Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
“Can anyone else hear a tap?” Brittany asked.
“A tap?” Artie replied.
“I can hear a dripping sound” Brittany added.
“I think that’s just the damp from the walls” Santana said, pulling Brittany closer.
“Or someone could scream again” Lauren said under her breath.
“Zizes!” Puck said warningly.
“Don’t ‘Zizes’ me Puckerman”
“Carry Artie Lauren. Do us all a favour” Puck said holding said boy out to her.
Lauren snorted but obliged and Artie wrapped his arms around her neck for support. Puck began stretching his arms. He flexed them and swung them backwards accidently catching Quinn’s arm. She grabbed his hand and clung on, he didn’t want her to let go. He assumed that it was because she was scared but he was going to allow it for as long as he could. He pulled Quinn closer and whispered,
“How are you doing?”
Quinn didn’t answer but she squeezed his hand. Puck wasn’t complaining.
“What is that?” Santana asked.
“What’s what?” Mercedes asked, clearly getting tired from walking.
“That smell”
“Smells like burning” Sam said slowly.
“I thought it was getting hotter” Brittany said, “Maybe we’re getting closer to the centre of the Earth!”
“Do you have to sound so excited about that?” Lauren asked.
“She’s right though. I’ve been feeling it for a while but I thought that was just because I was nervous and crowded” Quinn said.
“Shit, I forgot you were claustrophobic” Puck said, more to himself.
Santana and Brittany turned a corner. There was a silence as they stopped walking then they came back around the corner.
“Turn around and Run” Santana said quietly.
“Why?” Sam asked.
“There might be a fire down here”
“WHAT!?” Everyone exclaimed and looked around the corner.
Sure enough, there was an orange blaze peering around the corner at the end of the passage.
“They said they knew where we were” Artie said.
“We can’t go back. They’ll be blocking the door” Puck said.
“We can’t stay here! We’ll burn alive” Sam added.
No one knew what to do.
“Mrs Giardi, are you sure this is wise?”
Kendra turned around and shot the offender who’d spoken.
“Of course it’s wise! Schuester has fled the building and the police will be here soon! We know that a bunch of the students are in the underground passage so Cooper has gone to burn them. We don’t know where the others are”
“Did your sister order this?”
“She didn’t order any of this Greyson! I wanted to get my own back”
“You said this was Terri Del Monico’s orders! That she wished hell on her ex-husband” Greyson said, confused.
“I know. I lied. This is all me. I hate schools. I hated this school. I don’t get why Schuester stayed attached to it” She said gazing out at the building, or what was left of it.
“So what are you going to do now?”
Kendra was silent for a moment, then she turned to face Greyson.
“I want those kids dead. Especially Blondie. But any of them will do. Then bring me Schuester”
Greyson nodded and headed off into the building. Kendra smirked and kicking a brick out of the way as she strode towards the vans.
Sue Sylvester, hidden in the shadows, moved slowly back towards the school.