A Night To Remember
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A Night To Remember: Answers

T - Words: 1,521 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Feb 11, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2012
1,121 0 5 0 0

It was weeks, no one knew quite how many, later. The Glee Club were sitting on the lawn outside the Hudmel’s house. They’d spent a lot of time together in the past few weeks. They’d obviously had no school so they’d been given tutors. The tutors were flaky and didn’t really teach them much so it felt more like they were on a school holiday. The Glee Club had spent as much time together as possible because no one else could relate to their experiences. Blaine had been with them for most of the time because Dalton had given him time off. They still had several questions about everything but they didn’t want to raise the subject again. It was a really hot day.
“Puck!” Quinn exclaimed as Puck splashed her water from the pond.
“Are you five?” Santana asked from where she was sunbathing.
Brittany, who was lying on Santana’s stomach, laughed.
Puck scooped water with his hands and threw it all over Santana. She shrieked and jumped up.
“Oh that is it Puckerman!” She yelled grabbing a glass and filling it with water.
She began to chase Puck around the garden, waving the glass. Kurt sneakily stood up and walked over to the wall and grabbed the hose.
“Oi!” He yelled.
Puck and Santana turned to look at him as he turned the hose on.
“Run Kurt” Blaine laughed as Puck and Santana dripped onto the grass with expression of shock.
Kurt remained standing where he was until Puck and Santana ran towards him. He gave a high-pitched scream and ran towards Blaine. He hid behind Blaine as Puck and Santana advanced.
“Porcelain, hiding behind the hobbit won’t do you many favours” Santana said.
“Maybe you should - ” Puck began put he was cut off by being sprayed with water. Kurt shrieked as he got soaked.
Kurt, Blaine, Puck and Santana turned to the hose and saw that Finn was the offender. He smirked at point the hose at the girls who were sunbathing. A few seconds later screams and splutters could be heard from all around.
They spend the next half-an-hour engaged in a massive water fight in which everyone was absolutely drenched.
Burt entered the garden and coughed loudly to announce his presence.
Everyone turned to look at him.
“I’ve just had a call for the police. They want all of you at the office immediately”
Everyone looked at each other in surprised and jumped into motion.

“So, I know that you kids still have questions about what happened that night” Officer Chad said, “We believe that you should hear the full story”
The door at the end of the corridor opened and a police officer entered, followed by a man in grey overalls that every member of the Glee club recognised. Blaine jumped up and stood in front of Kurt, Lauren also stood in front of Kurt protectively. Finn put his arm around Rachel. Puck pulled Quinn onto his lap. Santana pulled Brittany closer to her. Sam and Mercedes grabbed each others’ hands. Mike and Tina moved closer to each other without touching and Artie rolled backwards. The entire group shifted closer together without realising it.
“This is Andrew Greyson. You probably remember him” Officer Chad was saying.
“As if we could forget” Puck said, eying the man up.
“He wants to explain, we will be here the entire time” The officer who’d brought him in said.
Greyson took a step forward; the Glee club took a step back.
“Hey guys” He said softly.
No one spoke. Greyson looked at everyone and sighed.
“I’ll start at the beginning. I met Sue Sylvester years ago. I mean years. We dated for almost a year but ended on good terms. Then I met her again a year and a half ago and we decided to try again. I’d never stopped loving her. She ended it but I didn’t want her to. I let her go because that’s what you do with those you love”
“No, you don’t. You’ll hold onto them forever” Rachel said.
“We know about love” Kurt added.
“Well, that’s my point” Greyson said, smiling that he’d received a response, “I wish I hadn’t let her go. So I fell in with the wrong crowd”
Puck snorted.
Greyson looked slightly confused but continued speaking, “I did a lot of stuff I regret, but I regret nothing more than letting Sue go”
“We get it. What about us?” Quinn asked.
“Right. Well a few months ago I was approached by someone named Kendra Giardi. She’s your teacher’s ex-wife’s sister”
“We know” Lauren said harshly.
“Right, we she asked me if I’d be interested in helping her attack a school. She offered me a lot of money and anything else I wished for. Literally anything”
“So this whole thing was about money?” Blaine scoffed.
“Well, that’s what convinced me to do it. Ever since Sue left I’ve never really cared about the things I’ve done”
“Didn’t you realise that it’s was Sue’s school?” Finn asked.
Greyson stared at him for a long time, as though he’d only just realised this.
“No” He said slowly, “I think I’d tried to block Sue from my memory as much as possible”
There was a long silence in which the Glee Club just stared at Greyson.
“So anyway, Kendra told me that she was acting on her sisters orders. Her sister’s ex-husband worked at the school and that the Glee Club that he taught had destroyed their marriage”
Everyone in the room made some noise of protest.
“I found out on that night that none of that was true. Well what had happened between Kendra’s sister and your teacher was, but it’s wasn’t Kendra’s sister’s plan. It was Kendra’s. She said she hated the school and she hated Will for hurting her sister. I don’t even know”
“Who was it that arrived? Someone else appeared and that seemed to freak your team out” Artie said.
“The entire time that we’ve been plotting this, a different team of bandits had been spying on us. I think they might have had a mole on the inside. But they knew about our plans and attempted to stop us a few times. They had clearly found out the date of our attack because they showed up that night”
“So they were on our side?” Tina asked hopefully.
“I think they just weren’t on mine” Greyson admitted, “They didn’t like that a school was being targeted or that we had a cunning plan”
“What about the tunnel in Mr Schuester’s office?” Mercedes asked.
“That was nothing to do with me. I wasn’t aware about the tunnel until I heard it mentioned on the night. I believe Kendra built it”
“Where does it end up?” Sam asked.
“I think it ends in the warehouse where we would have our meetings. I’m not sure though”
“Why did you try and cook us?” Brittany asked, “Were you trying to feed us to Satan?”
“She means why did you set fire to everything?” Santana translated.
“Because... I don’t know. We wanted you guys. I don’t know”
Mike scoffed.
“Why tell us? Why arrange for us to come here so you could tell us?” Puck asked.
“Because I’m sorry. And I felt that you guys deserved an explanation”
“Right” Mike said.
“That’s enough now” Officer Chad said as the other officer grabbed Greyson and pulled him back through the door.
The Glee Club left the building discussing what they’d just heard. Puck, who was leading the group suddenly stopped in his tracks. Everyone peered around him and saw Will Schuester standing outside the police office.
“Hey” He said meekly.
“Hi” Brittany said.
“Look, I know you hate me but I just want you to know how sorry I am. I know how much I messed up but I just panicked”
“You don’t thing we did too?” Mike asked.
Mr Schuester nodded and looked at the ground.
“I guess you guys are tougher than me” he said.
“We’re bad-asses” Puck said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Mr Schuester smiled.
“Yes you are”
Rachel moved towards him and stopped just in front of him. Mr Schuester looked up at her.
“Are you honestly sorry?” She asked.
“Yes! More than I could possibly explain”
Rachel turned back towards the Glee club. They were all smiling.
“Oh come here!” She said turning to Mr Schuester. The entire Glee club moved forwards and engulfed Will Schuester in one of their famous group hugs.
They broke apart after a few seconds and started to walk back to the Hudmel’s. After a few more seconds they began singing. It was a self-made mash up which they were clearly singing to each other. It included songs like ‘Fix You’, ‘F*cking Perfect’ and ‘For Good’. It was clear that they were using the message of the songs to tell each other that everything was going to be alright and that they would help each other through everything. Then, as they rounded the corner to the Hudmel’s house, they broke into ‘Don’t Stop Believin’. Just to unite them once and for all.


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wow this was...Freakin awesomexD

I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!! i was never really interested in this kind of fic's but oh my god yours was pure awesomeness.....i cried a lot and it was just fucking perfect!! so i rated it a 10 :D

I have to say I did cry when Sue died, and when Kurt got shot I think my heart stopped. I love this story.