Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Kurt stood off to the side ogling Blaine while he got a game set up for Damian and his friends. He was glad that Damian had insisted that they dress up as superheroes even though he hated his own costume.
When he was finished, Blaine approached Kurt and said, “You have a little bit of drool there.” He placed a soft kiss on Kurt's cheek.
“That outfit should be illegal. Has anyone told you that you have a great ass?” Kurt asked quietly after looking to make sure no kids were within earshot.
They could hear Damian yelling for Kurt. With a smile, Blaine said, “Spiderman awaits.” He kissed Kurt once more before giving him a playful shove toward the kids.
Damian said, “Daddy doesn't like this game, but it's more fun when big peoples play, too. Play with us, please.”
Kurt laughed as all the kids agreed. While they played, Blaine got the cake and presents ready, then stood watching Kurt interacting with all of the kids. They all seemed to love Kurt. Blaine knew that Kurt would be a great teacher when he finished school. Kurt had definitely chosen to pursue the right profession.
Soon Kurt was lying on the ground and the kids were climbing all over him. Blaine laughed and went to rescue him. “Okay, kids. Cake time.”
“Aww,” a bunch of the kids whined. Kurt promised the kids they could play afterward if they still wanted to and they cheered.
While the kids were distracted eating cake and ice cream, Blaine came up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist. “They really love you.”
Kurt smiled and leaned back into Blaine as they watched. “They're good kids. They're easy to entertain.”
They heard one of the boys tell Damian, “Your dad is cool. My dad doesn't play like yours does.”
“Kurt's not my dad,” Damian said quietly.
“Oh,” the boy said.
Blaine stepped in. “Ready for presents?” he asked. The kids cheered. Blaine handed presents to Damian and Kurt took pictures. Damian opened his presents and thanked all of his friends.
A little girl tugged on Kurt's hand and asked, “Can we go play again?”
Kurt smiled. “Sure.” The kids all jumped up and went back to roughhousing with Kurt while Blaine cleaned up. When all the kids were picked up and Damian was taking a nap, Kurt went over to Blaine. “I'm sorry I didn't help clean up.”
Blaine shrugged. “I had it under control. You kept the kids occupied pretty well.”
“Can I change out of this horrid costume now?” Kurt laughed.
“Sure, let's go.” He took Kurt's hand and led him to the bedroom, where he helped Kurt undress before undressing himself.
Kurt pulled Blaine in for a kiss, molding his body against Blaine's. “I've missed this. I've heard stories about not getting to have sex with a kid in the house, but I had no idea how difficult it would actually be.”
Blaine let out a soft moan. “We should have time. He's pretty worn out from the party. We just have to be quiet. He doesn't sleep as heavy during his naps.” He pulled away from Kurt and locked the door. “Just in case,” he murmured, capturing Kurt's lips. He picked Kurt up and carried him to the bed, depositing him in the middle. Blaine crawled up the bed so that he was between Kurt's legs. “There's so much I want to do to you,” he admitted. “We need a night alone. Soon.”
“I'm sure it can be arranged.” Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, pulling him down.
They kissed for what seemed like hours before Blaine grabbed lube and a condom. He stretched Kurt with gentle fingers and then rolled the condom on. “Ready?” he asked. Kurt nodded and Blaine surged forward, burying himself completely and pulling a moan out of Kurt. He reveled in the quiet moans and pleas falling from Kurt's lips as he set a quick rhythm.
Kurt turned his face into Blaine's neck to keep quiet. He began kissing and licking before biting and sucking a bruise into Blaine's shoulder and raking his nails down Blaine's back. Blaine moaned as Kurt dug his fingers into Blaine's ass and squeezed. “I need...ugh. Blaine,” Kurt mumbled.
“What is it, baby? What do you need?”
“I...I don't know. Just need...more.” Blaine changed the angle of his thrusts and Kurt threw his head back with a shout. Blaine silenced him with a kiss.
Blaine could feel himself getting close, so he reached down to stroke Kurt. “So close, baby. Come with me.”
“Yes,” Kurt panted. “Almost there.”
As they both climaxed, they heard the doorknob jiggle and chuckled breathlessly. “Daddy?” Damian called softly.
“Be there in a minute, buddy,” Blaine replied.
“Good call locking the door,” Kurt laughed quietly.
Blaine kissed him and got up, disposing of the condom and rummaging in the dresser for pajama pants, throwing a pair at Kurt as he pulled his own on. He checked to make sure Kurt was decent before unlocking the door. “What's up, buddy?”
“I want to cuddle with you and Kurt.” He reached up his arms and Blaine picked him up.
As he approached the bed, Blaine asked Kurt, “What do you think? Should we let the birthday boy cuddle with us?”
Damian smiled as Blaine put him on the bed and he crawled up beside Kurt. Kurt smiled sleepily. “Definitely. He is my favorite Anderson, after all.”
Blaine pouted. “I thought I was your favorite.” He crawled in on the other side of Damian and smiled at Kurt over Damian's head. The three settled in for a nap.
When he woke up, Blaine eased himself out of the bed to avoid waking Kurt and Damian. He looked at the time and slipped out to the kitchen to start dinner. He wanted tonight to be special. He had plans and hoped that he could give Damian one more gift. One that he had been asking about for a while.
Kurt walked in while Blaine was humming and preparing the food. “You're in a good mood.”
Blaine turned and smiled. He walked over and pulled Kurt into a kiss. “Today's a good day.”
“Am I missing something?” Kurt asked curiously.
Blaine sidled up to Kurt. “You mean besides my...” Movement caught his eye and he stopped with a slight blush. “Hey, Damian. Did you have a good nap?” Kurt covered a laugh, having a pretty good idea where Blaine had been headed with his comment. Damian nodded. “How did you like your party?”
“It was fun,” Damian answered quietly. “My friends like Kurt. And the cake was good. And I got lots of presents.”
“You sure did. Did you get everything you wanted?” Kurt asked.
Damian simply shrugged and Blaine gave him a sympathetic smile. “I might have something else for you if you can be good while I finish dinner.” Damian's eyes lit up. “Why don't you help me?” Damian nodded. Blaine turned back to what he had been doing, but turned back and sighed. “Do you know what I forgot? We need dessert.”
Kurt frowned. “What about birthday cake or ice cream from earlier?”
“The kids ate it all. We only got enough for the number of kids that were here.”
“Oh. I could have sworn there was some left.” Blaine shrugged. “I guess I can run and get something.”
Blaine smiled. “Could you? That would be great, baby. Oh, and while you're out, go ahead and grab some juice for Damian. We're almost out.”
“Yeah, sure. See you in ten minutes or so.”
“Perfect. Thank you.” He kissed Kurt on the cheek.
Kurt went to get dressed and Damian said, “Daddy, you told Kurt a fib. There was still cake left.”
“Shh. I know. I have a secret for you, but you have to wait until Kurt is gone.” Damian nodded and didn't say anything else. Kurt came back out and said goodbye as he headed for the door. “Bye, Kurt. See you soon. Love you.” He turned to Damian as they heard the door close. “Okay. I need your help. We have to change clothes. And then we have to finish dinner. When you're done changing, come to my room.”
Both went to change their clothes and Damian ran into Blaine and Kurt's bedroom. “I'm ready, Daddy.”
Blaine smiled. “Good. Now, I'm going to show you something, but you have to promise not to tell Kurt.” Damian nodded. Blaine pulled out a small box and opened it to show Damian the contents. “I'm going to ask Kurt to marry me and be your other daddy.”
Damian's eyes went wide and he smiled. “Really?” Blaine nodded. “Thank you, Daddy.” He threw his arms around Blaine's neck and squeezed him tight.
“I need you to help me ask him, okay?” As they finished dinner, Blaine explained to Damian what he wanted him to do. “Remember, it's a secret, so don't say anything before it's time.”
“I won't, Daddy.”
Kurt came back with cheesecake and Damian's juice. As he put everything away, he came across the leftover birthday cake. “Blaine? Why did you lie to me? If you didn't want to eat cake again, you could have just told me.” He turned and saw the guilty smile on Blaine's face. “What's up with you today?”
Blaine shrugged. “Dinner's ready. Go wash up.” As Kurt walked away, Damian and Blaine shared a smile.
When Kurt returned, they sat down for dinner and Kurt said, “I don't know what's going on, but you're really acting weird.”
“Sorry.” The three were unusually quiet throughout dinner. When it came time for dessert, Kurt started to get up and get them each a piece of cheesecake. “Wait, Kurt. Before we do that, Damian and I need to ask you something.”
Kurt looked confused, but sat back down. “Okay.”
Blaine smiled. “I'm sorry that I sent you out like that today, but I needed to plan this without you overhearing. I know that we've only been together for four months, but I know that I love you and I want to be with you for as long as you'll have me.” He looked at Damian and nodded.
“And I love you, too. And I want you to be my daddy.” Blaine pulled out the ring and Damian asked, “So can you and Daddy get married now?” Blaine chuckled a little at the way Damian asked. “Did I do it wrong, Daddy?” Damian whispered.
“No, buddy. You did great.” He turned to Kurt. “So what do you say, Kurt? Will you marry me and be Damian's daddy?”
Kurt didn't even have to think about his answer. “Yes.”
Damian cheered and said, “Now I got everything I wanted for my birthday.”
Blaine slipped the ring on Kurt's finger and Kurt stared at it in awe. “You never cease to amaze me, Blaine. I love you both. So much.” He turned to look at Damian. “I can't wait to be your dad.”
“Does that mean I can call you Dad now?”
Kurt laughed. “If that's okay with your daddy, then it's okay with me.” Blaine shrugged, leaving it up to Kurt.
Damian was grinning. “I know what I want for my next birthday.”
“Already?” Blaine asked.
Damian nodded. “I want a baby sister. The boys at school aren't always nice, so I don't want a brother.”
Blaine and Kurt laughed. “It's a little early for that. We can talk about that later. Kurt's still in school right now so it would be a little hard having a baby around. We need to take this one step at a time.”
“So what's next then?” Damian asked.
“The next thing to do is make phone calls,” Kurt smiled. “I need to shout this from the rooftops.” He kissed Blaine and pulled Damian in for a hug.