July 26, 2012, 10:28 a.m.
July 26, 2012, 10:28 a.m.
11 New Text Messages.
7 New Voicemails.
That's what Blaine woke up to the next day.
All from Kurt.
All of them either apologies, or telling Blaine to call him.
The messages range from bitchy to geniunely sorry.
After listening to the last voicemail, containing Kurt apologizing for calling Blaine a 'fucking tease with an ass that was hand-carved personally for Kurt's cock' in a previous message, he sighs and turns his phone off, climbing out of bed.
He trudges down the stairs in his pajamas, calling his mom, fake-coughing over the phone, getting her to call the school and say he's sick.
After hanging up, he grabs a bowl of Cocca Puffs, drowning them in milk, hopping onto the coach and watching cartoons.
At around 10:15 AM, Tom and Jerry is interuppted by the front door loudly slamming open, causing Blaine to jump and rush into the kitchen, hiding behind the counter and clutching a butter knife.
Kurt peels his jacket off and tosses it on to the floor beside his shoes, rolling his eyes at Blaine.
"I can see you, you know. And a butter knife? Really?"
Blaine frowns and puts the knife down on the counter.
"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave."
Kurt sighs, dragging a hand through his hair.
"Look. You wouldn't answer my messages, and you weren't at school, so you're going to sit down, shut up, and listen to me."
Blaine narrows his eyes but silently sits down on a kitchen chair.
Kurt stays where he is, not wanting to scare Blaine.
"I...I'm sorry about crossing your boundries yesterday. You were just...you were so. fucking. hot. God, Blaine. You have no idea the things you do to me. I've jerked myself raw the past couple days, thinking of you. Of your ass, your lips, your eyes, your cock, your hips...your everything. I want you so bad. But...I've realized, that if I want you...I'm going to have to you know, date you. So. I uh...are you free on Friday?"
Blaine looks up, his eyes wide.
"Wait? What? Really?"
Kurt nods.
"Really. And I won't even ask anything more of you than a goodnight kiss."
Blaine smiles widely and nods.
"It's a date."
Kurt coughs to hide his grin.
"Cool. Now, go get dressed so we can go back to school."
Blaine nods and rushes up the stairs, coming down a few minutes later, fully clothed and hair gelled.
As he walks past Kurt, he decides to tease him a little more, in revenge.
He leans in close, whispering hotly in Kurt's ear.
"Mmm. If you're lucky, you might get a little more than just a kiss on our date."
He winks and saunters off to Kurt's car, laughing as Kurt stares at him with wide eyes, mumbling as he follows.
"Blaine Anderson, you are going to be the death of me."