in History class.


“Santana? Will you be sitting with me?” He asked, walking up behind her.

She turned around and instead of Kurt, she glanced at Brittany, who looked at her at the exact same time. She took a deep breath and shook her head. “No.”

Before Kurt could say anything, she shot a pointed but friendly look at him. “And you’ll sit with Anderson.”

Santana sort of pushed him down on a place right next to the window on the left side of the classroom at the same second Sam Evans grabbed Blaine’s shoulder and made him sit right next to Kurt.

It took him a while with his crotches and books, but when he did sit up straight and turned to look at Kurt, the both of them could swear to themselves they wouldn't be getting any work done.

Blaine smiled, and if Kurt didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn he blushed.

“So I guess we’ll have a fun history class sitting next to each other, then.”


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