Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
The next day started out the same as the last two. Both Kurt and Damian were surprised when Blaine arrived just before dinner. “Daddy,” Damian squealed.
“Hey, buddy.” Blaine grinned and lifted Damian into a hug.
Damian pulled back slightly and frowned. “Do you have to go back to work?”
Blaine laughed. “Not tonight. Tonight is all us.”
Kurt smiled at the sight of father and son and said, “I started dinner. It should be ready in like twenty minutes. I guess I'll see you guys Monday.”
“I'll pay you for the full time,” Blaine insisted.
Kurt shrugged. “That's okay. You don't have to.”
“What if you stay? I mean, I don't want to take away from your studying or anything, but at least stay for dinner.”
“I actually don't have any homework tonight.”
Blaine smiled. “Perfect. Hang out with us. Then you'll be earning your pay and I won't have to feel guilty for coming home early and shortening your hours.”
Kurt agreed and they went about their normal routine until Damian was in bed. He and Blaine walked into the kitchen and Blaine sat at the table. Kurt said, “I should go now.”
Blaine stopped him. “You don't have class tomorrow, why don't you stay and we can get to know each other a little better?” Kurt bit his lip, unsure if that was a good idea. Blaine shook his head. “What am I thinking? It's Friday night and you're nineteen. Go hang out with your friends.”
Instead of leaving, Kurt pulled out the chair across from Blaine. “I see them all the time. Besides, if I go out Sebastian will just try to hook me up with some random guy.”
“Guy?” Blaine asked.
Kurt hadn't pictured Blaine as a homophobe, but chose to tread carefully with his next words. “Yeah. Um, I'm gay. I hope that isn't a problem. If it is, I can...”
Blaine cut him off. “No! No, it's fine. Really,” Blaine assured him.
Seeing the honesty in Blaine's eyes, Kurt nodded. “Okay.”
“So, um, how's school?”
Kurt chuckled. “Is that a break the tension question or do you really want to know?”
“I honestly want to know.” Blaine surprised Kurt by listening intently to Kurt's stories about school and interjecting comments. Kurt got up the courage to ask Blaine about Damian's mother. “We were friends for years before I finally asked her out. I thought she was the one, you know?” He sighed. “We got married and found out about Damian just a few months later. I thought she was happy, excited even. But after he was born, things just weren't the same. She left when he was barely a year old. I don't even know if he remembers her.”
“I'm sorry,” Kurt said quietly.
Blaine shrugged with a sad smile. “It's better this way.” Blaine changed the subject to something happier and they spoke for a long time. Kurt found that he genuinely enjoyed talking to Blaine. “I really appreciate all you're doing for us, Kurt. If it weren't for you, I'd be stuck with an annoying twenty-two year old girl who baby talks to my son because he refused to talk to her so she assumed he doesn't talk at all.”
Kurt laughed. “Someone actually did that?”
“Yes. She was the most qualified of the three other applicants. The other two had never even taken care of a child. They just wanted the money and figured it couldn't be that difficult.”
“You didn't check my qualifications before you hired me.”
Blaine smiled. “I could tell just from the first few minutes you were qualified. The way you talked to Damian and the fact that he liked you from the start made you the perfect candidate.”