No More Mistakes
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No More Mistakes: Chapter 11

E - Words: 1,812 - Last Updated: Oct 17, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 20, 2014 - Updated: Nov 20, 2014
219 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry about the lateness of this chapter, I didnt want to keep you waiting so long but I fell really quite poorly and I wasnt able to do any writing :( Still all better now :) and here is a new chapter. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

Blaine, Kurt and Joey reined in the new year with their families in L.A. With a small and intimate gathering. The holiday season and spending time away was exactly what they had needed to relax and to take their minds off of things. Of course in the back of both Blaine and Kurts minds there was the thought that they might be having another baby but both of them tried not to think about it, putting it off for when they got home. Neither of them could deny that they wanted to get home so that they could find out.

Kurt had managed to last the whole holiday without touching a drop of alcohol, and thankfully no one seemed to have an inkling as he used Joey as an excuse not to have any. It was better to be safe than sorry if he were. Everything seemed to be one big if and it was starting to make Kurt anxious to know more and more.

It seemed like a relief when it was the last day and they were all packing up to go home, including Blaines cousin, Connor who was going to be living with them while he started college. Kurt did wonder how they would be able to cope with a new baby, Joey, Connor and themselves in their apartment. It wasnt like they could change their mind about letting Connor stay with them, especially as they didnt know if it would actually be a problem.

It was hard to judge whether he was pregnant or not because he wasnt having any of the problems with morning sickness that he had when he was first carrying Joey but he supposed every pregnancy was different. All in all, Kurt just couldnt wait to get home so that he could know once and for all.


It was strange being back in the apartment and having someone else living there. They had cleared the music room so it was ready for when Connor moved in and he had already had his bedroom furniture shipped so it had been set up before hed arrived but it was still odd. Joey was very excitable about Connor coming to live with him and he ended up staying up way past his bedtime, badgering Connor to play with him. Kurt and Blaine knew that they would have to nip that one in the bud, they couldnt have Joeys sleeping pattern messed up by the new arrangements, especially as he would be starting back a pre-k soon and Kurt would be back at work. It was definitely going to be a learning curve for them all.

After Connor had retired and they had finally gotten Joey off to sleep, Kurt and Blaine laid in bed holding each other. It was nice to be back in their own bed.

"Are we going to take a pregnancy test?" Blaine asked, finally breaking the silence on the subject that they had let lie while they were away.

"Ive never actually taken a store bought pregnancy test." Kurt said. "Will they even work for carriers? Surely our hormones are a bit different."

"Im not sure. I wasnt involved in the finding out about Joey." Blaine said, and it was something that he regretted still.

"Hey." Kurt nudged Blaine gently. "That wasnt your fault. I didnt even know I could get pregnant then. Besides, its in the past now. Were together now and we have a beautiful son. Thats all that matters now."

"Yeah, youre right." Blaine placed a kiss on Kurts forehead. "As for finding out whether a test works, we can always contact the Father and Baby charity. They have a centre here in New York that we can go to. Their work on the Mpreg gene has been amazing." Blaine said.

The charity had been something that he read up a lot about ever since he and Kurt had found out about it while Kurt was carrying Joey. They were doing brilliant work on getting the Mpreg gene more recognised, putting information out there so people understood that there were men that were able to carry their own children.

"We can go on the day that Joey starts back at pre-k, because I have a late start at college that day. How does that sound?" Blaine asked.

"Perfect." Kurt replied, sleepily and within seconds he had dozed off in Blaines arms.


Kurt and Blaine dropped off Joey at pre-k, where he was welcomed back by all of his little friends and he barely looked back at his parents with a second glance. They both liked that though because it meant that Joey was comfortable in different environments and that he was alright without his parents there to hold his hand all the time.

Heading from Joeys school, the boys made their way to the Father and Baby charity centre. Kurt was more than a little nervous, a little part of him always worried that others would look down on him for being a young parent. Most of the time be just brushed it off but every so often when Kurt was going somewhere where he didnt know the people then the feeling would rear its ugly head. Having Blaines hand in his made him feel a little bit braver though.

The centre itself is small and from the outside you wouldnt really be able to tell what the building actually holds. A simple sign says that it is a Father and Baby advice centre and it has the address and the telephone number on the front under the name.

Blaine pulled open the door and motioned for Kurt to step ahead of him before he stepped in himself and closed the door behind him as it was still chilly outside, what with it being January.

Inside was a desk, that had a radio on and a man sat behind a laptop. Off to the side was a small waiting room, where there were a few gay couples sat and a woman and a man that seemed to be together, which shocked Kurt a little bit. One of the gay couples clearly had a baby bump, although he didnt look to be too far along. Neither Kurt or Blaine wanted to appear as if they were staring but it reminded them of when they were pregnant with Joey.

Blaine took Kurts hand and led him over to the desk. The man that was sat there looked up at them and smiled warmly, helping to put them at ease almost right away.

"Hi guys, welcome to Father and Baby, is there anything I can help you with?"

Blaine took the initiative and spoke for them. "My boyfriend and I are looking to get some advice and we thought wed pop in." he explained.

"I see. Would you like to talk to one of our advisers. Well have someone available to talk to you in about ten minutes, if youd like to wait."

"Yeah, sure that sounds great." Blaine said.

"Okay, if you wouldnt mind filling out this form, we just like to get a bit of knowledge about the people that use our services and what sort of information that theyre looking for so we can run more efficiently. You can fill it out while youre waiting." The man held out a form on a clipboard with a pen attached.

Kurt and Blaine thanked the man before taking the clipboard and finding themselves and seat. The quickly filled out the information before someone came to collect them from the waiting room and took the form off of them.

The man that was seeing them was a man with tattoos over his arms and a nose piercing, but he had a kind face that helped to put both Kurt and Blaine at ease.

"So, Kurt, Blaine." He said after looking at the form they had filled in. "My name is Elliott and Im one of the advisers here at Father and Baby. How can we help you here today?" He asked.

"Blaine and I think we might be pregnant and we were just wondering if ordinary pregnancy tests would work for carriers." Kurt explained.

"Ah, yes, they can be a bit unpredictable because they arent really made for men to take them. Carrier pregnancy tests have been developed and we do sell some here if you want to pick one up today?"

"That would be great." Blaine said after sharing a look with Kurt.

"So which of you is the carrier?" Elliott asked.

"That would be me." Kurt said, blushing a little.

"When did you find out? If you dont mind me asking." Elliott asked.

"Senior year of high school when I got pregnant with our son." Kurt said, with a small smile.

"Ouch." Elliott let out a whistle. "That must have been tough."

"Yeah." Blaine said. "But we wouldnt change it for a thing. Hes at pre-k now."

"Adorable." Elliott said.

The chatted for about half an hour more. They found it really easy to talk to Elliott and he seemed to be really friendly with them. Kurt especially loved the way that he had in no way judged him for being a young parent.

Before they left they purchased a pregnancy test from the man that was running the front desk and bid him and Elliott goodbye.


When they made it home, they still had another hour before Blaine would have to get to college. The bag with the pregnancy test in felt like it weighed a ton and Kurt couldnt help but feel relieved when Blaine asked him if he wanted to take it now.

"Oh yes please." Kurt almost cried out. "Im so desperate to know, I dont think I could wait any longer."

"Why dont you go and take it and then we can wait for the results together." Blaine suggested, shrugging off his coat.

"Okay. Go wait in our room." Kurt said and he wandered into the bathroom.

Blaine settled himself on the edge of their bed. He was starting to get nervous. He hadnt had to wait for the test results before and it was nerve-racking.

After a few minutes, Kurt walked into the bedroom holding the test. "We need to wait a couple of minutes." He sat beside Blaine and rested the test on top of his knee.

Kurt snuggled into Blaines side and Blaine wrapped an arm around him as the both waited for the couple of minutes to be up and it to be revealed if they were pregnant or not.


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