Standing By
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Standing By: Chapter 15

K - Words: 3,425 - Last Updated: Apr 09, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Apr 09, 2016 - Updated: Apr 09, 2016
310 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I promise I didn't forget about you, I just got really busy! Here's chapter fifteen!

(Also, somehow it has happened that this story has 4000+ reads on here and AO3 combined? What?? ((Thank you so much.)))

To say that the last day of classes took Kurt by surprise would’ve been a colossal understatement. He was heading back home to his dad for the almost two months of vacation ahead but he had zero things packed and only came to realize this a day before their holidays were set to start.

It wasn’t like there were many things for him to bring with anyway because most of his stuff was really just books and clothes he didn’t need outside of school, but he was still not prepared. Nor physically or emotionally. Maybe it was a little dramatic, but Kurt had tried to avoid thinking of spending two months away from Blaine for about the last two months. He was not feeling great about having to be apart from the person who’d come to be so important to him for such a long time. It certainly didn’t help that he would be out of the country completely for most of his vacation, with no hopes of seeing Blaine at all.

He was kind of scared, to be honest. He had no idea what would happen in those two months and by far he had only made up scenarios that he had to admit were unlikely to happen but still felt incredibly unsettling even just as a thought.

When he met with Blaine the night after the morning they would be getting on the train he found that Blaine was on the same page with him. He was a little scared, too.

But unlike Kurt, Blaine was being smart and gradual about it. Kurt would have been very vocal about how happy he was about that if he wasn’t so busy loathing in his worries.

“Kurt” The Hufflepuff started, taking Kurt’s hands and resting his forehead against the boy’s. “You’ll have so much to do you won’t even notice that I’m not there.”

Kurt scoffed at this. “So much to do? As in lay around doing nothing and get dragged into the ocean every other day by Finn? Yeah, sure.”

Blaine laughed. “Yes. And besides, you can count on me sending you letters to the point where you will have no other choice than to send me a howler to get me to stop.”

The Slytherin rolled his eyes at this, chuckling in amusement.

“You’ll exhaust your owl, you know. Ireland isn’t exactly next door.”

“Ilia? She’s a tough one.”

Kurt raised his eyebrows at this.

“No, really. Not only does she go on trips of her own for days when she knows she isn’t needed, but once I went to retrieve a letter from her to the Owlery and caught her just landing. There were plenty of barrels that were completely unoccupied but apparently she has a favorite, because she went up to this massive great horned owl and shooed him away to sit where he had been” Blaine explained, amusement evident in his voice. “And she is this petite, seemingly very kind and loving snowy owl.”

Kurt laughed at the story, nodding in agreement. She certainly sounded like she could take a trip or two across country without much trouble.

“Everything’s going to work out, Kurt. For right now I think we just have to set our minds on surviving seven hours in the train in this ridiculous heat.”

“Oh, no” Kurt groaned, throwing his head back. “I totally forgot about that. You’re right.”

Blaine smiled, all but endeared by his boyfriend’s slightly melodramatic ways. “And if I heard you right at all before, you have not packed a thing for tomorrow?”

“Oh yeah, no” He said, realization drawing back on him. “I totally forgot about that too. I definitely need go do that. See you tomorrow morning?”

“Yeah, yeah” The Hufflepuff nodded.

Kurt smiled and leaned in to peck his boyfriend’s lips. “Goodnight.”



Around fifteen minutes past eleven the next morning Kurt found himself at the platform, getting into the train alongside hundreds of other slightly panicky and very sweaty people. He was about 100% certain he was only standing there with his somewhat packed suitcase because of Santana who hadn’t gone to sleep until she’d supervised that Kurt got everything done.

He was thankful for her, obviously, but looking back on it he just wanted to laugh at himself. And he kind of still did. Although he’d only skipped most of that night’s sleep, he looked about like he hadn’t slept in a week. He’d styled his hair somehow, but that was about all the effort he’d put into his appearance.

Another thing he found himself being thankful for was being seated in the same compartment with all Santana, Blaine, Sam and Rachel, although Rachel got up immediately after sitting down, telling them that she needed to go fulfill her prefect duties.

The rest of them somehow found themselves reminiscing their very first days at Hogwarts in an attempt to kill time.

“You know, the only thing that I didn’t instantly love were the stairs. They were so unpredictable and scary” Blaine laughed, shaking his head at the memory of his eleven-year-old self being petrified of the staircases of his new school.

“So, I understand that you were a tiny half-blooded creature when this happened” Kurt started with a teasing smile. “But in a place where you could’ve easily encountered a troll in the bathrooms if a teacher was having a day bad enough, you really found a staircase the scariest?” Kurt asked in mixed disbelief and amusement, his brows raised.

“Shut up” The Hufflepuff bumped shoulders with Kurt, although he found it just as funny.

“I actually thought they were the coolest thing the moment we were introduced to them” Santana chimed in from the bench opposite them. “There was something so fascinating to me about stairs that could change their mind and whoop somebody’s ass if they felt like it.” She grinned.

“Yeah, so great“ Kurt drawled, shooting Santana back a grin similar to the one that was on her face.

This was the moment that Sebastian decided to walk past their compartment, clearly on his way to somewhere completely else. However, when he noticed them all sitting there staring at him with quizzical expressions on their faces, he stopped and invited himself to fully open the halfway closed door.

With a collective groan from all four of them the stupid smile reached the boy’s lips. “Could not help but overhear you guys and now I just must know - What is so great?“

Santana unsurprisingly beat the others to giving the Slytherin a piece of her mind.

“Actually“ Santana started, turning towards the boy in her seat. “The fact that we don’t have to see your face for two months. And oh – If we’re lucky never after that!“ Santana clapped her hands together with the most fake possible smile stretched on her lips.

Sebastian continued to look amused. “Yeah. You know, about that, I am coming back to Hogwarts for one more year with you all”.

He took his time enjoying watching the reactions of his classmates, from Sam rolling his eyes very subtly to Santana and Kurt sharing a look that was a mix of everything between ‘What the actual mother of god’ and ‘how did we not know this?’.

“And why in the hell is that, if I may ask?“ Asked Kurt, as calm and collected as humanly possible considering the circumstances.

“Oh, seeing as I was away for a year in France three years back, I have to complete that missing year.”

“But don’t you worry Hummel, they are still looking for a new quidditch captain – But to answer your unasked question yes I am going to try again and beat your ass to that spot, again.“

If only looks could make a person disappear, thought Kurt, maybe he actually would’ve wanted to look at him then. But because him snarling at Sebastian was going to do no good he simply didn’t bother.

“Look, I honestly do not care all that much. Not about you, anyway. I just want to get to my blissful summer of no idiots and no magic.” She said, crossing her arms against her chest tightly. “So, have a great one.”

Before Sebastian could do so much as open his mouth to even try and say something, Santana continued. “Except you know what – Don’t. You don’t really deserve to. I hope that you get a limb bitten off by an acromantula. That’s what you deserve. The poor spider doesn’t, though. You must taste disgustingly bitter.”

The boy looked at her with his eyes wide for a moment before he just shrugged and turned to look at Blaine who was seated opposite them in the compartment.

“I can’t wait to see you again next year. You’re actually probably the only one I can say that about.” Sebastian smirked.

Blaine could actually hear Kurt gritting his teeth together next to him then. He looked up at the ceiling briefly before sighing. He wasn’t sure when this had happened and how it was him that was being targeted – what exactly did Sebastian want from him, but he wasn’t going to take any of it. Not anymore, at least.

“I’m not afraid of you or anything, you know” Blaine started, making sure to look into Sebastian’s eyes even if he would rather have not. He was doing this now because he could – telling to one person attempting to make people miserable what he once couldn’t to another. “You’re extremely repulsive and have no general idea of how to act with people, but I’m not afraid of you.”

“That’s what you want, right? You can’t make people love you, but you can make people fear you. I have to say that that’s really smart, but it’s not working for me.” The Hufflepuff said, voice incredibly stern in a way even Sam hadn’t heard many times. The way his heart was beating rapidly against his rib cage didn’t show through in any way.

“I’m not some delicate flower that can’t defend itself, either. I’m not made purely of kindness and fairy dust. And I’m telling you now, I’m not interested in you in the slightest. You think that your house and the history of it allows you to treat people however way you want and it is actually alright. But it’s not. That’s the common the real problem with you. I just want to make it very clear that I don’t want you near me or the people I care about here, and this is the last time I’m going to say this to you.”

The sight of seeing Sebastian Smythe biting into the inside of his cheek, searching for words, was one that Blaine was more than joyous to witness.
“Oh, wow” The Slytherin started, raising his eyebrows. “Didn’t think that you had that in you. You can be mean too, Anderson.”

Blaine simply shook his head. “No, I actually just treat other people the way I know they deserve to be treated. Usually it’s with good will and grace, but you have proven your point - you really don’t deserve to be treated that way.”

Sebastian stood there for a moment, visibly a little stunned with his mouth ever so slightly agape until Santana spoke again.

“You can go, you know. See you in September.”

“Yeah” Sam said, smiling almost victoriously. “Have a wonderful summer!”

After Sebastian had left Sam, Santana and Kurt all burst out laughing, Kurt leaning in and grabbing Blaine’s head with both his hands to kiss his cheek.

“Oh my god, I love you so much!” He exclaimed with a laugh.

“Dude, that was epic!” Sam said, pride pretty much pouring out of his ears.

“You are officially my favorite damn hobbit ever” Santana declared, lifting her hands up above her head mimicking surrendering.

Blaine laughed too, grabbing Kurt’s hand in his and resting them on top of his thigh. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Yes, it is” Santana said back instantly. “I think that was a first for our little Sebastian.”

Rachel came back from her prefect duties then with a wide grin plastered on her face. “Sebastian Smythe walked past me on my way here and the way he looked was about the same as that one time he tried to curse that one poor Ravenclaw to win a quidditch match but ended up losing. That was your doing, I suppose?”

“Told you!” Santana practically screamed, pointing a sharp manicured red nail so close to Blaine’s face he had to lean back slightly.

“Get used to that” Kurt whispered him, smiling in sheer amusement.

“It was all this guy” Sam confirmed, also pointing at his fellow housemate and smiling at Rachel proudly.

“Blaine!” The Gryffindor exclaimed joyously, seating herself back next to Blaine.

“I just did what I had to” He found himself blushing, being incredibly grateful for Rachel when she just nodded and changed the topic to what they were going to be doing in the summer.

Next to Blaine Kurt was starting to really feel the consequences of his mostly sleepless night. Although he tried to listen and engage in conversation, he just couldn’t fight his eyes closing and he soon found himself drifting to sleep.

Blaine looked down at him and smiled fondly, gently pulling the boy against him so that his head was resting on his shoulder. He circled his arms around the Slytherin and also closed his eyes. There were four more hours to be spent sitting in this train that was far too hot to even really function and there was really nothing else to do.

It was Rachel that almost woke the two up only minutes after they’d both fallen asleep with a very not subtle squeal.

It was also her to really wake them up after exactly four hours.

“Hey” She took Blaine’s non-occupied shoulder and shook it gently, stirring the boy awake. “We need to get off the train in fifteen, so it would be good if you were awake” She smiled a little.

“Yeah, right” Blaine mumbled groggily. “Thanks.”

He turned to look out of the compartment window just to see that it had been covered with the burgundy colored curtain, leaving just the smallest crack for the sun to come in through. His assumption was that it was the doing of one of Santana, Sam and Rachel and he was very grateful for it, because it was just that less excruciatingly warm this way.

None of them were in there at that moment, though – and he wondered why until he remembered that they were going to be in London soon and they were probably out there saying goodbyes and see you laters to their actual housemates, so he made the mental note to thank them for it eventually.

Kurt, however, was still there with him, right where he’d been hours ago – sleeping soundly against his shoulder. His hair was mostly broken out of the exceptionally perfect way he’d coiffed it earlier that day, sticking out in a dozen directions and he was kind of sleeping in a position that Blaine knew his neck wasn’t going to be happy about. Still he thought his boyfriend, right there and then - peaceful and at ease, was the single most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Hey” Blaine whispered, having the heart to wake the boy up just purely because of how rubbish of a pillow his shoulder actually was. “Kurt.”

The Slytherin slowly lifted his head up and sat up straighter, mumbling something incoherent in the progress.

“What is it?” He asked with a yawn.

Blaine chuckled softly at the grogginess of his boyfriend, pressing a light kiss to his temple.

“Just that we need to get going in a few and you can’t really do that if you’re sleeping and drooling on my shirt” He grinned, watching the other boy go from barely woken up to completely, perfectly awake.

“Blaine Anderson” He exclaimed, just the thought of it making his eyes widen with horror. “I do not drool.”

“No” The Hufflepuff agreed. “But you are awake now.”

Kurt rubbed a hand over his face and slapped the shoulder of Blaine’s he’d been sleeping on with the tiniest smile.

The two made sure that the compartment of theirs looked somewhat tidy and opened back the curtain before leaving, They also agreed to go and wish their wells to a few people from their own houses and meet at the station after, so that’s what they did.

After seeing the people he was the closest to Blaine found himself being embraced by at least a dozen more of his fellow Hufflepuffs and even Gryffindors that he didn’t know all that well, telling him they couldn’t wait to see him again in the fall. But he didn’t really mind the hugs. At all.

The next thing he knew was people streaming out of the train and walking and running all over the platform, making it a real task to find his friends among them.

“Hey, Blaine” Rachel called to him where she was standing with everyone including Kurt. “Are we going?”

Kurt shot her a quizzical look, to which she simply answered with a smile. “We live in the same neighborhood.”

“Yeah, yeah” Blaine said when he finally managed to walk
up to them without bumping face first into anyone. “In just a moment.”

He left his suitcase standing right there and took the few steps towards Kurt, who was already smiling at him kind of crookedly.

“I know that this is stupid to say, but I don’t want to do this.”

Blaine’s eyes widened. “Oh, well- Okay. We can just go-“

Kurt rolled his eyes at the boy and shook his head, opening his arms. “You dumb, that is not what I meant.”

The Hufflepuff chuckled airily, relief rolling over him. “Right.”

As Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s waist, Blaine threw his around Kurt’s shoulders and practically glued himself as close to him as he could.

“What I don’t want to do is say goodbye to you” Kurt clarified, face buried in the crook of Blaine’s neck and voice barely above a whisper.

“Then don’t” Blaine said simply. This didn’t need to be a big, emotional thing. This wasn’t. It was just that the being apart part was always scary and even more so because it was new and the first time they’d really been away from each other. Two months in different countries would be fine. They would be fine. This was what they had both been going over in their heads for days.

They stayed there like that until pretty much the whole platform had been cleared with the exception of very few friend groups like theirs scattered around.

“Okay” Santana was the first to speak, being urged by Rachel to do so. “We really needs to get going. I have dinner with my mom to get to and if I’m late I can tell you we won’t be meeting ever again.”

Kurt detached himself from Blaine enough to look him in the eyes. “I wasn’t planning to, honestly” Kurt finally said to him and let out a quiet laugh, clasping his own hands together tighter behind Blaine’s back. “I’m never saying goodbye to you.”

“I won’t let you.”

The Hufflepuff bit his lower lip and glanced down at his feet. He was so painfully aware that there were people around and he’d previously thought that that didn’t worry him anymore. But here he was, suddenly feeling very uneasy, too close and still not close enough to Kurt at the very same time. Why did it have to be so complicated? Why in the world did he care so much?

Blaine was not far away from getting tangled up in his thoughts completely when he felt Kurt’s hands on both sides of his head and then a pair of very soft, familiar lips on his, erasing every single thought from inside of his head.

“I’ll write you as soon as I can, okay?” Kurt asked as soon as they parted.

“Yeah” Blaine nodded. “Of course. Please do.”

“I will” He smiled, letting go of Blaine entirely. “See you soon.”

Blaine could only nod before Rachel grabbed his hand and they both disappeared into the brick pillar of the platform.

“You’ll be fine, alright” Santana told Kurt as they did the same, heading towards the London underground. “Me and Brittany are in the same situation. This is the one time you have to believe that the less dramatic you are the better.”

Kurt sighed but nodded, knowing that Santana was right. He could choose to make a much bigger deal of this than it was, but he was going to try not to.

“I’ll write you too, you know, whether you want me to or not.”

“Just know that if you only have access to one piece of paper at some point and you need to choose between me and the badger, you better send him that piece of paper. I know that you’re thinking of me without you reminding me” The girl grinned at him.

Kurt laughed. “Yeah, don’t worry.”


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