Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Adventures in Babysitting: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,684 - Last Updated: Jan 31, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Jan 30, 2014 - Updated: Jan 30, 2014
139 0 0 0 0

The next day, Kurt had trouble concentrating in class because all he could think about was Blaine and Damian. When he got to Blaine's house after class, he took a deep breath to calm himself. “Remember, he may be hot, but he's totally straight.” He rang the doorbell and waited.


Blaine opened the door and Kurt was nearly knocked over when Damian wrapped himself around Kurt's leg and squealed, “Kurt!”


Blaine started to scold Damian, but Kurt laughed. “Hey, Damian. I guess you're happy to see me.”


“Come on in,” Blaine held the door open for Kurt. “I really appreciate you helping us out, Kurt.”


Damian pulled on Kurt's hand. “Up.”


“Damian,” Blaine warned.


“Up, please?” Damian pouted.


Blaine sighed. “That's not what I meant, bud. It's not nice to demand that Kurt hold you as soon as he walks in.” Blaine reached down to pick Damian up himself, but Damian pulled away.


“No, Daddy. Kurt.” Blaine raised an eyebrow at his son. “Please, Kurt?” Damian batted his big brown eyes at Kurt.


“It's really not a problem,” Kurt assured Blaine. “It's okay to indulge them a little. Right?” Blaine gave in and Kurt picked Damian up.


Damian smiled at his daddy from where he had his head on Kurt's shoulder. “You can work now, Daddy. Kurt's here with me.”


Blaine laughed. “I guess this is a good thing. I was worried that I would have trouble leaving him with someone new. I don't go to work until tomorrow,” he told his son.


“I go to school tomorrow?” Damian asked as Blaine led Kurt into the kitchen.


“Yep. You'll go to school tomorrow and I'll pick you up and bring you home and Kurt will be here. It'll be back to our normal routine, but with Kurt instead of Ari.”


Damian made a face. “I don't like Ari.”


 “You loved Ari,” Blaine said with a laugh. “She was very nice and she took care of you.” He looked at Kurt. “Arianna was with us for about a year. She graduated and moved away for college. Contrary to what he says, Damian loved her. She was really good with him. Anything in here is up for grabs. I don't really keep anything that's off limits for Damian. The two of you can choose whatever you want for dinner each night. Like I said yesterday, I typically pick up a snack for us, so he shouldn't be hungry before dinner.”


Kurt nodded. “Sounds easy so far.”


“You got here right at snack time today. What's our snack today, buddy?”


Damian thought for a second. “Apple!”


“Okay.” Blaine moved around the kitchen, grabbing everything he would need and telling Kurt where things were located. He came back moments later with a plate of apple slices and peanut butter. “I've been pretty lucky so far. He seems to like the healthy stuff.” Kurt sat Damian down so that he could eat his snack. “Do you want some?” Blaine asked, grabbing a whole apple for himself and biting into it. Kurt shrugged. “Don't feel like you can't eat our food. There's plenty here.”


“Okay, sure.” Blaine tossed Kurt an apple and the two sat at the table with Damian. Kurt was amazed at how down to earth this little family was.


When snack time was over, Damian pulled Kurt to his playroom. Blaine followed, pleased with how well his son was getting along with the new sitter. He watched as they played together and his mind drifted. He started thinking how it would be if Kurt was a permanent fixture in their lives, how scenes like this would be the norm and not just on weekdays. He shook his head, scolding himself for thinking that way. ‘Kurt's your son's babysitter and he's too young for you, Blaine. Get a grip,' he thought before joining them.


Before they knew it, it was dinner time. “Kurt, eat with me. Please?”


Kurt looked to Blaine and Blaine shrugged. “You're welcome to stay. I told you today was about going through the routine.”


“I thought you meant just telling me or giving me a list or something. I mean, not that this is bad. This is great.” Kurt mentally kicked himself. “I'll stay,” he said quietly.


“Yay!” Damian shouted, causing Blaine to raise an eyebrow at him. “Sorry, Daddy. Inside voice,” he told Kurt.


“Thank you. Now, do you want to play while I fix dinner or do you want to help?”


Damian was careful not to shout, though Blaine could tell he wanted to. “I help. We have pizza?”


Blaine looked to Kurt. “Homemade pizza work for you?”


Kurt shrugged. “I'm fine with whatever.” Kurt helped Blaine and Damian make pizza and they enjoyed dinner before heading into the living room.


“I don't really let him watch too much television, but after dinner is a good time. It gets him calmed down before bedtime. Calm in the sense that it gets him to sit down rather than run around, I mean. This would be a good time for you to study or do homework or whatever if you need to.”


Damian asked, “Nemo, Kurt?”


“I love Nemo,” Kurt told him. He and Blaine chuckled at Damian's enthusiasm. They watched as he found the movie, placed it in the DVD player and started it.


“He's very independent,” Blaine said quietly.


Kurt smiled. “So I've noticed.” During the movie, Damian snuggled up to Kurt's side and Blaine sat in the chair a few feet away. Kurt and Blaine kept sneaking glances at one another, careful not to get caught by the other.


When the movie ended, Blaine said, “Time to get ready for bed.” Damian ran to his room to put on his pajamas. “Like I said, very independent,” Blaine laughed.


Kurt tried to hide a laugh as Damian came out a few minutes later struggling with his pajama top. “Daddy! I stuck!”


Blaine smiled and helped him. “Good to know I'm still needed sometimes. Ready?”


“Yes.” Kurt followed as Blaine and Damian made their way to Damian's bedroom. Blaine read to Damian for only about five minutes before Damian was yawning widely. Kurt felt like he was intruding on a private moment when Blaine kissed his son goodnight. “Kurt?” Damian asked sleepily.


“Yeah?” he asked, stepping closer so Damian could see him.


“Night night,” he yawned.


“Goodnight,” Kurt whispered with a smile.


Blaine walked Kurt out to the living room. “Tonight was quick. Some nights he'll ask for two or three books or more before he'll go to sleep. When I'm home, I tend to let him have as many as he wants. It's really up to you when you're here. He's pretty good at not pushing when he's told no.”


Blaine pulled out his wallet and handed Kurt some cash. “What's this?” Kurt asked.


“I'm paying you for being here today,” Blaine explained.


“But I didn't do anything.”


“It was training. You get paid to train at other jobs,” Blaine shrugged. “Now you'll be ready when you're alone with him.” Kurt accepted the money and thanked Blaine. “Thank you for all your help. Damian really liked having you here.” Kurt nodded. “So did I. Now that I've seen how you interact with him, I can be confident leaving him with you.” He smiled and thanked Kurt again. “We'll see you tomorrow.”


When Kurt left, Blaine closed the door behind him before leaning against it with a sigh. “He's still a kid. Nineteen. God, I don't even remember being nineteen,” he mumbled to himself. “I have to kick this...infatuation. He'll think I'm a pervert.”


Kurt was having a similar conversation with his best friend as he drove home. “Maybe it won't be so bad when you actually get started. You won't see him much. You're babysitting his kid, not hanging out with him.”


“Yeah. Maybe,” Kurt mumbled.


“Listen,” Sebastian told him, “Go home, go to bed and jerk off. It'll help.”


Kurt frowned and blushed, even though Sebastian couldn't see him through the phone. “Won't that make it worse?”


“How could it make it worse? You'll feel better afterward and then you'll forget all about wanting to jump him.”


“I'm not you, Sebastian. Sex isn't something I take lightly.”


Sebastian hummed sadly. “Does that mean you don't want to come over here instead?”


The question drew a laugh out of Kurt as he parked his car. “That would be correct. While I'm sure with your wealth of experience that you would make my first time something to remember, I think I'll once again have to pass on the opportunity.”


“Opportunity, huh? I feel like we're getting closer to that elusive ‘yes' I've been waiting for,” Sebastian teased him.


As Kurt unlocked his door, he smiled. “Good thing you have plenty of boys to keep you going in the interim. I'm home, so goodbye.”


“I'll break you down someday, princess.”


“Don't hold your breath, pretty boy,” Kurt laughed, hitting the end button. He loved that he and Sebastian could joke and be so open with one another. Sebastian would tease him about being a hopeless romantic in one breath and then proposition him in the next. Half of the time, Kurt wasn't sure if Sebastian was still joking. Their conversation had helped him feel better though, even if only briefly.


Lying in bed later, Kurt couldn't sleep. He thought about Sebastian's suggestion, wondering if he should just try it. He always felt sleepy after an orgasm, so maybe it would help. He didn't have to think about Blaine while he did it.


He was fine until the moment just before he came. That's when Blaine popped into his thoughts. Lying there panting, Kurt mumbled sarcastically, “That won't make it awkward at all.”



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