A Night To Remember
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A Night To Remember: Together

T - Words: 1,277 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Feb 11, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2012
1,118 0 0 0 0

Sue Sylvester ran through the corridor. She didn’t quite know what she had overheard but she didn’t like the sound of it. Men with guns had just gone into the building to find the Glee Club and kill them. Sue Sylvester wasn’t having any of that. Some of her best Cheerio’s were in that club. Along with others she’d sworn to protect, she wasn’t going to give up. She took a fire extinguisher off the wall just in case she needed it. The paused for a moment, she could hear sirens in the distance. What the hell had kept them so long?!
She heard voices. Was that Porcelain? It sounded like his distinctive voice, along with Rachelle, the Giant and the hobbit. She slowly made her way towards the sound of their voices...

Mike was starting to feel hopeless. He’d run around the wreckage of the school several times and not found anyone. He’d even moved some of the bricks around to see if anyone had been buried. Where the hell were his friends? He was thinking about Tina and wondering if she was okay when he heard voices. That sounded like Rachel. That was very clearly Kurt. Finn was probably with them too. Was that Blaine? What was he doing here? Mike slowly made his towards the sound of their voices...

Burt was going crazy. Where was his son? Where was his step-son? Where was anyone? He was trying his hardest to be quiet but the longer he went without seeing anyone, the less concerned about his volume he became. He saw Sue Sylvester disappearing around the corner. What was she doing here? Was she the one who’d done this? Where was she going? He turned around and was about to go the direction that she’d come from in case there were clues when he heard something. He spun around; facing the corner Sue had just disappeared behind. That was Finn! And Kurt! With more people. Blaine and Rachel? Burt slowly made his towards the sound of their voices...

Greyson was searching the halls. He knew there were a bunch of kids under the floor but he’d have no way of knowing whereabouts they were unless they made a loud noise. They’d be trapped now anyway. He knew that the fire was in most of the underground passage by now. They were probably already dead. He had seen one of the girls sitting at the edge of the school site with a random woman. He hadn’t bothered to get her – she was clearly injured and going nowhere. He was playing Kendra’s message through his head ‘If you do this for me, I will give you whatever you want. And i know what it is you’re after’. Greyson was going to do anything to get with her. Even if it meant killing some innocent children. He’d been a fool. He’d broken the heart of the one woman he actually loved so now he was going to punish himself forever more. He was going to – What was that? He stopped walking. Those were voices. Teenagers voices. Four of them. That must be the remaining Glee Kids. Greyson slowly made his towards the sound of their voices...

“Can we please go into the school?” Tina asked.
“Why?” Carole looked surprised.
“Because my friends are in there. I need to find them”
“Honey, you have a broken leg. There not much finding we can do”
“I can’t feel pain. I’m running on adrenalin. Please Carole”
Carole looked at the determined look into Tina’s eyes. She knew that look. Kurt always had it when he talked about giving someone a make-over. She knew Tina wasn’t going to back down.
“Okay. But carefully”
Slowly, the duo made their way back to the school. Once through the doors, it took all Tina’s willpower to not shout her friends names.
“Where do we - ” Carole began but fell silent as she heard someone talking.
“Blaine?” Tina whispered.
“Sounds like him. Why is he here? Why is – Oh that was definitely Finn. That’s Kurt! And that’s...?”
“Rachel” Tina finished.
Carole and Tina slowly made his towards the sound of their voices...

“I saw we go back” Sam said, “Between getting shot and burning alive, I shoose getting shot. Quicker and less painful”
“I agree with Sam” Mercedes said.
“Of course you do” Quinn said under breath.
“Okay, let’s move them” Puck said, turning around and pulling Quinn with him.
They started to walk but then began running. Lauren found this more of a challenge because she was carrying Artie however she still managed to keep up. They reached the trapdoor in what seemed like no time. Puck turned back to the group.
“It’s been fun” He said.
Brittany had started to cry. Santana wrapped her arms around her and began stroking her hair. She was whispering ‘I love you’ over and over again. Quinn smiled at her best friends. It had taken them long enough but now it was too late. Quinn hadn’t realised that she was crying until Puck pulled her into a hug. How it was his turn to start stroking her hair. He pulled her to the side.
“I never stopped loving you” Puck said to Quinn, “Never”
“I love you too Puck” Quinn said having only just realised it herself.
“I wanted to see Beth. If I could have one final wish that’s what it would be” Puck told her.
Quinn didn’t know how to respond. Instead she hugged him. They then turned to the rest of the group. Mercedes and Sam were either kissing or hugging, it was too dark to tell. Artie had snuggled into Lauren for comfort and she wasn’t rejecting him. Quinn looked at her... friends? Sure she’d been a bitch to most of them but she did love them. What was that saying? ‘You only know what you have when you’ve lost it’? It was almost applicable here, They’d only just realised what they had but they were about to lose it.
“Show-Time” Puck said under his breath as he reached for the trap-door.
He opened it and jumped out. There was no one in the room. He gestured for everyone else to join him. Quinn took his hand immediately. They silently moved through the room and into the corridor. There was still no one there. The group began to walk towards to exit, hardly daring to breathe. Puck paused wondering which way to go when he heard something. Voices. Voices he knew. Finn, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine. Everyone else registered this too. Brittany squealed.
The group slowly made his towards the sound of their voices...

“Can you hear that?” Rachel asked.
They were silent as they listened.
“The sirens?” Blaine asked.
“Yes! We’re going to be saved” Finn said.
Kurt had been growing paler with every minute they’d been there. He wasn’t really participating in the conversations any more. Blaine, Finn and Rachel had all pretended not to notice so that they didn’t scare him but they were all growing concerned.
“Kurt?” Blaine asked his boyfriend.
Kurt, who was leaning against Blaine, looked up.
“How are you feeling?”
Kurt gave a weak smile but didn’t speak. He laced his fingers through Blaine’s.
“I wish they’d hurry up” Kurt said softly.
“Who?” Rachel asked.
“The police” Kurt replied, closing his eyes and wincing.
“So do I” Finn said, attempting to make conversation.
Kurt gave another weak smile but didn’t open his eyes.
Rachel began singing softly.
“Can you hear something?” Kurt asked, suddenly sitting upright.
Blaine, jumped at Kurt’s sudden movement, and listened. He could hear footsteps.
Greyson came around the corner with his gun cocked and pointing at Kurt and Blaine.


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