Fairly Magical
1. My Crush and I'll tell you he's adorable Story
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Fairly Magical: 1. My Crush and I'll tell you he's adorable

M - Words: 2,198 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 05, 2011
331 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So this is my Harry Potter/Klaine crossover.
“Bye dad,” I said as I hugged my father before turning to the gates. I felt my father’s hand on my shoulder.
“You are going to write me, right boy?” my father asked.
“Of course, I always do, don’t I?” I said, turning around to face my father. He nodded and pushed my trolley with my owl Pavarotti and my trunk towards me. I took it.
“I’ll write you when I’m there?” I asked. My father nodded now and kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath, turned around and faces the conductor fence. I then began running, closing my eyes as usual before I slid through the fence without any difficulty. I opened my eyes again to see the huge train already ready to leave, students all running through the train to get a seat. I heaved my things in the train and looked at my big trunk and owl. I could use magic, nobody would notice. But I wouldn’t, because officiallythat wasn’t allowed yet. So I sighed and dragged my things through the train.
I spotted the first almost empty coupe and looked inside towards the people inside of it. Which was one person. I was very surprised to see him alone in a coupe, because he was usually surrounded by his friends. And he was a prefect so he should be in the front. But there he was, sitting alone. I closed my eyes. Could I? Should I? Did I dare?
I opened my eyes quickly to see the boy in the coupe look up. Oh shoot he saw me. I looked back and then waved at the boy, the subject of my crush from last year at Hogwarts. Then to think I thought I was over him. But judging by the way my heart was pounding, that was absolutely not the case.
Blaine was still looking at him and now he was waving back. Blaine was waving back at me. But that didn’t mean he was in love with me, too, and wanted to marry me and adopt two freaking cute baby’s and live with me in Godrics Hollow and-. Okay relax Kurt, just push the door open and open your mouth and just say something now, okay?
So I pushed the door open and smiled at Blaine. He smiled back. He smiled back.
“Hello,” he said with the same smile on his face.
“H-hi,” I mumbled. How to embarrass yourself in front of your crush lesson #1: stutter. He grinned, and I surely hoped he wasn’t laughing at me. Then he stood up.
“Need some help with your things?” He asked. Blaine Anderson was absolutely not inviting me to sit in the same coupe with him? Or was he?
“Uhm If you don’t mind me sitting here? It’s pretty full,” I commented nervously. Blaine laughed again.
“Of course not,” he said, now coming nearer to take my Trunk. He heaved it on the rack, standing on his toes because he was so small, and I put my owl on the floor, I didn’t want Pavarotti falling on the floor or anything.
I then sat and looked at Blaine in front of me. Blaine stood up to open the window.
“I- Why are you alone?” I asked carefully. Blaine sat back again after mouthing a hi to a woman, probably his mother, on the perron and looked at me.
“Oh, two of my friends already finished last year and Wesley and David both became Headboys, so-,” Blaine said, shrugging.
“Aren’t you prefect?” I asked then, my voice a little higher. Was I really having a conversation with Blaine Anderson? Since I had developed my crush, which was since last year, I hadn’t really been able to talk to him anymore. Especially when I had asked my only and best friend Mercedes, who was one year above me in Hufflepuf, and she told me one Blaine Anderson was actually gay too.
“I am, but the fifth year prefects go to the front first, and then the sixth years have to do a round. We do have a prefect coupe but I don’t really mind Finn, which is my co-prefect from Gryffindor and I absolutely don’t like Karofsky, and he sits with Finn because he’s always with Noah and Noah and Finn are friends,” Blaine explained. Kurt blinked. That was such a long explanation but it was actually quit interesting.
“Why don’t you like Finn Hudson?” I then asked a little surprised. Yes, he might be a little like ‘the popular guy’, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, prefect and all that, but he was nice enough. He had helped me when I was being attacked by three seventh years Slytherin’s last year.
“It’s not that I don’t like him but he’s a little-,” Blaine seemed to think about how to say it right, before shrugging, “slow to understand things,” he then mumbled and I chuckled.
“I know what you mean,” I said then. It was true, Hudson was absolutely not the smartest. The door slit open and I looked up to see Teddy and a small boy. He was wearing a Hogwarts uniform without any crest so he must be a first year. He was holding Teddy’s hand.
“Hey Kurt,” Teddy said. I nodded back in greeting. Teddy was 14 years old and a fifth year Ravenclaw, Kurt’s best friend inside Ravenclaw. He had the best gift, which I would have died to have. Well as a matter of speaking of course. Exactly at that moment Teddy caught his view in the window of the door, grimaced, and suddenly his hair was turquoise.
“Hello Blaine,” Teddy said a little more formal. Even though I was older too, he must look up to Blaine a little more, being prefect and all.
“Hello,” Blaine said with a kind smile.
“Kurt I’m looking for Mercedes and Rachel did you see them?” Teddy asked. I shook my head, frowning a little because I actually hadn’t seen Mercedes, my best friends, and Rachel. Which would be my best friends except for that I was sometimes so annoyed with her that I didn’t want to call her that.
“I didn’t, Sorry Ted,” I answered.
“Are you the Lupin boy?” Blaine then asked with curiosity in his voice. Teddy turned around to look at Blaine and raised one pink eyebrow before nodding.
“Yes, why?” He asked. Blaine shrugged.
“I wondered. Who are you then?” Blaine asked the first year. I wondered if this was the boy Teddy had been talking about last year. It was supposed to be his ‘brother’, not his real brother but he always told me it felt like that.
“It’s James,” Teddy said, and my expectations were confirmed.
“He’s new here and I wanted to show him my friends. So now he saw Kurt,” Teddy said, looking at James. He didn’t seem nervous or shy or anything. He grinned at both of us.
“Hello Kurt, Teddy told me you always mess with your uniform because you don’t like it, can you do that for me too?” he asked. I frowned. It was true that I always thought about things to- fashion my uniform, but I was never asked by someone to do it for them too, because most of the people just laughed at me for it.
“Uhm we’ll see okay?” I said therefore. James nodded and then looked at Teddy again.
“You said we would meet Mercedes. I liked her on the station,” James said. Teddy nodded and smiled at me for a goodbye and disappeared.
“Don’t you want to sit with your friends?” Blaine asked then with a tiny smile.
“No, their coupe is always very full and I don’t feel like- being in groups or anything,” I mumbled. The train started then and Blaine nodded understanding.
“Me neither, really,” Blaine said simply. I smiled again. Stop being so nervous. Heart, stop beating so damn fast it’s just Blaine. Of course it didn’t work because right now Blaine was sticking his head out of the window to wave to his mother, who had been in front of the window the whole time and was now waving at her son. The train had already started driving and Blaine backed out only as they turned around the corner and his hair had blown out of his hair gel and now it revealed those curls which normally were only to been seen whenever Blaine played Quidditch. I sighed. What that guy is doing to me. Act normal, Kurt. But I still couldn’t believe I was sitting here because even though we had actually talked a few times we weren’t really friends or anything.
“So are you going to try out for your Quidditch team this year?” Blaine then asked and he smiled up to me. I frowned. Quidditch? The only reason I liked Quidditch was to watch. I certainly wasn’t going to ruin my hair or skin because I had dive into mud or fly in the rain to catch a ball, or something.
“I don’t think so- why?” I asked, unsure.
“I don’t know. I’d imagine you’d be a good Chaser. But the better for us, if you don’t play maybe we can win from you guys this year,” Blaine said and then he winked. Was he trying to do something to me?
“Oh I don’t know-,” I mumbled. He grinned.
“Oh well, everyone can do what they like, of course,” Blaine said with a smile and then he went silent. Ugh Okay I ruined it now, way to go, Kurt.
“Yes I, uhm, I sing a lot and though there’s not a team for it, it takes a lot of my spare time, time I usually put into homework,” I said, trying to hold the conversation.
“Really?” Blaine asked then. He had been staring out of the window, but now he was looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were beautiful, of course.
“I love to sing. I always sing in the summer in my village. But I never really get the chance at Hogwarts,” He babbled on. I blinked. Blaine Anderson loved to sing. This day was getting better with the second.
“Where do you live? You don’t really look English?” I asked, and then pressed my lips together. Great maybe I shouldn’t have asked that.
“I’m Irish,” Blaine said with another smile. He was smiling so much.
“You don’t look very English yourself, though,” Blaine then stated.
“No I’m- well I was born in America but my dad decided he wanted to move after- well he moved to England and I was just 6,” I explained, a sharp pang when I had almost told him about my mother’s death.
“After?” Blaine asked curiously. I stared at him for a single second. But why wouldn’t I tell him?
“My mother died when I was six and her dream was to move to England but we couldn’t and then my dad took her ashes to England and we stayed. My mother was a witch, too, and she went to Hogwarts,” I babbled on. I’d never told anybody about those ashes but I seemed to have that problem with Blaine Anderson, spilling more than I should. At least I hadn’t told him I liked him. I wondered if he knew I was gay. Maybe I should let it slip, because maybe he’d like me then and- oh stop Kurt don’t.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” Blaine said, turning red because he had asked something that made Kurt uncomfortable.
“It’s okay you didn’t know, and I’m used to one parent now,” I just said. Blaine nodded.
“I have one parent too,” Blaine said then. I frowned. I had the feeling Blaine shared this with me to show me he hadn’t meant it bad.
“Oh?” I just asked.
“Well my father didn’t die, but he didn’t accept it that I was gay. My parents were always fighting and that was it for my mom, so they divorced when my dad began treating me like crap when I came out two years ago,” Blaine said. I looked at him, but he didn’t seem to feel bad about it.
“It must be so bad if your father doesn’t except you for it. My dad always says my mom has always known. My dad had some getting used to in the beginning but he’ll always accept it,” I told Blaine. Blaine grinned. Okay so I had actually let it slip. But he didn’t seem surprised so maybe he already knew.
We talked for a long time before Blaine went silence, three hours later. He bit his lip.
“I think I need to go do my round or I’ll get a pissed Finn,” he said with an excusing smile. I felt my face fall a little bit, but I smiled then.
“Of course, good luck,” I said. He didn’t seem like he wanted to go.
“Are you staying? Because if you are I’ll see you in an hour?” he asked. And my heart suddenly skipped a beat. Oh my god. Don’t think anything of that Kurt.
“Yeah sure. I’ll see you,” I said with a nod. Blaine grinned again and then turned around and walked away.
I wondered for a while if I was going to wake up any second and be able to add this dream to the countless Blaine Anderson dreams, but I had to conclude I wasn’t dreaming when I stood up to buy something at the candy trolley and hit my head against my trunk.
End Notes: So I hope you liked it (: I had a lot of fun writing it.


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